I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 17 Otis’ doubts

Otis has been confused these past two days.

Ever since the clan leader came back last night, that doubt has not disappeared.

He keenly felt that the patriarch's temperament had changed a lot. It was not the same when he came back last time.

At that time, all the behaviors of the clan leader were in line with the actions of the vampire clan. He was indifferent and liked darkness. He would never gather the clan members into the hall in the morning and regarded humans as food.

He even thought that when the clan leader came back this time, he would let him lead his clansmen on magic bats to plunder humans outside the distant mountains and raise them in captivity... just as food.

But I didn't expect everything to change.

The patriarch who used to be rigid and unwilling to change has become different. He actually publicly declared that he would not harm humans in the future and would let humans become part of the vampire clan.

Is this still the patriarch he knows well?

Even if you receive the knowledge inheritance of the Holy Spirit, can you really change it so completely?

Goddess of Darkness, he swore that although he was confused about all this, he didn't mention it to anyone because the soul aura still belonged to the clan leader.

Although the patriarch's actions were different from usual, it gave him a different hope.

The god of death once whispered in the ears of all living beings that if they don't change now, death is coming.

Although Odis does not believe in gods, he strongly agrees with the oracle of Death, the powerful god.

After tasting the ale of failure in the war a hundred years ago, the vampires were enveloped in weakness and cowardice.

From the thousands of tribesmen in the past, they are now only over 200 years old, and they are always worried about being hunted by Green City.

This was something Otis, who had experienced the glory of the blood race, could not bear. He thought that such a life would last for a long time.

But fortunately, the patriarch finally began to change.

Even though this change was a bit unreasonable, Odis was still happy.

The knowledge that the patriarch inherited from the Holy Spirit also deeply shocked him.

The secret of the origin of the vampire race lost in the long river of time made him feel honored. The vampire race that had ruled the entire world was indeed the beloved of the goddess of the night... even though the goddess of the night did not exist at the time.

What the patriarch said about the future - ruling a city with a population of millions like Green City - made him even more excited.

The battle with Green City a hundred years ago made him realize the power of human beings. That powerful army that could destroy several vampires was a nightmare that he still fears today.

There is also the extraordinary mage suspended under the sky - Lock Hart. A five-ring magic has brought thousands of vampires back to the embrace of the goddess of the night.

That was not a power that a mortal could control, and he was sincerely afraid.

In this weak situation, the vampires need a brave hero to change everything.

Fortunately, under the crown of the ancestor, the master of the blood clan stood up again.

He even felt that the changed patriarch, the great ancestor, allowed him to see the distance better.

Therefore, although the new order had just been issued and the vampires around him still had doubts, he had already decided to follow the footsteps of the ancestor Mianxia and contribute to the growth of the vampires.

Otis whispered in his mind.

"Vita, hurry up, move all your things to the Central District today, where there are enough and big enough houses."

"Clear the corpses hidden in the house and never allow a dead skeleton to appear."

"Hahn, use cleaning skills to tidy up the streets. I don't want to see a street covered with dust and mud."

In order to complete the task assigned to him by Li De as soon as possible, Otis organized half of the vampires to participate.

The Vampires are all natural casters, and the goddess of the night has given them excellent magical talents.

In the castle, 150 of the 208 vampires have mage as their main occupation, and half of the remaining 58 people have mage as their secondary occupation.

There are only about twenty vampires whose profession has nothing to do with mages.

Spellcasters, who are extremely hard to find in the outside human world, are as common here as wheat and weeds.

Mages have mysterious powers that can be used not only to fight, but also to work, and even more effectively.

Dusty streets can be cleaned up with a cleaning spell, damaged houses can be repaired with automatic restoration spells, and clogged sewers can be cleared with the hand of a mage.

Using hundreds of mid-level mages with levels above Level 5 to clean up the streets, not even Green City's Mages Association can afford such a luxury.

"Your Majesty the Viscount, do you know the true thoughts of His Majesty the First Ancestor? Do we really want our castle to live with humans in the future?

Goddess of the Night, you know what kind of life I'm talking about."

A young and handsome vampire next to Otis approached him, holding a magic wand and saying in frustration.

The blood clan has its own title divisions, including duke, marquis, uncle, son, and knights for men. There are six levels in total, with duke as the highest and knight as the lowest.

Normal vampires mostly divide their titles according to strength. Duke is extraordinary, marquis is archmage level, earl is high-level professional, viscount is mid-level professional, and baron is formal professional.

But it is a pity that most of the vampires who once held titles died in the Battle of Green City a hundred years ago.

Currently, there are only seven second-generation blood descendants with titles in the blood clan, and they are the viscounts that Li De personally conferred.

Otis is one of them, so the vampires below have always respectfully addressed him as His Excellency the Viscount.

Odis turned his head and looked at the vampire next to him. Although the young vampire in front of him was wearing neat black magic robes, he had an aura of decadence and no energy.

He raised his eyebrows and his green eyes flashed with displeasure.

Perhaps His Majesty the First Ancestor's laborious explanation was just to let these brainless idiots know what to do. He thought, if His Majesty the First Ancestor hadn't said anything, it was very likely that these guys would really do bad things.

"Hahn, you can't guess the wisdom of His Majesty the First Ancestor. I warn you, don't hinder His Majesty the First Ancestor with uncooperative and cowardly behavior. It will only bring you crisis."

After a pause in his tone, he turned his head to look at the few vampires around him who were paying attention to him, and said loudly.

"The Vampires will always be the Vampires under the First Ancestor. If anyone dares to passively fulfill the orders given by the First Ancestor, I will personally send you to the castle prison. You won't want to know what it's like there."

Upon hearing these words, the surrounding vampires suddenly became excited.

The castle prison is a separate prison used to imprison erring vampires. It contains extremely harsh punishments. No vampire is willing to go to that hellish place.

"No, no, Your Majesty the Viscount, you misunderstood me, I just..." the young vampire explained with a panicked face.

Otis waved his hand and responded with an indifferent expression.

“No, Hahn, you don’t need to apologize, I just need you to conscientiously complete the task I gave you.

If you really make a mistake, there will be law enforcers to deal with you."

Hahn's already pale face turned even more ugly. He no longer dared to say anything more, lowered his head and continued to cast spells to clean the streets.

With the Dark Goddess on top, His Excellency the Viscount's majesty is getting more and more serious.

And is the plan of the First Ancestor Crown really possible to succeed? Can we really control a city like Greentown?

There will always be doubts on the road to change.

But after truly realizing the benefits of reform, these doubters will become loyal supporters.

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