Age of Adepts

Chapter 1231 The Road to the Future

"My lord, that wizard seems to have recognized me. Look..."

Bug Witch Billis licked his lips lightly, with a look of hunger and thirst.

"Keep an eye on him. If it's just to report information, let them do it. If there are other plans, I don't mind bloodbathing this route..." Greem looked around the surrounding scenery and said decisively.

"Understood! Leave it to me..."

The worm witch Billis grinned grimly, and the worm body hidden under the black burqa squirmed slightly. A torso the size of a little finger fell to the ground and disintegrated into countless tiny black beetles, which silently rushed along the floor in all directions.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the entire airship was thoroughly monitored.

In particular, Ralph, the wizard of the Tier 2 Association who was in charge of controlling the airship, was attached to the soles of his shoes by a group of black worms, and became the focus of the swarm's surveillance and inspection, but he didn't know it.

In the middle of the night, the airship flew above the thick clouds, with the vast black forest beneath it.

A faint invisible barrier enveloped the airship, eliminating its traces.

With this invisible barrier, most monsters with low intelligence cannot detect the existence of the airship, which ensures the safety of navigation. As for those guys who can detect the existence of the airship through faint witchcraft fluctuations, they have already been frightened by the wizards of the association, and naturally they dare not easily rob vehicles with the logo of the association.

At night, in order to maintain the privacy of the airship, all wizards on board are prohibited from using any witchcraft. So bored, they either stepped onto the flight deck to admire the dark forest under the night, or hid in their residences to do some research or meditation.

And at the bottom of the cabin, in a well-guarded room, that Ralph was sitting in front of the wooden table, communicating with someone in the headquarters through a strange diamond-shaped crystal.

"...Are you sure it's the legendary fire witch?" On the other side of the crystal was an elderly wizard who was frowning and listening to Ralph's story, and finally couldn't help interjecting.

"This...not sure! But the possibility is very high..."

"Why do you judge like that?"

"Because it has been determined that one of the two black robes is the worm witch Billis, and he can be regarded as one of the core combat forces in the Crimson Family these years. But according to my observation, the worm witch seems to be very special to the other person. respect, always showing the attitude of being the main one. That's why I speculate that the other person is most likely the Crimson Patriarch Greem..."

"Well, according to what you said, the possibility of the other being Greem is really high. At least he seems to be the only one in the Crimson Family who meets these characteristics. When will your voyage arrive at the end?"

"In 37 days..."

"Understood, then continue to monitor... Forget it, don't do anything, don't pay special attention to these two people, I will arrange it according to the situation. Be careful, don't anger these guys, there are no fourth-level wizards A good man!"

"Yes, this subordinate understands."

And how did Ralph know that when he was hiding in the room protected by multiple witch formations and secretly communicating with distant places, a dozen tiny black spots on the floor under his feet that were difficult to discern with the naked eye were silently monitoring his every move.

In a simple cabin on the second floor of the ship.

The worm witch Billis was sitting cross-legged on the empty wooden bed, his body covered by the black robe swelled and squirmed from time to time, looking extremely creepy.

And on his ferocious worm head exposed outside, many compound eyes surrounding the worm pupils are alternately flashing, and there are hundreds of strange pictures faintly reflected in them. Some are quietly moving in the cabin, some are chatting on the deck, and more are browsing books or meditating deeply...

You must know that most wizards have a perverted fear of their own safety, so it is not an absolutely safe place, and they will never enter deep meditation.

And the bug swarm spread out by the bug witch Billis can hide from the monitoring wizard array on the airship, and can hide from the warning wizard array arranged by these wizards in the cabin, sneaking so close to monitor their every move. This also means that the life and death of the other party is actually in his hands.

With Billis' means, killing any of them is easy. Even more subtle, Billis can arrange their deaths as an unexpected witchcraft experiment backlash, so that no one can see any flaws.

This kind of sense of dominance that the life and death of the enemy is up to me and the situation is under control is what Billis is most obsessed with!

However, no matter how arrogant he is, there is still an area on the ship that he dare not approach easily.

That was the room where Greem, the Crimson Patriarch, rested.

Maybe it's because the other wizards on the airship are too low-level, so they can't comprehend and feel the terrifying energy radiation that is almost explosive in Greem's body. In their eyes, Greem was just a slightly withdrawn and quiet level 1 wizard.

But in Billis' view, Greem is simply a moving volcano, and it has been suppressed for thousands of years, and is brewing a terrifying volcano that will explode. And the cabin he lived in was filled with terrifying flame energy that even Billis felt his scalp go numb.

Every time he commanded the swarm to crawl around on the airship, Billy tried his best to stay away from Greem's room. He genuinely feared that the approach of the swarm would trigger the silent volcano.

If this terrifying force erupts, the airship and the wizard on it will be completely vaporized by the terrifying flames in an instant, and even a bit of bone residue will not be found.

And in the cabin where Greem lived, he finally opened his eyes leisurely.

The Fire Coral Witch Staff standing in front of him has been burned red all over, and the intense heat has even distorted the surrounding void, making the scene in the room extremely strange.

An illusory chain of fire was built between the Vulcan Orb on the head of the staff and Greem's Heart of Rule, and streams of pure and extremely flame energy, like hot magma, flowed back and forth between the chains of fire. Every time it runs, it seems that the energy itself will undergo some strange changes.

The color also changed from red to white to golden yellow.

And this color change also means that the energy level of the flame is constantly improving.

Ever since he saw the Flame King in the depths of the Sea of ​​Ashes, Greem had a rough idea of ​​the energy form of high-level creatures. Now, if he wants to continue to improve himself, on the one hand, he needs to constantly deepen his understanding of flames, and on the other hand, he also needs to crazily improve his spiritual power.

Without extremely high spiritual power, it is impossible to control those violent and dangerous fire elements; without extremely high spiritual power, it is impossible to compress and purify the unruly fire elements...

While his own level was still very low, Greem's understanding of the fire element was to regard it as a kind of elemental particles that could be manipulated and kneaded at will. But with the deepening of his understanding of the flame and the improvement of his mental acuity, he felt more and more the character of the flame...

Yes, flames have their own personalities too!

Just like the gentleness and gentleness of the water element, the rebelliousness of the wind element, and the sluggish solidity of the earth element, the fire element that Greem is eager to master is so passionate and unrestrained. Following their elemental properties, everything becomes very simple. But against their elemental characteristics, spellcasters will find them so difficult to get along with.

The power of flame lies in its violence, its destruction...

Such flamboyant and wild elements fell into the hands of a lukewarm wizard, so naturally they couldn't exert their full power. Only those guys with violent temperaments who never care about the consequences can exert the power of flame witchcraft to the extreme.

In contrast, Greem had restrained his nature too much in previous battles and relied too much on the assistance of chips.

Although this improved the safety a lot, it also hindered the deep integration of his body and mind with the fire element.

Especially at level 4, Greem could feel the resistance and restlessness from the fire elemental side every time he took a step forward. And the delay in taming the fire element also made Greem's own perception of flames a little sluggish.

However, after figuring this out, Greem didn't regret it!

A flame that can be controlled in one's own hands is a good flame. If in order to improve his affinity with flames, he had to sacrifice part of his sanity, then Greem would rather be shut out by the fire element.

But this doesn't mean that Greem intends to give up the flames.

Since he couldn't let go of his body and mind to accept the transformation of the fire element, and he couldn't place his own safety on the rage and ferocity of the fire element, then Greem could only find another way and use other methods and means to increase the level of his own flame energy.

My own understanding of flames is not enough to continue to compress and purify the energy of flames, so I will find a substitute. And Greem's choice was: Vulcan Orb!

Greem set up a chain of fire between the Heart of Rule and the Vulcan Orb, sent the flame energy condensed in his body into the Vulcan Orb, and used its power to continuously compress and purify it. Then transmit the compressed and purified strange flame back to the heart of rules, and use the power of strange laws embedded in it to radiate and strengthen the heart of rules...

Limited by Greem's current mental strength and the endurance of the heart of rules, such a radiation transformation can only be done step by step, and the time will be very long and difficult.

Therefore, in the strange perception of Bliss the Worm Witch, he would find that there was an extremely terrifying flame energy surging in Greem's room all the time. Its strength, intensity, and power level have clearly surpassed Greem's current level!

And this made Billis even more surprised and appalled, and from the depths of his heart filled with an incomparable surrender mentality...

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