Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 513: Domain

As soon as Sha touched the ground, Luo Yuan stomped hard with both feet until his calves sank into the rock under his feet, and finally his figure finally stabilized in the storm. He looked around.

When he actually got here, Luo Yuan realized that he still underestimated the harsh environment here.

No matter how violent a typhoon is on the earth, it is not worth mentioning here. With ninety times the atmospheric pressure, the power of the storm on this planet has increased exponentially. Even if an aircraft carrier is placed here, I am afraid it will be involved. half empty.

As for the soil, it is even more impossible to survive in such a bad environment. The entire surface is rocky, hard in texture, and after years of blowing, the surface is as smooth as a pebble.

The storm is engulfing endless sand, making the visibility here pitifully low. There is only a faint dark red air, bringing a faint visible light. Maybe there is a star on the side of the night because of the night, but even in the daytime, Luo Yuan guesses that the light here is probably It won't be much brighter either.

Just like the earth at this time, the atmosphere of the entire planet is filled with endless dust, even if the sunlight is directly shining, it cannot penetrate the ground.

But one thing is different from the earth, it is not cold here, but full of high temperature.

Luo Yuan made a rough estimate, and found that the temperature was around 500 degrees Celsius. This high temperature can even ignite wood. This is why the atmosphere here is glowing red. Perhaps the atmosphere contains a lot of flammable gases. As a result, from time to time, a group of flames would burn or a loud explosion would ignite in the distance, making the world light up inexplicably.

Fortunately, this harsh environment did not have much impact on Luo Yuan.

This is the first time that Luo Yuan has set foot on the first planet other than the earth. He thought he would be excited, but when he actually set foot on it, he found that he was not as excited as he imagined.

Except for some novelty at the beginning, the whole mentality soon became a little calm.

There is really nothing to see here, endless noise, turbulent storms, and smooth rocks. Other than that, at most it is those caves with thousands of warehouses and hundreds of holes corroded by acid gas, but without the embellishment of life , No matter how spectacular the scene is, it becomes dull.

Luo Yuan settled down, and didn't plan to choose a venue, so he stood on the spot and started to move his body.

Muscles that are harder than rocks begin to move like flowing water, and the silent power inside the body gradually wakes up, like a volcano that has been suppressed for a long time erupts at this moment. The storm stagnated slightly in an instant.

The nearby magnetic field began to be chaotic, and the aurora flickered.

At the beginning, these auroras were only faintly present, like floating catkins, like light spots, dotted sporadically, but after just one breathing time, the floating catkins have turned into coquettish ribbons, their endless changes, turning the whole The decoration of the space is bizarre and full of magical colors.

Luo Yuan's strength is still increasing, and electric arcs have begun to flash around his body, and an extremely oppressive aura spreads out. As the aura spreads out, the originally terrifying storm around him strangely and slowly calms down. The area within a radius of half a kilometer where it is located seems to be isolated by an invisible force, forming a relatively independent space.

A large amount of gravel, dust, suspended out of thin air, lingering around his body and slowly rotating, occasionally mixed with electric arcs and fire.

This is the power of a similar field formed by Luo Yuan's aura. With the further strengthening of his will, some changes seem to have taken place in this field. Luo Yuan can feel that within this range, he seems to be omnipotent, and he is capable of everything in the field. , have a high degree of control.

Flowing air, a lot of gravel and dust, even electromagnetic and gravitational changes, everything is clear and under control.

This kind of domain seems to be an extension of one's own willpower. In terms of absolute strength, it is not as good as willpower, but in terms of breadth, it is far beyond.

He could feel that with every fluctuation in his heart, there was a certain force in the field echoing it.

The whole domain seemed to be no longer a foreign object, but integrated with him, a part of his body.

He suddenly realized something, his heart gradually calmed down, the beating of the heart became indistinct, and his will spread out, sensing any weak fluctuations and small changes, until he touched a wonderful sense of fit, the domain fully integrated with the body.

He opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a flash of light in his eyes. The next moment, he punched violently, but in an instant, all the airflow in the field suddenly moved with his thoughts, like tightly meshed gears, all the air , magnetic field, and gravitational force rush forward along with the power of the fist, and the air is no longer an obstacle, but an auxiliary driving force. Hundreds of tons of air in the domain and all the manifested energy merged with Luo Yuan's own strength, and rushed forward at sixty times the speed of sound.

When this force broke through the domain, the intense friction caused the air flow to instantly emit white light, which was bright and dazzling. In just an instant, the temperature had already climbed to tens of thousands of degrees Celsius, and the air began to be ionized.

All the airflow in the field was blown out by this punch, almost turning into a vacuum!


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the turbulent airflow hit a mountain bag hundreds of meters away, a burst of strong light erupted, and the ground shook violently, as if an eight-magnitude earthquake had occurred all at once.

The planet's violent airflow quickly blew away the smoke, and Luo Yuan found that half of the entire hill had been blasted to pieces.

Looking at the astonishing scene of destruction in front of him, Luo Yuan was neither sad nor happy, but his face was a little tired. He closed his eyes, and slowly recalled the punch. This punch made him feel like being hollowed out, not physically, but It's the heart, just one punch, his will was consumed by a small half, and his whole heart became empty.

Even he didn't expect that with the improvement of will, the field would undergo such a big change.

Like before, although the air in the domain can move with the heart and turn it into a booster, at most it can only increase the speed of punching, the power itself has not increased so much, and the control over the domain is far from so great .

But at this moment, the power of this punch has increased hundreds of times. Based on the power of about three equivalents of a punch of his current pure physical strength, multiplied by hundreds of times, the power has already reached about a thousand equivalents. The 30,000-yield Hiroshima atomic bomb is about one-thirtieth of its power.

If it weren't for the violent and viscous air here and here, which weakened the strength layer by layer, the entire mountain would probably be smashed to pieces.

But then again, without the viscous and dense air, the power of this punch cannot be so great. If it is in a vacuum environment, it probably won't have much effect at all. This is also the weakness of the domain, without the material and energy under control, no matter how powerful it is, it cannot be exerted.

However, Luo Yuan also knew that nothing could be perfect, and he was already satisfied to be able to reach this level in the atmosphere.

At this time, he noticed that the area that had become a vacuum with this punch was rapidly filling with air. With this trend, it would probably take less than ten seconds for it to return to its original state.

Luo Yuan realized in his heart that this was because his control over the domain was not high enough. It was like a balloon, seemingly integrated, but in fact it was full of holes and full of holes.

He closed his eyes again, and slowly, the domain merged with him again. This time, he didn't punch like last time. Such a consumption of willpower was too great. After a few punches, the willpower would be destroyed depleted.

His body seemed to be loose and tight, and the strength in his body was looming. He held his hands in circles, like a big mill, one left and one right, and slowly slid through a circular arc. A Tai Chi pattern.

During the rehearsal, Luo Yuan's will spread to every corner of the domain, capturing any changes in the domain.

This is an indescribable and wonderful feeling, omnipotent and in control of everything, the mind seems to become clear, quiet and peaceful here.

Gradually, he was no longer in the field of deliberate attention, and he also forgot about the moves in his hands. Every move came out at will, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his movements were leisurely and natural, flowing.

The strange and chaotic scene of energy in the field gradually faded away. All the magnetic fields gathered together and turned into a layer of scorching white electric light that enveloped Luo Yuan's body. The gravitational force was also attracted and lingered around him. Change, all floating like a fairy.

The magnetic field, gravitational force, and air flow are integrated with his movements. They seem to be as lukewarm as water, but every movement is filled with a terrifying atmosphere. From the original chaos of various energies, forcibly blending into one, now it is orderly and harmonious. At the beginning of the contact, it was rough and applied, and now the impetuousness has faded away, and Luo Yuan has returned to the basics. Luo Yuan's control of the field has been improved to a higher level.


"This is the planned flight route of the spaceship!" In the small conference room, a staff member pointed to the star map on the 3D screen and said

The star map in space travel is not a photo of a space telescope. The degree of perfection and breadth of the star map can represent the technological level of civilization to a certain extent.

Due to the huge spatial scale of the universe, the observed stars are all images of historical existence. Even the nearest stars have a gap of several years, and the distant ones are thousands of years. Tens of thousands of years ago, they did not stop Instead of moving, it revolves around the Milky Way at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second.

If you fly straight to the stars, the entire route will be a huge arc, which not only increases the distance, but also wastes time and supplies. For any interstellar civilization, it is a problem that cannot be ignored.

Therefore, a qualified star map must accurately measure and calculate the trajectory and moving speed of each nearby star around the Milky Way to reverse the current position of the star, and it is still active and changing. It is not only a map, but also a Programs with complex algorithms.

The wider the range of the star map and the more stars it includes, the more complicated the star map will be. Even the star map of the Botians only accurately calculates the positions of stars with a radius of about 100 light-years.

"In order to hide ourselves and confuse the enemy, we plan to fly directly away from the ecliptic plane of the solar system, fly half a light year from this line, enter the black field, and then circle a curve to fly directly to Barnard's star. The entire route is about seven 1.5 light-years, it is expected to fly for 21 years!"

"Why did it take so long?" Luo Yuan frowned slightly. Even if the spaceship flies at the speed of 0.5 light, it will only take fifteen years. Twenty-one years is really too long.

The staff quickly explained: "The reason why it is so long is that, on the one hand, half of the time is wasted within half a light-year of the front and back sections of the journey. This area is close to the stars and densely packed with matter, so it is difficult for the spacecraft to accelerate to the fastest speed. On the other hand, for safety reasons, the maximum speed is deliberately lowered."

Luo Yuan nodded silently, reluctantly acknowledging this aspect.

All humans on Earth live in a spaceship, and even the slightest risk must be avoided at the height of the entire race.

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