Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 319: True dragon

Long before the Zerg joined the Divine, the two sides had experienced a tragic war, which is obviously only a small scene in the ancient war.


"Hey! Kill these bugs!"

A huge Titan roared beside him, as if it sounded the horn of the war, and the shouting sound broke out among thousands of human allied forces, and then a sharp, piercing scream was heard from the bloated brain worm. group.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Booming! !

The quiet insects are like stimulants in an instant, crazy incitement, followed by millions of endless sea of ​​worms, madly killing in the direction of the human army, running against the millions of worms There are more monsters like the Titan armored beast that are tens of meters high. The movement is terrible, and the whole land is shaking!


The coalition soldiers are savvy, this kind of ethnic war, the captives do not exist, not you die or I die!

Thousands of people have madly attacked, and Pharaoh is also wrapped in this army. In the eyes, there is no fear, but there is a hint of excitement.

In the previous seven or eight-level bubble world, he has already swept a lot, but the rune law is small, and the world in which the virtual Dan is remembered has almost no threat to him, and even it is difficult to stimulate his desire to fight. At the time of the million sea of ​​insects, although the strongest is the dozens of ordinary tyrannical Titan armored beasts, the most other zerg's spiritual response is only in the basement, but the amount is large! The quantitative change causes qualitative change, and such a sea of ​​insects is definitely a threat to the strong Dan, and this sense of threat is also the concentration of the spirit of Pharaoh.

He was mixed up in the thousands of human-matrix phalanxes, and followed the coalition's phalanx. He did not plan to take the lead, but hid in the human phalanx and recharged his batteries through the cover of his comrades.

Lao Wang’s heart is very clear. It’s a million-strong Zerg army. It’s definitely impossible to kill by killing. His spiritual thoughts have already firmly locked the brainworms deep in the sea of ​​insects. If the brainworms are solved in reality, Although the Zerg army has no leader, the instinctive killing reaction will make the people who are deeply involved in danger. But in the bubble world, Pharaoh can clearly sense that the brain worm is the main body of this memory world and solves him. The world of bubbles disappears, and even more insects are naturally not threatened.

This thousands of human-powered coalition forces apparently made the same plan. After colliding with the sea of ​​insects, they rushed directly toward the direction of the brain worms like a sharp knife. The individual strengths of these human coalition forces are not weak, they are all illusory, but if you estimate it is good, only these thousands of people can't rush to the brainworms in this endless sea of ​​insects. Sooner or later, they will be swallowed up by the whole sea of ​​insects. .

Now what I have to do is to save physical strength. By the cover of the coalition forces, I am closer to the brain worms... I can have a chance to kill them with my own outbreak. The human allied forces are all the same, but they are just 仗The momentum rushed to the back position of the first large army square of the Insect Sea, and the speed of the forward rush was obviously slowed down.

At this time, from the brain worm, the middle foot is still separated by seven or eight kilometers, separated by the Chinese army and the army in the sea of ​​insects.

The brain worm is obviously confident in its army. Knowing the human plan, it does not move at all. It just looks at the thousands of humans in a cold, and at the same time sends out a sharp voice.

The endless sea of ​​insects, like the arm, moves neatly like a finger, and it is swiftly copied from the intertwined formation to the layered siege. The human army is completely locked in this place, and it is impossible to move.

More than a dozen Titans in front of the coalition were thick and thick, 13 of them were Titanium, and there were four silver Titans near the peak of the virtual Dan. They were all in a big thunder, and they got the worms. The seven-eight-meter-long giant stick in his hand was swept away, and the horrible power of the horror was like sweeping the dust and smashing several large worms.

Behind them, countless demons, humans, humming and condensing the ancient rune array, there are bows and arrows in the hands like a meteor chasing the moon like a violent shot, and there are countless races that are good at melee, one layer at the end of the coalition Surrounded by the impact of the surrounding sea of ​​insects. It can only be four or five minutes, and the outer line of defense is broken by the continuous sea of ​​insects. Hundreds of tiger scales, which are only vanguards, have forcibly opened a hole from the front of the coalition.

The tiger scales are very good at defense in the primary unit of the Zerg. The shape looks like a dragonfly, but it is huge. The shell that is very hard is still covered with dense scales, covered in layers, as if wearing a body. The natural chain mail, even if it only has the spiritual power to build the foundation, can only rely on this natural defense to resist the attack of some ordinary virtual Dan strong, and the IQ is low, the impact is amazing, just like a headband. The savage bulls, who are not afraid of death, smashed their bodies into weapons. The Titans who guarded the front line could not stand the endless impact, and they were accidentally separated by life.

Losing the left and right cover, the Titan’s front suddenly broke into a gap, and immediately followed by the locusts and screaming, the roaring sound continued, and the main defense line was about to collapse.

This human-roots coalition obviously has no possibility of moving forward. It can no longer wait, and Wang Zhong, who has been mixed in the human army, has shot.


He swept forward and the speed of horror broke out. Just like a light, he rushed out of the Chinese army camp and greeted the squad of tiger worms. The two lights in the left and right hands flashed, just the moment when the light shone.


Two huge phoenixes roared out, just like a ploughing field, they directly rushed out a square of tiger worms in front of them to shed two traces of black and black that were ten meters wide and hundreds of meters away! Not only are hundreds of tiger scales that have been impacted by the front directly turned into ashes, but even those around the attack wave that are only slightly contaminated with a little ignition energy, are also smoked and smoky. taste.

Although these tiger scales are only the primary units in the sea of ​​insects, under the energy limitation of this memory world, they only have the spiritual strength of the average foundation. They can defend the amazing, they are still fire attributes, extremely resistant to severe cold or high temperature, but all In the war of the Zerg, it is often used as the front row of heavy shields. Even if it relies solely on its own defense, the attack against the next ordinary virtual Dan has no pressure, but it is actually shot by the old king. Killed in pieces, thousands of casualties!

The defensive pressure in front of the human-powered coalition was suddenly reduced, and several Titans that had been washed away in the front reunited, staring at the human powerhouse who rushed out of the army.

Wang Zhong had no idea of ​​staying, and his body was rushing, and along the ‘channel’ that he had bombarded with his phoenix wings for nine days, he had already looted hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.

Hey la la la! !

The casualties of hundreds of scales are obviously only a slap in the face of a million zerg army, and they will not affect the slightest will of these worms. These lower zerg are directly controlled by brain worms, only knowing that they are killing madly, without any fear or individual thinking. . At this point, the entire siege matrix is ​​only micro-shrinking, and no overall change can be seen. Only the water-like coordination has filled the positions of thousands of scales in an instant, as if there is no gap in the whole. He collided with Wang Zhong.

The dense tiger-like scales, like a sickle-like mouthpart, can easily tear off the defense of ordinary virtual Dan. The tide-like impact is enough to level the mighty Titan, and it will be closed on all sides, just a blink of an eye will be king. It was completely submerged in the black lacquered sea of ​​insects.

Can be followed, the golden light shines, there are ten golden rims bursting from the dense array of tiger scales, like a sickle's sickle in the square, cutting hundreds of tigers The body of the scales is cut directly into two halves.

"Call..." Pharaoh’s feet kept going, and the golden light of the scorpion was both an attack and an enemy, and it was also a way to clear the way for himself.

Lao Wang remembered the words of Simba's most frequent chanting. In the **** sea of ​​this corpse, not only did he have any discomfort, but he smiled and smiled. The militant in the bones, the many corpse that had been seen in Misobudabi, the old king It is not a newcomer on the battlefield at all.

War and battle are completely two concepts. In the two worlds, how fierce the human army is, how gorgeous the heads-up force is, and the Zerg army that faces many fears and deaths is extremely insignificant.

Wang Zhong is deeply involved in it. There is no choice. This is also a problem of the Magic Sea. Once it fails, luck is at best. The soul is damaged. The worst thing is to become an idiot. After several rounds of fighting, Wang Zhong discovered a seemingly violent attack. There is no use of eggs, sweeping the battle, can not be entangled, or it will die, no doubt, less than Jin Dan, it is impossible to destroy such a whole Zerg army.

The king slammed and slammed, and the power of the flames and ice swept out. In a moment, the Zerg became a flame, and the other side was frozen into an ice sculpture. However, this is just a fragment on the battlefield. The only thing that is fortunate is that The army of all ethnic groups around Wang Zhong is full of fighting spirit.

The deified cells were full of output, and the full-fledged phoenix wings covered the sky for nine days. Wang Zhong followed closely, and more than 3,000 other remnants of various ethnic groups quickly concentrated on killing the brain.

However, the gap that was struck by a full blow was filled in by the Zerg in a short period of two minutes, and the real body was revealed. Wang Zhong’s combat power was really a burst, and the Zerg had almost no match. The question is, when will this be killed?

The coalition forces behind Wang Zhong are constantly decreasing. The Zerg is to kill these people. How can the brainworms not know the plans of the coalition forces? It is using their own bait. This is the best way to enemies.

Wang Zhong also fell into a quagmire. Although he had experienced the battle of Misobudabi, he was still in such a situation for the first time. There was no retreat around the road, only forward, but his triple strength was effective, but he could not form a range of damage. , power is not enough!

Still almost, where is the difference?

An iron Titan was thrown by the worm, and it was torn open immediately, but the upper part of the iron Titan was still holding the worm, his eyes flashing with lightning, followed by self-destruction and the surrounding worms, and the same situation continued. The formation is torn, one by one, and the Zerg is constantly replenishing

This is simply a death trap, and the same Wang Zhong is also surrounded by the group. There is no chance at all. The insects are still unable to break the defense, but they are already 30 circles outside 30 circles. There are constant insects covering the top of the head. It is like a tide that drowns Wang Zhong.

At this time, the coalition forces, like the Dominoes, collapsed only in an instant. After more than ten seconds, there were only a lot of bugs on the entire battlefield, and there was a "bug ball", and there were constant influxes of insects, as long as the king There is still a breath, they go on and on.

Countless worms look at the center, including the brain worm, whose eyes are staring at it. The living body has something that it is very eager to enhance the essence of the soul.

The insect pile of more than 500 meters in diameter suddenly made a screaming sound. The next second, the whole insect pile began to "burn", and the soul covered the entire huge insect pile.


It sounded like the unbeatable snoring from the wild, a golden energy burst, the insects explode in an instant, one... the golden dragons vacated, and the worms that were 100 meters long were cleaned up.

Wang Zhong suspended in the air, breathing freedom, not a five elements, not a hybrid rule, not a triple force, at this time his body has more gold armor, golden light, gorgeous unparalleled.

Virtual Dan, reflecting the soul, the soul of mankind, the soul of the Tianjing people, the soul of Wang Zhong, what is it?

Real dragon!

Forget the move and return to the soul.

- by the heart, the words come with!

The king in the sky is full of hands and momentum, suddenly pushes, an eight-clawed golden dragon roars out, with Wang Zhong as the axis of rotation and open, the soul of the soul bursts out of unmatched essence, the insects are instantly crushed Broken, and the power of the dragon has advanced.

This is the truth of the virtual Dan ~ ~ power level improvement, rather than simply improve the peak!

Every virtual warrior must find his own essence, and the essence of Wang Zhong is the dragon!

Surrounded by dragon spirits, all the nearby insects are crushed into powder, and the number is extremely ridiculous in the face of absolute power. In the next second, Wang Zhong is breaking through the void, and the distance of several kilometers has been almost two steps. Wang Zhong’s body has crossed the worms to the brain worms, and the four eyes are in the same position. Wang Zhong’s eyes have a smile, but some of the brain worms are desperate.

"It's over." Wang's fingers pointed out slightly, and a ray of light penetrated, and the head of the brain worm was pierced in an instant.

Seriously, in the law enforcement society and the tens of thousands of people who have been away for a long time, killing such a 'cute' guy, this scene is really a bit uncomfortable, the Zerg and human wars have ended before the endless years, even become the alliance It’s been a long time, but it’s going to make such a powerful race become a cruel war now.

As the brain worm was killed, the whole colorful world collapsed instantly, turning into countless fogs, rushing into the pharaoh's time and space bracelet, and returning to the scene of the magical sea world.

Nine (43), eight (14), seven (1), ranking: third.

The value is displayed on the bracelet. This is a seven-level memory core, but the harvest is more than just a seven-level debris. In this pure battle, especially under the turbulence of the atmosphere, Wang Zhongcai broke through his own battle. Means, especially to recognize their true body.

Although Wang Zhong did not look at Xiuwutang, it was quite unexpected that he took the third. Wang Zhong did not immediately enter the B-class area, but searched for the C area, but soon found that at this level of power. Underneath, there is nothing to gain.

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