Age of Adepts

Chapter 0844 battle ended

Once a Tier 3 wizard is ruthless, the terrifying power is also frightening.

The four terrifying Balrogs summoned behind Greem also suffered from Yurga's poisonous hands, and became a pitiful sacrifice in the name of the dead crow Hehewei.

However, the terrifying Balrog is also worthy of his name, and the desperate counterattack before his death also hurt this third-level wizard very much. And these piled up injuries soon affected Yurga's strength, making it impossible for him to take down the terrifying Balrogs so "easily".

Secretly, Greem was also forced to swallow a bottle of moon water in order to restore the loss of witchcraft and spirit.

Almost entirely relying on the special effect of the flame suit's 'fire witchcraft consumes half the mental power', he was able to rely on the mental power of a second-level wizard and Yurga's suffering until now. Almost every quarter of an hour, Greem needs to summon the terrifying Balrog, and then open a flame portal, using groups of flame creatures to contain and consume the opponent's strength.

It was precisely because of these "unpopular" little tricks, as well as the frightening loss of magic crystals, that Greem had the opportunity to confront a third-level wizard head-on. Although he didn't show up on the battlefield from the beginning to the end, the terrifying Balrog and flame creatures he summoned spread across the battlefield, turning the entire arena into a terrifying sea of ​​flames.

That Yurga has an amazing performance in terms of single-target lethality, and he is not considered weak among the third-level wizard group. But in the face of Greem's 'Sea of ​​Soldiers Tactic', who was invisible in the sea of ​​flames, he seemed somewhat powerless.

If Greem dared to show his face, I'm afraid ten fire witches tied together would make Yurga a spoonful of stew!

But now there was no trace of Greem, and those terrifying Balrogs were extremely sticky.

If Yurga moves a little slower, those terrifying Balrogs will explode themselves without hesitation. This was what troubled Yurga the most.

Such a powerful Tier 2 mid-level elemental puppet is definitely worth a lot in the wizard market, and the young Crimson patriarch gave it up without hesitation. And what he gave up was not one, but... but a group!

Encountering such a wonderful opponent, Yurga felt overwhelmed with pain!

At the beginning of the battle, Yurga might still have saved a few more Balrogs, which made the Crimson patriarch feel distressed to death. But when the number of element puppets summoned by the other party exceeded his expected psychological bottom line, Yurga's mentality became a little out of balance.

He wasn't so sure anymore either.

He really couldn't figure out how many element puppets the opponent had in reserve!

In case... In case the opponent has an astonishingly large number of elemental puppets, wouldn't this duel be like digging a hole and burying yourself... did you trap yourself?

The more he thought about it, the more he lost his mind. Yurga's mentality also changed from the initial rage to the current anxiety, and his fighting style also unintentionally became cautious and conservative.

Although the family is important and the interests are important, in the final analysis, they are not as important as your own life!

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If the number of elemental puppets on the other side reaches 20... no, 18, your life will be in jeopardy...

I know my own business, after this hour of high-intensity fighting, Yurga has activated the death stare 8 times in a row and the death ray in a wide range 5 times. This kind of strength has far exceeded the limit that his body can bear. If it hadn't been supported by the potion poured in, Yurga would have been exhausted at this moment and was counterattacked by the opponent.

However, those potions may be able to restore his physical damage, restore his witch power loss, and slowly restore his spirit, but they cannot eliminate the exhaustion and frustration accumulated over a long period of high-intensity fighting.

The death stare he inspired is still extremely powerful, and he is still invincible in front of those terrifying Balrogs, but, in private, deep in his heart, an unconcealable fear is slowly growing...

In case of failure...

This question that he had never thought about before the war surfaced in his heart for the first time, and it tightly gripped his heart, making him dare not think about it, but it is still hard to forget.

In this strange burning field, most elemental witchcrafts of the pedigree are difficult to cast smoothly. Only innate abilities such as death stare and some attacks that rely on physical abilities can be exempted. In this case, Yurga's loss in all aspects is also very huge.

Killing one thousand enemies will cost you three hundred!

Every time Yurga killed the terrifying Balrog forcefully, it was not easy and harmless. And with these 'three hundred' stacked together, even he, a Tier 3 bloodline wizard, would become unbearable.

Of course, without the Burning Domain, Yurga, relying on his powerful strength to come and go freely and be invincible, had already successfully dealt with the 2nd-level fire witch, how could he drag the battle into such an embarrassing situation.

To say that Yurga has no regrets in his heart at this moment is really deceiving himself.

Now Yurga, even the intestines are regretful!

Isn't it just to attack a newly formed wizard family? How did it evolve step by step to the current situation? If Yurga was given another chance to choose, he would definitely reject the suggestion of sending troops from the elder envoy of the association.

Those bastards, isn't this putting yourself on the fire?

However, no matter how regretful he was, no matter how depressed his emotions were, he would still have to grit his teeth and endure the duel in front of him.

When the battle situation developed to the current situation, it was no longer a matter of whether he was willing to let that young fire witch go, but whether the other party was willing to win an eternal miracle of "Tier 2 Killing Tier 3"!

Thinking that he might become the most despicable third-level wizard in the wizarding world, Yurga's heart became violent and restless, wanting to kill people crazily. But when he thought that he might pay the price with his life for this, Yurga shrank again in an instant.

As a result, his emotions and spirit fluctuated between the two extremes. At one moment he acted aggressively and viciously, at another moment he acted cowardly and avoided the battle... And this undoubtedly made the situation of the battle even more confusing!

Yurga's mentality is completely messed up!

Not to mention Greem on the battlefield, even the wizards and apprentices watching from the stands were aware of this.

When the 15th terrifying Balrog fell down in the arena, Yurga, who was injured and unable to avoid it, was finally dragged into the sea of ​​flames by the self-explosion of the 16th Balrog.

But this time, after Yurga struggled to escape from the monstrous sea of ​​flames, she was taken aback as soon as she put her hand in her waist pocket.

The high-level witch medicine for healing has been used up!

There is no way, even if he is as intelligent as the sky, he could not have predicted in advance that he would receive such frequent and heavy physical blows. Therefore, in his material reserves, the amount of wound medicine to treat physical injuries is far less than the witch medicine to restore mental power.

And this wound medicine reserve was completely exhausted in only three rounds.

Therefore, when Yurga dragged his scarred body and couldn't find a suitable witchcraft, the battle was raging in the distance, and two terrifying Balrogs came to kill him aggressively.

This time, Yurga was really scared!

Although relying on his remaining mental strength and soul origin, he could still arouse his death gaze once or twice to kill these two terrifying Balrogs. However, this last reserve is reserved for dealing with that level 2 fire witch. If he used them up, how could he instantly kill that duel opponent?

As a last resort, Yurga could only drag his disabled body to play guerrilla warfare with these two terrifying Balrogs, hoping to prolong his body to recover better.

Greem who was hiding in the dark seemed to have noticed this, and silently summoned a flame portal again, sending a large number of flame creatures to the battlefield.

Seeing this group of 'cannon fodder' bouncing into the battlefield, Yurga's lungs were about to explode.

Of course, this group of cannon fodder is nothing, even the aftermath of his battle with the terrifying Balrog can kill most of them. But with the remaining rubbish, as long as Yurga's movements can be delayed for a while, it will give the terrifying Balrogs who are chasing after him a chance to explode.

And Yurga was already scared by them!

Lost the black smoke of the body protection, lost the assistance of the wound medicine, not to mention the self-destruction of the Balrog, even the burning field that used to be the background and didn't care, now Yurga slowly felt the horror of the magic flame.

The intensity is not as good as Baidu's burning field, but it is unavoidable and unavoidable continuous damage.

When Yurga is strong, he can naturally ignore this kind of 'weakness' damage. But once the battle came to an end, this "insignificant" damage in the past became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel's camel, making Yurga very hurt, very hurt...

Yurga finally fell under the flame ripples of the 19th terrifying Balrog, and passed out completely.

Fearing that the other party was cheating, Greem still didn't show up. It wasn't until he drove the terrifying Balrog to cut off the opponent's head and incinerate the opponent's body that Greem emerged from the edge of the battlefield.

Looking at the protective shield that slowly started to recede by the side of the arena, Greem took Yurga's terrifying head into his hands without hesitation, and then quickly dug out the strange red pupil inlaid on his forehead .

When it was just dug out, this strange red pupil was still abnormally soft.

But as Yurga's soul breath dissipated, the strange red pupil quickly condensed and solidified, turning into an amber round bead in an instant. Hold it in front of your eyes and see a strange gray cross star in the center of the bead, and a faint magical wave is clearly discernible.

It's a pity that Yurga's huge soul cannot be absorbed into this strange red pupil under the eyes of everyone, otherwise, the remaining bloodline ability will be even stronger!

Greem thought lightly, and slowly raised his head to look at the ashen-faced arbitrator wizard who was striding towards him—Lauren.

Such an ending obviously completely exceeded the other party's expectations, and also caught the other party by surprise.

To be honest, at this moment, even Laurian didn't know how to face Greem.

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