A Will Eternal

To my lovely readers!

1. Let me tell you a good news. The 24-hour subscription of Yi Nian Eternal on the first day is close to 30,000. This is unprecedented on the starting point main site. Maybe someone will surpass it in the future, but at this moment, you have broken the record. You are too powerful. Let I'm stumped, thank you all so much for your support!

2. Then I want to tell you a helpless bad news, because our results are too bad, so in the next few days or n days or even n months after that, all kinds of trolls who can't accept all this will change their tricks If you come and complain, the book review area may also be full of smog. Brothers and sisters, please be mentally prepared to guard and build our book review home together.

3. Some guys with ulterior motives, perhaps because I have moved their interests, deliberately distorted my support for genuine speeches on Weibo, and maliciously misinterpreted what I said in my words "pirate boards are wild dogs" as I call "readers who read pirated boards" wild dogs. Think about it carefully, would I do this? As an author, I resist those "websites that rely on piracy for profit", but I cherish the readers who support me more! Even though many people have scolded me, even my family members, it has been too much in the past seven years, and I am also angry, but I can only bear it silently. I tell myself that I am the author, and this may be what I should bear.

Also, I didn't seal the post, please don't blame me, or even my family. I went to verify my novel post bar, but it has not passed yet.

This time it was quite unexpected, anyone with a discerning eye could see that what I was talking about on Weibo was pirated websites, and they used pirated websites for profit!

Although I also hope that there are more genuine copies, what I have always insisted on is that if you have the ability to subscribe to genuine copies, readers who are difficult to subscribe under the pressure of life, thinking that I will bring you companionship and happiness, is enough, no matter how you look at it. Novels, as long as they are not reading my book while greeting me and my family, are my readers; even if they just come to the starting point, click, and vote for my work, in my opinion, that is Genuine supporters! Too many of our book friends have done it slowly and step by step. I am always grateful, how can I be willing to insult everyone before it is too late? Perhaps after my words were maliciously misinterpreted, some book friends were unintentionally hurt, so brothers and sisters, please read my heartfelt words carefully, and I am really sorry for hurting everyone. Please allow me to give back to you with more and better works in the future.

In the end, I know that I have affected the interests of some "pirate websites". I understand that some readers are deceived, misunderstood and oppose me, but I still believe that there are more readers who can distinguish right from wrong. !

I originally wanted to continue to bear it silently, just like after being scolded again and again in the past seven years, but seeing many book friends trying to explain to me these days, even in the early hours of the morning, I felt sad and distressed, and even saw it with my own eyes. I realized that a reader who spoke for me was cursed by many trolls. He kept explaining to me, and the last troll told him: "If you don't want to be scolded, just keep silent!" At that moment, I knew I can't be silent anymore; also for the book friends who have been deceived and misled, seeing your doubts and confusion makes me feel bitter and painful. It doesn't matter if I am wronged, everyone will also be wronged, tired or even confused, I feel very sorry, I know, I can't keep silent.

My lovely readers, don’t underestimate yourselves, even if it’s just a small click, a free recommendation ticket, or even just pure liking and happy watching, that’s the genuine supporter of my work.

Perhaps, my words today will be taken out of context and continue to be blackmailed. I am really powerless about this.

Finally, thank you for reading my book, if you love it, please love it deeply! (To be continued.)

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