Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Volume 1 Chapter 1009 High-level bone-like plants

Zhao Hai sat calmly in Guli's bone car. Outside the bone car, it was not ordinary human skeletons carrying the car, but four huge bone beasts carrying it, flying in the sky. These four huge bone beasts were carrying the car. The beasts look like humans and have limbs, but their long and sharp fangs show their identities. They are undead creatures transformed from four giant apes.

Zhao Hai is sitting in the car. The car is now equipped with tables and chairs made of bone. The tables and chairs are covered with animal skins, which are very comfortable. Now there are two glasses of red wine on the table. Addison is sitting on Zhao Hai's car. opposite.

Zhao Hai looked at Addison and said with a smile: "Addison, you have to learn to have taste. Try it. This is the best red wine produced in the space."

Because Addison has had more contact with Zhao Hai, he is no longer as frightened as he was at the beginning. He has become much more comfortable. Of course, his loyalty to Zhao Hai has not changed, but he has regained some self.

After all, Addison is a king and a smart man. Although he was surrendered by the space, the space did not remove his memory. He was just completely loyal to Zhao Hai.

Addison picked up the red wine, took a sip, then put down the glass and said with a smile: "Yes, it tastes good. In the past, here in the underworld, you could only drink blood from the blood pool, or the blood of Warcraft, and drink it back and forth. They all have the same taste and are boring."

Zhao Hai looked at Addison and said, "Don't you vampires just rely on sucking blood for a living? Don't you have any other choices?"

Addison smiled and said: "Master, you still don't know much about us vampires. In fact, we vampires are also a kind of undead. When we vampires were first born, we were indeed vampire bats, but at that time we were very weak. Generally speaking, we can only rely on the blood in the blood pool to survive. Because if we drink too much blood in the blood pool, we will slowly become undead. Blood can provide us with energy, but after we formally transform, we will become undead. After becoming a vampire, you can directly absorb the energy of the black mist to survive. You will only drink blood when you are injured or want to drink blood. "

Zhao Hai nodded. "The vampires here in the underworld are different from the vampires on the earth. This also made Zhao Hai clearly realize that he is now living in a completely different place from the earth. The standards there are not the same." It fits here. After all, vampires on earth only exist in legends, which are just the fantasy of most people. But the person sitting in front of him now is a "real" vampire.

This time, the two of them came out to find the lich that Addison met. They didn't bring anyone with them, just two people. Of course, in fact, Zhao Hai also brought all his men with him. After all, there is space, and all those undead creatures have entered the space.

Addison looked at Zhao Hai and said: "And when your strength reaches my level, you no longer need to drink blood. As long as you absorb the black mist, you can have endless power."

Zhao Hai nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, the black mist here in the underworld is really magical."

By the way, how far is this place from the territory of the Freedom Alliance? "

Addison glanced around with his mental energy, and then said: "It's not far away. After walking for about half a day, we will arrive at Kumu City of the Freedom Alliance."

Zhao Hai looked at Addison curiously and said: "Addison" I have always been very strange, how do you people in the underworld keep time? And how do you tell when a day is? "

Addison smiled and said: "Master, there are many ways to keep track of time in the underworld. Everyone is different. After all, in the underworld, time is of no use to the undead, so no one will deliberately keep time. "It's very simple to tell how a day has passed. The main thing is to look at the concentration of black fog." When the concentration of black fog is the thickest, it is a black spot. When the concentration of black fog is the thinnest, it is daytime. We use This is how time is calculated.”

Zhao Hai nodded. He knew that the undead creatures here in the underworld know best about the changes in the black mist. Even if the black mist appears, they can feel it clearly, so they use this method to understand the changes in the black mist. There is no way to calculate time.

Zhao Hai also glanced outside with energy, and then he sighed and said: "I really didn't expect that there would be plants growing here in the underworld. It's just that the growth of those plants is really weird. This is my first time." See, a plant that looks like a bone."

Zhao Hai has also gained some understanding of the underworld in the past few days. The underworld is really strange. There are many plants in the underworld, and these plants grow very strangely. Some plants are all black. Although there are leaves, the leaves are also black, not the black and green color, but pure black. Some plants are pure red, like blood.

One of the strangest plants that Zhao Hai has seen is a plant that looks like a bone. The main trunk of this plant looks like a thickly pinched bone, and its branches are slightly thinner bones. , and its leaves are made of bones. In short, the whole plant is like a handicraft made of bones glued together.

It doesn't look like a living plant at all.

When Zhao Hai saw this plant for the first time, he thought it was fake, but later he found out that it was not. This plant had roots, and when he placed the bone plant in the space, there were reminders in the space. Sound, judging from the sound of the space, this plant is still a very high-level mutant plant, which may be of great use in the future, because the space does not say what this plant can do at all, it only says that it is a mutant plant. However, Zhao Hai's current level is not high enough to know the purpose of this plant.

As soon as he heard the prompt from the space, Zhao Hai knew that this plant made of bones was a good thing, because if Zhao Hai was not high enough to see it, it must be a good thing. This is the rule of the space.

What surprised Zhao Hai the most was what came next. This plant, which looked like a stick made of Mou heads, had to grow on Bone Mountain. If it were in another place, it would no longer grow.

Zhao Hai had no other choice, so he ran outside again and received a small bone mountain into the space. Unexpectedly, as soon as the bone mountain was received into the space, a notification sound came out from the space, saying that he had perfected the hell space. The level of the space has increased by one level, and the bone mountain can automatically grow. As long as it grows a little, it can automatically produce skeletons. This is definitely an unexpected surprise for Zhao Hai.

He really didn't expect that space could have such a function. He immediately collected another relatively large bone mountain, but what surprised Zhao Hai was that this time there was no notification sound coming from the space, and the bone mountain didn't seem to be too big. It was of great use, and no skeletons were produced in the space. Zhao Hai saw that this was not working, so he had to give up, but now he is even more curious about these things in the underworld.

When Addison heard what Zhao Hai said, he also smiled slightly and said, "Yes, there are many strange things in the underworld. In fact, there are not many bone-like plants in the underworld, and generally the undead see that If you plant a plant, you will eat him immediately, because that plant can increase the level of the undead.”

Zhao Hai nodded. He really didn't know that that kind of plant could have such a special use. However, Zhao Hai had already ordered the undead to wander around the city where they were. As long as they saw anything strange, Collect all the weird stuff.

Addison looked at Zhao Hai and said, "Master, there are not many plants in the underworld, but every plant is very useful, because most of the dark creatures in the underworld do not rely on eating plants to survive. Although those dark creatures are also living creatures, they can absorb souls.

Fire, plus the fact that they can survive on the blood in the blood pool, it may be for this reason that soul stones are produced in their bodies. "

Zhao Hai nodded. It is not unreasonable for those dark creatures to survive in the underworld. After a long period of evolution, the dark creatures have evolved into a form that is most suitable for living in the underworld. They have no eyes. They have no eyes. They can drink the blood of the blood pool, which is extremely poisonous to other races. They can even directly absorb the fire of the soul. Obviously, these are all for survival, because here in the underworld, the fire of the soul and the blood in the blood pool , is the most easily available food.

Regarding what Addison said, there are not many plants in the underworld. Zhao Hai truly believes that the underworld is really not suitable for plant growth. Even the mutated plants that Zhao Hai saw would be difficult to survive.

The two of them were chatting and walking forward. Unknowingly, Zhao Hai's mental power felt that there was a city in front of him. Eddie also noticed it at the same time. He glanced at the city with his mental power and turned to Zhao Hai. Haidao: "Master, ahead is the Withered Bone City, which is an important city in the Freedom Alliance. Should we go there to rest?"

In fact, with the strength of the two of them, there was no need to rest, but Zhao Hai wanted to see the Withered Bone City, so he nodded and said, "Okay, it's okay to go there to rest for a while. I really want to see the Withered Bone City." How is it different from the Three Holy Cities?"

Addison smiled and said: "It must be different. Withered Bone City is a relatively important city in the Freedom Alliance, while the Three Holy City is just a not very important city in the resistance. The Three Holy City It was built by Kampla themselves. In addition, the location is relatively remote, so it is not taken seriously. However, the [Freedom] Alliance is different. The [Freedom] Alliance has contacts with the Resistance Army and the Temple of Hades, so The scale of their city will also be larger, and there are many undead that come here to trade, and there are even some high-status undead, so there are hotels here, which is rare in the underworld."

When Zhao Hai heard what Addison said, he was stunned and said, "There are also hotels in cities in the underworld? This is the first time I've heard of this. It's interesting. I should go and take a look at this city." Is there anything good?"

Addison smiled and said: "It's hard to say. Sometimes you can really encounter good things, but the chance is very low. After all, most of the things in the underworld are not good things." As they spoke, the two of them The bone cart has arrived at Dry Bones City. @.

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