Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 538 New Home

Luo Yuan untied the curvature bubble and flew slowly in the galaxy.

Ignoring the wandering planet on the outskirts, this star system is undoubtedly much smaller than the solar system. Four large or small planets slowly revolve around the star according to their respective orbits.

Based on the distance from the star, Luo Yuan labeled the four planets as No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4.

Among them, No. 1 and No. 4 are solid planets, and No. 2 and No. 3 are gaseous planets.

The largest of these is gaseous planet No. 3, with a diameter comparable to that of Saturn. It has a satellite system composed of five satellites. With Luo Yuan's vision, one can clearly see the endless gusts of wind blowing inside its atmosphere, and the whole world is blowing. It was lightning and thunder.

The smallest is planet No. 1, with a diameter of more than 4,000 kilometers, only one circle larger than the moon, and only one-third of the earth. Because the light is dim and the temperature in space is extremely low, even if the planet orbits close to the star, it is still covered with a thick layer of ice, the surface is smooth, and it is difficult to see the ups and downs of the terrain.

And Luo Yuan's goal is the outermost planet No. 4. The earth is already the largest solid planet in the solar system, but Luo Yuan discovered that this planet is 1.5 times larger than the diameter of the earth. It is a veritable giant solid planet planet.

It can be seen from the gravitational field it emits that its mass is quite large.

This is a very positive signal for Luo Yuan, which shows that this planet is basically a rocky planet, and its interior is filled with a lot of heavy elements. It is a perfect resource planet for humans.

In fact, on cosmic scales, stocks of heavy elements are finite and rare.

The reason for this is that the nuclear fusion of stars generally starts with hydrogen or helium, and ends with iron. If the internal pressure of the star is not high enough, carbon and oxygen will stop. To finally fuse into iron, the mass of the star needs to be at least eight More than a solar mass, the highest sequence possible for zinc has been fused.

Most of the heavy elements in the universe come from supernova explosions. When a giant star collapses violently, it can produce a terrifying high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius in the "pain" of its final death, using the energy of this dying explosion to "bake "Under the circumstances, elements beyond iron and zinc are formed. As for superheavy elements such as gold, platinum, and radioactive heavy elements, they come from collisions between neutron stars and the regurgitation of black hole matter.

Luo Yuan guessed that extreme celestial bodies such as neutron stars once existed in this star field including the solar system, and it was their death and dissipation that made this star field full of heavy elements.


It didn't take long for him to fly near the planet, and then he quickly fell towards the surface of the planet like a meteor.

Although the gravity of this giant planet is huge, it does not have any atmosphere. After all, no matter what kind of gas, it will solidify at this low temperature close to absolute zero, but it has to be compared with anyone. still has a meager atmospheric concentration.

As Luo Yuan was pulled by the gravity of the planet, his speed became faster and faster, and his body began to gradually burn under the friction of a small amount of gas in the atmosphere. From the faint red light at the beginning, it turned into a raging mass in an instant. The fireball finally turned into a dazzling light.

This originally dead and silent planet gradually became violently windy. Countless streams of air vaporized on the surface of the ice layer, blowing away like smoke and mist in all directions.

When approaching the surface, Luo Yuan's speed had already reached a quarter of the speed of light. Before the huge kinetic energy he carried had time to collide, the ice layer with a radius of hundreds of kilometers had already begun to sag inward, forming a huge bowl shape.


A dazzling light, like a nuclear bomb explosion, lit up from the surface.

The several-kilometer-thick ice layer at the center of the explosion was instantly decomposed into microscopic particles. Even if it was more than a hundred kilometers away from the periphery of the explosion, the ice layer was still radiated by the light hundreds of times brighter than the surface of the sun. It gasified quickly, and was engulfed by the shock wave that followed it and spread out in all directions.

If you stand at a high altitude, you can clearly see that this area was hit and formed a huge basin with a radius of hundreds of kilometers. On the earth, the area is equivalent to half of Jiangnan Province.

The energy generated by this impact is not comparable to a random blow in the last test of strength.

The mass of Luo Yuan itself has reached more than 100 tons, plus the 200 tons of the space ball, the total mass is close to 400 tons, and the impact at a quarter of the speed of light, the energy carried is no more than that falling in the reconstruction area. The antimatter bombs are much lower.

Luo Yuan was quietly suspended in the bottom of the pit, expressionless. His body was still unscathed under this level of impact. The ice layer is not a material with a collapse ratio of 50,000. For him, it is the same as passing through the air. There is no essential difference.

At this moment, he has directly penetrated the ice layer and penetrated into the rock layer, and his surroundings are still filled with dazzling light. No substance can exist at this high temperature, and all substances have been decomposed into basic atoms.

"Gravity 3.5G, magnetic field strength: 0.001T; twenty times that of the earth... Fe: 51.5%, C: 13%, H: 8%, O: 3%"

He quickly analyzed the surrounding environment. This planet is quite rich in iron elements. At least in this area, iron elements account for 50% of the element types. On the earth, this is undoubtedly an iron-rich mine, and the water resources Lightweight elements are also abundant enough to serve as fusion fuel.

He waved his hand, and the surrounding mountain-like water vapor was separated by his wave. The next moment, his whole body shot straight into the sky.

After hundreds of seconds, he has returned to space.

He took out the space ball and opened the space channel. After a while, a sesame-sized mini spaceship slowly flew out along the space channel.

During the flight, it began to expand rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. One second, it was only the size of a sesame seed, and the next second, it had become the size of a round table. After more than ten seconds, it had become a giant……


A year and a half later.

The dead and desolate Barnard star system gradually became noisy.

On the surface of planet No. 4, with the basin formed after the impact of Luo Yuan as the center, a huge mining and metallurgical base, like a forest of steel, covered the entire basin, and even spread to the periphery for hundreds of kilometers. Thousands of huge mechanical arms are filled with endless power, constantly going deep into the ground, absorbing the rich minerals in the ground.

And in the synchronous orbit of the planet, a huge metal space city covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers is also in full swing and extremely busy.

A large number of mining spaceships are like busy ants, shuttling back and forth between the space city and the planet, transporting various rough refining elements, and then further processing and smelting here to manufacture various mechanical equipment.

Due to resource constraints, productivity that has been suppressed for a long time, once it breaks out, it is simply terrible.

With a large amount of technology stored in the virtual world, which was quickly transformed into real results, tens of thousands of factories have been established here in the past year and a half, and they are still being built and expanded.

And in one of the huge factories covering an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers, two huge gantry frames have already stood high on the track like mountains, and the construction of a new type of spaceship has officially started.

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