I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 49 The changes that are taking place

Patrill heard the knock on the door and stood up with his weak body. After opening the door, he was a little surprised to see the figure in front of him.

"Reckel, are you okay?"

Lei Keer grinned, and the tall figure walked into the room and left the room a little darker.

"Uncle Pat, I am very good. The Lord of Cachar hired me to help cook food and distribute it to the residents of the town for free.

Wheat porridge and bread have been cooked in the square now. You can take little Pat to get them later."

"By the way, you must bring your ID. Each person can only receive it once. You can't get it without ID. Remember it."

Patriel looked at Recker in surprise.

"You were hired by a vampire?"

Ollie, who was following Recker, retorted unhappily.

"Uncle Pat, they are not vampires, they are Holy Light vampires.

The Lord of Cachar asked Brother Rekel to manage the logistics department, just to help cook the food, and he also got 10 silver pukes every month. "

Patrill's face was startled, and he almost thought he was deaf at this moment.

Vampires hire humans to work and get 10 silver pooks every month?

Goddess of Life, this is the most exaggerated thing he has ever heard in his life.

Ollie looked at Pat's unhappy expression and took out the bag filled with silver puke from behind and shook it out a few times.

There was a clear sound of metal collision.

"Uncle Pat, did you see it? This was given to us by the Lord of Cachar City himself, saying it was a reward in advance.

As long as you help cook food for everyone, each person can advance 5 silver pukes and give the rest after a month. "

After speaking, he looked at Pat proudly and said, "How about it, Uncle Pat, I didn't lie to you, right?"

Patrick gasped.

"Hiss... The city lord not only distributes food for free, but also gives you a salary. This, this..."

He no longer knew how to describe it.

If this is a conspiracy by vampires, it makes no sense. They have no ability to resist at all. Who would use a conspiracy against a group of pigs waiting to be slaughtered?

Life is in each other's hands.

Recker looked at Patriel's expression with some complicated feelings. He was no less surprised than Patriel when he heard this just now.

"Uncle Pat, we have nothing in the City of Dawn worthy of the Holy Light Vampires' prying eyes. If they just take it away, can we still resist?

But the actions of the Cachar City Lord have shown that they are really different from the evil vampires.

Goddess of Life, God once said that even big conspiracies will reveal their true colors in the face of time.

Since we can't resist, we might as well join them. If they are really bad for us, we might as well inform others as soon as possible.

Uncle Pat, I know you are a well-respected warrior in the town of Eric, and I hope you can take on this task with me.

Accepting the employment of Lord Cachar and becoming one of us is not only for us, but also for the residents of Eric Town. "

Patrill looked at Rekel's sincere eyes and his heart moved. He was moved by these words.

Yes, since they can't resist each other, and these Holy Light vampires haven't done anything to harm humans, why not try to understand them?

If there is really a conspiracy, it can be discovered faster.

He turned his head and glanced at the sleeping little Patrielle behind him, and nodded firmly.

For the sake of his children, he was willing to take the risk.

Dawn City Central Square.

Although the time was only 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was already blocked by the towering peaks on both sides.

The design of the City of Dawn is very clever. In the center of the two peaks, except for the southern area, the central area and the city wall area receive no more than three hours of sunshine every day, which greatly satisfies the physiological characteristics of the vampires who like darkness.

In the center of the square, a huge fire was set up under five large pots, and wheat was tumbling in the boiling water.

The oven for baking bread next to it has also been placed on the fire rack.

The refugees who were notified to come out to collect food all had excited expressions.

Most people had great doubts about the vampire's promises, but they didn't expect that the other party was actually fulfilling their promises one by one.

Don't harm them, protect their property, provide clean homes, distribute free food.

This change surprised everyone.

If it is true as these vampires say, will the land promised to them really be given to them?

Quietly, many people's ideas have undergone tremendous changes, especially the allotment of land, an act that makes their hearts beat faster, which has firmly grasped their hearts.

Although they knew that it was unwise to deal with vampires who were more terrifying than demons, they could not control their thoughts.

What if it were true?

What if it is true, as they said, that they are Holy Light vampires and will not harm humans?

People are never without desires, especially the civilians living on the border of the Nolan Empire. They are among the forgotten people.

Without their own land, they may be attacked by monsters at any time. Every year they have to worry about the orcs launching a war, and the nobles above them will not protect them.

These civilians have never lived in a stable environment for a day, so their desire for peace and a safe life is unimaginable.

As long as there is a little hope, they have nothing to fear, even if they live with vampires.

This is why Li De must choose border refugees. Only people who have experienced turmoil and war will yearn for a stable life, and Dawn City can give them such a life.

He believed that under his management, sooner or later this place would become a holy place that humans longed for, and of course it would also be a holy place for the vampires by then.

"Get in line and show your ID. Each person is only allowed to receive one piece of food. Anyone who breaks the rules will be deprived of today's food distribution."

Patrick had a red armband hanging on his shoulder and led several people to loudly maintain order.

"Uncle Pat, are these foods really free?"

At the end of the line, a half-grown child wearing tattered linen clothes raised his head expectantly and asked, his eyes full of longing.

Patriel was stunned for a moment and then showed a gentle smile, reaching out and touching the little boy's head.

"It's free, Rick. I'll ask them to get you an extra piece of bread later. Young guys can grow taller if they eat more."

"Uncle Pat, didn't the priest of the temple say that vampires are man-eating demons? Why do they give us food?"

There was deep confusion in Rick's small eyes.

"Because there are good and bad vampires, just like there are thieves and robbers in our town."

Patrick patted his shoulder and said, "Rick, what you have seen is true. Don't just believe what others say, even if the other person is a pastor."

After speaking, he turned around and looked at the town residents who were leaving the square with happy faces after receiving bread and wheat porridge. He also said this to himself.

Maybe, the City of Dawn is really the kingdom of God for the residents of Eric Town...if the Lord of Cachar didn't deceive them.

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