Of course, Zhao Hai would not return to the temporary base so quickly. He did not stay in the space all the time. After resting in the space for a while, Zhao Hai came out of the space. He wanted to conduct some inspections on the area he selected. reconnaissance.

Although he could see everything in that area just by sitting on the sofa in the space, Zhao Hai still wanted to do a good reconnaissance by himself. Only after personal reconnaissance could he become completely familiar with that area.

The area was not small, and the opponent only invested four thousand troops. Compared to that area, these forces were nothing.

But Zhao Hai is still very careful. He knows very well not to underestimate the people of the Zhang family. A large number of them are magicians. Although the mental power of magicians will be suppressed to a certain extent in space, But no one can guarantee that there will be a pervert with a particularly strong mental power there. If he is discovered, it will be in trouble. Although he can escape, he will alert the snake.

So Zhao Hai first used the screen to pay attention to the location of the Zhang family, and then arrived at that area. Although he and the Zhang family were in their own area, Zhao Hai believed that it was impossible for the Zhang family to discover him, because with his He didn't even have the mental energy to find those people in the Zhang family. He didn't believe that there would be anyone more perverted than him among the people in the Zhang family.

Zhao Hai wandered around the meteorite area for a while and then returned to the space. To be honest, there was really nothing interesting to see in the meteorite area, but it was really a good place for an ambush.

The ubiquitous strong magnetic storms and various magnetic fields in the meteorite area will have a certain impact on mechas or people, especially those huge meteorites. If Zhao Hai didn't have space, he would His mental power was unable to pass through those large meteorites, so Zhao Hai thought this was the best ambush point.

After returning to the space, I rested for a while and looked at the temporary base. The situation there was very good. Tiesheng and the others had already deployed people to conduct terrain reconnaissance outside the temporary base.

He stayed in the space for several hours, and then Zhao Hai came out of the space, reached a place not far outside the base, and then returned directly to the base.

As soon as Zhao Hai returned to Angui, Tiesheng and the others immediately took him in. Tiesheng, Charles and the other captains were all there, as well as their assistants, and Magret was also there.

As soon as he saw Tie Hai coming, Tie Sheng immediately said: "How is it, Xiao Hai?" Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Now the passage is completely controlled by the Zhang family. There are five members of the Zhang family in the entire meteorite passage. Ten warships were cruising there, and they seemed to have sent out a lot of troops this time. The number must have exceeded 10,000. I don’t know the exact number yet, but they separated these people into about four or five groups. , using the battleships on the meteorite channel as a base, they searched the meteorite belt from the meteorite channel separately. The number of people in each group should be between 3,000 and 4,000. Judging from this number, the Zhang family should at least dispatch this time There are more than 16,000 people." Tie Sheng and the others listened quietly to Zhao Hai's words. They did not expect that the situation outside had become like this. The faces of several people were not very good-looking, and Sheng looked at them. Zhao Hai said: "What are you going to do, Xiaohai? Will you still attack them?"

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "Of course we have to take action. This time I really found a good place. If we do it well, we can definitely wipe out a group of them."

Tiesheng was stunned for a moment and said: "Eradicate a group of people? How many people?"

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "About four thousand, of which two thousand should be magicians and warriors, and the other two thousand or so should be mecha warriors." When Zhao Hai said this, Tie Sheng's expression was After changing his mind, he shook his head and said: "No, Xiao Hai, this is too dangerous. The opponent has half as many people as us and half of them are mecha soldiers." Charles and the others nodded, Zhao Hai He smiled slightly and said: "It's because they are mecha soldiers that I say we have the possibility of annihilating them all. If it were outside, of course we would not be the opponents of those mecha soldiers, but in this meteorite belt , those mecha soldiers will not be our opponents, as long as we ambush him in advance, we can definitely wipe them out." Tiesheng didn't know that Zhao Hai had such great confidence, he looked at Zhao Hai and said: " Tell me about your plan." Zhao Hai nodded, then simply drew the map of the meteorite belt on the stone table, and then told him his plan.

Tiesheng and the others listened to Zhao Hai's plan, and their eyes became brighter and brighter. To be honest, everyone was holding a breath in their hearts after being plotted by the Zhang family this time, but they also knew very well that if they were just venting their anger at this time, It was really not cost-effective to go up against the Zhang family, so for the sake of their own lives, they all decided to endure it.

But this does not mean that they do not want revenge. Now they have not had any flaws in the plan proposed by Zhao Hai. In other words, this plan is very likely to succeed. As long as this plan succeeds, then they can take care of it. There are nearly 4,000 people in the Zhang family's team, which is enough to make them angry.

After hearing all of Zhao Hai's plan, before Tie Sheng could say anything, Leo slammed the stone table and said, "Done, this plan... is very likely to succeed. We will take care of the Zhang family's grandsons and go out." I have this bad feeling in my heart." Charles chuckled and said, "Those guys in the Zhang family must think that we are hiding there and dare not go out. Just in time, we will take care of them and let them know how powerful we are." Tie As soon as Sheng saw that these two people agreed, he knew that something was going to happen this time. Sure enough, the other captains also agreed to Zhao Hai's plan. Zhao Hai glanced at a few people and said: "Without any further delay, I think Now the other party may have returned to the battleship to rest. We will go there to ambush now. Before they go to patrol the fields, we can set up the ambush circle and maybe we can rest for a while.…,

Tiesheng nodded, turned to look at the captains and said: "Guys, please call everyone back. Rest for an hour and eat something. We will set off immediately." There was no objection from the few people. In fact, they all Faster than one's movements.

Soon all Zhao Hai's people who were scouting outside were called back, and then Zhao Hai took out a large amount of delicious food and gave it to them, and the captains of each battalion told them Zhao Hai's plan, and everyone Somewhat excited.

These people in the family's outer camp all work like mercenaries. These people are a little bit unruly in their character. They have been forced into such an embarrassing situation by the Zhang family during this period. They Naturally, there was a fire in his heart. Now that he heard that he was going out for revenge, he was naturally extremely excited.

After eating and taking a short rest, everyone was ready to go. This time even Margret followed, because this time everyone acted together. If Margret didn't follow, she would have to stay at the base alone. Here, it would be even more dangerous. If you don't want anything to happen to Magret, you can only leave some people to accompany him here at the base, but their strength is not enough. If you leave people here, it will be even worse, so In the end, Tiesheng decided to take Margret with him.

After being led by Zhao Hai, I walked around the meteorite belt several times. It took me several hours to reach the area that Zhao Hai wanted to talk about. Zhao Hai first conducted a reconnaissance of this area. God was good, and those people from the Zhang family really went back to rest, which made Zhao Hai completely relieved. He immediately asked everyone to move to the ambush area he had predicted in advance, preparing to ambush those people.

They did not choose some meteorites that were too big for their ambush locations, and not everyone hid on one meteorite. Instead, they divided them into multiple small meteorites for ambush, forming a pocket shape.

The reason why Zhao Hai is so sure that people from the Zhang family will come to dig into this pocket is that he asked Laura and the others to analyze the movement patterns of the Zhang family before. The Zhang family wants to carry out carpet-like operations in this area. To search, we must first divide the area into small areas, and then conduct searches one by one.

In this way, they can easily find the search pattern of the other party, and the place where they are ambushing is the place where the other party is likely to search for Lou next time. Through the analysis of Laura and the computer, the Zhang family's people The probability of a search here is more than 90%. In this case, Zhao Hai will of course ambush people here.

Zhao Hai and Ma Ge Lei led a hundred people from the Bone Character Battalion to ambush a small meteorite. This small meteorite was not big. With their strength, as soon as they found the opponent, they could immediately push the small meteorite.

Meteors hit each other.

After arriving at Mo Mountain, Zhao Hai immediately arranged for them to rest and restore themselves to their best condition. Zhao Hai also sat cross-legged there, recovering his energy while communicating with Laura and the others to see when the other party would On one occasion I went out for reconnaissance.

Laura and the others had already completely figured out each other's movements. When Zhao Hai and the others came out of the temporary base, the Zhang family who were patrolling the area had not yet evacuated. By the time Zhao Hai and the others were about halfway there, At that time, the people of the Zhang family returned to their own fleet to rest. This way, Zhao Hai and the others had enough time to rest and recover the energy consumed by the rush.

According to Laura's calculations, it should take about three to four hours for the Zhang family to come out of the fleet, and it will take another two to three hours to enter Zhao Hai's ambush location from the passage, that is, He said that Zhao Hai and the others still had at least five to six hours of rest.

Whether it is a magician or a warrior, five to six hours of rest is not a short period of time. Even if they have just gone through a high-intensity battle, they can recover in five or six hours. , not to mention that they had not fought before, they were just on their way.

After learning the desired result, Zhao Hai immediately set off and went to all the ambush points to deliver food to them. There were too many delicious foods in Zhao Hai's space. Of course, Zhao Hai would not take out all of them. He would take them now. What comes out is just food obtained from the battleship. ! .

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