Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 299 Things are changing

Ye Jinrong's disaster had just begun. The next day, the government came to ransack the house and threw Wei Qi and Ye Jinrong into the street. The maids, servants, grooms, etc., as long as they had a bond of sale, were all considered family property, and they were all confiscated.

Ye Jinrong was still holding a child in her arms. The two of them were penniless and had no place to stay. Wei Qi wanted to go to her sister, so she took a pair of gold earrings she had secretly hidden and went to the pawn shop to pawn a few ingots of silver. We took two carriages and headed straight to the countryside.

When Mu Qi saw the down-and-out eldest sister coming to seek refuge with her, he laughed so hard that he couldn't stand upright.

"Sister, this is really a turn of events!"

Wei Qi said angrily: "Sister, why do you say that? When you were in trouble, I took great care of you."

Mu Qi laughed angrily: "Yes, you should take care of me. It's me who you took care of, and I have fallen to this point. Now you have the nerve to say that you should take care of me?"

"How can we be blamed for what happened to my brother-in-law? He embezzled public funds and accepted bribes. Could it be that we asked him to do these things?" Wei Qi argued.

Mu Qi sneered twice: "Okay, let's say we were blind and misjudged the wrong person. Now you have received your retribution. This debt has been settled in full and no one owes anyone anything. From now on, we will never have any contact with each other!"

Mrs. Wei Qi panicked. She had no place to go now. If her sister didn't take her in, she would have no choice but to end up on the street. She is poor and has short ambitions. Now is not the time to argue, so she had to compromise and said pitifully: " Sister, you and I are both in trouble, so why bother making things difficult for each other? To be honest with you, if I have somewhere else to go now, I won’t bother you..."

Mu Qi raised her hand and interrupted her: "Sister, you also know that I am a person in distress, how can I be better than you? I should go to the streets to beg for food, how can I take care of you? Sorry, you should go elsewhere! My brother-in-law has many friends in Jinling City, go find them!"

Wei Qi was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He was rich in the mountains and had distant relatives, but he was poor in the city and no one cared about them. What's more, they were in trouble now. Who would come to help them in times of trouble? It's better if you don't add insult to injury.

"Sister, are you really so cruel? When you come to beg us, we always respond to your requests." Wei Qi said unwillingly.

Mu Qi sneered and said, "I will answer my request? Sister, you are so nice to talk to. I am sick on the bed and don't even have money to buy medicine. Qin Chu went to ask you to borrow it, but you sent us away like beggars."

"That means we do have difficulties..." Wei Qi said with a guilty conscience.

Mu Qi turned to Mu Qinchu and said, "Qin Chu, go get the twenty taels of silver and return it to your aunt."

Mu Qinchu glanced at his aunt coldly, turned around and went into the house. After a while, he came out with twenty taels of silver: "Nuo, one point is not much, not one point is more. Twenty taels, can I pay you back?"

Wei Qi asked anxiously: "What use can I take these twenty taels for?"

Mu Qi sneered: "Sister, you are asking me what is the use of twenty taels of silver now. I have always wanted to ask you this! Anyway, do you want it or not? If you could be more generous at the beginning, I can give you more now." I'll give you back a little, but now, there's nothing I can do."

Seeing that Mu Qi refused to take her in, Ye Jinrong felt sad in her heart. It didn't matter that she suffered the hardship herself, but her child was still so young. How could she bear to suffer this fate along with her?

"Aunt, please, for the sake of the child..." Ye Jinrong begged.

Mu Qi glanced at the infant child, and a look of unbearable color flashed in her eyes. This child was born in the wrong child! Encountering such a confused girl, today's disaster is all her own fault.

Mu Qi hesitated for a moment and said cruelly: "I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do. Qin Chu, see the guests off."

If you want to keep the younger ones, you have to keep the older ones. She has completely seen their true colors and will never have anything to do with them again.

Mu Qinchu took a step forward and said with a cold face: "Please, please, my mother is still sick!"

She came all the way but was turned away. Mrs. Wei Qi cried in frustration. While she was crying and cursing, she suddenly remembered: "For the present plan, the only way is to go to Yangzhou. The Wei family's affairs... Your father can’t ignore it.”

Ye Jinrong thought to herself, now that her father still has to rely on her eldest brother-in-law and act based on her eldest sister's face, how can she be willing to take care of the Wei family's affairs? Even if her father takes her in, her life at home will not be easy. But what does it mean if my mother-in-law goes with her? No, she had to get rid of this burden.

"Mom, do we just ignore dad and Liu Jiang?" Ye Jinrong said sadly.

Wei Qi said: "We can't take care of ourselves anymore, how can we take care of them?"

Ye Jinrong thought to herself that her mother-in-law was so cruel. They said that husband and wife were like birds in the same forest and would fly apart when disaster struck. It was true. She was not so cruel. She still couldn't let go of Liujiang. She changed her mind and said, "Mom, The imperial court probably hasn’t sent anyone to Jinan Mansion to inspect it yet, so we should return to Jinan immediately. We should transfer the family property that needs to be transferred, hide what needs to be hidden, and preserve what we have!"

When Wei Qi heard this, she felt like she was enlightened. She was frightened and confused, forgetting that Jinan still has a large family and a rich industry. If she could save part of it, at least she would not have to starve or freeze.

"You are right, let's go back to Jinan as soon as possible."

Ye Jinrong said: "Mom, there can't be no one here! There has to be someone here to find out the news. Why don't you go back to Jinan and leave your wife behind? You can take all the money with you. It should be enough for travel expenses."

Wei Qi was worried. She had never traveled such a long distance alone. Every time she traveled, her master or servants would take care of everything for her. All she had to do was take a carriage or a boat. Now she had to be alone. Going to Jinan was a long journey, and she had no idea what to do!

Ye Jinrong knew that her mother-in-law was useless, so she coaxed: "My daughter-in-law will help my mother rent a boat, and then go to the inn to send a letter to my second brother, asking him to pick up my mother in Jining. That will be no problem. Mother, you must move quickly." , if it’s too late, it’s really going to be the end of the rope. As soon as my wife gets news, she’ll tell her family right away, maybe dad and Liu Jiang will be fine.”

Mrs. Wei Qi was moved. Thinking that she might have nothing, she suddenly gained some courage.

"Okay, then I'll go back to Jinan and you stay."

Ye Jinrong sent Wei Qi to the dock. There happened to be a merchant ship that was about to leave for Jining. Ye Jinrong went to negotiate the price and sent Wei Qi on the ship.

Watching the ship gradually go away, and finally getting rid of a big trouble, Ye Jinrong looked at Bao'er in her arms who was neither crying nor fussing and her face was red. She felt sad in her heart, "Poor Bao'er, it's all your mother's fault, so you have to suffer with her." Already...

Ye Jinrong pressed her tender face against the child's face distressedly, but was surprised. It was so hot. The child had a fever. No wonder he never cried or fussed.

Ye Jinrong's heart ached as if needles were pricking her, and she hurriedly took the child to see the doctor.

The doctor said that if the child caught a cold, he would be fine after just taking a few patches of medicine.

Ye Jinrong asked how much the medicine cost.

The doctor said it was not expensive, two taels of silver was enough.

Ye Jinrong went to dig out her purse as a habit, and then she remembered that all the money was in Wei Qi's house and had been taken away. She was truly penniless.

One day, even the child was sick and couldn't afford medicine.

One day, she had to worry about two taels of silver.

One day, she will be poorer than the beggar on the street.

Ye Jinxuan was about to cry but had no tears. She was so desperate that she wanted to die.

She begged the doctor to give her some medicine to save her child. The doctor saw that the clothes she was wearing were not affordable for ordinary people, so he felt that her words could not be trusted. He also thought that she was a stingy person who was reluctant to spend money on medical treatment for his child, so he despised her. He said: "Then there is nothing we can do. If the child's illness is not treated early, it will become serious and fatal. After all, the child is still so young, she won't be able to hold on for long."

Ye Jinxuan was kicked out of the medicine hall, holding the child with a feverish face and a red face, walking numbly on the street. The streets of Jinling City were still bustling, and the lonely and desolate figure against the bustling crowd became more and more miserable. Her heart was clenching hard, it hurt so much, like being stabbed with a knife or being boiled by boiling oil. She had reached the point of no where to go. What should she do? what to do?

Just the day before yesterday, she and Liu Jiang were still planning what they would do to make a living after returning to Jinan. Liu Jiang was full of confidence, saying that selling the house and having this capital would be enough to start a small business even without subsidies from his parents. , not to mention that parents can’t bear to see them suffer...

As a result, the promised buyer did not come.

As a result, Liu Jiang was taken away the next morning.

Could life be any more ironic?

She never knew that heaven and hell were only one step away.

She sat slumped on the street, hugging Baoer tightly, and burst into tears.

Passers-by cast curious glances, and a kind person even threw two coins at her feet. She reacted slowly, and suddenly remembered that she was in need of money. She was about to reach out to pick it up, but a pair of black hands reached out. Come over here and pick up the copper plate one step ahead of her.

It was a middle-aged man with messy hair, a stench all over his body, and one arm missing. He said to her fiercely: "This is my territory. You look like a dog in your clothes, and you are here to steal my job. roll……"

Ye Jinrong was frightened and hurriedly ran away.

She felt so sad that she was not even qualified to be a beggar!

Continuing to walk in a daze, she came to the Qinhuai River. Looking at the sparkling water reflected by the setting sun, she couldn't help but have an idea in her mind.

Jump, jump...just jump and it will be over.

She took two steps forward as if she was trapped by a demon. She only needed to take one more step and she would be free.

At this time, Baoer in his arms suddenly burst into tears.

She woke up suddenly, she was dead, but Bao'er was innocent? Bao'er was still so young, so pitiful and helpless. She should have had a bright and beautiful life, and she shouldn't have just jumped into the river with her useless mother...

She opened her teary eyes and looked around helplessly, with only three words swirling in her heart.

what to do?

Not far away is a three-story building with steep eaves, standing majestically by the Qinhuai River.

She knew it there, it was the heavenly abode.

She struggled for a moment, gritted her teeth and wiped away her tears, and walked resolutely towards the Heavenly Palace.

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