Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

Chapter 3241: Animal tide

What, the enemy is actually too numerous to count?

Even Xuerong's legs were slightly curved, and then violently erupted with amazing power. Oh, she turned into a meteor, and looked at the sentry tower.

She looked at the distance, and the pretty face immediately changed color, pointing to the bottom of the big voice: "Ready to fight, the animal tide is everywhere!"

The animal tide is actually a beast.

Ling Han was surprised. He had been thinking about it before. What disaster would happen this day.

Perhaps it is a horrible weapon of mass destruction, such as the strongest weapon nuclear bomb more than a hundred years ago. If it falls, Tiger City will cease to exist. However, such a weapon has been cleaned up by the Xuanbei Dynasty, and it is impossible to get it.

If it really wants to happen, it means that this power is really capable.

Either the army is dispatched, the number is far more than that of Hulu City. Otherwise, it has the advantage of city defense, that is to come to die.

Moreover, this has to be the advantage of roller compaction. Otherwise, as long as the time is slightly delayed for two days, the reinforcements will come, and the effect of destroying the city will not be achieved.

Therefore, Ling Han has been strange, it is really lack of imagination, how can we make Tiger City become dead.

It turned out to be a beast.

The problem is that the animal tide is of course launched by the monsters. The high-order monsters are ordered to be low-order, and then form a certain scale before they can be called a beast. A few hundred words can only be said to be small and small. It is called tide.

Humans and monsters rarely have the possibility of getting along with each other. Even if they are between the beast and the beast, as long as the ethnic groups are different, they will kill each other.

Therefore, the probability of the production of the animal tide is extremely small. Unless there is a monster with a superb strength, driving the group of beasts, it is possible to form a beast, so this should not be artificial.

That mysterious force is too terrible, even the beasts can be launched?

In my heart, Ling Han took out the broken sword and said: "Call the snow, don't fall behind me!"

"Yes, young master!" Calling the snow tightly holding the little pink pig, she did not know what the word of the animal wave means, but seeing everyone is very nervous, she is also infected, become very nervous.

"Hey!" The pig was screaming because the snow was too tight and the neck was broken.

"Don't care about it, install it." Ling Han said casually, looking forward.

The little pink pig hates him, it is a hateful guy, always bothering it to sell cute.

Rumble, the earth shook, and the dense trees in front of him fell into pieces and the beast was coming.


I saw the grove in the forefront fell down, and a huge white rhinoceros with a length of five feet was thrown out. With the invincibility, it fell heavily on the ground, and the earth shook.

Hey, behind it, there are more monsters, big tigers, blue goats, thick long scorpions, and a variety of eyes, each with a flash of fierce eyes.

"Electromagnetic gun!" Even Xue Rong lightly sighed, suddenly, five lightning bolts immediately hit out.

These light columns are thick and thick, and the range is at least a thousand meters. The power is terrible. They are touched by the light column, and the monsters burst immediately.

The light column was played and lasted for two seconds. The formed light column was very long. This hit, at least two or three hundred monsters were killed.

"Energy!" Even Xue Rong continued to issue orders, "two teams."

The bang, and the five beams of light were shot, and they were turned into a cross-sweeping sweep.

In the case of two waves of attacks, there are thousands of dead and wounded beasts.

"Three teams."

"Four teams."

There are a total of twenty electromagnetic guns in Xuanqingqi, which are divided into four groups. Because the electromagnetic guns need to be recharged after use, and the charging time is up to ten minutes, it is naturally impossible to push them all at once.

There are too many beasts, even if the electromagnetic guns are divided into four groups, they are all used within four minutes.

In other words, if you want an electromagnetic gun to take off, it will take another six minutes.

These daylilies are going to be cold.

Boom, a lot of monsters shocked over and rolled toward the Xuanqing flag.

"Kill!" Even Xue Rong was at the forefront, she had taken the whip out.

Ling Han also came to the front, his strength can be compared with Lian Xuerong, of course, this time can not be shrunk.

The first monster is already rushing. It is a big dog with a strange look. The head is small, but the body is huge.

Twelve veins.

Ling Han is making judgments in his heart. The broken sword is thrown out, and there is no need to activate. A sword has been cut, and the monster has been divided into two halves.

No more than a little bit of power.

Ling Han knows that this will be a long-term battle and needs to save as much power as possible.


The soldiers of the Xuanqing Banner issued a big scream, and they pulled out their swords to meet the tide of the animals.

The use of Ling Han and Lian Xuerong as arrows has greatly reduced the pressure on other people. Moreover, the main force of the animal tide is only a context, so they have no problem in a short time.

Boom, the beasts surged, and most of the monsters continued to rush toward the city. How could the team of 100 people in the district stay too many monsters?

"Well!" even Xue Rong exclaimed.

The electromagnetic guns need to be recharged. They can only be in a fixed place and have some distance from them. Therefore, they are shocked by the monsters, and the charging equipment is immediately destroyed.

"Not good, the beast will go into the city!"

"Remove to the city!"

"Ling Han, you are leading the way." Even Xue Rong said.

"Good." Ling Han did not say much, immediately jumped out, came to the rear of the entire team, and then turned around, he became a striker.

"Go ahead with me!" He said loudly.


They pushed forward, but the monsters continued to impact, greatly affecting their speed of advancement.

"According to this, we have to arrive at the city for at least an hour." Even Xue Rong said.

If such a horrible beast, if it flows into the city, how terrible the damage can be caused by an hour?

Ling Han also frowned, no wonder the little old man wants him to leave, and Chad Yuan said that even if he returns to the tiger city, he will not escape. The number of the beasts is endless, but the manpower is sometimes poor and poor. One wave and two waves, what about ten waves and twenty waves?


The sound of a huge vibration came like an earthquake, and then I heard the sound of the commotion.

Ling Han turned his head and saw the shock.

This is a giant elephant, the real giant elephant, with a height of 30 feet, each leg is as thick as a house, stepping on one foot, shaking the ground.

Such a horrible body, even if it is not too high, it is terrible to be physically strong, and even the bones must be snarled?

Boom, although this giant elephant seems to be slow, but because the legs are too long, one step is the distance of hundreds of feet.

Just a few steps, I saw the big ankle of this giant elephant stepping on them.

Black pressure, such as overwhelming.


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