Age of Adepts

Chapter 0920 canyon blocking

The dragon lord is gone...

However, there are still many eyes, ears and eyeliners left in its territory, ambushing places where the wizard team passes by and launching frequent raids.

These guys are either dragon warriors in groups of three or four, or some unknown indigenous tribe. Unfortunately, no matter what the situation is, they can't shake the huge metal convoy like a long snake.

They came, attacked...and stayed forever.

How did they know that in the eyes of the wizards, the raid they thought was concealed was so clumsy and crude. One by one, the eyeball fighters flying more than 100 meters above the ground had a small hole the size of an egg opened under the belly, and detection ripples of different colors were radiating downward.

Regardless of whether the dragon people or the indigenous tribes are ambushing in mud traps, earth pits or bushes, their own huge life energy cannot escape the scanning and perception of life ripples. The raids they thought were concealed were actually detected and scanned by the eyeball fighter planes long ago, and then passed feedback to the wizards in the metal convoy.

As a result, several goblin chariots in the rushing metal convoy suddenly swerved and rushed towards these 'traps' dragging billows of smoke and dust.

Before they got close to the trap, the magic cannon erected above the goblin chariot began to roar continuously, blowing dust around the trap and flying branches and leaves. Before the dragonmen or aborigines who were forced out of the trap rushed to the goblin chariot, they were blown to pieces by the intensive energy rays and the ferocious magic cannon, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

If there are Tier 2 creatures among the ambushing enemies, the goblin chariots won't engage them head-on at all, and will start a guerrilla attack as soon as the car turns around. How many times can a powerful second-order dragonman withstand the bombardment of mana cannons? If the enemy does not fall, there are wizards stationed in the accompanying chariot, powerful and strange witchcraft rains down, even the most powerful enemy will fall down in grief and anger.

From the beginning to the end, these dragon people and indigenous tribes couldn't even think about catching up with the goblin chariot for a moment. And the long-range skills they have, either powerful spear throwing or half-medium-range metal spears, have no other effect except adding a few pits and decorations to the metal body of the goblin chariot.

One side is a fully armed killing machine from a high-level plane, and the other side is a narrow-minded and autistic primitive aborigine... Although the individual strength of the dragon people is enough to easily crush the goblin drivers and accompanying wizards in the goblin caravan, but the appearance on the battlefield But it was one-sided strife and killing.

The one who fell down was the dragon man with strong basic qualities but primitive skills and tactics, while the one who stood proudly on the battlefield was the wretched goblin who was weak in individual strength but armed himself to the teeth with magic tools and witchcraft.

This is not a special case of a local battlefield, but a strong crushing of a foreign civilization on another backward civilization!

In the powerful collision of civilization and civilization, the gap in strength between the two sides is also obvious at a glance, and it cannot be made up and evened by individual bravery and blood. At least the rangers in front of them are not strong enough to ignore the gap in technology and equipment!

The little dragon's territory was pierced through, and the huge metal convoy didn't even need to stop to rest and replenish supplies. It forcefully crushed the sporadic local 'attacks', and then walked away along the pre-planned route.

Those blind natives or monsters in the local area were still a little dissatisfied with the metal convoy passing through their own territory, and were ready to chase after it. But when they witnessed the terrifying metal dragon standing like a hill behind the huge convoy, the violence and arrogance in their hearts disappeared instantly.

Foreign wizards created a terrifying metal giant dragon, and took it to challenge the dragon lord crazily... Such rumors spread in all directions at a speed of plague, and every living being who heard the news was shocked. There is a vague expectation.

To be honest, in the plane of Lance, except for the dragon army and the followers of the Dragon Cult, all other indigenous tribes who have wisdom are full of anger and hatred towards the dragon lords deep in their hearts.

When the dragon lords control the ultimate power of the plane, they can only choose to endure and surrender. But once the dragon lord is overturned in the mud by another powerful enemy, the enslaved hatred for thousands of years will be quickly detonated!

Whether the wizards are the Holy Spirit who came to rescue them, they don't know. However, when the ruling order maintained by the powerful force and high-pressure situation of the dragon lords in the past collapsed, a sudden wave of counterattacks broke out in various places and quickly engulfed the scattered dragon people or Dragon Worshipers.

In just three days, the metal convoy crossed the little dragon's territory and entered the domain of another Tier 2 giant dragon.

And that Tier 2 giant dragon was not much stronger than the Tier 1 dragon, and the organized border guards instantly collapsed under the ferocious artillery fire of the metal convoy. So, the Tier 2 dragon hurriedly packed up his package, and ran away with his hard-earned wealth.


This is a narrow and long valley road between two majestic peaks.

The Dragon Worshipers from all over the Wilhard Dragon Territory are working hard, and they have piled up solid stone barriers and wooden high platforms at the entrance of the southern section of the canyon.

A burly dragon warrior was scattered throughout the canyon, leaning against the rock wall to rest, while grinding his teeth and grinding his weapon. Around them, those small ratmen or lizardmen hunched over and brought baskets full of food to them.

He casually grabbed a piece of black cheese from the basket woven with thorns and threw it into his mouth. The dragon warrior Hannah only took a bite and then coughed violently and sprayed out everything.

"Damn... bastard... this... what is this?" Hannah growled angrily as he pulled a piece of bloodshot cheese from his throat.

Out of anger, Hannah smashed the Ratman servant in front of him into a bloody paste with a hammer blow from his scaled hand.

"Don't pick and choose, eat all these foods for me!" A dragonman leader dragging a huge body to patrol the canyon roared in a louder voice: "Do you think this is still a dragonman camp? Can there be any food?" The sweet and delicious Salo pork chops are waiting for you? Don’t think about it, eat these foods for me, we will have to fight those foreign invaders soon..."

Everywhere in the canyon, dragon warriors held up the black jerky in their hands one after another. After working hard for a long time, they couldn't identify what kind of rat or part of a beast, so they could only close their eyes and stuff them into their mouths fiercely. .

The stench and bitter taste reverberated in the mouth and nostrils, making every dragon warrior frowned and cursed secretly.

It would be too difficult to eat this kind of unknown jerky that is comparable to dead bark. A dragon warrior suddenly grabbed a rat man servant by his side, twisted off its head, raised his neck and wiped the dripping flesh. Blood poured into his mouth.

Sure enough, under the nourishment of the smelly and fresh blood, the dried meat and cheese were no longer as hard to swallow as before.

The other dragon warriors followed suit, grabbing the servants who served beside them, wringing off or cracking their skulls, and gulping down their blood and brains.

For a while, the canyon was filled with the arrogant and heavy roars of the dragon people, mixed with the shrill and weak dying cries of the ratmen and lizardmen...

At the mouth of the gorge in the distance, aboriginal coolies captured from nearby villages are working hard one by one, trying to strengthen the fortification made of boulders. The sharpened thick wooden stakes were nailed into the soil, with the pointed ends facing outwards, and they were smeared with terrible poisonous juice that could seal the throat with blood.

Trolls, ogres, pigmen, bearmen... A burly native slave was either carried on his shoulders or carried by his hands, and he was very busy. And those Dragon Worshipers in black robes were waving their leather whips, yelling and making gestures, desperately urging them to quicken their pace.

Standing at the mouth of the gorge and looking far away, the dust head rises below the horizon beyond sight, and it seems that there is a huge monster crazily advancing here.

Moss picked the hood in front of him with the tip of the whip, raised his head and squinted his eyes to silently look at the sky.

In the gloomy sky, black spots the size of sesame seeds are flying and coiling. Judging from their flight altitude and flight trajectory, they cannot be mountain eagles. Because most of the time, they circled and whirled too urgently. Moss had never seen flying creatures with such erratic and unpredictable flight trajectories at his age.

what are these? Flying monsters driven by wizards? Or is it an alchemical creation created by wizards using weird witchcraft?

A series of questions floated in his mind, but he couldn't find any answers at all.

As an important figure in Dragon Worship, Moss certainly has some methods of his own.

Following the sound of a series of short and rapid incantations, Moss blessed himself with an 'Eagle Eye', and only then did he truly see the true colors of those black spots.

"Go, inform Lord Jamu that the enemy's sentry has arrived!" Moss grabbed a Dragon Worshiper and ordered him in the most stern tone.

The Dragon Worshiper immediately stumbled towards the depths of the canyon.

A moment later, with a slight tremor in the ground, a large number of dragon warriors lined up neatly and rushed out from the depths of the canyon holding their long-handled battle axes. The leader was Zhamu, the second-level leader of the dragon army.

"The enemy... Where is the enemy?" Zhamu held two huge sabers in his hands, and roared loudly in front of Moss in black robe with trembling steps.

Moss pointed to the sky with his long whip.

Zhamu set up a pergola with his hands, and the strange vertical pupils of the snake-lizard creature suddenly contracted. With his super vision, he instantly captured the strange black spots that were coiled in the dark sky.

Under the dim light of the sky, the surfaces of all the black spots are smooth and clean, reflecting the unique blue luster of magic metals, and they are not the proper form of monsters in the plane of Lance.

"Help me in the battle castle...that's the enemy's flying eye post!"

Under the command of the leader of Zhamu, a large group of dragon warriors either entered the battle castle, or leaned against the rock wall, and instantly covered their figures.

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