Shao Yunan slept hard. It can be said that this was the best sleep he had ever had since Soul Transmigration. When he woke up, the room was dark, and he pushed the door out, and someone called him immediately.


"Nizi, what time is it?"


Two people came out of the kitchen, Wang Shijing and Wang Qing. Shao Yunan came back to his senses and asked again, "What time is it, I seem to have slept for a long time."

Wang Shijing said, "It's past You Shi. Are you hungry?"

"It's okay." Then he noticed that the three of them were busy, Wang Ni was washing a large pot of vegetables, and Shao Yunan rolled up his sleeves and asked, "Is there anyone coming to dinner at night?"

Wang Shijing said apologetically: "I invited the people who came to help yesterday to come over for dinner, and I will have to trouble them in the future. The meat you bought will be used up a lot, and I also bought some meat to give to Lizheng and the patriarch. some time in the past."

Shao Yunan didn't mind Wang Shijing's self-assertion, let alone what he bought "by himself". Although the two have no relationship as husband and wife, they still have to live together, at least for a while.

Shao Yunan said indifferently: "Those things are bought for use. When will they come?"

"I'll let Brother Qing call them when the meal is ready." Seeing that Shao Yunan didn't mind, Wang Shijing was relieved. He didn't want to take advantage of Shao Yunan, but he didn't live in the village for five years before and after. In the village, when someone encounters something, the ones who take the initiative to help are all willing to communicate with each other. The people who helped him yesterday are the people he will move around more in the future. He left his family, but it was impossible for him to leave Xiushui Village. More contacts and good relationships would be beneficial to their family of four. The easiest way to communicate with each other is by courtesy.

Shao Yunan said: "I'll wash my face first, I'll cook dinner, I don't believe in your cooking skills. Go wash the vegetables, the water is cold, don't let the little girl touch the cold water. Qingge'er help me make the fire, little girl. play by yourself."

Wang Ni immediately said: "The water is not cold, I can wash vegetables, and I can do a lot of work." In her memory, she had no sense of "playing".

Shao Yunan walked over and grabbed Wang Ni and took her to the kitchen: "It used to be the past, now you have to get into the habit of not touching cold water." Pulling the cloth towel to wipe Wang Ni's hands, Shao Yunan taught her: "Look at your hands It's so cold, girls will easily get sick if they touch too much cold water. There will be guests at home in a while, and my father will buy some snacks. You take them out and wait for them to come and share them with everyone. In a few days, my father will go to the county town and buy them for you. "

Wang Ni's face flushed, and she felt that her little father was so gentle and gentle, which reminded her of her mother. Thinking of her mother, and thinking of the more difficult days for her and her brother after she left, Wang Ni couldn't help her eyes turning red. Seeing this, Shao Yunan squatted down: "What's the matter, little girl?"

To be honest, these two Wang Shijing children are really sensible and well-behaved, unlike the arrogant children he knows. Wang Ni lowered her head, held her little father's hand, and said shyly in a low voice, "little father, little father, you are so nice."

Shao Yunan smiled and pinched Wang Ni's face: "Well, little dad will hurt you. Okay, go get some snacks, little dad cooks. Stew big meat for little Nizi to eat."

Wang Ni raised her head, revealing the innocent smile of a child. Wang Qing and Wang Shijing watched from the outside, Wang Shijing rubbed his son's head: "Go and help burn the fire, Dad washes the vegetables."

Wang Qing sniffed and entered the kitchen silently. Shao Yunan patted Wang Ni, and Wang Ni ran out of the kitchen to get some snacks. Although she was very reluctant, she listened to her little father and said that he would buy it for her in the future.

Wang Shijing has steamed steamed buns that are a mix of white flour and cornmeal. Shao Yunan found out the seasonings that Wang Shijing had put away, took six eggs and beat them into a bowl. More than a dozen people have to come to eat in the evening, and the dishes have to be cooked enough.

"Brother Ishii, take out the wine you brought back today."

Then I heard Wang Shijing, who was washing vegetables outside, shout, "Nizi, take out the wine too."


The little girl's voice was cheerful and clear. Sitting in front of the stove, Wang Qing couldn't help but say, "Dad, when others see it, they will say it."

"What?" Shao Yunan looked down.

Wang Qing's little face was very serious in the firelight, and it was also very embarrassing: "Tell me, there are so many good things in our family. Others will gossip."

Is this a good thing? The memory of the original owner in Shao Yunan's head stimulated him, he rolled his eyes to the sky, bent down and rubbed Wang Qing's head: "Little daddy and your daddy will stop other people's mouths, you can eat it with confidence. ."

Wang Qing pursed her lips, and couldn't help but reminded in a low voice, "Grandma knows, yes, I'm not happy."

Shao Yunan snorted coldly in his heart: "I don't care if she is happy or not. We can't live a good life just to make her happy. She likes it or not. It has nothing to do with you, her or there. Your father and your grandparents will write it again. The contract has been separated, and it has nothing to do with us in the future, whether we are good or not has nothing to do with them. Your father and I will take care of you, don’t be afraid of them.”

Wang Qing raised his head and looked at his little father for a while. He lowered his head and said "um" heavily. The meanness of grandma, second uncle and second aunt, and the indifference of aunt and uncle are Wang Qing's nightmares. Dad is back, and now he has a little dad who looks like a very powerful man. Wang Qing prayed in his heart, praying that he and his sister would never go back to the old days.

If you can't see how miserable the two children are in that home, Shao Yunan is definitely blind. Wang Shijing washed the dishes and came in, Shao Yunan put on his apron: "You see what else to prepare, the kitchen belongs to me."

"I'm going to borrow a table."

"go Go."

Shao Yunan picked up the kitchen knife and cut the vegetables first, then the meat last.

When it was completely dark, the guests came one after another. Wang Shijing borrowed three tables. He not only invited the people who helped yesterday, but also the two sons of the Lizheng family, Wang Wen and the son of the patriarch, and Sun Langzhong, the grandfather of the brothers Sun Erjiang and Sun Xiaojiang, who came to help yesterday. Wang Shijing wanted Sun Langzhong to show Shao Yunan and the two children. It's not that Wang Shijing didn't invite Li Zheng and the patriarch, but it was inconvenient for the two of them to come forward on such an occasion today.

The guests shouted "really fragrant" before they entered the yard. The guests thought it was fragrant, and the two children Wang Qing and Wang Ni would only think it was more fragrant. They thought that the food cooked by the little father smelled more fragrant than the food eaten in the big restaurant at noon.

There were many people and it was cold at night, so Shao Yunan didn't cook dishes one by one. One pot of crispy meat stewed with sauerkraut - pickled cabbage was sent by others, one pot of pure braised pork, one pot of braised pork ribs and stewed potatoes, one pot of fish-flavored eggplant, one pot of white radish, meatballs and bean sprouts soup, and a pot of only stir-fried vegetables - scrambled eggs with chives.

Wang Shijing was considered the owner of the house, and Shao Yunan asked him to accompany the guests. When the dishes were all ready, Shao Yunan divided them into three portions, and together with Wang Qing, brought out the dishes in pots. As soon as the dishes came out, it started to be lively outside.

"It's really fragrant, Ishii family, your craftsmanship is really good!"

"This looks even better than the one in the restaurant!"

"What kind of food is this? I've never seen it before!"

"Ishii, you are so lucky!"

Every word you say to me, everyone praises Shao Yunan's good craftsmanship, and no one asks them where they got the money to buy so much meat. Wang Shijing asked Shao Yunan to sit beside him, and Wang Qing and Wang Ni were led away by the fourth aunt. Wang Shijing's gloom subsided a lot. He poured wine for the elders present, and said, "I just came back. In the future, my family will count on my uncles, aunts and brothers to take care of me."

Wang Xing's father, Uncle Wang, immediately said: "Ishijing, everyone knows what's going on in your family. There must be gossip and fun in the village, so don't pay attention, these people are indispensable everywhere. Brother and Nizi live a good life. We elders have watched you grow up and know the hardships and grievances you have suffered, as well as the hardships and grievances Qinggeer and Nizi have suffered. It's not easy to manage, now that you are separated, everyone will help you if you have any difficulties."

Others immediately echoed: "That's right, Ishii, everyone will help you in the future. Life will always get better."

Wang Shijing said a little excitedly: "Thank you fourth uncle, thank you everyone. For this bowl of wine, I will first pay tribute to all the elders here."

The elders all picked up the wine bowls and drank the wine with dignity. Wang Shijing wiped his mouth, filled himself up again, and then said, "This bowl, I respect all brothers."

"Brother Ishii, if you have anything in the future, feel free to speak up."

Wang Xing, Sun Erjiang, Sun Xiaojiang, and Wang Zhuanghua, the four young men who were close to Wang Shijing, first picked up the wine bowl, and the others immediately picked up the bowl.

Looking up, Wang Shijing drank again. After two bowls of wine, Wang Shijing sat down, picked up his chopsticks, and greeted everyone to eat. Shao Yunan poured a little wine and stood up. Following his movements, everyone immediately stopped to eat and drink. Shao Yunan said with a smile: "Ishijing and I can be together, but it is fate. I have a straight personality. Sometimes I don't care about my temper. I hope everyone can bear it. I just arrived in the village. I don't know anything about it. If you have done something wrong, you can just tell me about it. Brother Ishii and I have nothing to say now, but there will be in the future. We will make our life prosperous. Everyone needs help. The place just comes to us. Brother Qing and Nizi, I will treat them as my own children."

After Shao Yunan finished speaking, there was a moment of silence at the scene, and Aunt Wang was the first to speak out: "Yunan, Aunt Si thinks you are good. You have also seen the situation of the Ishii family, Shijing, don't blame Aunt Si for talking. It doesn't sound good. You really have to find a temperamental daughter-in-law like Yun'an, otherwise I won't say anything else, and I don't know how much grievances Qingge'er and Nizi will suffer in the future. You can also live your own life in peace. Yun An, you and Ishii have a good life, Qing Geer and Nizi are very sensible babies, Ishii and the two children will be handed over to you. "

Shao Yunan raised the wine bowl: "Fourth aunt, don't worry, I will definitely do what I said. I respect this bowl of wine."

Everyone picked up the wine bowl, and a few young men even coaxed: "Sister-in-law, after this meal, Brother Ishii will definitely be inseparable from you."

Shao Yunan drank the wine with a smile, during which Wang Shijing glanced at him. Shao Yunan's cheerfulness won a lot of goodwill from everyone. After drinking this bowl of wine, everyone opened their arms to eat and drink. Wang Qing and Wang Ni had a big meal at noon, and they kept stuffing them in their mouths. Little Daddy's cooking was better than the one in the restaurant!

Wang Shijing's interest was also much higher, and Shao Yunan's cooking skills far exceeded his expectations. It may also be that the burden in his heart is gone, and the person who remarries is not as he thought. Although he and Shao Yunan are not yet a real husband and wife, Wang Shijing has a lot of expectations and expectations for the future.

The wine Shao Yunan bought is one of the good wines here. Everyone ate and drank enough, but Shao Yunan didn't have such a big appetite, he was full after eating a steamed bun. When he was full, he turned his head and whispered a few words to Wang Shijing, then got up and left the table and went to the kitchen. As soon as Shao Yunan left, Fourth Uncle Wang, who was sitting on a table with Wang Shijing, whispered, "Ishijing, you will be more careful in the future, don't do what you want to do like before, I think Yunan has an idea. Yes, if there is anything you need to discuss with him."

This table is full of sensible people, and Fourth Uncle Wang is not afraid of people spreading gossip. What he meant was actually quite straightforward, that Wang Shijing would not be oppressed and bullied by his own family in the future. Shao Yunan was a powerful person, and it was right for Wang Shijing to listen to Shao Yunan more.

Wang Shijing nodded and said, "He's good. I have absolutely nothing to do with my family now. I don't care about the family's affairs unless we get married, funerals, and marriages."

"You just understand."

Shao Yunan went to the kitchen to cut fruit. At night, there was big meat. He wanted to eat something refreshing. Fruit is a rarity, but it is nothing to Shao Yunan, just buy it after eating it. While cutting the fruit, someone came in, and Shao Yunan turned his head.

"Four aunts."

It was Aunt Wang who came in. Seeing that Shao Yunan was cutting fruit, Aunt Wang immediately said, "Oh, why are you still getting apples and pears? It's so expensive! Auntie knows your intentions, but don't do this in the future. When you split up, you won't have anything. , I still need to save more money to build a house and sell the land."

Shao Yunan was thinking about how to explain the origin of the money, and this was just right. He said solemnly: "Brother Ishii picked up a few beautiful stones during the war, and he gave them to me. I looked at them very rare, so I wanted to see if I could exchange some money. As a result, I went to the pawnshop just in time. When I met the shopkeeper of the 'Die Zhuang Pavilion', when he saw my stone, he immediately paid for it. I never thought that a few stones could be exchanged for silver. Otherwise, Brother Ishii and I would not be able to invite everyone to eat meat and drink."

Aunt Wang was surprised: "Can stones be exchanged for silver?"

"I just found out." Wang Shijing wiped his hands and took out a stone from his pocket, "I still have one left."

Aunt Wang stepped forward and exclaimed, "This is a stone? Isn't this meat?"

Shao Yunan shoved the stone into Aunt Wang's hand: "You can feel it, it's a stone."

When Aunt Wang took it in front of her eyes, she was extremely surprised: "This looks like a piece of boiled meat, how could it be a stone!" She touched it and took a bite in disbelief, and then sighed, "It's still What a stone!"

Shao Yunan smiled and said, "That's not it, it's just stones. I sold three pieces, but it's not this kind of meat stone, and it's quite rare." Then, he smiled and sighed, "These stones are also from Ishii. If I had to exchange my life for it, I would be reluctant to sell it.”

Aunt Wang hurriedly put the stone back to Shao Yunan and said, "Isn't that true? There is only one piece left, you can keep it, but don't sell it. Don't buy so much meat and wine in the future. We all know your intentions. It's not too late to buy when you get better."

"Aunt Four is right." Shao Yunan put away the half-slap-sized meat stone.

Aunt Wang then leaned forward and whispered, "Don't let the people in the old house know about this stone, especially Shijing's mother, or she will have to come and ask you."

Shao Yunan continued to cut the fruit, and said coolly: "I'm not afraid of her, if she dares to ask for it, I'll let her know what the consequences will be. Fourth aunt, Brother Ishii and I will not deliberately seek trouble, but if others find me, don't do it. Blame me for being rude. We bought so many things today, there's no way they didn't know about it, they're going to make trouble."

When Aunt Wang heard this, she felt even more relieved: "It's good if you can think so. I'm really afraid that you will be bullied to death over there." After a pause, Aunt Wang said hesitantly, "The one before Ishii was the Her temper is too soft to protect herself, not even Qing Ge'er and Nizi. Although she ran away with someone, everyone understands that in that house, she really can't survive. You don't either. Take it to heart, Ishii will marry you and will definitely treat you well."

Shao Yunan smiled and said, "I'm not that careful. Now that Brother Ishii has split up, we can't handle anything over there. Fourth Aunt, you can tell people how we got our money, so that some people don't talk about it behind their backs. "

"You can do it yourself, and I'll help you tell the outside world."

Aunt Wang was worried that Shao Yunan would not be easy to get along with, but now she likes Shao Yunan a little bit. The two stayed in the kitchen for a while longer, and Fourth Aunt Wang took the opportunity to tell Shao Yunan the situation of Wang Shijing's family in detail, so that he would not suffer in the future.

When Shao Yunan and Fourth Aunt Wang came out of the kitchen, they immediately attracted another applause. Everyone was happy and satisfied with the meal. We had snacks before meals and fruits after meals, which made everyone feel embarrassed. They are just a little help, but they are so grateful.

There were almost no vegetables left, so Wang Shijing asked Sun Erjiang to take the remaining soup and water back, mix it in the pig food, and feed it to the pigs, and also add some oil and water to the pigs. The Sun family raised two pigs, and Sun Erjiang was not polite.

The host and guests enjoyed themselves. Before leaving, Aunt Wang, Aunt Zhou, and Aunt Xia, the mother of Sun Erjiang, also washed the dishes and chopsticks. Shao Yunan didn't rob them. He didn't like cleaning up after dinner. The guests were all gone, and Shao Yunan didn't see one of the guests leaving and looked back at him one more time. Wang Shijing went to boil water to wash, and Shao Yunan called Wang Qing and Wang Ni into the house.

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