Everyone has a different level of mastery of internal energy, and the same solution cannot suit everyone, so Chen Yiming thought for a while, and asked for about a minute, "Have you considered learning another exercise?"

"The two kinds of internal energy are already too much for me." Su Mo'er explained truthfully, and the look in her eyes dimmed a lot in an instant.

The plan Chen Yiming considered was also mentioned by President Zhou.

Introduce a third type of internal energy into the body, so that the conflicting black mist internal energy and ice internal energy are separated by an internal energy barrier in the middle.

However, internal energy is the product of the combination of body, spirit, and artistic conception. Different people have different spiritual talents, resulting in huge differences in the ability to control internal energy.

Those with the largest number of people in the Warrior Realm and the least talented ones, their mental strength only supports them to control one attribute of inner strength, and the second stage of the Warrior Realm is their cultivation limit.

However, this limit is only a theoretical limit. In practice, there is often no one in a hundred, and it can create miracles to complete the practice of changing the shape of internal energy.

People with a little bit of spiritual talent are able to control two different types of internal energy in the body at the same time, which supports them to minor in the second skill.

But after all, this kind of people is just better at controlling internal energy than the worst type, and about one out of ten of them can complete the training of internal energy form change.

The remaining nine people feel that there is no hope of breaking through, and they can minor in the second skill. When the two internal strength attributes achieve a complementary superposition effect, the strength of the internal strength is 20-30% stronger than that of a single internal strength attribute.

Further up is a genius known as a spiritual talent, who can control more than three different attributes of inner strength in the body at the same time.

Most of these geniuses can complete the cultivation of internal energy form change, and a few people can see the cultivation path of internal energy fusion.

Chen Yiming frowned.

The most common and simple solution doesn't work in Su Mo'er.

We can only consider the black mist inner strength and the cold ice inner strength, and what ratio to coexist in the body. It is equivalent to referring to Su Moer's talent and tailoring a set of solutions.

As a result, another thorny new problem has emerged. It is difficult to accurately quantify the talent of spiritual power, and it can only be divided into several levels vaguely.

Chen Yiming can only judge Su Mo'er's control over the two kinds of internal energy from her dictation.

Once there is a problem with the design plan, it will waste Su Moer's training time at least, or lose the control of the two types of internal energy in the body, causing the two internal forces to collide with each other and explode like fireworks in the body.

Seeing this, Su Mo'er suddenly said, "Don't worry, I'm not just referring to one person's opinion, and I don't blame anyone for problems."

Chen Yiming breathed a sigh of relief and realized that Su Mo'er was not a reckless person, so he combined the information he consulted in the morning and the experience he gained when he tried to integrate the two internal forces, and gave his solution:

"I regard you as the kind of talent design plan that can just barely control two different attributes. The ratio of black mist inner strength and ice inner strength is 7:3."

Su Mo'er looked at Chen Yiming in disbelief, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "All the disciples of the Vientiane Sect and the head of Zhou Yuan who have studied in the field of minor exercises I consulted all emphasize safety first, and they all use ice The inner energy is the main one, and the black mist inner energy is supplemented."

When Chen Yiming heard this, he said with a smile: "Cultivation techniques are created by people. How can there be no risk in an unfamiliar cultivation path."

When Chen Yiming came up with this plan, he naturally didn't just fool Su Mo'er casually.

The highest level of Vientiane sect that Su Mo'er can get in touch with is probably the head of the school.

As a result, except for Chen Yiming, those who designed to solve the problem of the coexistence of black mist and ice for her can only give corresponding solutions based on the information left by their seniors.

Except for Yuanshou Zhou, these people probably have never experienced the fusion of internal energy of different attributes.

As for Zhou Yuanshou, I am afraid that he will not rashly become a disciple of the inner court, and try to combine the inner strength of the two conflicting attributes without the experience of the predecessors.

In contrast to Chen Yiming, meteorites and ice crystals share some similarities in shape.

Combining with the black mist inner strength, even if Chen Yiming has not tried it himself, he can still deduce the corresponding solution by analogy from the experience gained from the fusion of the black mist inner strength and Juli inner strength.

Chen Yiming is 70% sure that the black mist inner strength and the cold ice inner strength are practiced at a ratio of 7:3, and there will be a form of black mist surrounding the ice crystals.

This proportion and shape are perfectly in line with the effect that Su Mo'er most wanted to present. And if the inner strength of the ice is the main one, it is to give up the mantis and snake swordsmanship that one is best at.

Su Mo'er blushed and explained: "I didn't mean that, it's just that your solution is completely opposite to everyone else's..."

At the end, she didn't continue talking, the meaning was already obvious.

If Chen Yiming is right, then it indirectly proves that even Chief Zhou's understanding of inner energy is willing to be inferior.

Chen Yiming just smiled this time and didn't reply.

Su Mo'er didn't lose his mind if he didn't believe his solution, but if he believed, he would naturally provide further help as a reward for Chen Yiming's free tool for researching the fusion of inner strength.

Suddenly, several voices of conversation came from outside the library.

When Su Moer asked Chen Yiming for a solution, it happened to be time for lunch. Except for two people in the library, all the other disciples who were reading books went to the cafeteria to eat.

Now that the disciples who were going to eat in the canteen returned, Su Moer thanked her, left behind a scent of fragrance, and ran out of the library.

Chen Yiming glanced at the distant figure, shook his head, put the material "On the Maximum Multiplier of Power Increased by the Combination of Major and Minor Exercises" back on the bookshelf, and left the library straight away.

Girl, no matter how beautiful she is, she is also an embellishment of life.

Without one Su Moer, there will be another Lin Moer.

Self-cultivation is the most important thing, and Chen Yiming can't wait to test the power of the combination of Juli internal energy and black mist internal energy.


After a brief lunch in the cafeteria of Mantis Courtyard, Chen Yiming returned to his room in the house.

The dark night can provide him with an environment where he can advance and retreat freely. Chen Yiming has already heard about the actions of the Kunshan School and the Qingyun Sword School under the mountain from other disciples.

So he planned to go down the mountain in the evening, looking for a remote place to test.

Pushing open the gate of the house, he saw Dai Yuanhang who was flipping through the materials.

There was only one person in the whole house, and Qian Bingnan and Bai Hengliang were not in the house.

Dai Yuanhang is a research-oriented talent in the martial arts world, and he rejects fighting from the bottom of his heart.

Since Chen Yiming entered the house for a week, he only saw Dai Yuanhang in the library and the house, and he was always reading materials.

Dai Yuanhang put down the documents on his hand, and looked at Chen Yiming who entered the door.

"How about it, can you understand the materials in the library?"

After the two exchanged a few words before going out in the morning, Chen Yiming gave Dai Yuanhang the impression that he would first practice and experience himself, and then consult the information to solve the problem.

In Dai Yuanhang's opinion, this type is stronger than Qian Bingnan's with a head full of muscles.

But one week's time to get along is too short, and more communication is needed to make an accurate judgment.

"It's okay. The library of Mantis Yard has all kinds of materials, which are much better than those at the foot of the mountain." Chen Yiming replied casually.

This is the truth, almost all the fighters in Donghu City are at the bottom of this realm, and they stop here for life. Including the Mantis Sword Hall, most of the materials on martial arts are at the apprentice level, and there are almost no records above the warrior level.

This made Chen Yiming's previous practice rely entirely on the talent added by the system, and recklessly break through.

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