Ye Hao and Man Qin also said that the business of Jinkou City Qianjinxing business, although she did not manage the business there, but it does not mean that she will not ask, she should understand very clearly.

Full of diligence was stunned by Ye Hao’s familiarity with the trade business. In fact, he was skeptical about Lu’s growth in the border town. He did not think that Lu Hao could be smarter than Ye Hao, but he Today, I dare not think so. It seems that Ye Hao’s girl used to trust her sister very much, otherwise she would not tell her the business details in such detail.

After negotiating with Manchu, Ye Hao is leaving, she can't stay here for too long.

Hong Ling sent her downstairs. "When can the girl and slave get to you?"

"Now you are not helping me to do things?" Ye Hao said with a smile. "I am in the college now, people who don't need to be around, you can do more things for me outside."

Hong Ling said, "Slaves are afraid that others will not serve you well."

She grew up with the girl, knowing how their girls are spoiled, and there are so many small jealousies in life, in case others are not well cared for.

"I am very good." Ye Hao said that she is no longer the previous Ye Hao, and will not be angry because of the ring, which is now a trivial matter for him.

Hong Ling looked at the girl who was obviously different. Although the girl was no longer arrogant and capricious, she was extremely distressed by the girl who was not arrogant.

Someone can love to be delicate and capricious. Now who else can indulge in love with a girl like the second master?

Back to Lu Jia, Ye Hao first went to the old lady to ask for security.

A few days ago, the old lady’s longevity, Lu Shixun also came back. Unlike Lu Shiming’s Wenrun Ruyu, Lu Shixun is a very serious and calm person. Such people are not easy to find weaknesses.

"Grandma, I am coming back." When Ye Hao walked into the house, she had a sweet smile on her face.

There are many people in the house, almost everyone has arrived, except for a few cousins ​​who are not here, even Lu Shixun and his wife are here.

Mrs. Lu saw that Ye Hao came in, and the smile on her face became more kind and cozy. "Hey, come back, let the grandmother look, and I haven't gone home for a few days."

Ye Hao’s heart is a little surprised, what is it today? So everyone is here with the old lady. She smiles and greets her elders. This is the way to the old lady. "Grandma, do you think I am fat? Didn't it tan?"

Mrs. Lu had pinched the cheeks of Ye Hao. "There are not a few flesh and I said that I am fat. I look, um, it is white."

"Mother, this child is getting more and more irregular in front of you." Yan took a look at her daughter, and she was the best at home with the old lady. The other girls didn't like her so much.

Ye Hao went to the old lady's arms and said with a smile. "I can be filial to my grandmother. How can I have no rules?"

On the side of Lu Fanger and Lu Jinger both licked their mouths, and of course they did not have such a love for Lu Hao, and there was no such thing as a good show.

The old lady smiled. "I like to be like this. I will be happy when I see her."

"Grandma looks very good today, is there any happy event?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Your eldest brother has just sent a good news, the day of the Xifan rebellion is not far away." Mrs. Lu took the hand of Ye Hao. In the past two months, her mood is the best today.

In Ye Xin’s heart, the smile on his lips almost froze. “Big brother wins?”

"Yeah, winning the battle, your big brother will be able to come back soon." Mrs. Lu smiled.

impossible! This is different from what she had known before. Why was Lu Yizhi not injured? He should be injured and returned!

Lu Shixun’s face floated with a hint of laughter. “It’s a good thing for us to extend to winning the battle.”

With Lu Shuanger being beaten into the cold palace, many people in Kyoto thought that Lu Jia would be out of favor, and there was Lu Shengzhi’s victory. I believe those people have to change again.

"I hope to help the maiden," Lu Shiming said.

Lu Shuanger has been banned for more than a month. Seeing that the showgirl has entered the palace, it should be established soon. If it continues to be banned, I am afraid that it will really fall out of favor.

When I heard this, Ye Hao felt that the whole person was even worse. She also hoped that Lu Shuanger would ban it for a little longer. After the showgirls were favored, she would let her out. At that time, the character of Lu Shuanger would definitely be with those. The new favorite scorpion is inconsistent, and now the showgirl has not been selected, is it necessary for Lu Shuanger to regain favor?

"Grandma, is it possible for us to enter the palace to visit the eldest sister?" the little girl sitting next to Mrs. Lu’s wife asked innocently.

Ye Hao looked at the little girl, who was the daughter of Lu Shixun. She was only five years old this year. She was very cute, but she looked like Lu Shuanger.

Mrs. Lu said with a smile, "It should be possible to visit the noble lady soon."

"Great, I haven't seen my big sister for a long time." Lu Yuer clapped her hands happily.

Ye Xie was stuck in her heart and could not vent it. She took the little girl and gently poked the bun on her head. "You only like big sister, don't like me?"

Lu Yuer hurriedly said, "Like! I also like three sisters."

"Oh, that's almost the same. If you don't like me, I won't give you a pastry next time." Ye Hao said, wondering if Murong Chan would really lift Lu Shuang's forbidden? It may be true that he will weigh the situation.

"There is still a happy event." Liu, who had been sitting next to Mrs. Lu, said reluctantly that she had been in the house for the first time since she was ordered to stay in the house by the old lady. Lessons, she didn't dare to talk nonsense again.

Mrs. Lu asked with a calm face. "What happy things do you want to say?"

"It’s a happy event for Fang, and Liang’s family will come to raise a relative in the next two days.” Liu said with a smile, and Lu Fanger looked down with a shy look, and his eyes flashed a gloomy look.

"Who allowed you to give Fang Fang a dear?" Mrs. Lu was in a good mood and was suddenly destroyed, and her face was angry and asked Liu.

Liu’s smile froze. “Mother, Fang’s age is not small. Liang Houye is not good, and Fang’s marriage to him is not bad.”

Mrs. Lu is very angry and laughs. "You really have the ability to let you stay in the house. You can still give Fang Fang a temper with the Liang family. I don't agree with this family!"

Liu’s face changed. “Mother, where is this marriage?”

When Lu Fanger heard the old lady's words, the blush on her face became pale, and her lips grievously bowed her head.

"Our Lujia girls don't need to be the relay room of others," said Mrs. Lu.

"Mother, don't be angry. If you are dissatisfied with Fang's affair, you can always say that you are satisfied. Let's say what kind of affair our girl wants before the Lu family is different." Mrs. Lu said with a smile to the old lady. .

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