Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 404 Tragic life

That night, Lord Hou went to the ancestral hall alone, and knelt in it for a long time, and You Shi issued the first order, all incense in the mansion should be sealed and not be used again, and the scented rouge and gouache should not be used again, who would dare Violating orders and offending the second young lady, she was punished according to family law.

Therefore, the whole family moved together and threw all the things related to the word "fragrance" (ahem, people's names are not counted) into the box, and no one dared to complain.

The second order states that the Second Young Mistress's pregnancy must not be announced to the outside world, anyone who dares to leak it will be dealt with according to family law.

There is a folk saying that in the first three months of pregnancy, it is not advisable to publicize it, but to keep a low profile and secret, otherwise bad things will easily happen. After three months, when the fetal appearance stabilizes, you can tell your relatives and friends.

Youshi didn't believe this before, but now she would rather believe it or not, because this child holds too much weight in her heart, and she can't tolerate the slightest mistake.

Ye Jiayao has already returned to her room, lying on the bed.

The windows of the room had been opened for ventilation, the incense cauldron had been removed, and all the clothes that had been scented were taken away. Qiao Xi Xiangtao and the others had also bathed in clean water, so they dared to serve the second young lady without a trace of fragrance.

Ye Jiayao leaned feebly, listening to Mother Sun loudly admonishing the maids in the yard outside, all kinds of precautions have been instructed up to the twenty-eighth, and even vaguely mentioned that she can't even fart in front of her.

Ye Jiayao expressed that she was extremely speechless, because of her alone, the whole house was about to turn upside down, she didn't want to make such a big commotion and bring so much inconvenience to others, but she couldn't help it, who made her suddenly become a dog What about the nose? It doesn't matter if she has a good nose, but the key is that any smell will affect her stomach nerves, causing her to vomit continuously.

This is still the beginning, and I don't know how long this situation will last, and when will it end.

Qiao Xi poured a glass of warm water, and persuaded in a harmonious voice, "Second Young Mistress, drink some water!"

Her stomach was already empty, but she didn't know she was hungry, but her mouth was bitter, Ye Jiayao barely drank a couple of mouthfuls, which caused her to vomit again.

My heart is miserable, Nima, I have to vomit even after drinking plain water, and let people die!

Qiao Xi is so worried, how can this be good? The second young lady can't even drink water, can she still drink medicine later?

It was the third time for Xia Chunyu to take a bath in the clean room, it is fine for others to take a bath once, because he wants to be very close to Yaoyao, he must wash thoroughly, otherwise, he may not even be able to get on the bed.

After finally washing and changing, Qiao Xi waited for him outside with a melancholy expression on his face.

"My lord, the second young lady can't eat anything, she even vomits when she drinks water..."

Xia Chunyu frowned deeply: "Have you asked? The Second Young Mistress doesn't want to eat anything?"

Qiao Xi muttered: "How dare you ask, the servant only asked one sentence, and the second young lady vomited, and the second young lady told the servant to do a good job, don't mention food."

Xia Chunyu was worried. Although his mother and Dr. Jiang had said that this was a normal reaction, how could he not eat anything?

"Is the medicine ready?" Xia cChun asked.

"It's boiling, but I feel that the second young lady can't drink it." Qiao Xi said sullenly.

Xia Chunyu waved his hand: "You go down first, and I will persuade her later."

Xia cChunyu entered the bedroom and saw Ye Jiayao's pale face. It was less than two hours since he reacted, and he felt that he had lost a lot of weight, so he couldn't help feeling distressed.

"Yaoyao, are you feeling better?" Xia cChunyu didn't dare to approach her, because he was afraid that the smell on his body would rush at her.

Ye Jiayao waved to him, now she urgently needs a warm embrace to comfort her.

Xia Chunyu stepped forward, consciously serving her as a human cushion, Ye Jiayao rested her head on his chest, hugged his waist with her arms, and whispered: "Chunyu, it's too uncomfortable, what should I do?"

Xia Chunyu stroked her back, and comforted her softly: "I heard that it will be fine in a while, so bear with it and think of other things to distract your attention."

Ye Jiayao said distressedly: "What else can I think about? I own a restaurant and cook food. Everything is related to food. I feel sick when I think of food."

He retched a few times as he spoke.

While rubbing her back, Xia Chunyu said helplessly: "Then think about the child, will it be a boy or a girl? Will it be like you or me, the child should be born in the first lunar month, what should we prepare for the child..."

Speaking of the child, Ye Jiayao's heart softened, and she subconsciously stroked her still flat belly. At this time, the child should still be a little fur ball! There is such a drastic way to declare his existence.

It's an amazing feeling.

"However, I don't think we need to prepare anything. My mother will arrange it properly. Princess Yide and the ancestors will also prepare it. You just need to take care of your body and make yourself fat and white." Yes, as for me, I will be in charge of supervising your health..."

"So, if you don't want to eat, you should eat a little, even if you vomit all of it, if you don't eat, our child will be hungry, and when a little skinny monkey is born, you should feel sorry for yourself..."

Ye Jiayao said silently, yes, if she doesn't eat, the child doesn't have to eat either, it will be bad if it causes stunted growth.

"The kitchen is cooking porridge, let Qiao Xi get you a bowl? Eat as much as you want, okay?" Xia cChunyu persuaded patiently.

Ye Jiayao endured nausea, and said pitifully, "Just a small bowl."

"Would you like something else?"

"You don't want to mention anything else, okay?"

"Okay, you wait, I will serve it myself..."

As soon as the porridge came, Ye Jiayao began to regret it. She never thought that one day she would be reduced to having trouble with food. The greatest hobby in her life is food, and now food has become what she hates the most.

Xia Chunyu persuaded her earnestly, and managed to coax her to eat two mouthfuls, and then vomited it all up, and she hadn't vomited much yet.

It's the same when it comes to taking medicine.

Watching her eat was like being tortured, Xia cChun couldn't help touching her belly and gritted his teeth bitterly.

"You brat, you're torturing your mother and your father like this before you're born. When you come out, I'll teach you a lesson..."

This is how Ye Jiayao started her miserable life.

Competing with eating words every day, can't eat, only throws up, even walks lightly, but why can't I die of hunger?

The work of opening a western restaurant and sorting out recipes has been put on hold, and Mrs. Rong has taken over the training courses, and announced that she has gone to Yangzhou to avoid people coming to visit.

She is in low spirits now, and really has no mood and energy to deal with the guests. In addition, you can't tell the guests that you go back and change into unscented clothes and come back after washing off all the rouge and powder on your face.

Simply say that you are not at home, and save a lot of trouble.

It's just that in this way, don't even think about going out, it's easy to reveal your secrets.

Youshi has to come to visit at least once a day, and Mama Sun has become her mother in charge here. Youshi also specially called two cooks over to let the small kitchen fire alone, and cook whenever you want.

Chunyu would stay with her at home when he was on duty, talking nonsense to make her happy, and trying every means to coax her to eat. This kind of treatment seemed to be the same as when Liuli was pregnant.

The days were really too leisurely, so Ye Jiayao asked the sewing room for some soft cotton cloth, and asked Mama Sun to teach her how to make small clothes. Doing something can distract her attention and prevent her from feeling sick all day long.

The material is all cut and she just needs to sew it together with a needle and thread.

Making children's clothes seems simple, but it is more delicate than adult clothes. The softest silk thread is used, and the stitches must be fine. No thread can be exposed, and it is hidden in the seam, so as not to touch the child's tender skin.

Compared with Ye Jiayao's female celebrity and her culinary skills, it is like a heaven and a world.

Seeing that she was working hard and the stitches were uneven, Xia Chunyu wondered, "Yaoyao, how long did it take you to finish that wedding dress?"

He didn't know that Yaoyao was not good at female celebrities, he just thought that she was devoted to cooking and didn't like to do these needlework, so last year she gave him a sachet, which made him happy for a long time.

Qiao Xi and Xiangtao knew about it, but they didn't say it out loud, which caused Xia Chunyu's confusion at this time. ,

Ye Jiayao sewed carefully, stitch by stitch, and casually said, "One month? Two months? Or three months? Forget."

Xia Chunyu was stunned, can this also be forgotten? A woman only embroiders her wedding dress once in her life, so she should keep it in her heart.

"I see that your wedding dress is well embroidered."

It means how do you embroider so badly now? Look at the crooked stitches, like insects crawling, can our children wear it?

Of course, he wouldn't say such concerns, at worst, no one would see it if he wore it inside.

Ye Jiayao nodded with a smile, of course it was good, but it was not her who embroidered, but the original owner.

Xia cChun found reasons for himself, maybe because he hadn't done it for a long time and his skills were rusty.

"Chunyu, look, how are my little trousers doing?" Ye Jiayao finished the last stitch and showed it to Chunyu.

Chunyu took it over and over again, and asked doubtfully, "When was the child wearing this?"

Ye Jiayao said: "Three or four months. At that time, the weather will get warmer. This tender yellow color is the most suitable for children's skin. It must look good."

Xia Chunyu coughed dryly twice, and said hesitantly: "A child of three or four months should still wear crotch pants!"

"Of course, do you still expect him to take off his pants and pee by himself!" Ye Jiayao said in her heart, is there even a need to ask such a common-sense question?

Xia cChun opened the two trouser legs and looked at Ye Jiayao speechlessly.

Uh... Ye Jiayao was dumbfounded. Mother Sun told her to just sew all the sides up, but in the end, she accidentally sewed up the crotch as well.

Immediately blushed, Nima, embarrassingly embarrassing.

He hurriedly snatched back his trousers and complained, "It's you who are talking about me here and there, distracting me."

Xia Chunyu expressed his innocence. When he came in, she was sewing her crotch, okay?

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