Age of Adepts

Chapter 1167 Plague Trap

Spot the enemy!

Upon receiving this information, the team of trolls who were still trekking 70 miles behind immediately quickened their pace.

Grass-green figures whizzed back and forth through the dense jungle, running with all their might, disturbing the entire jungle in panic. Those jungle creatures, no matter they were carnivores or herbivores, hid in their nests with their tails clamped together, humming lowly and began to tremble, none of them dared to come out to investigate the situation.

With a clear goal, the troll legion's movement speed is also extremely astonishing!

In less than half an hour, the leading troll leaders came to a clearing in the forest, and saw the troll hunter covered in yellow-green smoke.

The other party was already on the verge of death, lying on a yellow grass, his body bent into a ball, and he couldn't stop coughing violently. And whether the purple-black plasma it coughed up fell on the verdant grass or the lush bushes, it would raise a thick cloud of smoke.

And the surrounding plants began to wither and wither at a speed visible to the naked eye after coming into contact with the cloud of smoke.

Seeing this, several troll leaders couldn't help backing back again and again.

A troll with a particularly tall and strong physique came out of the crowd and shouted: "Go and invite Master Sanger!"

Several troll warriors next to him were ordered to turn around and enter the jungle.

It didn't take long before the sound of breaking bushes and branches kept coming, and a thin and weak Master Sanger who looked like an old human man appeared in front of everyone.

Compared with other trolls, Master Sanger looked too lonely and thin, his body was already severely bent, and he was leaning on a black wooden staff that was taller than himself. There are some strange decorations hanging all over the head of the staff. There are animal teeth and polished stones inside, but most of them are miniature biological skulls soaked in herbs.

Master Sanger is a second-level witch doctor, and his long-term exposure to various poisonous substances has also severely reduced his physique. It was wrapped in an old and crude animal skin robe, and the exposed chest and face were covered with strange patterns painted with indigo paint.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, Master Sanger's eyes were attracted by the lingering poisonous cloud.

"Stand back, all of you, be careful not to touch these smokes. They are all impregnated with terrible poison..."

"Master Sanger, do you think these toxins can be removed?" The leader of the troll team is an extremely strong Tier 3 hunter. It stands to reason that its level is higher than that of the old witch doctor, so it should be able to give it orders directly.

Unfortunately, in the kingdom of trolls, due to the scarcity of spellcasters, witch doctors who mastered a few elemental spells and the ability to cast poison became popular, and they were treated with courtesy by high-level officials wherever they went.

Therefore, a level 3 troll hunter should treat a level 2 witch doctor with courtesy!

"Let me try it!" Witch Doctor Sanger frowned: "The toxins used by the enemy are alien species that we have never seen before. They are not extracted from plant juices or animal poison glands, but... but A terrifyingly tiny living creature..."

"Living creatures? Master, do you mean that these poisonous clouds are all alive?" The leaders of the trolls were shocked when they heard the words, and their faces were full of disbelief.

"Yes! These things that look like smoke are actually composed of groups of tiny poisonous insects, so they are extraordinarily difficult to deal with." Speaking of this, Sanger took out a pine branch that looked like musk and lit it , The thin smoke that drifted out immediately drove those yellow-green poisonous clouds to the distance.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the witch doctor Sanger bent over to the troll hunter who was infected with the 'bad disease', and casually took out some pungent straw cakes and black poison from the clay pot on his waist. The scorpion put it in his mouth and started chewing.

The carapace shattered, and black blood overflowed.

The witch doctor Sanger spit out the sticky paste formed after chewing the poisonous scorpion and the grass cake, dipped his hands and began to draw a strange pattern on the troll hunter's forehead. Looking at this rune form from a distance, it is a circle on the outside, an inverted triangle inside, and a strange eye-shaped pattern in the center of the triangle.

Strange to say, as soon as this weird rune was drawn, a dazzling fluorescent light lit up on it, lighting up every line and every pattern. This kind of fluorescence seems to have a strange high temperature, burning the troll hunter's skin, and the position where the lines and runes were located began to slowly sag downwards, as if it was meant to be etched into its skull.

The dying troll hunter Gang De jumped up from the ground with a hiss and scream, raised his head and opened his mouth wide, and horrible poisonous clouds spewed out from inside. After more than a dozen fingers, the cloud of smoke became thinner and gradually faded.

After another seven or eight fingers, Gangde, who had sprayed out all the toxins, fell down trembling and limp.

Although its aura is still weak, its vitality is slowly recovering.

"I've been saved..."

"Very good!"

The faces of several troll leaders showed joy at the same time, and they all nodded their thanks to the witch doctor Sanger.

"Take it down to recuperate! Those toxins can't recover from the damage to its body in a short time, and it needs a period of rest before it can continue to fight!" Witch doctor Sanger ordered in a low voice, and several troll warriors stepped forward and raised their hands. Gangde, sent it to the rear.

Unlike the smiling faces of several troll leaders, the witch doctor Sanger didn't have the slightest smile on his face.

This is a terrible toxin that it has never seen before, and it can vaguely sense the existence of a trace of magic. If the invaders can easily cast it on a large scale, with its detoxification method, it may not be able to protect the entire troll army at all.

However, just when the witch doctor Sanger was worried, the shouts of troll hunters suddenly came from the distant jungle.

They are chasing the enemy team!

The troll warriors quickly shuttled and chased through the jungle, making all kinds of disturbing and weird screams, while using precise spear throwing for long-distance sniping.

In front of them, a dozen vampires in the form of blood-colored bats were running through the forest, desperately dodging the terrifying spears that looked like death spears. It's a pity that no matter how crazy they are, the number of troll warriors chasing them is also increasing.

Puff puff……

Like black lightning, the spears smashed trees, shrubs, and vines into pieces, and the green juice flew all over the sky. A few blood-red bats that couldn't escape were stabbed on the tree trunk, still twisting and struggling crazily.

So more spears and spears flew by, threading them into pitiful kebabs.

After a puff of blood-colored smoke passed, the dead blood-red bats turned back into human form, revealing their true colors.

Green skin, ferocious face, terrifying fangs, and strange patterns all over the body...

The troll warriors couldn't help shouting and cursing, they could tell that these dead bats were once their companions. It's just that I don't know what methods and means those hateful enemies used to transform them into their current ugly appearance.

"Pursue... spread out the pursuit... these intruders cannot escape..."

The deep and hoarse roar of the troll leader resounded in the jungle, and dozens of companions responded with howls.

The powerful and elite troll warriors closely pursued the few remaining blood-red bats, and quickly rushed into a small basin.

Here, the strange screams of troll warriors were heard from all over the jungle.

Judging from the sound, they have successfully contained the enemy in this basin.

However, they didn't know that on the top of a cliff protruding above the forest sea, Mary, Soros, the poisonous spirit Remy, and many vampires were all entrenched here, watching the battlefield from afar.

"The enemy is already in ambush! Remy, it's up to you..." Mary nodded at the poisonous spirit Remy, who immediately laughed cruelly.

Remy slapped his mount, and the giant poison dart frog climbed a few steps forward. It stood on the opponent's back, with its hands open, and howled silently towards the distant jungle.

A strange sound wave traveled ten miles away and began to echo on the battlefield in the basin.

In the jungle, teams of troll warriors opened up a distance, held their spears high, and carefully searched in the basin. As long as there is any disturbance in the surrounding area, their spears and spears will rain down on them.

With their strength and precision, no prey can escape their hunting and hunting!

At the edge of a bush, a small group of troll warriors had just searched over here, when the ground they walked on cracked a small hole soundlessly, and a faint yellow smoke wafted from it.

The yellow smoke is not dense, and it is almost imperceptible when it is mixed in the mist between the jungles.

And there are hundreds of such plague outlets in the entire basin jungle, each of which is placed in the bushes or at the bottom of tree roots.

There is no wind in the basin.

Pale yellow poisonous clouds lingered in the forest, which was not conspicuous at first. But when they gradually began to thicken, some trolls still found something wrong.

A troll warrior thrust out a spear suddenly, piercing the bark of the tall ancient tree in front of him, and picked out a fat body from a small tree hole, which looked like a large maggot, and was breathing yellow poisonous mist freely. Zerg.

When the troll warrior picked up the Zerg to observe it carefully, it accidentally got a trace of the yellow poisonous mist, and it immediately felt dizzy, and its limbs felt a little numb.

"Trap... This is a trap! Back, back!"

In the next second, the terrified roar of the troll warrior resounded throughout the jungle.

Unfortunately, they noticed it too late!

At some point, the entire basin was completely enveloped by a terrifying poisonous cloud.

The sounds of the trolls coughing violently could be heard from all over the jungle.

"Get out...all back out of the basin!" The troll leader leading the team roared loudly.

Under its command, the troll warriors who rushed into the basin rushed out again.

It's a pity that every troll warrior who escaped from the basin was surrounded by a lingering and terrifying poisonous cloud. As soon as several troll warriors who were poisoned too deeply rushed out, they tightly strangled their necks with both hands, fell to the ground and howled in pain.

The vitality of the trolls is indeed tough enough, and their bodies are strong enough. It's a pity that they still couldn't face a terrifying plague set by a Tier 3 poisonous spirit.

All of a sudden, the forest was full of miserable figures screaming in pain and rolling all over the ground...

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