Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 315 A good start

Ye Jiayao was worried about Xiao Jing, so she went to find Xiao Jing after class the next day.

Who would have thought that after searching for it, it turned out to be in Changchun Tower.

When I inquired about it, I heard that Xiao Jing and Su Yuanyuan, a famous prostitute here, were drinking happily across from each other!

Damn it, is everything Princess Yide said true?

Ye Jiayao stared at the signboard of Changchun Tower illuminated by red lanterns, and felt depressed as she listened to the sweet sounds of silk and bamboo and the singing of orioles inside.

It should be said that it is not uncommon for aristocratic children to visit brothels. In ancient times, brothels were a legal profession, but it was still prohibited by strict family education. Ye Jiayao also couldn't accept Xiaojing's behavior.

Ye Jiayao's carriage stopped outside Changchun Tower, which aroused the idea of ​​Mr. Turtle. He thought that the benefactor's wife wanted to come and cause trouble, so he stared at Ye Jiayao eagerly.

Ye Jiayao smiled bitterly, Damn, if I had known that I would come dressed as a man today, it would not be good to break in like this. If word spread, people would think that Chun Yu was inside and she was here to catch the traitor. What makes people anxious is that she brought Qiao Xi with her today. It would be easier if she brought Song Qi. Just now she stuffed her money into the house to find out that Xiao Jing was inside. She stuffed her money into her pocket again to ask Mr. Gui to send a message to Xiao Jing, but Mr. Gui said nothing.

Ye Jiayao had no choice but to retreat first. As soon as she returned home, she changed into men's clothes and prepared to go again.

Xia Chunyu was surprised when he saw it. Yaoyao hadn't worn men's clothes for a long time.

"What are you going to do?"

Ye Jiayao was holding back her anger: "Go find someone to settle the score."

Xia Chunyu was frightened and suddenly said with a face: "Who messed with you? Tell me, I will deal with him. If he dares to mess with my wife, he must be punished severely."

Seeing Chunyu rolling up his sleeves and gearing up, Ye Jiayao said, "Forget it, don't get involved. I'm also entrusted by others."

"That won't work. What if you suffer a loss? Let's go. I'll go with you. I want to see which blind guy is getting impatient." How could Xia Chunyu let her go alone.

Seeing that she couldn't stop it, Ye Jiayao originally wanted to hide it to save some face for Xiao Jing, so she had no choice but to say: "Then follow from a distance and don't get involved."

Xia Chunyu was confused, what happened?

Arriving at Changchun Tower again, Ye Jiayao stopped the carriage far away and wandered over.

Xia Chunyu opened the car curtain and took a look, dear, Yaoyao wants to break into a brothel? That was okay, so I quickly jumped out of the car and chased after him.

Ye Jiayao frowned displeased: "Didn't I ask you to stay in the car?"

Xia Chunyu raised his eyebrows: "Do you think I can stay calmly in the car when you come to a place like this?"

Ye Jiayao curled her lips: "Okay, I'm here to see Xiao Jing. This guy has had convulsions recently. He hangs out with a girl named Su Yuanyuan every day. Princess Yide is worried to death. She still doesn't listen to her complaints. "

Xia Chunyu's expression changed, and he dragged Ye Jiayao out with a complicated expression.

"Hey, what are you doing? I have to talk to him."

Xia Chunyu stuffed her back into the car without saying a word.

"Don't go, Xiaojing is doing something." Xia Chunyu said.

Ye Jiayao was stunned, wondering, what did he mean by "doing things"? The lover in bed is sometimes called the person who does things.

Xia Chunyu saw her confused face and wanted to explain it to her, but there were some things that were difficult to explain, so he had to say: "Do you think Xiaojing is the kind of person who likes to hang out among flowers and like to look for flowers and flowers?"

Ye Jiayao shook his head. Although Xiao Jing was a bit arrogant like an aristocratic prince, he had a pure nature. In addition, He Lianxuan had always been very strict with him, so he did not have such bad habits.

"Isn't that enough? Don't worry about it. Sometimes when men go to places like this, they don't necessarily do bad things." Xia Chunyu said very implicitly, but his attitude was very firm.

Fortunately, he came with us today, otherwise he would have ruined Xiao Jing's plan.

Ye Jiayao had a vague guess: "You mean, Xiao Jing is here to do business?"

Xia Chunyu looked at her with a smile, as if asking, what do you think?

Ye Jiayao rolled her eyes, what are you doing! She didn't even say it earlier, which made her angry. Uh... But it seems that she didn't mention it, and Chunyu wouldn't tell her everything about the outside world.

Forget it, now that she knows that Xiao Jing has not fallen, she feels at ease. When Xiao Jing's affairs are finished, Princess Yide's doubts will naturally be eliminated.

After more than a month of busy work, Ye Jiayao's carefully planned Ye's Dessert House is finally open for business.

Princess You, Princess Yide, Mrs. Marquis Yongning, Madam Zhu, Ah Ruan, etc. all came to support the store. On the day of the opening, there was a lot of traffic in front of the store, and the lingerie in the store was very lively.

Several new hot drinks launched by Ye Jiayao, including Yinlu walnut juice, coconut milk, taro milk tea, etc., are very popular.

In addition, the decoration here is very exquisite and elegant, and the utensils used, whether they are white porcelain or enamel porcelain, are of the highest quality.

In short, it is the three good things, good environment, good food and good service.

Ye Jiayao took the opportunity to launch a membership system, and the threshold was high. Not that members could not get in, but the total number of people was also controlled, no more than one hundred people.

Ye Jiayao knows the mentality of these rich and powerful people very well. If anyone can come here, they would be disdainful. The more they control and set high thresholds, these people feel that being a member is a status. Symbolically, Mrs. Yongning Hou took the lead and immediately received a response from a large number of people. They all expressed that they wanted to become members, not just for the food, but to integrate into the circle. People in the circle did not want to be excluded, and people outside the circle did not want to be excluded. I want to take the opportunity to enter this circle.

After a busy day and seeing off the guests, Ye Jiayao asked the accountant to bring in the account books, which made her smile.

Haha, almost everyone who was invited today has become a member. The first day is a friendly price, 50% off, and the annual fee is 500 taels. A total of 48 people have become members, and more than 20,000 silver have been credited. It is estimated that if the news spreads tomorrow, there will be more. There will be more to come.

The membership fee will be 20% off tomorrow, and there will be no discount the day after tomorrow. Ye Jiayao is confident that all 100 places will be filled tomorrow.

Ye's Dessert House became an instant hit and became a popular place for the ladies of Jinling City. Just imagine, this is the first place in history that is only open to women. This is a place where only people with a certain status can enter, so everyone has to squeeze in with their heads down? Normally, if you want to meet these top-notch ladies and daughters, you have to go all over the place to find connections. But in a place like this, you can meet a lot of people who are rarely seen in ordinary times. It’s really mind-blowing to think about it. My blood is boiling! Even those gentlemen are very enthusiastic in supporting their wives and daughters to join.

This is the best place for ladies’ diplomacy!

Xia Chunyu didn't expect Ye Jiayao's trick to be so effective. In just four or five days, the hottest topic in Jinling City was Ye's Dessert House, and the membership fee alone recouped most of the renovation costs.

What business is more prosperous than this? Faster than this time? The people in heaven will be compared to each other.

Xia Chunyu fell to the ground in admiration.

This woman is so amazing, she is born to do business.

Youshi never thought that one day, someone would come to her door and ask for help, just to join the membership of Ye's Dessert House. The noise made her head almost explode.

There was also the Zhou family, who also received a large amount of favors and asked Ye Jiayao to be accommodating.

Ye Jiayao refused.

Youshi was still a little unhappy, thinking that this was not a big deal, and besides, he still had money to make? This kind of money can be earned with peace of mind.

Ye Jiayao had to patiently explain to her.

Why everyone wants to join is because it is difficult. No matter what it is, if it is rare, it will appear noble. If there are too many, it will become common and it will no longer be rare. Moreover, when there are more people, it is difficult to guarantee the quality of service. What she wants to create is a high-quality product, and her vision must be far-sighted, rather than just looking for immediate benefits.

Youshi thought it made sense. If she were a member, she wouldn't be surprised if all kinds of cats and dogs could get in.

I have to admire that when it comes to business skills, no one can match Ye Jinxuan.

The success of Ye's Dessert House makes some people happy and others sad.

That day, Mrs. Lin came to see Liuli again.

"Liu Li, do you know Ye's Dessert House?"

Liuli rarely goes out, not because she doesn't want to, but because she has nowhere to go, so she doesn't have much information. However, she is very sensitive to people named Ye.

"I don't know." Liuli said lightly.

"You don't know." Mrs. Lin looked at Liuli as if she were a monster, then sighed and said in a strange tone, "It's no wonder you don't know. That man named Ye won't tell you if he doesn't deal with you."

Hearing Lin's tone, Liuli confirmed her guess that Ye's Dessert House was opened by Ye Jinxuan.

"Isn't it just a dessert shop? There are no desserts anywhere. What's the big deal?" Liuli snorted disdainfully.

Ms. Lin chuckled and said, "I'm so awesome now!"

Liuli frowned, but her expression remained calm: "Oh? What's so weird about this?"

Lin said sarcastically: "Then Ye really has a way of whetting people's appetites. He has instituted some kind of membership system. There are requirements for status. No one below the fourth rank official is allowed to join. There is a limit on the number of places. There are a maximum of one hundred places, first come first come." Join the membership first, and come later. I'm sorry, even if you are the wife of a first-class official, the membership fee is ridiculously high, one thousand taels of silver for three years, and you have to go through the membership procedures again after three years. It's obviously a scam, but it's still so Many people flocked to it, and those who went to catch up with the son went to give him money."

Liuli felt very uncomfortable. Ye Jinxuan had so many tricks up her sleeve.

Mrs. Lin carefully observed Liuli's reaction and added: "Nowadays, she is a very popular person in Jinling City. Everyone wants to make friends with her. She is so proud of her that she really thinks that she is a famous figure."

Liuli was even more confused. She had always regarded Ye Jinxuan as the object of competition and comparison, but she could never be compared with her. Now she became even more pessimistic, while Ye Jinxuan became more and more proud, so how could she not be worried.

"If Princess Yide, Madam Jing'an Marquis, and Madam Yongning Marquis hadn't supported her, would anyone be so reluctant to join the party? I don't understand. Isn't she just someone who knows how to cook? To put it bluntly, she is a cook. , What’s so great about her? In terms of identity and appearance, how can she compare to you?" Ms. Lin tried her best to provoke her.

Liuli was so suffocated that she could hardly breathe, and said coldly: "That's because she can pretend, tell other people's things, and tell ghosts. I have never seen a woman who is more scheming than her.

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