Age of Adepts

Chapter 1171 Power Crystallization

The troll leader is dead!

It actually died under the attack of its own blood.

Due to the excessive consumption of lightning power, it lost the thunder protection of Feathered Serpent God. And the blood force injected into Mary's body by Mary's last attack is the key to triggering the blood backlash.

Although the troll clan lost their heart, they could still survive, but when the thrusting blood invaded the brain, two core organs were destroyed one after another, and even with the strength of the troll leader, they would die instantly.

As for the mysterious will that 'descended' on the body of the troll leader, it didn't even have a chance to exert its own power, and it collapsed silently because of the sudden death of the carrier.

In fact, this is because Mary thinks too highly of the Feathered Serpent God.

According to the level of power just now, what the troll leader accomplished was not 'advent' at all, but could only be regarded as a secondary 'projection'. The Feathered Serpent God responded to the troll leader's prayer, and transferred part of his own power to it through the 'channel', thus realizing a 'jump' of power.

In terms of power level alone, the power transmitted by 'Descent' will undoubtedly be more complete, and it will even carry part of the other party's soul consciousness. The 'projection' only involves the transmission of power, and does not have the real consciousness of the soul, let alone endowing it with special magical abilities.

However, the Feathered Serpent God also seemed to have a slight interest in this duel, and his soul consciousness was also silently observing Mary's every move through the transfer of the channel.

After all, there are no such strange creatures as blood races in the Haisen plane!

Therefore, Mary's blood-sucking attack and blood-sucking regeneration have aroused its great interest.

As for the little original power lost because of the troll leader, it didn't care too much.

After winning the honor challenge, Mary also won everything about the opponent. Therefore, when she dragged the bloody body of the troll leader and the heavy and hard spear into the dense forest step by step, the entire troll camp was silent.

All the troll warriors watched silently, without roaring or anger, but instead there was a look of fear and respect for the petite and slender Mary in their eyes.

The troll leader Kano can already be regarded as the most powerful troll warrior in the Haisen plane. And if it couldn't stand against the dreaded vampire witch, who of the remaining troll warriors could defeat the invader?

An honor challenge immediately disintegrated the fighting spirit and confidence of the entire troll army.

That night.

Before the sky brightened, the troll army retreated quietly.

Withdrawing them this time also took away those companions infected with the plague. This is also the tradition of trolls, and they will never abandon their companions easily.

In this regard, Mary naturally welcomes it without any obligation!

Those trolls obviously haven't suffered enough from the plague, or they think that the witch doctor in the troll capital can get rid of these plagues, or they believe too much in the Feathered Serpent God...

In short, they actually brought a group of troll warriors infected with a terrible plague back to the heart of their kingdom. simply what Mary and the others could only wish for!

Mary sent a small group of blood slaves to closely follow the troll team, while she and a group of her men hid in the depths of the dense forest to carefully study the corpse of the troll leader.

With the trolls' thick-lined personalities and muscular heads, they obviously didn't realize that apart from the corpse of a troll leader, there was also the trace of feathered serpent spirit in its body that they threw to Mary.

Such a rare and precious trophy fell into Mary's hands so easily, which made her a little unbelievable.

She and a group of confidantes immediately found a hidden place deep in the dense forest, and carved out a huge mysterious witch formation. Then it took two days and three nights to draw out the blood from the troll leader's body little by little.

If it were a wizard from a different school, the corpse of the troll leader would have been rotten and stinky in two days and three nights, the blood in his body had already solidified, and the essence of power attached to it would be lost.

But today, all the bloodline masters present are present. To keep the blood activity and the internal essence from being lost, this is nothing more than a piece of cake for them.

After drawing the blood, it is natural to use the mysterious witch array to extract the remaining power of the Feathered Serpent God inside.

And when the huge blood sphere with a diameter of one meter above the mysterious witch formation began to shrink little by little, a strange fragrance of blood began to spread everywhere in the jungle. All the vampires who smelled this breath couldn't help but have bloodshot eyes and drooling.

Even the few Tier 2 bloodlines that Mary personally picked up were the same.

They looked at the blood ball above the mysterious witch formation as if they were looking at their own life and future. Their greedy, thirsty, and desperate eyes almost melted everything in the world.

They could clearly perceive that the blood cell contained extremely pure blood essence, as well as traces of inexplicable strange energy. Any blood clan present, as long as they swallow this blood cell, can immediately accumulate enough blood energy to be promoted to the third level.

Of course, as Mary's direct subordinates, their promotion still needs the approval of Mary, the blood lord.

Not to mention these subordinates who lived on blood, even Mary stared at this blood cell, and she had to use great mental strength to suppress the blood instinct deep in her heart, so that she didn't rush to eat it.

However, this blood cell may be able to turn any vampire of level 1 or 2 into level 3, but it still cannot change Mary from the peak level of level 3 to level 4. Greatness will make Mary's bloodline energy reserves larger and more pure, but it will not change qualitatively.

Of course, if all the blood in this blood cell was replaced with the blood of the Feathered Serpent God, it would be possible to push Mary to the fourth-rank throne.

From this, it can also be inferred how difficult it is to advance from Tier 3 to Tier 4!

You must know that in most of the plane worlds, those below level 1 are classified as ordinary creatures, while those above level 1 are classified as extraordinary creatures. But among extraordinary creatures, level 4 is also an extremely obvious threshold.

Level 3 can be regarded as the limit of extraordinary creatures, and level 4 can reach the point of being close to God.

In the world of the gods, the initial level of becoming a god is level 5 elementary, so all level 4 are collectively referred to as demigod creatures. This also means that after advancing to the fourth level, half of your body and soul will become sacred creatures.

If the demigods in the world of the gods are willing to compromise with the consciousness of the plane and contribute part of their soul consciousness, then there is a great possibility that they will have immortal souls.

And demigods with immortal souls are almost immortal.

Even if he is killed by the enemy, as time goes by, his soul will gather again under the care of the consciousness of the plane, and then be resurrected again in the way of reincarnation.

And the fourth-level wizards in the wizarding world don't have this kind of preferential treatment.

However, in the witchcraft system, there are a lot of life hiding techniques, soul escape, puppet substitutes and other means to avoid death. However, similar witchcraft can only be used on those wizards who have been killed by the enemy. Once the wizard's original life is exhausted, no amount of witchcraft can save him.

Therefore, when Mary realized that a trace of strange energy in the blood cells could play a key role in her promotion, she immediately ordered to extract it at all costs.

Mary and her party stayed in the dense forest for more than 20 days before they completed this task with difficulty.

When the vampire team set out again, following the marks left by the blood slaves and moving towards the capital of the troll country, a light blue crystal the size of a soybean appeared in Mary's hand.

This is a strange crystallization of power. It has lost all blood activity, but it has the characteristics of power that cannot be replaced by blood crystals and magic crystals. If Greem was here, he would definitely tell Mary accurately that this is a strange dual-attribute crystal that condenses the power of lightning and the power of faith.

And the greatest value of this crystal is not the energy inside, but the power of the law of lightning!

If there is no power of faith, the law of lightning will definitely be difficult to materialize, let alone solidify in this strange form. If Mary could bring it back to the world of wizards, those elemental wizards who practice lightning wizardry would definitely be willing to buy it at the price of a fourth-level item.

In the wizarding world, the starting price of Tier 4 items is above two to three million magic crystals!

Mary played with this power crystal repeatedly, and finally resisted the urge to swallow it in one gulp.

If she wants to advance to the fourth level, the power in this crystal is not enough for her to use.

Therefore, finding ways to obtain more 'divine blood' from the source of this power crystal is what I should do best!

After figuring this out, Mary waved her hand and summoned the old fox Wenlier, and dragged him to start a discussion.

And during the conversation between the two, a grander and more risky plan surfaced.


The Wizarding World, The Fire Throne.

Wuta five floors.

Greem stood in front of a huge magic water mirror, and was in remote contact with Alice.

This time the remote communication was also initiated by Alice, so Greem was extremely surprised.

Since Alice successfully advanced to the fourth level, her weight in the Northland Witch Council has become more and more important along with the Destiny Witch Clan.

In order to keep the Destiny family in the ranks of the Northland witches, all the witch branches changed their previous indifferent expressions and began to show their favor to Alice frequently.

Even Alice could not refuse, the Council of Northland Witches had already made a resolution to hold a grand and solemn promotion ceremony for her in Verning City.

At that time, all the witch leaders and all the high-ranking witches will gather there, cheering for the re-emergence of the Destiny Clan.

Such a decision was obviously something Alice couldn't refuse!

Even if she doesn't like such blunt pulling, but for the sake of the fate family, as long as she is the leader of the fate witch, she can only accept it silently.

In many cases, the fate witch is a little pet raised by the consciousness of the plane.

Although they can see, hear, and understand so many secrets of fate, under the control of the power of fate, they cannot make any decisions as they wish.

Follow the trend of history, grasp the pulse of destiny...

These words sound extremely beautiful, but if you are really in the period, there are not many things that you can let your soul consciousness decide on its own.

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