Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 136 Just get used to it slowly

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Shao took out another letter.

Su Yi almost fell down after reading the letter.

"Su Su, I've thought about it. The reason why you can't accept me is definitely not because I'm not good enough, but because our fate is not good enough. Li Yao said that our fate may not be achieved even if it lasts ten thousand years, so I decided, I will practice in front of the Buddha for the rest of my life. This life is not enough. In the next life, I will practice until I have enough. Su Su, I think I will still miss you even if I get tonsured."

Su Yi was a little skeptical at first, but now he has no doubts at all. Zhao Qixuan is said to be shrewd, and he is indeed shrewd, with a first-rate business acumen. However, he is completely incompetent when it comes to love, and is hopelessly stupid. Can you listen to Li Yao’s lies? You actually want to become a monk?

Xiao Shao's tears were still flowing: "The prince wants to become a monk, and my wife wants the younger one to become a monk to serve, but the younger one doesn't want to become a monk. Mr. Su, please advise the prince! The prince will listen to you."

Su Yi was so distraught that he almost went crazy. He didn't even know whether this idiot, a pig-headed person, had an afterlife. Who would know who he was after being reincarnated?

"When will your prince shave his head?" Su Yi asked with a pale face.

Xiao Shao felt happy that he had a chance and cried even harder.

"Just this morning, the master from Baita Temple yesterday promised to shave him this morning."

Su Yi clutched the jade beads and the strand of hair tightly and rushed to Baita Temple without saying a word.

He couldn't let Qixuan become a monk, otherwise he would be uneasy for the rest of his life.

Su Yi rode a fast horse and galloped away. As soon as he arrived at Baita Temple, he almost rolled off his horse. He kept praying in his heart, hoping that it was not too late.

He ran up the three hundred and ninety-nine steps in three steps and two steps at a time. He stumbled and broke his knee. Regardless of the pain, he got up and continued running, stumbling towards the temple.

There are three entrances to the Baita Temple. When Su Yi entered the second entrance, he was stopped by someone: "Donor, a shaving ceremony is being held inside, and pilgrims are not accepted for the time being."

In the main hall, there was the sound of wooden fish and the monks were reciting scriptures. Through the background of the monks, Su Yi vaguely saw a person kneeling in front of the Buddha. The abbot of the White Pagoda Temple was shaving that person. He wanted to shout, but the name was stuck in his throat and he couldn't shout out. His heart was boiling like boiling oil, burning his insides.

He was still late, Zhao Qixuan was already having his ordination.

From now on, I will never have a cheeky person who can't be scolded or beaten away. I will always call him Susu with a smile.

Susu, I think we are a perfect match...

Susu, why do you think I like you so much? I liked it at first sight.

Susu, can you say something?

Susu, I was beaten by my father, but even if he beat me to death, I will not change my mind...

Susu, I don't care what others say. I only care about you in this world. Don't ignore me...

Susu, you are a coward...

I felt something warm slipping from my eyes, and when I touched it, it turned out to be tears. It turns out that he also sheds tears.

Qi Xuan has always been chasing him, playing tricks and offering treasures to make him happy, but he has never given a good look. In fact, he is not annoyed at all. In fact, he likes to listen to him talk nonsense. In fact, he likes to watch him. He looks silly, but he actually likes hearing him call him Susu over and over again...

In fact, he didn't want to leave Jinling. On those days when he couldn't see him, he would sit under the moon and play the flute, "Feng Qiu Huang", because once Qi Xuan said that he heard a song called "Phoenix Qiu Huang" , liked it very much, so he quietly learned it, and never had a chance to play it to him.

Qi Xuan is right, he is a coward.

He was afraid of the strange looks from the world, afraid of those hurtful words, afraid of being poked in the spine and pointed at when walking on the street, afraid that his parents would be so angry that they would vomit blood, so he never responded, so he stayed away from them.

He always felt that Qixuan was heartless and didn't care about anything. How could he be so cool? Now he understands that it's not that Qixuan doesn't care, but that he only cares about him. So he could ignore the eyes of the world, ignore the rumors, and not be afraid of being beaten by his father until he could not get up from bed for several months. But now...he left everything behind and escaped into Buddhism, still for him.

He said that in this life, he has been obsessed with such a person and such a thing.

The tears were a bit uncontrollable, and he didn't want to control them. His heart seemed empty and empty. The things he once cared about could no longer be remembered at this moment. He only knew that the person he cared about most was leaving him forever.

"Susu, why are you here?"

Su Yi turned his head slowly and looked at Zhao Qixuan, who was wearing a monk's robe but still had black hair. Then he looked at the man who was kneeling in the main hall and getting his hair cut off, and then asked a very silly question.

"The person inside is not you?"

Zhao Qixuan touched his head: "It's not my turn yet. Today is a good day to be tonsured. There are three people who want to be tonsured."

Su Yi clenched the jade beads in her hands and stared at him.

Zhao Qixuan had never seen Su Su cry before. Now that Su Su was looking straight at him with tears streaming down her face, he almost couldn't help but rush to hug him.

But Li Yao had told him that before the time comes, he must endure it, endure it, or he must endure it, otherwise his efforts will be in vain.

"Su Su, thank you for coming to see me, but don't worry, I'm really going to get tonsured. From now on, you don't have to hide anymore..." Zhao Qixuan hesitated.

Su Yi said nothing, just stared at him.

Well, I built a villa over there. You said before that you like the scenery here very much, so I will give it to you. Someone will send the deed to your house later. Well, I originally wanted it. For you..."

"Donor, the time has come." A monk came over and gave a Buddhist salute to Zhao Qixuan.

"Oh! I understand, then... Su Su, I'm leaving. Please take care of yourself. I will chant sutras and pray for you in front of Buddha." Zhao Qixuan lowered his head, not daring to look into Su Su's eyes. That emotionless look in his eyes that said whether he was cold or hot made him feel flustered for no reason.

After taking two steps, Zhao Qixuan turned around and said, "Su Su, you'd better go back. Don't look at it. I'm afraid I won't look good without my hair."

Su Yi watched him walk towards the Main Hall step by step, away from the world of mortals step by step, and away from him step by step. Suddenly, he chased after him in big steps, grabbed his arm and walked out.

"Hey... Su Su, what are you doing? I'm going to be ordained right away, so I can't waste time, otherwise the Buddha will blame me for not being sincere, and he might punish me by having to practice for a few more lives..."

"If you want to blame, let him blame him. If you want to go to hell after death or whatever, let him go. We will be together in this life." Su Yi said expressionlessly, pulling him out quickly. He wanted to get further away from here. The far better, never again.

Zhao Qixuan looked at the back of Su Su's head in disbelief. Did he hear it wrong just now? Does Su Su mean, "We will be together for the rest of our lives?"

"Susu, you...what did you say?"

Having already left the White Pagoda Temple, Su Yi shook off his hand and almost yelled: "You idiot, didn't you say that you would only stick to this one thing in your life? What does this mean now? You become a monk, I What should I do? Do you want me to get tonsure with you?"

He has always been indifferent to emotions and has good emotional self-control, but this time he came back, it seemed to be different. He was half angry to death from Li Yao that day, and almost to death from him again today.

Zhao Qixuan Nuonuo said: "Are you afraid that my family will cause trouble for you? No, my parents are still very reasonable. They know that it is their son who is not living up to expectations, and it has nothing to do with you."

Su Yizhen wanted to punch him again and make his other eye swollen, which was symmetrical.

"Don't you know me very well? Didn't you say you don't believe I don't have you in my heart?" Su Yi said fiercely.

Zhao Qixuan said weakly: "I...I was comforting myself and deceiving myself."

The next moment, Su Yi rushed over, and Zhao Qixuan subconsciously wanted to hide, thinking that Su Su was going to beat him again, but in the end, Su Su held his head and kissed him hard on the lips.

For a moment, I felt like the world was spinning, as if everything in the world had turned into nothingness.

"Now, what do you say?" Su Yi let him go, the anger in his eyes was no longer there, but as calm as water. Once he has determined his own mind, nothing else matters. Although Li Yao is hateful, he always makes sense. All along, his mind is not firm enough and his life is too short. He doesn’t want to leave any regrets. As for his family and others, , just get used to it slowly.

Zhao Qixuan was completely stunned. He looked at Su Su stupidly and asked dully: "I...what did I say?"

Su Su looked at the sky and was speechless. Why did she fall in love with a fool?

It seems that his performance is not clear enough.

Then, he kissed her again, this time with a gentle touch. He was surprised to find that he didn't reject such closeness at all.

"Fool, do you still want to be tonsured?"

Su Su's slightly cool lips, with a breath as fresh as the wilderness, touched his lips little by little. His heart seemed to be blown by the spring breeze and gradually revived. The joy in his heart was like wild grass moistened by the spring rain, crazy. grow.

Su Su kissed him. After so many years, it has been so difficult to even hold a small hand, let alone kiss him. This shows that Su Su accepts him.

Zhao Qixuan finally didn't stay stupid for too long. He hugged Su Su and kissed her back, as if he wanted to make up for all the losses he had suffered over the years.

Ye Jiayao and He Lianjing, who were hiding in the temple and peeking, wiped their sweat and let out a sigh of relief.

Ye Jiayao said in her heart that it turns out that weak attacks are weak attacks, and awkward attacks are shady attacks. Even senior rotten girls sometimes make mistakes. Fortunately, Su Su was finally allowed to face her own heart, and a pair of good gay friends finally came together.

"Should we go out to congratulate you?" He Lianjing asked.

Ye Jiayao glared at him: "Are you going out to die now? If Su Su knows that this is a trap, the three of us will die miserably."

He Lianjing shrank his neck, trembling again as he thought of Zhao Qixuan's miserable appearance after being beaten beyond recognition.

"Let's hide here and wait until they leave before going out. Don't tell anyone about this matter. Su Su must never know about it. Do you hear me?" Ye Jiayao warned.

He Lianjing nodded quickly: "I won't tell you."

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