Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 94: Athena's questioning and Culia troubles

Chapter 94—Athena's Query and Culia's Trouble

In the sea of ​​anger, Chen Rui puts a horse step, and his feet are firmly nailed to the reef in the sea. This posture is much more difficult than the sitting two months ago. Even though it is huge, it is still unable to shake his. Body shape. //Text sound!

During these two months of training, Chen Rui’s eternal body and the power of eternal power have already been absorbed. When the effectiveness of the two agents is completely swayed, a strange resonance resembling resonance appears in his body. Not only is the power and physique of the jīng, but even the strength and degree of the front, the overall quality has gained a growth, just like taking black powder again.

This should be an extra bonus after drinking all the ingredients, which is equivalent to the extra bonus after the "set".

Chen Rui clearly understands another mystery of eternal agents: if the black agent of the true system is a "rule"; and the black agent of the eternal system has the whole system in addition to the "rules" of the single system. "Resonance"; I don't know what resurrection and life extensions will be?

The extra harvest of black agent is only a small a-song in practice, although it has increased a certain strength, but more importantly, the perception of strength and application, which needs to be obtained by self-cultivation.

Chen Rui is not only standing on the reef, but also punching, but the frequency of punching is not fast, because the light is a stable balance in the giant *, it has already consumed a lot of star power. The hard work of two months of sleeplessness has not been in vain. His gains are not small. As for the use and control of Starpower, he has gradually learned to use the least star power to give the strongest effect.

When I felt that the limit could not be supported, Chen Rui slowly sat down again, waiting for the recovery of the force and the force of Starpower. In the cycle of continuous exhaustion, recovery, depletion, and recovery, the maximum limit of Starpower It is also slowly expanding.

If it could have accommodated a bucket of water, it could be a tank or even a pool now.

As time goes by, the inside of the human figure in the status bar, the particles of countless stars appear smaller and smaller, but the light does not decrease and the movement is more natural and round, as if it is constantly polished and jīng.


a long time.

Chen Rui opened his eyes, and the training for one hundred days has finally come to an end. This kind of sleep y lookout has no boring training. It is a huge test for the body or the gods, but as long as it can persist in passing this test, Then the results obtained are quite rich.

Chen Rui stretched out and felt a bit of tiredness, as if the sleep in the training field had been "owed" for more than three months, but before that, he needed to fill the "hunger" for a hundred days. .

Of course, in reality, it’s just hungry for more than a day. Calculate the time of rest and training. Now it’s going to be dark, just eat something and take a nap to replenish your energy.

At this time, Chen Rui felt a sense of heart, stood up vigilantly, carefully opened the tent and saw that a figure of Dina was standing outside, actually Athena, no wonder lost and two double There is no warning from the foot dragon.

"Athena, how are you..." To be honest, Chen Rui, who has been patiently lonely in the sea for more than three months, saw Athena, and he was very happy.

"How can I not be poisoned by the 'virulent poison' outside the tent?" Athena looked very unhappy, and said one thing, her eyes suddenly became very sharp, and she had a big sword in her hand, horrified The power of the thunder, smashed toward Chen Rui.

Chen Rui once saw that Athena’s sword easily split the Gangke hammer into two, and the sword was still suspended in the top of Gangke’s head. Although she was only a middle-level at that time, the skill of the game, the degree of control of the power control, even now feels clever, but did not expect that he himself also faced this sword. In an instant, he had several thoughts in his mind, and he did not dodge at all.

Sure enough, Athena's giant sword suddenly stopped at the top of his head, only a few inches away from Chen Rui's head, can already feel the fierce spirit. But it is obvious that there is only anger and no murder.

Although I know that Athena will not really start, but Chen Rui still wiped a sweat: Where is the nv man unhappy, and want to move the sword? The last time I saw a sword in the rain forest of yīn, this time again, it seems that there is still a lot of spare stock in her space bracelet...

A Sina looked at the "dead" Chen Rui, and suddenly put down the sword: "Honest ja, where did you go last night?"

"The night before..." Chen Rui recalled that the night before, it seemed to find a reef with a suitable position, soaked in the sea to practice boxing. Now I have been able to punch more freely, and I have been holding on for a long time. When I punch, I can still hide a sense of mystery. It is a pity that the remaining time is not enough. This feeling has not yet fully formed, and it has been "kicked" out of the training ground.

"Don't pretend to be silly the night before, did you go to the main pit of Xiqiao Mountain?"

Chen Ruigang came out of the training ground and still didn't get rid of the memory of the hundred days. Only then did she understand that Athena said that it was a realistic time. The night before, it was not the killing of two high-order big devils plus a high-order three. Head of the **** dog? However, this can't be said to Athena: "That, just came here the night before, it seems to sleep in the tent..."

"Don't you want to tell the truth?" Athena snorted with dissatisfaction and looked at the amoeba that had shrunk in the tent. "I have just thrown away all the tricks."

Chen Rui glared at the lost look, lost immediately turned out two arms and face, exaggerated expression looked very embarrassing, miserablely shouted: "Throw lost just did not say anything lost, did not say to the nv owner to the mine that night Things"

I didn’t have it, now... Didn’t you say that?

Chen Rui was speechless for a while: If it was Xiao Loli who used this kind of scam, it was not surprising that Athena was unexpectedly minded. Is it the legendary near-inker?

"The soldiers are not detestable," Athena saw his horrified appearance, and looked a little embarrassed, like a smile and a smile: "This is still learned from the story of the Three Kingdoms you talked about."

Chen Rui is even more speechless. It turns out that this black ink "ink" is surnamed Chen instead of surname Lucifer.

"In fact, I really don't know how to use these brains too much... But just the sword, even ordinary people, will have the instinct to avoid, and you? That kind of calm, I am not as good as myself." Asi Na gave him a deep look. "You believe me so much, this sword will not be cut down?"

Chen Rui's speechless has been replaced with a bitter smile: Who said nv people stupid? The person who makes the nv person a fool is himself the most stupid egg.

Athena suddenly sighed: "Don't want to explain something?"

"One month, this is my last promise." Chen Rui followed with a sigh and said seriously: "I must concentrate on accomplishing one thing. Now there are still more than 20 days. By that time, you will get The answer. And... I want to get an answer to you at the time."

I don't know if it is a blessing to the soul. Athena blushes red and does not ask him what the answer is. He nodded in a hurry and hurried down the mountain.

Chen Rui’s eyes fell on the package that Athena left on the ground. There was clear water and new food. The heart was suddenly filled with a warmth, and took a bunch of roast and bite, although the craft was inferior to him. è is much more, but there is a fascinating taste in the world that has never been felt before.

This night, Chen Rui slept very well.

On the second day of the evening, the Red Devils Thieves Group finally ushered in a heart, Culia.

After listening to a report of a dark head, Culia frowned, and her mood was extremely bad.

It’s too bad for a few months in the bitter cold of Xiqiao Mountain. It’s finally his turn to rest in Leia. In the town of Leia, I found the old man, Feilian, and I was happy for a few days. The bed was getting hot. I know that the deputy head of the team, Bannak, couldn’t stand it in Xiqiao Mountain. He even came to Leia Town in advance.

Then Culia was sadly reminded to end the "holiday" early, and was returned by Bannak. He was not in harmony with the guy who was the deputy head of the group. The problem was that the head of Snowd returned to the Red Sealand just the day before. went. Since the head of the team is not there, who is the big man who is reasonable, who makes his strength better than Bannak?

Culia was naturally reluctant to be rushed back like this. It’s been a ghost for more than three days. It’s reluctant to return to Xiqiao Mountain. I know that when I came back, I heard this. bad news

"Ghost dragon? The whole body is a skeleton dragon? Are you sure?"

The dark jīng spirit nodded quickly, and thought of the horror of the "Ghost Dragon" that night, and shuddered again: "Thousands of true adults, this is what I saw with my own eyes, and many people have also seen it. That ghost dragon is very Terrible, just screaming, with a terrible dragon, many brothers fell on the spot."

The horned small head of the side also added: "After that day, the monsters ate the genus Nagola, the prisoner of Bannak, and threw the sacrum out. A brother was brave enough to go up the mountain yesterday and put Nagurala. The bones of the body have come back, please ask the adults."

The horned devil said, put down the broken cheekbones of the **** three-headed dog, the white bones, even a trace of blood can not see, apparently being "eaten" very thoroughly - lost that day in the mouth, nothing to do, by the way to **** The three-headed dog was originally solved by the cut head.

As for the original guarded body was also transferred by Chen Rui after the main pit.

"Sulphur and Yaggs have never heard of it? Have you ever gone into the main pit to investigate?"

The two small leaders looked at each other and shook their heads.

"The ghost dragon is too horrible, no one dares to go in. As for the Sully and the Agics, I am afraid that I have been killed by the monster..."

"Is it?" Culia looked at the cheekbone of the ground with disdain. A few more heads were just a dog raised by the egg. When she died, she died.

In fact, Sullivan and Yaggs are the people of Bannak. Although they are not as abhorrent as Bannak, and their relationship with them is still decent, but after all, it is not a passer-by, and it does not matter if they die. The problem is that Bannak will definitely use the question to push the responsibility to him.

Culia couldn't help but wrinkle more tightly, and suddenly asked one side: "This ghost dragon, what do you think?"

It turned out that Culia was not alone. Fa.

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