Detective from The Future

Chapter 988: showdown

Back at the police station, Han Bin went to the captain's office.

One is to report to Ding Xifeng.

Furthermore, discuss with Ding Xifeng about the arrangements for sending team members to investigate in Chang'an.

Ding Xifeng has much more work experience than Han Bin, and he is not inclined to send team members to Chang'an for investigation immediately. On the one hand, the team members did not understand the situation in Chang'an City, and it was a smear when they went there. It was better to ask the local police to assist in the investigation. They really found clues related to the case and sent them to investigate.

On the other hand, when it comes to funding issues, the number of team members sent is less, and it does not play a big role. There are more team members and the funding is high. More importantly, if nothing is found during a trip, the superiors may have opinions, and the morale of the team members will also suffer.

What Ding Xifeng said was reasonable and well-founded, and Han Bin did not make any comments.

As for the candidates to contact the Chang'an Public Security Bureau, the position need not be too high, but not too low.

In the end, it was decided that Ding Xifeng would lead the contact, and Zhu Jiaxu would communicate the details.

After the two discussed, Han Bin directly assigned Zhu Jiaxu the task.

Zhu Jiaxu didn't dare to neglect. Although Chang'an City is far away, it is the place where Xiao Bingtian lives and works. It is possible that some important clues have been left behind, which may become the key to solving the case.

Han Bin himself was not idle. The technical department had already sent the blood-stained shoe prints found at the crime scene. Han Bin returned to the office to study the characteristics of the shoe prints.

When Han Bin saw this set of shoe prints at the crime scene, he roughly judged that it should be a man's shoe prints. After careful research and comparison, he proved his judgment.

As for the detailed characteristics of this man's walking posture, age, height, etc., more time is needed to analyze...

At four in the afternoon, a knock on the door interrupted Han Bin's thoughts.

Han Bin collected the shoe print information, "Come in."

"Squeak..." Zhao Ming opened the door and walked in. "Team Han, Song Xiaodong has captured her back. Sister Li is going to interrogate her, do you want to go?"

"Which interrogation room?"

"The fourth interrogation room."


Song Xiaodong sat in the interrogation chair, with her head down, her teeth constantly biting the fingernail of her right hand. Judging from Li Qin's years of experience in handling cases, she should be in a state of high tension.

"Officer Li, haven't you already asked at my house? Why did you bring me to the police station again."

"I asked, but you told the truth."

"Say, I'm telling the truth, but I dare not deceive you."

Li Qin snorted softly, "Just listen to what you said. If you haven't lied, our police will do nothing to do nothing and take you to the police station."

"I was wondering if there is any misunderstanding in this."

Li Qin asked, "Do you think there is any misunderstanding?"

"I...I don't know."

"Chuck..." With a sound, the door of the interrogation room opened.

Han Bin walked in from outside.

Li Qin and Ma Jiaoxu said hello, "Team Korea."

Han Bin nodded and put the documents in his hand on the table.

Song Xiaodong took a deep breath. She knew that, despite the youngest man in front of her, he was the one who could really call the shots.

"Captain Han, didn't you make a transcript for me before? Why did you get me into the police station again."

Han Bin asked, "Why do you think the police arrested you?"

Song Xiaodong showed an innocent look, "I really don't know."

"Then do you know why the police are investigating you?"

"Isn't it because of Xiao Bingtian?"

"It's because of Xiao Bingtian, but you never asked why the police investigated you because of Xiao Bingtian."

"I... I was too nervous to ask. What happened to Xiao Bingtian, how is it?"

"Xiao Bingtian is dead."

"Dead, when did it happen?" Song Xiaodong showed a look of surprise on his face.

Han Bin could tell at a glance that her surprise was in disguise, "You knew Xiao Bingtian was dead, right?"

"I don't know. I just heard about it. I was so surprised. We were on the phone two days ago. He was still fine. Why did he suddenly die."

Han Bin shook his head, "Your level of lying is not high. How do you know Xiao Bingtian is dead?"

"I don't know, I really don't know."

"Did you kill Xiao Bingtian?"

"I didn't, how could I kill him." Song Xiaodong was a little nervous, crying, "I was wronged, I just wanted to see him, so how could I kill him."

Han Bin asked, "When did you meet Xiao Bingtian?"

Song Xiaodong trembled, "I haven't seen him, I just want to see him."

Han Bin snorted, "You have deceived the police once. If you lie again, the consequences will be very serious."

"No, I dare not lie anymore."

Han Bin picked up a document from the table and said, "I gave you a transcript before. You said that you went to the Nanguo Shopping Mall after get off work the day before yesterday. I sent someone to check it. You did go to the Nanguo Shopping Mall that day. From the monitoring situation. , You should be waiting for someone, but you didn't wait until, you left Nanguo Shopping Mall at 7 o'clock in the evening.

But then you didn't go home, but took a taxi to Baicui Community, Xiao Bingtian lives in this community, you dare to say that you did not lie! "

Song Xiaodong's complexion changed drastically, and he trembled more severely, "I didn't mean to lie, I...I can't help it."

"Why can't you be forced to lie with a gun?"

"No... my husband was at home at the time. I didn't want him to know... about Xiao Bingtian." When it came to this, Song Xiaodong quickly explained, "Actually, there is nothing wrong with Xiao Bingtian and I. I'm afraid that my husband will misunderstand me. Dare to say."

"You admit that you have been to Xiao Bingtian's house the day before yesterday afternoon?"

"Yes, I went."

"When did you arrive at Xiao Bingtian's house?"

"About half past seven."

"What was Xiao Bingtian doing at the time?"

"He... he's dead. I was frightened. He was leaning on the coffee table, there was blood on the ground, and a knife that fell. I was completely stupefied."

"Have you checked the body?"

"I didn't, I just stood at the door, I didn't dare to go in. That scene was terrible."

"How did you open the door?"

"The door is just concealed, not closed."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure, the door is really not closed, otherwise I can't get in either."

"Did Xiao Bingtian open the door for you, and then you killed him."

Song Xiaodong quickly retorted, "I didn't kill him. When I got to his house, he was really dead."

"Why did you go to his house that day?"

"I asked him to meet at Nanguo Shopping Mall, and he agreed. We had an appointment at six in the evening, but he didn't arrive after I waited for a full hour. I called him and didn't pick him up, so I wanted to visit his house. Look, who knows...he actually died." Song Xiaodong cried.

"You really didn't kill] Pay attention to the public.. [Book Friends Base Camp], read books every day and get cash/points!

"I swear to God, I really didn't kill it."

"Then why didn't you call the police?"

"I'm afraid the police will suspect me, and even more afraid of being known by my husband. I have a family and children. If my husband knows that I am going to see Xiao Bingtian, he will definitely divorce me. Then I will..." Complex look,

"I am also very sad to see Xiao Bingtian dead. I also want to call the police, but he is dead and I still have to live. If I call the police, my future life will be over. What will my family and children think of me? .

I know it’s wrong, it’s selfish, but I..."

Han Bin has been observing her and continued to ask, "Why did you ask Xiao Bingtian to meet?"

Song Xiaodong wiped his nose, "I...I just want to see him. He is my first love. The two of us have many good memories. Although we weren't able to be together, I have always been thinking about him...especially In recent years, I often think of him. I just want to see him, see what he looks like now, want to chat with him, have a meal, it's really that simple."

"Why did you break up with Xiao Bingtian?"

"Hey...we were young and ignorant at the time. The two of us had a quarrel. It was ridiculous. I can't even remember the reason for the quarrel. Then he went to Chang'an City...and we both broke off."

"Describe in detail the scene you saw at Xiao Bingtian's house."

Song Xiaodong thought for a while, shaking his hands involuntarily, "I can't remember. I was too nervous and scared. This is the first time I saw a dead person, or my first love... Why, why did you treat me like this. "

"Take a deep breath. Don't be afraid. The more clearly you remember the scene, the more you can assist the police in solving the case, so as to prove your innocence. Don't be afraid of the dead. You are in the police station and surrounded by police. We will protect you. "Yes." Han Bin guided him, "Think about it carefully, what do you see when you open the door of Xiao Bingtian's house?"

Song Xiaodong clutched his head hard, "I saw blood, a lot of blood."

"Is there a set of blood footprints in the living room at that time."

"I can't remember, I didn't dare to look closely at that time. The blood dazzled my eyes."

"Does Xiao Bingtian's family have cash, a lot of cash?"

"No... I didn't see it."

"you sure?"

"I really didn't see it. Our family is not short of money, and even if there is, I will not take it."

Han Bin slowed down, "Did you see any suspicious persons when you arrived at Xiao Bingtian's house?"

"There are residents passing by in the yard, but they are not seen in the corridor."

Seeing that she could not recall more details of the scene, Han Bin handed her a few tissues and changed the subject, "Why did Xiao Bingtian leave Qindao back then and went all the way to Chang'an City?"

Song Xiaodong showed a bit of bitterness, "I can't figure out how he just left. If... he didn't go so suddenly at the time, maybe we might still be in line."

"Apart from you, did Xiao Bingtian have any other women at the time?" In Han Bin's view, women are more sensitive in this regard. If that'Rong Rong' is really Xiao Bingtian's old lover on Qindao, Song Xiaodong probably knows The identity of the other party.

Song Xiaodong was a little surprised. It seemed that he didn't expect Han Bin to ask like this, "It shouldn't be. People in our era are still relatively simple, unlike young people today who are with this one today and will be with that tomorrow. Moreover, The Xiao Bingtian I know is a more affectionate person, not the kind of messy person."

"During your contact with Xiao Bingtian, have you ever seen or heard of a woman named Rongrong?"

"No." Song Xiaodong frowned, thought for a long time, with a complicated expression, "Captain Han, do you think Xiao Bingtian left Qindao for this woman named Rongrong?"

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