Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 324 Ye Jiayao’s suggestion

Ye Jiayao didn't know when Xia Chunyu came back. She didn't know how she slept from the couch to the bed. She just heard the rustling sound in the morning. When she opened her eyes, Chunyu was putting on her shoes and she was under the quilt. .

"When did you come back?" Ye Jiayao stretched out an arm to press the quilt, but felt cold and quickly retracted it.

Xia Chunyu rushed over and kissed her: "Don't wait for me in the future. You go to bed first. I'm a little busy these days."

Ye Jiayao hooked his neck to prevent him from leaving. Her voice was soft and waxy, revealing the lazy atmosphere of morning: "What are you busy with?"

Xia Chunyu kissed her again: "It's the end of the year, and there are a lot of things in the palace."

Ye Jiayao thought about it and found that this time last year, he didn't seem so busy.

"Be good, take more care of your family. After this busy period, I will accompany you." Xia Chunyu coaxed her like a child.

Ye Jiayao reluctantly let go, sincerely feeling that it was not a good thing for both of them to be so busy.

After Xia Chunyu left, Ye Jiayao got up quickly thinking that she had important things to do today.

First let Manager Zhong go to Chunfeng's place and call Ziming back. At this point, Chunfeng should be able to take charge before he goes to Dali Temple. Otherwise, he would have to ask Liuli, and that damn woman might be nagging again.

Manager Zhong asked what arrangements he would make when he came back.

Ye Jiayao had already thought about it yesterday: "Let him follow you to start."

This position was arranged very meaningfully. It seemed that providing support to Manager Zhong was a good job with a bright future, but it was not an important job. Manager Zhong could also keep an eye on her.

Manager Zhong had no objection and went to the third young master's house after receiving the order.

Ye Jiayao then went to Tianshangju to discuss the food festival with Zhong Xiang and Cui Dongpeng. Everyone brainstormed and concluded that the Three Stooges were better than Zhuge Liang.

However, this was the first time they heard about the food festival, and they really couldn't think of any good ideas. All the ideas they came up with were rejected by Ye Jiayao.

Taking advantage of the customers at noon, Ye Jiayao conducted another customer survey to find out what kind of food festival the guests most wanted to see.

To sum up, some customers want real discounts. These people belong to the middle class, and affordability is their first priority. Some customers want to see new things. These customers are relatively high-end and they don’t care. What they want for money is real good things; there are also some customers who think that it is better to hold an event at Tianshangju. They will definitely support it. These people are loyal customers of Tianshangju.

Ye Jiayao felt confident. After lunch, she asked Qiao Xi and Xiang Tao to go to the dessert shop to help. These two people were obsessed with making desserts recently, and she took Zhong Xiang to the Chamber of Commerce.

Everyone arrived early, including Mrs. Rong, who was specially invited by Lu Xiaotian.

"Because of my personal reasons, I have delayed everyone's business. I'm really sorry. Fortunately, it's still too late. Everyone can speak freely and try to finalize the plan for the food festival today." Lu Xiaotian's opening remarks were very concise and went straight to the point.

Lin Changchun was the first to speak: "The food festival can be placed by the Qinhuai River, because there are the most people coming for leisure and entertainment, the space is spacious, it will not affect people's travel, and it is convenient to maintain public security."

This suggestion was approved by everyone.

Soon the location, time, number of days to hold the event and the apportionment of costs were decided.

The most critical question is what to do? In what form should it be held?

Everyone disagrees.

Because a simple tent will be set up at that time, each restaurant will have one booth, and the space is limited. Guests can only taste it briefly. What effect will it have? Everyone has no idea.

The discussion went on and on, and finally everyone's eyes were fixed on Ye Jiayao, who had been silent.

"Shopkeeper Ye, what do you mean?" Duan Qilin asked.

At this time, Ye Jiayao already had a rough plan in mind. She glanced at everyone and looked at the expectant eyes. She decided not to hide her secrets and said: "In fact, the food festival can not be limited to three days, but use this We have three days to promote our restaurant. We can divide the food festival into two parts. The first part is what everyone just said. In three days, we will bring out the special dishes of our restaurant for the guests to taste and introduce our restaurant. situation, and launch a series of subsequent preferential measures, such as discounts for booking banquets during the food festival, or distributing coupons, and all purchases with coupons will be discounted, etc. The position of the second part is in everyone's respective In restaurants, the preferential measures introduced must be in place so that customers can feel your sincerity, rather than tricking them into spending money. If customers are satisfied, maybe new customers will become old customers. I think as long as everyone does a good job, this Have a good New Year."

Lu Xiaotian's eyes widened and he caught the key point in Ye Jiayao's words, which was the word "discount".

When running a restaurant, besides delicious features, what else can attract customers more than discounts? Of course it's a discount, especially for restaurants with mediocre performance, this should be the most powerful measure.

"Isn't this just small profits but quick turnover?" It was Zheng Sanduo who spoke in a very disdainful tone.

"I've been working for half a year, but I didn't make much money in the end. Is it worth it?" Shopkeeper Lian of Xiangyi Building snorted.

"Everyone has introduced preferential measures, can those small restaurants compete with big restaurants like you? In the end, it's not big restaurants like you that benefit?" someone else raised a question.

Ye Jiayao smiled faintly: "The opportunities are equal. No one is successful at the beginning. It depends on how you do it. Small profits but quick turnover is not a channel, and it does not allow you to do business at a loss."

These short-sighted guys, no wonder they can only do small things after so many years of work. Without good cooking skills or unique business ideas, how can they compete with others? If you offer some real discounts, you might be able to make a little more money!

Lin Changchun immediately said: "I agree with Shopkeeper Ye's point of view. Big restaurants have consumer groups for big restaurants, and small restaurants have consumer groups for small restaurants. We hold the food festival this time to expand our restaurant's business and attract more customers." There are still many consumer groups who are unwilling to come to restaurants to save money, so this is an opportunity.”

Lu Xiaotian nodded and said: "Shopkeeper Lin is absolutely right. Shopkeeper Ye's idea is to help everyone expand their interests. The food festival is just a platform, giving everyone an opportunity to promote themselves. As for how to do it, it still depends on you. Discounts We must act within our capabilities, but one thing must be stated first, that is, we must not compete viciously and lower each other’s prices. In the end, it is you who will suffer.”

After the general direction was decided, Lu Xiaotian began to divide the work. The venue matters were left to Duan Qilin. He personally took care of the communication issues with the government. As for the early publicity and promotion work, Lu Xiaotian glanced at Ye Jiayao and asked everyone: " Everyone thinks who is more suitable to do it.”

So, everyone's eyes once again fell on Ye Jiayao.

Lu Xiaotian smiled and said, "Then we'll have to trouble Shopkeeper Ye."

Ye Jiayao smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if I work hard. As the vice president, it is my duty to contribute to the Chamber of Commerce and seek benefits for everyone. However, there is one thing to say first."

Everyone was busy and pretended to be listening.

Ye Jiayao suppressed her smile and said sternly: "Today's plan was made together by everyone. Everyone must be in the same mind. If anyone feels that participating in this food festival is meaningless, you can withdraw. I said that everything depends on people. The opportunity is given to you. , it’s your own business to what extent you can achieve it, don’t complain about it when the time comes, and let everyone’s good intentions be ruined.”

The few people who had just raised objections looked embarrassed and avoided Ye Jiayao's eyes in embarrassment.

Duan Qilin said: "That's right. Participation is voluntary. The registration period is three days. Each family must pay a deposit of 200 taels in advance. You will be refunded or reimbursed for any amount you spend at that time. Make your own decision and don't complain."

"That's for sure. Others are making money. If you can't make it, it's because you don't have the ability." Lin Changchun said calmly.

No one raised any objections, and Lu Xiaotian made the final decision: "That's it, everyone can get ready."

Ye Jiayao originally wanted to say something to Lu Xiaotian, but Lu Xiaotian said hello to Mrs. Rong, talked to Duan Qilin, and left.

Ye Jiayao was a little uncomfortable, but she could understand Lu Xiaotian's alienation. He didn't want to cause any more misunderstandings.

Mrs. Rong came over and said warmly: "I've seen your different style again today."

A woman is among a group of men. Whether it is decision-making or other things, she is no less decisive than the men. She is very courageous, which gives Mrs. Rong a new understanding of Ye Jiayao. Ye Jiayao's success is not just due to her superb cooking skills.

Ye Jiayao smiled sheepishly: "I made you laugh."

She respected Mrs. Rong very much and did not dare to show off in front of her.

The members left in twos and threes, with Ye Jiayao and Mrs. Rong falling behind.

Mrs. Rong said: "Your idea is really good, especially for those small restaurants. In fact, you don't have to say it at all. The biggest beneficiary of the food festival will be Tianshangju. It's a shame that some people don't appreciate it."

Ye Jiayao smiled generously: "Everything is based on the overall situation. My family's good fortune is nothing. If you have money, everyone can earn it! As for whether they appreciate it or not, it's their own business. I won't lose anything because of it."

Mrs. Rong couldn't help but give her a thumbs up in her heart. Prince Jing'an was a leader among men, and only a woman like Ye Jinxuan was worthy of him.

She began to believe that maybe many years later, Ye Jinxuan would really become a figure engraved in history. At least, she would have an indelible place in the hearts of people who love food.

Ye Jiayao didn't know that Mrs. Rong silently gave her such a high evaluation. She was just moving forward step by step for her own ideals. As for which step she could achieve, she just tried her best.

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