I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 13: Reshaping the History of the Vampire Clan (Part 2)

"When the God of Creation was creating the world, he was accidentally cut open by the God of Creation, and the blood of Creation dripped into the newly created world."

"The God of Creation took mercy and used the blood of Creation to create the world's first creatures, the Vampires."

"The vampire race at that time was perfect and the race most beloved by the Creator God."

"The Vampires can enjoy the light of the sun. The sun does no harm to the Vampires. In fact, the Vampires will be strengthened more during the day than at night."

Hearing this, the vampires below suddenly exclaimed.

No one can argue that the vampires are afraid of the sun, but Li De said for the first time that the vampires were not afraid of the sun and even enjoyed it.

"Clan leader, why could vampires live under the sun at the beginning of creation?"

Lucy couldn't help her curiosity and asked.

Li De waved his hand, did not answer directly, and continued to tell the fairy tale he had made up all night last night.

"The Vampires are great beings created by the blood of the Creator God, and the sun was also created by the Creator God. Will the Creator God create a sun that can harm his descendants? No, no."

"So at the beginning of creation, the Vampires were a holy race comparable to the ancient Titans."

"Except for the ancient Titans, no one can compare with the Vampires. The Ancient Titans rule the sky, while the Vampires rule the earth."

"Humanity at that time was still in the barbaric era, elves were still fruits on the tree of life, dragons were still flapping their wings and wanted to fly into the sky, orcs had not yet appeared, and dwarves were still learning to make fire in the valley."

The vampires below all showed yearning looks. They didn't expect the ancestors of the vampires to be so powerful.

What an honor it was to once rule the entire world with the ancient Titans.

Li De's face became more and more sacred, and his words accompanied by magic were full of provocative meaning.

Thanks to the vampire ancestor's enthusiasm for magic, when he was studying magic, he discovered that when casting the second-level spell Charm,

As long as the magic model is not fully activated and the amount of magic input is controlled, the persuasiveness of the voice can be increased without releasing the charm spell.

A very interesting derivative use of magic.

"But that all changed after a magical experiment.

The ancient Titans used magic to create an eternal artifact, the Thunder Scepter.

This scepter rich in thunder power possesses the priesthood of thunder,

The Titans used the Thunder Scepter to steal the power of the Creator God."

The legend that the Titans stole the God of Creation’s ministry is something that exists in the Glory World itself. It is said that the ancient Titans stole the power of the God of Creation before starting the Age of Gods.

Li De added the vampires without any trace.

Anyway, outsiders would not believe this heretical and evil statement, but he only needed the vampires to believe it.

"It is rumored that the God of Creation left the world he loved after losing part of his divine power."

“But that’s not the case, no one can fail to punish the rebel after losing their power.

The reason why the God of Creation did not punish the ancient Titan was that he was fighting the most terrifying Lord of the Chaos Evil God at that time."

"What is the Lord of Chaos Evil God? Father, I have never heard of this title."

Lucy still plays the role of the problem baby.

Li De coughed quietly and said the words he had made up a long time ago.

“All worlds are created out of chaos, and so is our world.

The Lord of the Chaos Evil God is the most terrifying evil god in Chaos, who devours the world as food."

These words made the vampires below exclaim. They devour the world as food. What a terrifying evil god is this?

"Did the God of Creation win?"

Li De shook his head, stopped Lucy's questioning, and continued: "The God of Creation has been at war with the Lord of the Chaos Evil God for millions of years.

At the critical moment when they were locked in a stalemate, the ancient Titan used the Thunder Scepter to steal the power of the God of Creation."

Otis's face was full of anger when he heard this. The rebels like the ancient Titans really deserve to be hanged one by one.

"The God of Creation, who had lost part of his power, could no longer hold on, but in order to kill the Lord of the Chaos Evil God, he summoned our ancestors, the gods of the blood race, to go there."

"We are the descendants of the Creation God, not the rebels of the ancient Titans. For the sake of the entire world, our ancestors embarked on a journey to the outside of the Chaos Realm."

"The Lord of the Chaos Evil God is so powerful as never before. The gods of the vampire race fell one after another in the battle."

“The Lord of the Chaos Evil God sensed that the power of the Creation God was weakening, and launched the most terrifying attack.

The creation god's body, which was harder than the mountains, suffered huge trauma, and only the last of the vampire gods was left, the Holy Spirit.

The war reached its most critical moment. Regardless of the emptiness of magic power, the God of Creation burned his life and used the strongest chaos magic, briefly trapping the Lord of the Chaos Evil God.

At this time, the God of Creation handed over the Sword of Creation to the vampire god, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit used his last strength to cut off the head of the Lord of Evil God."

"We finally won"

"But unfortunately, the God of Creation, who lost his most important power, suffered incurable injuries in the final decisive battle with the Lord of the Chaos Evil God and died."

"When the Holy Spirit went outside the Chaos Realm, there were several brave human hero kings following us.

In the battle, although humans could not compare with the Vampires, they still made great contributions, and several humans even sacrificed their lives to save the Vampire gods."

"Before his death, the Evil God of Chaos used his last power of Chaos to curse the vampires who resisted the invasion of the Evil God of Chaos.

The vampires are cursed to drink the blood of their partners forever, and the vampires who once loved living in the sun are cursed to be harmed by the sun forever. "

Li De's tone became extremely solemn here.

"So that's why we can only go out at night and can't withstand the sun's rays."

"This is why we can only drink human blood alone. Orcs, elves, and demons cannot satisfy us."

"Because humans were once our partners, we are the descendants of the Creator God, and our blood race once made huge sacrifices for this world."

When the last high-pitched closing words were spoken along with the magic model of charm, the vampires below fell into a deathly silence.

Li De looked at the eyes of the vampires below and thought to himself.

It’s done.

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