Agriculture Escape: Ultimate Boss Has A Space Pocket!

The 340th chapter found the baby again

Abalone is a rare and precious sea product in modern times. It is delicious and nutritious. It is known as the "soft gold" of the ocean. It looks like a human ear, so it is also called sea ear.

Its meat is tender and chewy after being cooked, and it is also called sea beef in the hometown of Bai Wutong.

It is almost impossible to see such a large wild abalone in modern times, but there are so many of them on any reef here.

After a while, grilled abalone, braised abalone, abalone porridge... can all be arranged.

Whether it is abalone or octopus, it is quite strange to everyone.

Cui Muzhi was the first to attack the abalones. He twisted and twisted, pulled and pulled, and it took him a long time to get one out. "This guy is quite strong."

Bai Wutong smiled and said: "You have to attack it when it is not prepared."

The moment the abalone poked out its tentacles, Bai Wutong shot out with lightning speed, and easily picked the abalone off.

With Bai Wutong's demonstration, everyone has learned it, and immediately worked hard against the abalone.

Bai Wutong picked two abalones and found a big blue crab.

It wields two huge pincers and runs rampant in front of Bai Wutong.

Bai Wutong was an expert at catching crabs, and was about to strike, but Chu Tianbao was afraid that she would be caught, so he stopped her and caught the crabs himself.

Smelly saw something interesting again, so he leaned over and asked Chu Tianbao to show him.

Chu Tianbao gave him a glance from a distance, and threw the crab into the bucket.

You have eaten crabs in the rice fields, but you have not eaten crabs in the sea.

It's crab anyway, so it must taste just as good.

Everyone also grabbed crabs, and after a while, two buckets were filled.

The seafood here seems to be free of money. The barrels and bamboo baskets they brought are full, and the beach and the reef below have just been withdrawn.

Good stuff, definitely still down there.

Everyone set off following Bai Wutong's footsteps, and soon stopped again.

Bai Wutong studied the pile of green things on the ground.

Cui Muzhi's eyes lit up, "Can this be eaten?"

If it can be eaten, it will be posted.

A whole large area is full of this kind of green plants.

After careful identification, Bai Wutong picked up two similar sea vegetables from the ground, and said with a smile: "This one is called wakame, and this one is sea cabbage, both of which are edible plants in the sea. Dry them and store them for a year. It can be eaten in all seasons."

"It can be made into steamed stuffed buns, dumplings, soup, or cold salad."

"There are a lot of sea vegetables here. Go and ask someone to come and collect sea vegetables. You can eat fresh sea vegetables soup today."

In addition to wakame and sea cabbage, Bai Wutong stood on the reef and watched again, and found a reddish-brown sea vegetable.

This kind of sea vegetable is called asparagus. The strands of it are very similar to asparagus. The reddish brown color is also easy to be found, but it is also more "alert" to it. In fact, it is a kind of high nutrition and good taste. The crispy and tender sea vegetables are also eaten cold after blanching.

This kind of sea vegetable can also be preserved for a long time, but its quantity is smaller and can only be found on a small number of reefs.

Three kinds of seaweed were found, and Bai Wutong found another kind of seaweed in the puddle.

This kind of sea vegetable looks like a small grape that grows in the water. The name is called sea grape, and it is also commonly known as green caviar. In addition to the fact that each grain looks like a fish roe, its nutritional value is very high, but this can It is not very common, and can only be seen occasionally in the puddles near the reef, so the prices in the modern market are relatively expensive.

But the crunchy taste is also a rare delicacy.

Bai Wutong introduced four kinds of edible sea vegetables in a row, and everyone was amazed that there are so many edible vegetables in the sea.

Not long after, Aunt Yang and the others came with all kinds of guys.

Bai Wutong told them that all the sea vegetables must be brought ashore before the high tide, otherwise, when the tide comes, all the sea vegetables will be submerged.

Everyone got busy quickly and cherished the rare vegetables very much.

The seaweed was pulled up, and the reef below turned out to be a piece of sea rainbow, and the size of the sea rainbow was comparable to the size of an oyster.

It is densely packed, it is simply a minefield for patients with dense phobias.

Haihong meat is very delicious whether it is stewed in soup or dried and stir-fried, and it is also very durable.

Bai Wutong carefully walked along this area and walked into the reef. Sure enough, where there are rainbows, there must be oysters.

A full-sized oyster with a slit open, you can see the white and tender meat inside.

Garlic vermicelli oysters, that is a delicacy.

In addition to being used for cooking, oysters can also be made into delicious oyster sauce.

From the look on Bai Wutong's face, everyone knows that she has discovered something good again.

Bai Wutong said happily: "Hurry up and call some people. There are a lot of sea rainbows and oysters here. Let everyone bring some handy ones and gloves. Be careful not to scratch your hands and feet when you pry them."

After a while, the reef was full of people, holding various tools, clinking at the sea rainbow and oysters.

Bai Wutong saw that some people were struggling to pry them, so he said to them: "You can pry open the shells of Haihong and oysters, and only take the meat."

Everyone suddenly realized, and they started to act aggressively.

If you can't pry it open, just hit it with a stone, and the efficiency is still good.

At this speed, it is estimated that before the sun goes down, everyone will be able to eat a bowl of plump seafood.

Enough playing on the reef, Bai Wutong and the others moved to the beach again.

Bai Wutong observed on the beach, and suddenly showed a mysterious smile.

She asked someone to fetch some salt for her, and said mysteriously to everyone: "I want to witness the fairy art to you."

Under everyone's attention, Bai Wutong picked up a pinch of salt and tapped it into the small hole, and a strange thing as thick as two fingers popped out suddenly.

Cui Muzhi and Smelly hugged each other excitedly, "It's amazing! It's amazing!"

Bai Wutong pulled the razor clam out of the sand, and everyone gathered around to look curiously, "What is this?"

Bai Wutong said with a smile: "This is also a kind of soft seafood. Its name is razor clam, and its nickname is bamboo monster."

Cui Muzhi was particularly curious, how could a little salt make it come out on its own initiative, and asked stupidly, "Is it really a fairy art?"

Smelly looked at Bai Wutong eagerly, as if he was saying hurry up and teach the world the invincible Jun Jun the magic of the universe.

Bai Wutong shook his head with a smile, "The razor clam is very sensitive to the density of salt. If there is too much salt, it can't stand it and will pop out of the sand."

Everyone suddenly realized, and immediately divided the salt from Bai Wutong, and performed fairy arts separately.

Soon, the razor clams came out one by one.

They picked up a few bamboo baskets casually.

In addition to razor clams, Bai Wutong also found a small U-shaped hole on the beach. This small hole is the breathing hole of a clam. If you stomp on the edge of the small hole, a jet of water will prove that there are clams in it.

Bai Wutong stomped, and Smelly also stomped happily.

He is short, and the water in the clam hole sprayed his face. He knelt down and picked it curiously, and he dug out a small white shell. Bai Wutong laughed immediately, "As expected of our little lucky star, and found baby."

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