Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 482: Are you neurotic, we broke up

Chapter 482 Are You Nervous, We All Broke Up

Going downstairs, Jun Ting looked at the night outside.


I also became more and more annoyed, and turned around and called Feng Jichuan, "What did you do to Lausanne this afternoon, she is gone now. If something happens at night, do you take responsibility, you are not a woman Are you responsible? "

"What are you talking about?" Feng Jichuan said inexplicably with his head covered.

"Nian Xi said that in the afternoon you took Frost to the bridal shop and let Lausanne meet her," Nian Junting was angry. "What happened to the two of them, Lausanne's mood was not right after they came back, and now he left in the evening. I don't know where she went, she is so beautiful and beautiful, and someone is always staring at me. If she is robbed of money and money in the middle of the road, I will never end with you in this life. "

"I don't know, nothing should have happened," Ji Chuan said lightly, "Will she think too much of her own, and how can you say her like that because of your relationship with Shuang Wei, she loved her wholeheartedly For you, Jun Ting, since she broke up with you, she hasn't found a boyfriend, and is even more resentful to her mother. "

"Can she hurt Lausanne if she loves me?"

"Why are you so sure that she hurt Lausanne? Do you have evidence? Don't be wrong," Ji Chuan said. "She's so old, she won't be okay. Maybe it's a temper with you, that little girl. It's all like that, people always coax. "

"Enough, although Lausanne often quarrels with me, but she is not an unreasonable person," Ning Junting became more and more angry, "No wonder Nian Xi suddenly did not want to marry you, Ji Chuan, your EQ is really bad . "

"You said Nian Xi wasn't going to marry me?" Ji Chuan lived.

"Yes, you need to reflect on it yourself, and it ’s not yours to be a brother," said Jun Jun Ting sternly. "If one day you break up with Nian Xi, even if you marry a girlfriend in the future, I wo n’t I will bring Nian Xi to your girlfriend every day, and on the contrary, I will sincerely bless you. "

"Will you sincerely bless me?" Ji Chuan said he was totally unconvinced.

"Yes, but the premise is that you are abandoned by Nian Xi. If you abandon Nian Xi, the brothers will settle accounts."


"I now tell you explicitly that your wedding with Nian Xi is temporarily suspended," continued Nian Junting. "Nian Xi is still young anyway, and I am not in a hurry to get her married at this time."

"Junting, can't you take it easy," Ji Chuan was also annoyed.

"You told me Shuangwei phone."

"You are not calm at all now, I will not tell you," Ji Chuan hung up.

Annual average Ting had to ask Xiao wanton.

When I dialed the cold frost microphone, there was an incredible voice inside, "Junting?"

"Yes, yes, it's me," Nian Junting didn't hesitate, watching the door. "Did you say something to Lausanne alone in the bridal shop in the afternoon, she's gone now."

"Okay, if you come out to meet me, I'll tell you," Leng Shuang said softly, "I want to see you."

"Are you neurotic? We broke up," Jun Ting said rudely.

"You can regroup after breaking up, I did not forget you," Lengshuang said in a sad tone. "Junting, I still like you very much."

"You like me, then I can't help it," Ning Junting said irritably. "I'm not a charity expert. So many people love me at first sight from morning till night. I can't respond to them one by one. You answer quickly my question."

Ye Xue: It's hard to fall in love with wood

(End of this chapter)

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