I Am the God of Games

Chapter 133 The Trial of the Sea God

In fact, when the tsunami hit, Xiwei did run into a little trouble.

For this reason, he even had to contact the big lion for the first time and ask the other party to come and help.

"You mean, this blue light directly penetrated your kingdom of God and fell in front of you?" The big lion looked at the ground, with a substantial light like a sky blue spear.

"That's right, it's really terrifying..." Xi Wei had a lingering fear in his heart.

It's not that he hasn't encountered the situation where the kingdom of God was invaded. The last guy who did this is still waiting to be squeezed out in the juicer, but the invasion of the kingdom of God this time is too aggressive and destructive. , so that he didn't dare to study what it was on his own.

Fortunately, the big lion has a lot of knowledge and knowledge, but after poking the tangible light with his snow-white tail, the lion showed the expression of 'so it is'.

"What is this?" Xi Wei hurriedly asked.

"This thing is the divine power of the Sea God, you really provoked this guy..."

"The cauldron, save me!" Xi Wei immediately asked the big lion for help.

"There's no help, wait until you die, and say goodbye!" The big lion planned to leave after three consecutive attempts, but was finally held back by Xi Wei.

"Okay, this divine power is essentially an ultimatum for you. Well, it's not quite right to say it is an ultimatum." The big lion seemed to be thinking about how to explain it. According to the script, he said: "In simple terms, it is equivalent to that guy using divine power to create a challenge letter for you, she is going to let you go through the 'three major trials', if you can't pass the trial, even if you don't die from the trial , she will kill you by herself."

"Then if I pass the trial, will my previous grievances be written off?" Xiwei's sphere lit up, as if he saw hope.

"Thinking beautifully, if you pass the test, she will probably accept you as a subordinate god." The big lion said without hesitation.

"Then why didn't she just come and blow me up..."

Xiwei Tiedi said that it is impossible to be a subordinate god, impossible in this life...

"According to my information, the Church of the Earth is currently engaged in some kind of reclamation project, so that most of the energy of the Sea God is now used to confront the leyline weavers, so there is no time to pay attention to your weak god."

The big lion answered Xi Wei's doubts: "The three major trials will appear one by one, and only the content of the first trial is recorded in this divine power. The first trial is to test your believers, she Dropped a murloc island near one of your churches."

"Fish, Fishman Island?"

Xi Wei couldn't help thinking of the small island in One Piece that was 10,000 meters under the sea.

But he soon recovered.

Although there are 'mermaids' similar to mermaids in this world, they are rarer and rarer than frogmen.

Under normal circumstances, the murlocs are closer to the human fish-headed monsters with four limbs and able to walk upright in World of Warcraft.

They have a civilization that is completely different from the creatures on the land. They use weapons made of coral, have their own language and beliefs, and are very fierce and savage.

At present, more than 90% of the sea is regarded as a forbidden area for human beings. In addition to those terrible sea monsters, more reasons come from fishmen who are more ferocious than pirates.

Some seaside areas are also often invaded by murlocs. Until now, humans still have no better solution to these guys who are second only to goblins in terms of harm and annoyance.

"That's right, and there is a 'sea eye' in the center of the fish-man island, which will send the fish-men from the deep-sea settlement to the fish-man island... Only by finding the seven pieces hidden on the fish-man island' Aquamarine',

After defeating the jewel guardian and destroying all the jewels, the sea eye can be completely closed. The big lion tried his best to explain to Xi Wei the information he had read from divine power: "If your believers can successfully close the eyes of the sea, the first trial is a success; and once your church on the shore is destroyed, then considered a failure of the trial. In addition, because it is a believer's trial, you are also forbidden to come and help in person. "

"Wait a minute, you just said 'continuously', right?" Xi Wei lit up again.

"Yes, murlocs are a very troublesome race. They are large in number and have a good appetite. They often feel hungry, so they will continue to attack buildings on the shore. You'd better gather all your followers and prepare for this test. It's better to practice."

"Let me confirm again." Although he knew that the big lion was kind, Xi Wei did not rush to express his position, but asked: "As long as this trial does not end, the next trial will not begin, right?"

"It's true in theory, what's wrong?" the big lion asked strangely.

That's right, the monsters can be refreshed infinitely, and the battlefield that players repeatedly brush has appeared.

And unlike the dungeon, this thing will not consume Xiwei's divine power.

Not only that, although the fish people are not rich, there are still some things that are common in the sea, such as pearl coral tortoiseshells, but extremely rare on land. Players can use these things as specialties to trade with merchants in other places. Activity!

This is a fart aquamarine. Fishman Island is a treasure trove. Players have to protect the aquamarine and prevent them from being destroyed by the fishmen!

"What are you doing?" The big lion was a little surprised to see that Xi Wei's tentacles were wrapped in the blue pillar of divine power.

"Since the Sea God is looking for trouble, I'll definitely charge a little interest first..." Xi Wei pulled the Divine Power Light Pillar out of the ground of his Divine Kingdom indifferently.

"Don't you want to absorb the divine power of the Sea God? I advise you to stop. The person of the other party is much higher than yours. If you forcefully absorb yourself, you will be overwhelmed by the divine power." The big lion immediately solemnly warned.

"I know I know."

Of course, Xi Wei wouldn't do such a deadly act - he just took out the skull head of the rotten evil bone, and then stuffed the Seagod's divine power beam into it: "I just think it's such a good thing, it can't be. waste."

Immediately, the evil bone head continued to vibrate, and finally, with a crackling sound, fine cracks like cracked glazed porcelain appeared on the skull.

Fortunately, the head of the evil bone has lost its own godhead and divinity, otherwise it has to explode. Even so, blue liquid still flows out of its skeleton eye socket, it looks like it is crying, extraordinarily pitiful and sad...

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