Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 226 Is it really or just pretending?

The medicine was boiled in the small kitchen. She drank the medicine before Chun Yu was ready to take the medicine, and even rinsed her mouth several times. Chun Yu's sense of smell was always very sensitive.

The sun was warm today. Ye Jiayao thought of the pile of coconuts and asked someone to move a dozen of them out, planning to make her own coconut paste.

The girls in the yard looked interesting and came to help, but they really couldn't do anything with something as hard as stone. Ye Jiayao taught them to peel off the outer layer of palm first, and then they could see the three points in the shape of the top of the palm. When they hit it with a small hammer, small holes would open. There were no straws in this era. You could drink sweet coconut water by inserting a straw, but now you can only drink it by pouring it into a bowl.

There is a strange phenomenon about coconuts. Often, if the coconut milk is sweet, the coconut meat will not be fragrant. If the coconut milk is light, the coconut meat will be delicious.

Ye Jiayao tasted it. The taste was light, but she was happy. What she wanted was not coconut milk but coconut meat.

"What does this smell like? It's just like water, with a special smell." Xiang Tao obviously couldn't drink this stuff, so she said it quickly.

Ye Jiayao smiled: "It doesn't taste good to drink like this. It's an excellent soup stock for cooking. Cherry, go get a jar and collect all the juice inside."

Anyway, what she wanted was coconut meat, not coconut milk, and she got it.

After pouring out the coconut milk, Ye Jiayao asked Song Qi, who was very strong, to cut the coconut open, dig it out piece by piece with a knife, and then put it in a stone mortar to beat out the rich coconut milk. After it settled, it was made into coconut powder, and the residue was spread on the Dry on a sieve to make shredded coconut.

When Xia Chunyu came back, he saw Xue Ye and the others cleaning up a yard of coconut shells.

"Where is the second young lady?" Xia Chunyu asked.

"The second young lady is in the small kitchen, saying she wants to make delicious food." Xue Ye replied.

Xia Chunyu went into the room first, changed his guard uniform into casual clothes, and then went to the kitchen.

I saw Ye Jiayao busy in front of the stove. There was a special fragrance floating in the kitchen, including the fragrance of chicken, and a fragrance that he had never smelled before.

"What are you making delicious?" Xia Chunyu leaned over to take a look.

Ye Jiayao pretended and said with a smile: "You will know later."

As soon as the prince came, the maids withdrew in a wise manner, leaving only Xiang Tao who was lighting the fire. Xiang Tao was also very wise and buried her head in lighting the fire.

Xia Chunyu put his hands around her slender waist and hugged her lightly, being careful not to put pressure on her abdomen. He gently pressed his chin against her shoulder armor and asked softly: "Are you feeling uncomfortable today? "

When he woke up in the morning, he repeated his old talk and wanted to take her to see a doctor, but she refused. This made him restless all day, fearing that she might suddenly feel unwell.

"No, I'm fine!" Ye Jiayao said slightly. It's better not to tell him about that matter yet, so as not to make him nervous. Even if it doesn't happen this time, the doctor said that the body can be adjusted, so just take your time. !

Xia Chunyu turned her body and observed her expression carefully. Her eyebrows seemed to be flowing slowly, clear and clear, and her face was a little rosier than the previous days. Then she felt relieved.

"It's fine if you don't have it. However, I'd better see a doctor in a few days. You see your hands and feet are always cold."

Ye Jiayao's heart suddenly sank, and her hands and feet were cold. In fact, many women were like this, but in her memory, neither she nor the original owner of this body was like this. She remembered that in the winter, she and Su's mother were cuddling together. To keep warm, Su’s mother always said that she was a small stove, and that her aunt made her suffer from pain. It was fine that time on the mountain, but she was half-dead for the first day, but since falling into Yanxia Lake, the lake water in the cold spring season is so... It was very cold, and after this, every time my aunt came to visit, she would be half dead for several days.

"What's wrong?" Xia Chunyu found that something was not right about her expression, her delicate eyebrows twisted involuntarily, and her originally clear and smiling eyes turned deep and deep. The heart that had just been put down was lifted again.

"No, it's nothing. I was just thinking that if Liuli took the lead this time, our children would have to call her brothers and sisters in the future, which would make me a little unhappy." Ye Jiayao covered it up.

Xia Chunyu chuckled. They really are of the same mind as husband and wife. Last night, when he heard that Liuli was pregnant, his first thought was the same. He scraped the tip of her small nose and said, "What does it matter? Anyway, they will go to the fiefdom in the future. They only see each other once every few years, and they don't scream every day."

Ye Jiayao said: "I won't tell you anymore, I'm making coconut chicken! It's my first time trying it, I don't know if it tastes good."

Xia Chunyu took a deep breath and showed a salivating expression: "Smelling this fragrance will make you want to eat it. It must be delicious."

At dinner, Ye Jiayao brought a pot of coconut chicken to the room.

Youshi took a sip and felt the fragrance lingering on her cheeks. It was extremely delicious. She quickly asked someone to bring a cup to Liuli.

From today onwards, Liuli's diet will be specially prepared by the royal chef, and she will come over to eat with everyone.

Not long after, the maid came back and said that the third young lady said it was delicious.

Youshi asked again: "Didn't you vomit?"

The maid said: "Third Young Mistress vomited after eating fish for dinner, but she didn't vomit after drinking this cup of chicken soup."

Youshi said to Ye Jiayao: "Second daughter-in-law, you can make another one for her tomorrow."

Ye Jiayao responded with a slight smile. She thought to herself that Liuli was already very delicate, but now the mother is more valuable than her son. In the past, Liuli would hint that what she cooked was delicious, but Youshi would never take the initiative to tell her to cook it. , Now, Youshi's whole heart is devoted to Liuli, and her attention is comparable to that of the national treasure giant panda. And this is just the beginning. Next, I am afraid there will be more and more demands!

Ye Jiayao really figured it out. The next day, Liuli said she wanted to eat ice cream. The imperial doctor thought it would be okay to eat a little, so Ye Jiayao did so.

On the third day, Liuli said that she thought of the Buddha jumping over the wall, and Ye Jiayao continued to do it.

On the fourth day, Ye Jiayao's late aunt finally came. This time, maybe because she was a little depressed, the pain was so severe that she couldn't get up from the bed, and Liuli said she wanted to eat cake.

Damn it, isn’t there a dedicated royal chef to serve you? Why do you keep calling her?

Ye Jiayao couldn't get up, so she asked Song Qi to go to the pastry room and bring one back to Liuli.

Then some gossip spread, saying that they were getting impatient after working for two days, and that they must be envious of Liuli for having her and not having her.

Of course, these words did not reach Ye Jiayao's ears. Someone told Chunyu that Chunyu was very angry and his Yaoyao was so ill. Do you want her to get up and serve Liuli?

Chunyu was still angry, but he still endured it and ordered his servants not to spread these gossips to the second young lady.

It happened that Princess Yide came to visit Liuli and knew that Ye Jiayao was lying down, so she came to take a look.

"Poor child, why did he become so haggard?" Yide thought when he saw Ye Jiayao's expression was so bad, this was not normal.

"The pain is so severe, have you seen the doctor?"

Qiao Xi looked at the look on the second young lady's face and remained silent.

Ye Jiayao smiled weakly: "The doctor said it's because of the disharmony between Qi and blood. It just needs to be nursed back to health."

Yide asked: "Which doctor are you seeing? Is the medical skill good? Doesn't Liuli have an imperial doctor? She specializes in gynecology. Let her come and take a look."

Ye Jiayao didn't want Liuli's exclusive doctor to come and see her: "I was sent by the Queen Mother specifically to install Liuli's fetus. Isn't it appropriate?"

Yide didn't understand what Ye Jiayao meant, so he thought to himself, "What's the matter? I'll call her over right now."

Yide was sincerely doing good for Ye Jiayao, so he told Youshi about Ye Jiayao's severe menstrual cramps, and there was naturally a sense of blame in his words.

It's probably you, the mother-in-law, who doesn't know what it means to care about your daughter-in-law when she's so uncomfortable.

Youshi only knew that Ye Jiayao always felt uncomfortable for a few days every month, but she didn't know it was so severe. Seeing Yide's displeasure, she blamed herself for negligence. Immediately ask Mother Sun to ask Dr. Li.

"What? You want Dr. Li to treat a man named Ye?" Liuli said unhappily after getting the news.

"I heard that the second young lady is having her menstrual period and the pain is so severe that she has been lying down for two days," Xiaoya said.

Liuli snorted: "I didn't realize she was so delicate. Maybe she is jealous of me and feels unhappy!"

"Then... will Dr. Li be allowed to pass?" Xiaoya asked.

"Can my mother-in-law and aunt not let me speak? I want to see if she is really sick or if she is pretending to be sick. If she is pretending, I will expose her. If it is true..." Liuli narrowed her eyes slightly, with a touch of coldness. The meaning is concentrated in the eyes.

Ye Jiayao looked at Dr. Li who was diagnosing her pulse with some anxiety. She was thirty-four years old and her eyes were calm and focused when diagnosing her pulse. I heard that Dr. Li was the only female doctor in the palace and had superb medical skills, especially for women. Humanities.

After a long time, Dr. Li took the pulse pillow, asked Ye Jiayao some questions, and went out.

Several people were muttering outside. Ye Jiayao winked at Qiao Xi and asked her to go out and listen.

After a while, Qiao Xi came back and said that they had gone to the upper room to talk, and they only heard Dr. Li saying that there was some trouble.

Ye Jiayao's heart trembled. What's the solution to trouble? The doctor at Renhetang said there was a problem, but he didn't say it was very troublesome!

Damn it, is there something you can’t say here? Do you have to go back and say it in the bedroom? Is it okay to hide the illness from the patient usually only when he is suffering from a terminal illness?

Ye Jiayao's heart was agitated, and she felt that her stomach pain was getting worse, and she was experiencing spasms.

It was not easy to wait until Princess Yide came back.

"Princess, is there something wrong with my body?" Ye Jiayao sat up and asked.

Yide smiled gently: "Silly boy, of course there is something wrong with you hurting so much, but it's not a big problem. It just takes some time to nurse yourself back to health, and you'll get better over time."

Ye Jiayao couldn't tell whether what Yide said was the truth or a lie. Maybe she was in a low mood and liked to think about the bad things. If that was the case, why would she go to the room to talk. This incident became a lingering doubt in her heart.

"You take a good rest and don't think too much. As women, we have to take good care of our bodies. I'll come see you in a few days." Yide comforted him for a few words and then went back.

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