Rainbow meteorite belt, a beautiful name! But just like most beautiful things in the jungle are poisonous, the rainbow meteorite belt, a place with a beautiful name, is also poisonous to all fleets.

The rainbow meteorite belt is an unknown meteorite belt. It is made up of countless meteorites, magnetic energy rays and explosive energy. No one can go to the center of this meteorite belt, even a single expert. I don’t dare to go deep into this meteorite belt.

This meteorite belt reflects the light of the surrounding stars. It looks colorful and extremely beautiful, but all fleets will choose to stay away from him.

Don't think that you are safe without relying on the stone belt. In this meteorite belt, some meteorites will collide and split from time to time, and almost every collision will cause some chain reactions, causing more meteorites to deviate from their original positions. The orbit has undergone some irregular changes, making the edge of the meteorite belt not so safe.

But this meteorite belt is the only way to go from Adam's Planet to Luke's Planet. Even if you want to go around it, it is impossible. You can only open a route from the edge of the meteorite belt, a little further away. And the place where Zhao Hai and the others wanted to ambush was also in this meteorite belt.

The battleship arrived at the meteorite belt early, and then Zhao Hai and the others left the battleship and buried them in the meteorite belt in battalion units. The battleship had to find a place to hide on its own.

Because there are a lot of magnetic energy rays and magnetic energy storms in the meteorite belt, ordinary electronic instruments will not be too bright when they arrive here. General spacecraft can pass here safely relying on the rich driving experience on board, so it can be said here It's the perfect place to lay an ambush.

Zhao Hai and the people in Bone Character Camp were all lurking on a huge meteorite. This meteorite was not far from the route, but its size was very large, almost equivalent to an asteroid.

After Zhao Hai and the others arrived on the meteorite, they opened a huge cave on the meteorite. In this cave, they opened up countless small caves, turning it into a temporary base.

In addition to the people who stayed in the temporary base every day, Zhao Hai, after discussing with Tiesheng, also built a smaller cave on a small meteorite behind the meteorite, and also ambush several people there. It is also useful for individuals.

After the temporary base was built, Tiesheng would send people to pay attention to the situation on the route every day. Once they discovered the Zhang family's fleet, they would take action immediately.

Although this operation was under the unified command of the core members of the family, because it was an ambush, the core members still gave the people of each battalion a great deal of autonomy, allowing the leaders of each battalion to make their own decisions based on the situation. .

The commander here of Bone Character Camp is still Tiesheng. Tiesheng has performed many group missions and is very experienced in commanding and fighting, so it turns out that his command is the best.

However, few people know that this time, Zhao Hai also came up with a lot of ideas in terms of the tactics used to deal with the Zhang family. Although Zhao Hai came up with a lot of ideas, he did not show it at all, as if everything It's all decided by Tiesheng himself.

Zhao Hai is very clear that although he is very famous in the Bone Character Camp now, it is only because he has won honor for the Bone Character Camp. In terms of real prestige, he is far behind Tiesheng. If Let the people in the Bone Character Camp know that if he came up with so many ideas in dealing with the Zhang family this time, some people may be unconvinced, which will not be of any benefit to them in dealing with the Zhang family.

It was precisely because of this idea that Zhao Haigan acted as a green leaf and handed over all command rights to Tie Sheng. All he had to do was come up with ideas, and it was Tie Sheng who made the final decision.

Time passed day by day. According to their plan, the Zhang family's fleet would not appear until about ten days after they arrived at the meteorite belt. The reason why this happened was because they were afraid that the Zhang family would be prepared.

To be honest, it didn't feel very good to have a lot of people living in a huge cave, but for the sake of this mission, they still endured it, because the people in the Bone Character Camp now knew that their mission this time was what.

Although most people in the Bone Character Camp did not know about the dirty things between the Zhang family and the Ashley family, they only knew that the Zhang family was an ally of the Ashley family, and they did not understand this action.

But when they heard Tiesheng talking about the rewards after this operation, they all forgot about them. For these people in the outer camp, there is nothing more tangible than rewards. Family allies and other things are just clouds. Really can give What impressed them was the actual machine coins.

Most of the people in these outer camps are people who ascended from the lower realm. They were the favored sons of heaven in the lower realm, but after arriving in the machine world, they found that their status had changed from the favored sons of heaven to a low-class person. , looked down upon by the mainstream forces in the machine world, this change in identity made it difficult for them to adapt for a while.

Some particularly talented people slowly adjusted their mentality, and with a strong heart and unremitting efforts, they eventually became famous masters, while most people could only become famous in the end. Lost in the crowd, he became a member of the outer sects of major forces, and their pursuit has changed from becoming the strongest to the current machine currency.

Some people say that when a person completely loses his ideals and only thinks about money, he is the most miserable. Zhao Hai also agrees with this sentence.

Only those who have ideals and ambitions can live vigorously. If you only live for money, it would be too sad. However, most of the people in the outer camp in the machine world still live for money.

〖中〗 As the Chinese say, a man is poor and his ambition is short, but a horse is skinny and has long hair! This sentence is very suitable to be used in the outer camp of the aircraft formation world. The annual income of some ordinary magicians and warriors in the outer camp is not very high. Without sufficient financial support, their lives can only be spent pursuing money.

As time passed day by day, the people of the Bone Character Battalion not only stayed in their temporary base, but also contacted several other battalions. Under the command of the core members sent by the family, they reviewed the time and routine of the attack. times calculation.

The mission of the Bone Character Camp this time is still very important. They will be the first ones in the entire Ashley family to launch an attack, but their position is at the innermost part of the route. Once they launch their attack, other camps in the family will be attacked. The attack will begin because the Bone Character Battalion is going to attack the first warship of the Zhang family fleet, forcing the entire Zhang family fleet to stop.

It can be said that the mission of the Bone Character Camp this time is very heavy. Their attack on the first battleship of the Zhang family fleet will directly affect the attack on other camps of the Ashley family.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and everyone in the Bone Character Camp became nervous. They knew that the battle was about to begin, and the Zhang family did not disappoint them. They showed up on time.

A fleet composed of ten spaceships. These ten spaceships are not professional warships. They are all armed merchant ships. This kind of armed merchant ships are not mainly used for combat. They mainly serve as transportation functions, but the above It is equipped with a weapon system, and will also have a certain number of space mechas. The ship will also be protected by magicians and samurai.

This time, the commander of the Zhang family’s fleet is Adams. He is a caravan captain with rich experience, and he has gone through the route of the rainbow meteorite belt many times. It has always been very safe. The people of the Zhang family are right. Very reassured.

However, Adams will be very careful every time he walks in the Rainbow Meteorite Belt, because Adams knows very well that the Rainbow Meteorite Belt is not a flat road. On the contrary, it is a canyon full of dangers. If you are not careful, you will be in danger. The ship was destroyed and people died.

Now that the fleet was about to enter the rainbow meteorite belt, Adams also changed his usual very relaxed look and stood in the command hall with a stern expression, staring at the channel at the edge of the rainbow meteorite belt without moving.

This passage is not very long. If the spacecraft flies at full speed, it can pass through this passage in about an hour. However, when the spacecraft passes through the meteorite belt passage, it does not dare to fly at full speed because you do not know the meteorites. When will a meteorite fly out of the belt? If he flies at full strength and happens to hit the meteorite flying out of the meteorite belt, then he is destined to become a coffee table.

Therefore, to pass through the meteorite belt safely, speed is very important. It is not safe if it is too fast, and it is not good if it is too slow. Adams, who has experienced many times of traveling through the meteorite belt, already knows this very well.

His current location is the second spacecraft, so that if the first spacecraft encounters an attack, he can deal with it calmly on the second spacecraft.

Seeing that they were about to enter the meteorite belt passage, Adams immediately ordered: "Reduce the speed of all battleships to twenty cosmic knots, prepare weapon systems, and keep communications open among all ships."

The order was conveyed quickly, and the speed of the entire fleet slowed down. The lead ship slowly entered the meteorite belt channel.

Slowly, the entire fleet entered the meteorite channel. Adams kept staring at the computer nervously. The effect on the computer was not very good now. Some waves often appeared. However, Adams did not pay attention to these waves. It's because the computer was affected by the magnetic energy storm in the damaged stone belt. It just needs to pass through the channel.

The fleet advanced slowly, and from time to time a spaceship would launch weapons to crush some small meteorites that were approaching the spacecraft, but overall, it was safe.

The fleet has reached half the distance of the passage, but Adams still dare not relax. He will not relax as long as the fleet has not completely passed the passage.

At this moment, Adams's eyes suddenly shrank and he shouted: "Ship No. 1 pay attention, Ship No. 1 pay attention, it will sink rapidly, it will sink rapidly immediately."

Adams did not take his eyes off the screen when he said this, because he clearly saw the results displayed on the computer. Not far in front of the No. 1 ship, a small meteorite in the channel suddenly started to move for some reason. They collided with a large meteorite on the edge of the passage, and those large meteorites were actually knocked off their original trajectory by this collision and flew into the passage! ! .

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