Age of Adepts

Chapter 1118 Terrible Enemy

The battle was extremely tragic and extremely bloody!

The great demon of the abyss was like a crazy wild boar. He ignored the dense and ferocious arcane attacks of the arcane tower, and knocked down one after another exquisite and gorgeous art halls in the arcane torrent like fireworks.

Under the influence of the terrifying halo of fear, the arcane apprentices who were hiding among them ran away in panic one by one, and were chopped to the ground one by one by the great demon with the huge beheading sword in his hand. At the moment when the massacre was most exciting, this great demon would casually grab an arcane apprentice and throw it into his mouth. With a guillotine-like razor-sharp clenching, the shrill scream stopped abruptly, leaving only the gurgling sound. There was an explosion of bone and flesh.

The 4th-ring arcanists hiding in the arcane tower saw this scene, their jaws splitting, and they drove the arcane tower down from the sky one after another, engulfing the place where the great demon was with one after another fierce arcane torrents. However, before they finished their attack and returned to the sky, the big demon suddenly appeared behind the arcane tower with a loud bang, and swung a huge beheading sword viciously at the arcane barrier outside the tower. above.

And the Arcane Tower that was attacked was violently shaken, and it would be chopped down from the sky by its unparalleled brute force and fell to the ground.

Although the body of the fallen Arcane Tower was not damaged in any way, and it could still attack fiercely, it lost its original flexibility and mobility, and could only stick to its original position, struggling to support the rippling Arcane Tower. technical barriers.

This also made Greem, who was hiding in the dark, frown.

Originally, he was still admiring and envious of the arcane tower built by the arcanists, but now it seems that it also has its own flaws and shortcomings.

First of all, the biggest shortcoming is that the portion is not enough.

The wizards have the Wu Tower, and the Arcanists have the Arcane Tower. In comparison, the Arcane Tower can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, and can change positions at will, which is far better than the Wu Tower.

But it is precisely in order to be able to fly into the sky that the Arcane Tower has carried out multiple weight reductions on itself during the foundation construction.

Most of the Wuta towers are made of stone with special magical properties, taking into account both physical defense and magic defense. Especially the steel rock most commonly used by the Wuta magnifies the physical defense effect to the extreme. But correspondingly, the self-respect has also reached an astonishing level.

The arcane towers are all made of lightweight materials, and all of them use a special arcane alloy.

On the basis of taking into account both physical defense and magic defense, the biggest advantage of this material is that it is light enough.

This also caused the Arcane Tower of the same model to be hundreds of times lighter than the Wu Tower.

It was the influence of this reason that the arcane tower was defeated in the confrontation with a large creature like the great demon just now. Only then will there be a strange scene of a big demon more than 5 meters high chasing a 100-meter-high arcane tower all over the world.

The big demon wasn't stupid either.

It can use the 'Precise Teleportation Technique' unique to demonic creatures to avoid the ferocious attacks of the Arcane Tower, and then unexpectedly appear next to them, using its own more ferocious and wild attacks to suppress the opponent into a difficult situation.

But such a style of play can only be done by a thick-skinned guy like the big devil.

Powerful and distorted protective force field + perverted anti-magic skin + super demon physique... Without these things, if you replace it with other creatures, you may have been blasted into a bloody sauce by the fierce attacks of the two arcane towers .

It is precisely because of this strong capital that although the body of the big demon has been beaten to pieces by the arcane attack, its attack is still fierce, and its combat power has not diminished at all. Instead, the two arcane towers He frequently falls to the ground and needs the help of his companions to return to the sky.

The battle between the two sides has lasted for a long time, and the battlefield stretches for several kilometers.

Along the way, all arcane buildings collapsed, and all middle and low-level arcanists and arcane apprentices were slaughtered. However, that great demon was only wounded but not killed, he still seemed alive and well, and continued to entangle with the two arcane towers crazily.

Greem was hidden by the side, and took the opportunity to collect some basic information about the great demon.

"Great Demon, Tier 4 Intermediate, Demon Creature, Basic Physical Data: Strength 43, Constitution 45, Dexterity 27, Spirit 31, Combat Skills: Precise Teleportation, Aura of Fear, Evil Attack, Brutal Body..."

Among them, the precise teleportation technique allows the great demon to teleport to any visible area that is not shielded by an enchantment or a witch array, and the teleportation effect is far better than the flame jumping of low-level demons.

The aura of fear is an area spell similar to a magical enchantment, which can cause all creatures within the range of aura to transmit a kind of tremor from the depths of their souls, not daring to look directly or fight the big devil.

Evil attack is a racial ability that all demonic creatures have. It can attach the corrosion and pollution effects of hellfire to all their attacks. If an individual attacked by them does not manage to dispel this evil effect, the wound will never heal on its own.

As for the brutal body, it is even more terrifying.

It endows the big demon with a strange power that the heavier the injury, the stronger the attack power.

Therefore, when fighting the big demon, you can't relax your vigilance until the moment you chop off its head. Otherwise, it is extremely easy to be overturned by a big devil who is driven to a desperate situation!

Greem couldn't help admiring the great demon's fighting skills while appreciating it.

Although he had imitated the Balrog's transformation for a while, in the final analysis, the Abyssal Balrog is only a middle-level demon creature, while the great demon in front of him is a genuine upper-class figure.

If it can be overturned and pulled back as a trophy, it will undoubtedly be a huge gain!

However, the battlefield feedback projected by the chip made Greem dispel this unwise idea.

The great abyssal demon's body has been beaten to pieces, but its life energy has always been maintained at more than 87%. And its embarrassment and dilapidation, to a greater extent, are like a camouflage or bait, luring those secretly peepers to attack it.

Faced with such a guy who could blow up the sky with his physical strength and bravery, Greem could only shake his head, and sneaked away from the side of the battlefield.

However, he was able to spy on the reality of the great demon, and other intruders were not necessarily.

Therefore, before Greem went far, the combination of the werewolf and fox girl rushed towards the big demon without hesitation.

Greem immediately hesitated, wondering if he should stay and see if there is any chance, or go elsewhere?

However, at this moment, somewhere in the distance, a chilly breath of death erupted suddenly, which was mixed with Manggus's exasperated roar and Qiu Lisha's scream.

Um? A lich and a two-headed wizard face off?

Greem hesitated for a moment, but chose to sneak into the new battlefield to see what was going on there.

At this time, the battlefield of the floating city was already a chaotic quagmire of war, engulfing all the invaders and arcanists.

The Arcanists wanted to repel the invaders' attacks by virtue of their favorable location, while the invaders fished in troubled waters one by one, trying to usurp a bigger and richer return by taking advantage of the chaos.

Therefore, any small battle may attract the attention of more predators, and it will also make the battle snowball bigger and bigger, and it will become more and more difficult to control.

Among all the predators that came smelling of blood, the siblings, Manges and Qiu Lisha, were undoubtedly the weakest among them, and they were also the easiest targets for prey.

Therefore, after the lich sensed the aura of their brother and sister, it launched a fierce attack on them without hesitation.

A lich is also an extremely terrifying magical creature!

They are not natural creations, but some powerful spellcasters use special magic rituals to reincarnate themselves into strange liches when their lives are coming to an end, in order to continue to survive.

A lich is essentially an undead creature with a near-immortal body and an immortal soul.

But this is just common people spreading rumors without knowing why!

Even liches cannot achieve true immortality, they still have a life limit. It's just that ordinary liches can survive thousands of years, while liches above demigods (level 5) can survive tens of thousands of years. Such a time span can indeed be regarded as immortality for mortals who only have a few hundred years in a hurry.

But for all high-energy creatures and extraordinary species, the lifespan of a lich is only slightly longer. At the end of their lives, their souls will still decay step by step with the passage of time, thus turning into a handful of ashes of souls that can no longer be saved.

It is precisely because liches are a strange existence between life and death that most of their attack abilities tend to be death-like spells.

Finger of death!

Death sentence!

Cardiac arrest!

Death circle!

Law: Death!



Soul confinement technique!



It is precisely because there are too many instant-death spells to choose from, so when fighting a lich, the toughness of one's own soul is not enough or there is no powerful tool to prevent instant-death spells, any living individual can only become a shivering little white rabbit .

And the current two-headed wizard is as miserable as he wants!

Faced with a powerful lich who came to their door, Manges and Qiu Lisha naturally had no chance to hide their clumsiness, so they could only transform into the strongest form at the first moment. Manges' elemental witchcraft and Qiu Lisha's psychic powers complement each other, amplifying each other's abilities, and they can also double cast spells. Therefore, ordinary 4th-level wizards may really be in a hurry when they encounter them.

It's a pity that what they encountered at this moment was an incomparably powerful veteran lich.

The sorcery they shot out all smashed into the jade-white skeletal body of the powerful lich, and was directly exempted or resisted by the other party relying on the body of the lich. But the opponent's instant-death spell, which was comparable to a violent storm, hit them with blood spurting from their mouths, and their vitality plummeted.

If it wasn't for the great increase in magic resistance after the soul fusion of the two of them, they might have lost their souls in the first round of blows from the powerful Lich!

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