Black Tech Internet Cafe System

Chapter 708 Whispers of the Evil God

If you want to explain it, although the entire game of World of Warcraft presents players with an extremely large and complex amount of information in a huge world, in fact, its theme is not difficult to understand.

At this time, obviously many players have a preliminary understanding of the entire world and a series of events:

On the arid land of Durotar, the tribe led by Thrall set up camp and continued to expand the size of the army. Following the official novel "After the Rise of the Horde", they invited the Forsaken to join the battle of orcs, tauren and trolls. Come in the ranks.

On the other hand, the alliance led by the human kingdom Stormwind also began to unite elves, dwarves and other races.

On the land where the hidden conspiracy is gradually spreading, there are still crises left over from ancient times or modern times, threatening the safety of the alliance and the tribe.

But obviously, after the Burning Legion retreated, their greatest enemy was each other.

In Nanhai Town, which was heavily guarded by alliance soldiers, all players suddenly received a harsh notification sound: "Nanhai Town is under attack!"

"South Sea Town is under attack!"

"what happened?!"

"What happened!?"

There are quite a lot of Alliance players doing missions in South Sea Town. A group of Alliance players, such as the mercenary Crait and his mercenary group, are doing missions here.

The game time of the mercenaries is not so stable yet. As a mercenary, Crater has not reached level 40 like some top players, but he has already reached level 30. Of course, he is equipped with several items produced by Scarlet Monastery. His blue equipment is very eye-catching: "It's really annoying. I didn't meet any tribes in the wild today. I think I did six or seven honor kills in a row. How dare these little thieves with no eyesight Sneak attack on my uncle."

"My old lady killed someone who was more than forty levels yesterday." The female magician Lily, who was acquainted with him and was also one of the first customers of the new store, said proudly, "These tribal people are real!"

"Look what that is!" The thief next to him suddenly pointed to the outside of Nanhai Town.

I saw a group of black tribes rushing in like a tiger coming out of the gate.

A group of 30-and-a-half-level cute newcomers who are handing over the task have not reacted yet...


Shadow Bolt!

Lightning Bolt!



All fell to the ground.

"what is that?!"

"My God! So many tribes..."

In an instant, as if there was no warning, the entire Nanhai Town became a sea of ​​magic and swords and swords.

"Slaughter! Slaughter all! Let me blow up the dog heads of these alliances today!" Soon, there was only one alliance corpse left in the entire Nanhai Town, and many undead, tauren, and orcs were seen dancing on the corpses. Terrified.

"Hahahaha! This deity killed more than a dozen!"

"It feels like the military rank will be promoted soon!" Inside the store in Banbian City, a cloud of black clouds floated in the air, also wearing a virtual device, and laughed wildly.


"Mengxin can't do the task anymore QAQ." A certain big white deer is still playing the alliance trumpet, playing a druid, and having a great time changing from a cat to a bear all the way. I didn't expect to be hit by a spell just after going online today. It fell down and lay on the ground tearfully, "Is there any expert to help? There are so many tribes here!"

Received Evan's team invitation.

Received a team invitation from Great Sword Crait.


"I'm going to call the brothers from the Mercenary Guild!"

"How dare you bully the newcomers of our alliance? How shameless?!"

Call out the faction chat channel on the game interface: "Brothers! The tribe dares to slaughter our Nanhai Town and newcomers, can you bear it?! Some bloody brothers join the group! Drive these garbage out!"

Sell ​​yourself to play Warcraft and apply to join the team.

The lich put on makeup and applied to join the team.

...apply to join the team.

Instantly join the team to apply for swiping the screen.

"World of Warcraft" is different from legends. From the introduction of the races entering the game to the declaration of professions, to the bits and pieces belonging to each race camp, they can even rely on various existing life skills such as collection in the game to earn gold coins To maintain point card fees, this is like another continent where they live.

Yes, living here, even alchemy, opening shops, cooking, making mechanisms and other gadgets, most of them want to do everything, not just fight.

Because of this, their sense of substitution and honor is also particularly strong. For example, when the paladin took the oath, he promised to protect the weak with the sword and shield in his hand. Can he just sit and watch at this time?

Like the druids, they once promised their favorite forest: the fangs and claws will roar and crush all obstacles, maybe in a few years, I can come back here again, snuggle up to the tree of life, and enjoy the forest forever. peaceful.

At this time, facing the invasion of their biggest enemy tribe, can they retreat?

So even though many players don't belong to the same guild as in the legend, they still organize spontaneously out of righteous indignation.

They don't even need to be restrained by a certain top force at all, they can spontaneously twist into a rope.

As if this is their duty and honor.

"Brothers of the Alliance, Nanhai Town has joined the anti-invasion team!" A roar seemed to permeate the entire camp.


On this continent, human beings' reverence for the gods is more like a kind of fear, fear of the completely unknown power that surpasses all species.

The kind of innate fear of inferiors towards superiors and anxiety about the unknown seems to be engraved in their bones.

This cannot be changed overnight.


Different from the noise in "World of Warcraft", there is still a quiet place in the whole store.

The ones mentioned above are not everyone, just like Elder Qianwei, the peace-loving elves never watch any faction chat channels.

At this time, he was still looking for useful mineral deposits in the Twilight Forest, although as an Elf Elder, there was no shortage of magic crystals.

But the supply of gold coins is completely in short supply now, and there is nowhere to buy them, and sometimes you have to do it yourself.

At this moment, she suddenly saw the Penguin communication she had just opened in the lower right corner, and a message popped up.

"The preview of "The Avengers"? Is this a magical horse?!" Elder Qianwei was stunned.

I opened it and took a look.

"Human beings were born... to be ruled..." Among the high-rise buildings with completely different architectural styles in front of them, the setting sun was like blood, and it seemed to be the whisper of evil gods, ringing in the ears.

The system version of the movie is obviously perfectly restored in all aspects, and the sound is like this, not to mention the power.

Terrible power swept across the entire city, buildings collapsed, and densely packed vehicles driving on the streets all turned into a sea of ​​flames.

"Ah!?" Elder Qian Wei almost jumped up from the seat as if her butt was on fire.

"What is this thing?!"

"Hey, elder... what are you looking at?" Several elves looked over.

"It seems..." Elder Qianwei eased her mind, "It seems that some evil god is going to invade some earth, and then organize some people to resist..."

"Huh? There are evil gods?! Is there anyone who can fight against gods?!" Another elf said in amazement.

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