Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 181: Weeping samurai

demon? !

Sauron’s jumping figure suddenly stopped, and he turned back and looked at the distance, and the fire had gradually spread to the point where it was almost impossible to control. He didn't have any detective spells, so he couldn't see the situation behind him, but after hearing the shouts, he found that the army of the City of Fortune was gathering toward the back, and some of the priests appeared in a hurry. The wealth priest who had intended to stay out of the game finally had to crack down on this chaos.


Sauron jumped to the chimney and frowned. "The devil doesn't have such a big hand! This is obviously someone who has provoked conflicts! Is there still a lurk here?!"

Only the devil can be so powerful.

This group of people likes to play with people's hearts. If they use the opportunity of the samurai, they cooperate with the magic power of suggestive techniques to provoke the dark camp and the gray field, then it is easy to evolve into a war. Evil people who are not willing to wait and see will unite and rebel. Once they are desperately fighting against the scale of the battle, they will be upgraded. It is possible to involve other people as well, and finally become a chaotic killing.


Sauron stood on the heights and looked at the city, muttering: "Why are the legendary professionals still not shooting? Do they let things evolve to such a point?"

"What about the silver hand?"

"He is not a stupid person! Where is he now?"

The riots are spreading.

The city corps confronted the demon that was summoned, and the summoned demons were still summoning more demons. A mad warfare with a spell-like ability actually found dozens of demons. A four-armed snake with a career level that is more than fourth-order is close to the legendary four-armed snake magic, the snake parade moves at an alarming speed, and four giant swords pass through the sky, and almost everywhere is a corpse, except for the legendary professional. No one can block it!

The four-armed snake magic has a creature rating of 18. Already belong to the middle of the devil.

High double weapon battle, advanced multiple attack, strong smooth, strong punch, medium spell resistance, medium damage reduction, toxin immunity, high acid resistance, stay in attack, battle reflection!

A series of expertise to straighten the danger of the four-armed snake magic is simply a highly mobile killing machine!

Sauron stopped moving forward.

The situation has begun to get out of control and it has become very dangerous.



Sauron’s figure suddenly shook a little and almost fell off the roof. His heartbeat began to accelerate, and his heart rate increased by half. The heart squeezed blood all over the body, exposing his blood vessels directly to the skin. The feeling that once appeared appeared again, and Sauron’s body temperature rose a little bit, and a little bit of bloodshot appeared in his eyes. The pupil has obvious signs of enlargement. This feeling lasted for about three minutes, and then Sauron's state recovered little by little.


What Sauron seemed to feel, muttered: "She is here too?!"

There was a cry in the front of the alley.

Sauron frowned and looked around, then gently landed and glanced over there. This eye was to let him back a half step, then reached out and held the machete, because he was in front of a young holy warrior. The other side is wearing a silver-white knight armor, faintly with some broken scars, and a sacred force around the blade. And a drop of blood slipped. The young samurai did not seem to notice Sauron. His body was a little trembling. He inserted the sword on the ground, as if he was holding his hands and holding up a petite body.

It is a little girl who is at most a teenager.

She is the victim of this chaos. An innocent and poor little girl died in this chaos.

A vague cry came.

The young samurai trembled and picked up the little girl’s body, her eyes were already blank, and her face was filled with remorse and powerlessness. He gave a repressed, silent roar, muttering with a mournful voice: "Why is this!..."

"Why is this going to happen?!... Are we not guarding justice?... Why do you kill so many people!..."


The tears fell, and the holy warrior in front of me cried like a child who wanted to break.

Maybe he is not really big. Judging from the face, he is only twenty years old. The samurai Sauron has a little impression. It is the young samurai who spoke first during the day. At this moment, the glory of his holy power is already swaying, like a candlelight, as if it were extinguished at any time. His faith has been shaken. If he can't strengthen his beliefs, he will lose the power of the holy warrior and become a common warrior.

His faith is near collapse.

He didn't understand why things turned out to be like this. He didn't understand why so many people were killed. He cried like a child.

Because he is just a young samurai.

He may be kind, perhaps full of blood, but he is still too young.

He is crying, not weak, but sad.

He may not be afraid of bleeding, not afraid of evil, not afraid of death, but he is afraid of everything he sees in front of him. It all happens because of them, because they uphold the act of justice, set off a war of killing and let the whole city They are all in chaos, leaving many innocent people to die in this war.

He lost his way. He didn't know whether justice he believed in was still not justice!

Sauron was silent.

The glory of the young samurai is getting dimmer, and he is about to lose the power of faith. The Holy Spirit is moving away from this young man because his heart is full of confusion.

"Because you are not strong enough!"

Sauron suddenly spoke up. He woke up the holy warrior in front of him, but the other party did not pick up the weapon. He just looked at him with a blank look and still held the little girl's body.

Sauron looked at him with a pitiful look and said slowly: "Because you are too weak. You have no ability to destroy evil, but it has provoked a war of justice and evil!..."

"Your ignorant actions will only bring about killing and death, and will only destroy the order and kill more innocent people."

"What do you want to fight evil? You are not powerful! You don't have devils and deceit! The evil people have countless insidious means of deceit, unless your power can completely crush them, otherwise you have always believed that justice is just a joke! The people who used you have provoked the war, they have achieved their goals, but you have sinned!..."

The radiance of the young samurai dissipated.

In his eyes, there is endless pain and remorse, holding the body of the little girl in her arms and making an angry grief.

This young man lost the power of the samurai.

Sauron’s eyes sparkled in a strange light. He looked at the young man in front of him and said: "You are not strong enough, you are not deceitful. You don't even know what evil is, what do you take to guard justice?"

"If you are strong enough and stronger than the legend, you can stop everything that happens tonight and destroy those fallen people."

"If you are deceitful enough to be more deceitful than the devil, you can use other means to destroy them. They have no chance to weave a conspiracy, and they have no chance to stir up chaos and killing."

"You are just a sad puppet, an idiot who believes that justice can change the world."

"You will only make the world worse!"

In a sentence, it seems that the sharp blade has penetrated into the heart. The young samurai is shaking all over. He seems to be struggling, but he gradually understands something. The silver-white armor on his body gradually dims, and the holy sword on the side of the knight is dissipated. Gradually, there was a strange atmosphere. He stretched out his palm and slowly grasped the hilt and whispered in a hoarse voice: "As long as I am stronger than them, and I am more deceitful than them, can I destroy them?"

Sauron’s expression was quite playful, and Shen said: “Yes.”

"This is just the beginning of chaos. The world will become even worse in the future! Without power you can't do anything, give up those sad creeds. If you really believe in justice, then you must break into evil."

"Only evil can fight evil!"

"Go find your own path. Young people. There is a group of people called [Holy Avengers], they will point you in the direction!..."

Sauron’s figure disappeared into the darkness, leaving only a young man who had lost the power of the holy warrior. He slowly picked up the cold body of the little girl, and then pulled up a long sword with a strange smell. Saint Warrior The power does not seem to have disappeared, but it has turned into another force. He turned to darkness, the silver-white armor became mottled in the darkness, and the original attached force died because of the dissipation of faith. The darkness enveloped on this silver-white armor, which might make him fall into an evil dark guard. It may also allow him to find new justice.

He has fallen.

But it seems that there is no corruption.

This is a war of faith and will~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no blood in this war. Winning him is the legend of the future. If he loses, he will lose himself.

This is the holy warrior that Sauron hopes to see, and the holy warrior who fought in the front line that year.

Three million samurai erected the backbone of the world. They failed to change the world, but they also prevented the gods from breaking the world.

Welcome to the lawful evil.

You should be qualified to be - [Holy Avengers]!

Perhaps the glory of the samurai will never again appear in this world, but Sauron hopes to see the image of the Holy Avengers in the turbulent year.

They should also appear.

Goodness and evil are not so important, chaos is the real disaster!


(ps: The recent plots are written slowly, and I have to change them from time to time. Recently, there are two guarantees.) (To be continued.) ()

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