Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 428 Blue Dragon

Unable to escape and unable to see, the strong sense of anxiety made this giant bird a little hysterical. After tearing up the nuclear-powered electromagnetic gun tank, its huge body rushed all the way, and factories where it passed were turned into ruins , Explosions occurred one after another, and the sound of the explosions was even more exciting, making the giant bird even crazier.

And at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared near the top of the giant bird, suspended in the air strangely.

The giant bird seemed to be aware of it. It was still running wildly, and its movements were slightly chaotic, and there was a throbbing in its heart, but it hadn't waited for it to react.

The next moment, the figure was holding the knife in both hands. For a moment, a gust of wind blew up and the air was turbulent. Immediately, the blade was pulled out suddenly. In an instant, a bright light flashed away like lightning, and accompanied by a circle of shock waves, it spread towards the surroundings at high speed, and smoke and dust flew everywhere. .

The giant bird's body suddenly paused, and time seemed to stop for a moment.

Following the inertia of its body, it continued to take a few steps forward. Suddenly, a small half of its head slanted and slowly slid down from its body. The wound was as smooth as a mirror, revealing its gray-white brain. It stopped, and its body shook a few times. , and then the entire huge body suddenly toppled down slowly.

There was a loud bang.

The strong vibration of the ground seems to have caused a chain reaction, and the nearby buildings also fell slowly one by one. If there are others here, they will be horrified to find that the fractures of these buildings are the same as the wounds on the heads of giant birds , which is also smooth as a mirror.

But at this time, the figure had already disappeared!


Guard Command!

The division commander kept walking back and forth with an anxious look on his face. Whether it was the battlefield or the huge pressure from above, he was almost out of breath.

"Chief, that giant bird is dead." A soldier who was monitoring the screen suddenly stood up and said. Maybe it was because he was too emotional, or maybe it was because this incident was so weird and unimaginable that when he stood up, he even knocked the chair behind him away.

"What?" The teacher stopped suddenly when he heard the words, and said aloud in disbelief!

Then he walked quickly to the monitoring screen, not only him, but everyone in the headquarters surrounded him.

It is not very accurate to say that it is dead, its body is still moving excitedly, it seems to be struggling to stand up, the hard concrete floor has been tossed by its terrifying force, and a huge pothole has appeared!

However, anyone can see that this is already a dying struggle.

Through the monitoring screen, everyone could clearly see that a small half of its head had disappeared, dripping with blood, and even because of the fierce struggle, a large amount of brains had been thrown out of the skull, splashing everywhere.

"What's going on, what happened just now?" The teacher asked quickly, his expression excited.

"I... I didn't see it clearly either!" The soldier said nervously. In fact, he also saw it for no reason. He only noticed that there was a shock wave in the image just now, and the picture shook violently a few times, and it went away. It fell to the ground in a few steps!

"Replay the video quickly."

The soldiers quickly played back, but even a group of people stared at the screen with wide eyes and blinked, but they couldn't find what force caused it. Only the sudden gust of wind and a fleeting shock wave could Proof that absolutely something just happened.

No need to be reminded, the soldiers have already operated the video and started to slow down.

At this time, the teacher also calmed down from the excitement just now. This incident is too bizarre, with mixed joy and sorrow.

If it was caused by their own power, it would of course be a surprise. If not, then they might have to face a more terrifying force than these two giant beasts. At that time, it will be an enemy of human beings, and it will not let go , Whether the reconstruction area still exists or not is another matter.

The video was slowed down again and again, three times... five times, until it was adjusted to ten times, the picture finally changed more.

A blurry shadow suddenly appeared next to the head of the giant bird. Judging from the screen, the two are almost stuck together. Compared with the head of the giant bird, which is eight or nine meters wide, this blurry shadow is so insignificant. form a strong contrast.

However, even with ten times slow motion, the shadow only appeared for less than half a second, and then suddenly disappeared. If you don't pay attention, you may not be able to detect it at all.

"With this body type, could it be that the other party is a human?" A staff officer looked at the flashing scene and said with some uncertainty.

Everyone looked at each other, feeling a strong sense of unreality in their hearts.

"Keep slowing down."

The soldiers simply jumped directly to fifty times.

Fortunately, after the end of the world, in order to cope with all kinds of weird and bizarre situations, the pictures of military drones are all miniaturized high-speed cameras. Even if they are slowed down to 50 times, the video is extremely smooth and clear.

At this time, it is completely certain that the other party is a human being. In the slow-moving picture, this person is wearing a black suit, but his figure is still blurred. His body seems to be surrounded by turbulent air, and his real face cannot be seen at all. .

Especially the moment he held the knife in both hands, the video was distorted and shaken, making it impossible to watch at all.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, but with this black attire and that black knife, the teacher couldn't help thinking about it, and turned his head and said: "Don't look at it, it should be ours, and upload a copy of the video to the intelligence agency." department!"

At this time, a burst of intensive artillery fire came from a distance not far away. It was that the fort on the wall had begun to fire.

The division commander's face changed drastically, and he quickly pressed the built-in radio headset in the helmet, connected to the communication channel, and ordered loudly: "I am the division commander Chen Junde, the current order is cancelled, the artillery regiment immediately stops shelling, repeat, stop shelling immediately..."


Time went back to thirty minutes ago.

At that time, Luo Yuan was still wandering in space, and he could clearly feel the strong light emitted by the hydrogen bomb explosion in the distant space.

His eyesight has far exceeded the limit of human beings, and the resolution of his eyes can barely match that of satellites. He can vaguely distinguish the cities in the reconstruction area, the factories, and even the trucks on the road.

After discovering that the hydrogen bomb explosion was not far from the reconstruction area, Luo Yuan had already focused his attention there.

Then, the situation deteriorated rapidly. When the two behemoths escaped the nuclear attack and fell to Hope City, the mission of the system also came at the same time.

"C-level mission, save Hope City, mission duration: one day, accept/cancel"

He was terrified and accepted the task without hesitation.

Needless to say, his strength has soared now, and he has long been eager to try the mysterious eighth-level life, and the content of the mission alone makes him have no room for hesitation.

Hope City is his lair, it has a population of more than one million, and his women also live there, if two eighth-level creatures are allowed to wreak havoc in Hope City for a long time, even if they are in the underground city, it may not be so Absolutely safe.

He quickly started the curvature flight and returned to Earth.

Although his teleportation is faster, but only level nine teleportation can only leap about 300 kilometers at most each time, and the willpower consumed by each teleportation is quite amazing. Even when his willpower is at its peak, he can only support ten years. Once or twice, it will be completely exhausted. Compared with the distance between him and the earth at this time, the teleportation of eleven or two times is only three to four thousand kilometers, which is only one-tenth of the distance.

Before the will is strong enough, teleportation can only be used as a fast movement ability within the planet. Compared with the vast space, curvature flight is still the most important way of movement for a long time.

It wasn't until entering the troposphere that Luo Yuan teleported to the giant bird and killed it.

Maybe it was the reason for the serious injury of this eighth-level creature, or maybe it was because he appeared too abruptly, and the battle was far easier than Luo Yuan imagined. Originally, he was still psychologically prepared for a thrilling and vicious battle, but in the end it was just a knife, and he was killed. beheaded it.


After retracting the knife, Luo Yuan immediately teleported to high altitude.

With powerful eyesight, the entire Hope City can be seen in a panoramic view.

Immediately, he found that he couldn't find another eighth-level creature for a while. It seemed that the scream of the giant bird before it died completely scared it into hiding. He searched over and over again, and soon found it. trace.

No matter how well this huge creature hides, the huge footprints left behind and the buildings knocked down unconsciously will deeply betray it.

His figure disappeared again, and when he reappeared, he was already standing on the edge of a collapsed hole in the earth.

This hole is more than a hundred meters wide, and two consecutive underground floors were pierced by a berserk force. The huge and deep footprints like ponds were completely interrupted from here, and the other party obviously drilled through the hole. go in.

At this moment, Luo Yuan seemed to feel that someone was watching him. He turned his head and saw that they were some acquaintances, but it was not the time to talk to each other at this moment. He just nodded slightly, turned around and jumped into the cave without hesitation. With the existence of foresight, he is not afraid of the opponent's sneak attack at all.


"That person seems to be my master!" Fang Peibin, who was watching carefully from a corner several kilometers away, suddenly said with a surprised expression.

"I think so too. The figure is very similar, especially holding a knife." Xu Zhiqiang said with a solemn face: "I guess only Boss Luo has the courage and strength to chase and kill this giant beast."

Lin Feiyan's face was cloudy and uncertain when she heard this, her fists were clenched tightly, her heart was hard to calm down, and the cold air radiated out of her body uncontrollably. Immediately, she took a deep breath and tried her best to suppress the depression in her heart.

She stared at the hole tightly, her eyes flickering, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Several team members secretly looked at each other in tacit understanding, and stepped back calmly, for fear of encountering unreasonable disasters.

Not half a minute later, there was a sudden bang, and the ground shook violently!

The gigantic beast that had just burrowed into the ground suddenly jumped out of it, and ran along the street all the way here. Its huge body squeezed the factories on both sides of the street to pieces like building blocks, and huge boulders flew horizontally. , smoke and dust everywhere.

A horrifying aura became stronger and stronger, several team members hiding at the crossroads, their faces turned pale with horror, quickly turned around and ran as fast as they could, running four to five hundred meters, until the terrifying body of the giant beast completely disappeared at the crossroads mouth, everyone stopped at the same time.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, with lingering fear and disbelief at the same time.

Only Lin Feiyan's face turned black, and she continued to walk forward.

"Why did the captain leave?" Wu Qianru wondered in a low voice, but unfortunately no one paid attention to this topic.

Li Dong panted heavily, and said with a shocked expression: "You...did you see it just now?"

"What did you see?" Wu Qianru asked in a daze. When the giant beast ran towards this place, she was completely dazed and could only run away.

"Deputy Captain Luo, didn't you see that he was standing on the head of that giant beast?" Xie Junhui didn't know whether he was frightened or excited, his whole body was trembling, seeing that Li Dong was still panting heavily, Can't help but answer for Li Dong.

"You saw it too, I thought I was wrong, what's going on?" Xu Zhiqiang said.


In fact, it's not just Xu Zhiqiang, even Luo Yuan doesn't know what's going on.

When he entered the entrance of the cave, this eighth-level giant beast shaped like a giant dragon nestled motionless in the corner. When Luo Yuan approached, it was even more frightened and trembling.

Originally, this blue dragon would not be so bad. Although he is powerful, he is used to restraining his momentum when fighting, and compared to this giant beast, his human body is quite confusing.

However, Luo Yuan, who had just finished a slaughter, still had a few drops of giant bird's blood on his body, and its screams before dying made Blue Dragon's psychological fear continue to deepen.

Especially when this "little creature" of the other party faced him, he was not afraid. As a highly intelligent creature, just thinking about it was enough to scare him half to death, not to mention that it was not very courageous in the first place!

So before Luo Yuan could do anything, a message came from the system.

"The lavender-level creature "Blue Dragon" has completely surrendered to you, whether to accept it as a war beast, cancel/confirm?"

Surprised, Luo Yuan hesitated for a moment, and finally accepted the surrender of the giant beast.

In fact, with his current strength, war beasts are not much use, even this lavender (level eight) creature. With his super-fast movement ability and fast-paced fighting style, War Beast is destined to be unable to help him.

On the other hand, he considered that such a super creature appeared near the reconstruction area as a deterrent, which would not only make the reconstruction area much safer, but also dispel some bad thoughts from above, and prevent problems before they happen.

The Blue Dragon, who had just surrendered, had extremely low loyalty, to the point where it only had a pass line of 60.

However, Luo Yuan, who has accumulated rich experience in teaching monitor lizards and King Kong successively, believes that this is definitely temporary.

Luo Yuan stood on top of the blue dragon, and walked straight across the avenue. Perhaps the monitoring screen had already received the news, and there was no attack on the way. Half a minute later, the blue dragon leaped lightly and jumped over a thousand meters Far away, leaped over the city wall, and landed in the wild with a lightness that was extremely disproportionate to his huge body.

Looking at the wilderness in front of him, Blue Dragon felt refreshed and couldn't help but shouted to the sky.

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