Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 401 Is it a shame or shame?

The truth has been revealed, but Lian Xingwang and Mei Xiuguang still do not fully understand the coming storm.

"It's okay. The people in the north of the city have been arrested. Tomorrow, the people in the south of the city will be arrested. One group and another group will be arrested. The government prison is so big. I wonder if they can catch them all and whether they can fit it into the prison. ." Lian Xingwang said disapprovingly.

This situation had long been expected by the mysterious man, and he had already planned his back-up plan.

Ye Jinxuan, do you think the problem can be solved by giving out porridge for a few days and arresting a few people? Hum, not that easy.

"I wonder if those beggar leaders have been caught. If they turn us in..." Mei Xiuguang was a little worried.

Lian Xingwang said: "Shopkeeper Mei, don't be unfounded. The beggar leader will not take action on his own in this kind of thing. Besides, the people I sent were very careful and did not reveal their identity. Even if the beggar leader is caught, he will not be worried." Know who ordered them."

Mei Xiuguang felt relieved when Lian Xingwang said so confidently, so let's wait until tomorrow to continue watching the show!

The two murmured for a while before Mei Xiuguang said goodbye and went home.

At dawn, Lian Xingwang was awakened by a rapid knock on the door, which was as urgent and heavy as a bandit coming to rob.

Lian Xingwang's wife happened to be woken up from a dream, and she felt unhappy and muttered.

"Who's the one who kills a thousand people and makes noise before dawn and prevents people from sleeping?"

Lian Xingwang felt a little uneasy and put on his clothes.

Before I could put on my clothes, the door was kicked open.

Several shop patrols rushed in and glared at Lian Xingwang fiercely: "Are you Lian Xingwang?"

When Lian Xingwang saw this battle, his legs suddenly became weak. He held on and asked weakly: "What are the officials..."

The leader of the catchers waved his hand: "Get..."

The men immediately rushed up and locked the person away with the iron chain.

Even Xingwang's wife was anxious and chased her out without caring about her disheveled clothes: "Guan Ye, Guan Ye, what law did my master break? You can't arrest people randomly..."

The catcher snorted coldly: "Mei Xiuguang has confessed all the facts, Lian Xingwang, your conspiracy has been exposed."

Lian Xingwang was shocked. When the shop patrols rushed in, he had already thought about this and was already drafting in his mind what he should say when he met the official. But he never expected that Mei Xiuguang had already confessed everything.

Damn Mei Xiuguang, this useless thing, now I will be harmed by you. Lian Xingwang wants to cry but has no tears.

Even Xingwang didn't know that Mei Xiuguang was cursing him right now.

Damn it, Lian Xingwang, didn’t he agree before that he would not recognize it even if he was beaten to death? Did you say that there would be no mistakes in the confidentiality of this operation? Now, it’s okay, you didn’t do it yourself, but you dragged me into the water. I just listened for a few times and didn’t do anything...

The two were arrested separately and interrogated separately. They both hated each other and put all the blame on the other. Even though the eighteen torture instruments were not used, the two confessed and told the whole story clearly. Confessed.

Xia Chunyu got the confession, but he didn't feel relieved. The confession mentioned a mysterious person. However, even Xingwang and Mei Xiuguang didn't know who this person was.

Seeing that the prince was not very satisfied with the outcome of this case, Lord Fu Yin immediately ordered his men to torture him to extract a confession until this mysterious man was found out.

Poor Lian Xingwang and Mei Xiuguang were beaten to pieces. They died and came back to life. They couldn't let go. Life was more uncomfortable than death. But they really didn't know who this mysterious man was. They couldn't stand the torture. Each other identified the other as the mastermind.

This time, they were beaten hard again. After the beating, the two had to admit that they were the masterminds and were involved in the arson case of the training class.

After dawn, the government office officially opened the court to investigate the case, and Ye Jiayao invited Lu Xiaotian and others to listen.

When everyone saw Lian Xingwang and Mei Xiuguang being carried up covered in blood, their hearts trembled. This was too tragic.

However, when the officials read out the confessions of the two men and the confessions of the four beggars who surrendered with their men, they were all filled with indignation.

It is normal for peers to compete with each other based on their abilities. If you are not as good as others, if you cannot compete with others, you will have to give in. It is outrageous to use such despicable means to compete.

Looking at their miserable state, there are only two words in everyone's mind... They deserve it.

The government announced the penalty results. Lian Xingwang and Mei Xiuguang used unfair means to compete viciously, causing extremely bad effects. They were also involved in the case of arson. They were punished for both crimes. They were sentenced to three years in prison and compensated for the reputational damage and economic losses of Tianshangju. , a total of thirty thousand taels of silver.

The two of them fainted on the spot. They didn't steal the chicken but lost the rice. They not only lost the rice, but also lost their lives.

Lu Xiaotian said in court that everyone should take a warning by removing Xiangyilou and Jubaozhai from the catering chamber of commerce.

Those who came to listen were all directors of the Catering Chamber of Commerce, and everyone agreed.

Ye Jiayao's expression finally softened, and she finally let go of her bad breath.

But who is that mysterious person? Ye Jiayao couldn't think of anyone else she had offended. Who else wants to live with her and live in heaven?

Although Lian Xingwang and Mei Xiuguang finally admitted that they were the masterminds, Ye Jiayao still believed their initial confessions.

Forget it, the enemy is in the dark, so we can only wait and see what happens. When the time comes, the soldiers will come to cover up the water and earth.

The matter came to an end and Tianshangju resumed normal business, but Ye Jiayao planned to continue giving porridge. In the past few days, she found that many poor families came to beg for porridge, with children and daughters, all with sallow complexions and thin skin. Jinling City is such a rich place. , but there are still so many poor people who don't have enough to eat or wear warm clothes, which makes Ye Jiayao feel uncomfortable.

However, giving porridge is not free. The long-term charity not only cannot solve their poverty, but also makes these people develop dependence and laziness. They don’t have to work and they have to eat for free. Who will work in the future!

Therefore, Ye Jiayao thought of a way to contact several carton-making workshops and let these poor people come to collect materials. If you paste five cartons, you can get a bowl of rice porridge, and if you paste twenty cartons, you can get a meat bun. For two steamed buns, if you have thirty buns, you can still get three copper coins.

The work of pasting paper boxes has no technical content and is not very tiring. Women and children can participate and exchange their labor for food and clothing.

Gradually, Ye Jiayao's reputation as Ye Dashan spread.

In fact, Ye Jiayao has done more than just this good deed. This one was forced to make a high-profile statement. Nowadays, medical treatment in Jinling City is free and only the price of medicine is charged. Leshan Tang was funded by Ye Jiayao and Dr. Jiang is in charge. No one knows about this.

On this day, a carriage passed by the door of Tianshang Residence. The carriage slowed down. The people in the carriage used paper fans to lift a corner of the curtains and looked at the endless stream of guests at Tianshang Residence. Further ahead, there was a long queue. , everyone was holding cartons in their hands, patting the queue in an orderly manner, waiting for acceptance before receiving the steamed buns.

The curtains were closed, Zuo Qingyun held a paper fan in his right hand and tapped the palm of his left hand with a complicated expression.

Ye Jinxuan, Ye Jinxuan, what do you think I should do to you?

You made me lose such a big face, and also lost four million taels of silver and a large number of customers. It was a heavy loss. As a result, I helped you get rid of your competitors and gained you a reputation as a good person.

Am I being a bitch by doing this? Or is it a shame?

Zuo Qingyun expressed that he was very depressed.

But apart from being depressed, I still admire him more. He can do good deeds in a variety of ways. It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach them how to fish. It is really a clever idea.

Zuo Qingyun was depressed for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion that he was being a bitch.

Ye Jiayao didn't know that her opponent was so conflicted. She was busy opening her Western restaurant.

Xia Chunyu said that she is a restless person.

Ahem, Ye Jiayao needs to make it clear that she is not restless, she just wants to enrich everyone's taste. Of course, she can also make a lot of money, so why not?

Ye Jiayao didn't expect that before her western restaurant opened, someone would strongly demand to join the restaurant. The attitude was unreasonable and firm. In a word, I like steak, and I like lamb chops even more.

This person is Princess Naya.

Ye Jiayao just showed her hand in front of her and talked about the Western restaurant, so Naya relied on it and had to cooperate.

Ye Jiayao was speechless. She was not short of money and people for a small western restaurant, so what kind of cooperation could she do? But Naya didn't want to do it. No matter what, she wanted to invest even if it was 19% off.

Well, Ye Jiayao believed that Naya was just idle and wanted to find something to do.

So, I had no choice but to let her become a shareholder.

Naya was so happy that she came to report every day, helped to keep an eye on the repair work of the store, and gave advice like a female general, which made a group of craftsmen work very hard every day.

Xia Chun went to a western restaurant that day and went home to talk to Ye Jiayao.

"I think your western restaurant can open early."

Ye Jiayao asked curiously: "Why?"

Xia Chunyu smiled reluctantly and said, "I went to check it out today. It will be completed in three days."

"So fast?" Ye Jiayao was very surprised. The repair project was originally planned to take one month, but only half a month has passed. Because Naya said that the preparatory work would be left to her, she didn't go over to see much and was busy developing Western food recipes.

Xia Chunyu said with a smile: "Naya does two things every day now. One is to go to the palace to annoy the emperor, and the other is to go to the shop to keep an eye on the progress of the project."

"You haven't seen it, but she has a whip in her hand, looking like a cruel overseer."

Xia Chunyu couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought of Naya's appearance.

Ye Jiayao was speechless, okay! This is a good thing, but it would be better for her not to be so dedicated when the western restaurant opens.

"By the way, did the emperor say that He Lianxuan should come back?" Ye Jiayao asked.

Xia Chunyu's face became even more joyful: "Just as I was about to tell you this, the emperor was also afraid of Naya, and he ordered He Lianxuan to come back today."

"Really?" Ye Jiayao was pleasantly surprised.

Xia Chunyu smiled and nodded: "When he made the decree, I was by the emperor's side."

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