I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 476: Aiming at each other

Synchronize the track.

It is 36 kilometers away from the ground and is a restricted area for life.

Silent space floats with steel, plastic and unshelled shells. Behind this space junk stands an aircraft carrier-sized space station.

The rod of God.

Completed in 225 years, and gradually improved by nato in the past hundred years, developed into such a huge thing. From the original space-based weapon satellite, it has evolved into the current space-based weapon platform.

The tungsten rod bound by a dodecagonal metal ring floats quietly on the side of the space station, just like a revolver filled with bullets. The dual role of electromagnetic propulsion and gravitational potential energy can make a few tons of tungsten rods fall at a speed beyond the meteor, reducing the horological kinetic energy damage to the strike zone.

In addition to the tungsten rod, the laser array and the hpm weapon on the front mast. A wireless power transmission receiving device is installed at the rear, and can be powered by a nuclear fusion power station built on the lunar surface. When the lunar surface power transmission is not available, the solar power panels can also be used to obtain electrical energy. The eight engines placed at the corners of the space station enable the weapon platform to move between the low earth orbit and the sync track to adjust its pressed area.

It is like the sword of Damocles hanging over the top of cccp and pac.

Ironically, however, this "suppressing weapon", which cost several generations of taxpayers' taxes, was attacked by the aerospace special forces of pac in the early stage of the outbreak of the Eastern battlefield.

"The power system has been repaired." Grinning and smiling, Lin Chaoen wiped his forehead very human.

Although he does not sweat, it makes no sense to speak in a vacuum.

In a month's time, in order to fix this thing, it took a lot of effort. The space station is full of suspended bodies, because in a vacuum low temperature environment, these bodies still maintain the appearance before death. Outside the cockpit, he also encountered a whistle robot with a battery that was not exhausted. However, the laser sword is in hand, and he easily solved the trouble.

"Tungsten rod launcher is normal... Hey, it's really a headache. Forget it. Anyway, it will be no problem to use it." Looking at the warning icons on the screen, Lin Chaoen clap his hands.

There is still one left in the tungsten rod, and the other few have already flown out of the synchronous orbit, and some have already fallen into the sea at the beginning of the space station's fall. Some are very troublesome to float in orbits thousands of kilometers away.

The entire space-based weapon platform was completely destroyed. After discovering that pac took control, Nato’s commander immediately started self-destruction and turned the entire space station into a dead place. It seems that the spirit of sacrifice is not a patent of a certain country, when faced with the moment of survival. Any creature will make a "right choice" in a reflective manner.

But unfortunately, usually this choice is after a series of "wrong choices".

So, biology is really a troublesome thing.

Lin Chaoen shook his head and reached for a few buttons on the touchpad.

Fortunately, he got the drawings of the equipment of this space-based weapon and prepared the parts to be replaced on the ground. Although most of the functions of the "God's Staff" are destroyed, a simple "shooting" action can still be made.

“Can I only launch options?”

Launched a map of Wanghai City, Lin Chaoen smiled and looked down at the screen.

In the picture, the soldiers of nac are fighting fiercely with zombies and aliens. Then, a row of incendiary bombs covers the battlefield. The zombies of the entire airport were included in the flames.

"Good fireworks. Well, order has been established... then can I think you represent purity?"

Looking at the spark in the screen with a smile, the ruin in the pupil sneak past the residual image of the data.

The lens moves and the crosshairs are aimed at the rocket launch site. Jiang Chen in the picture is interested in the flat.

"Then you are harmonious."

The picture is again aligned with the city center, the giant tree floating in the water. The tumbling flesh bubble seems to be gestating the energy of terror.

Which threat is bigger?

There is only one bullet in the revolver.

Looking at the battlefield from the perspective of God, Lin Chaoen could not help but fall into deep thought.


Under the washing of the incendiary bombs, the First Corps and the Third Corps received almost no resistance, and they met at the runway of Wanghai Airport.

Although the runway of the airport was smashed by bombs during the war. At this moment, it was burned by the burning bullets, but it can still be used as an airport after some rest. Jiang Chen earlier told the No. 27 Refuge to study the technology of fighter planes, and it has already begun to bear fruit.

And this Wanghai Airport. It can be used as a fighter for take-off and landing in nac.

After a short break, the two regiments of the Binghe were once again on the road, and with the support of the roaring rocket, they moved in the direction of the city center.

Along the way, despite the death of the throwers, dead claws, and even the horrible car bugs, it still can not obstruct the pace of nac soldiers.

Advance while pushing. While smashing the different nests along the road. When you encounter a creature such as a car bug or a meat mountain, you can use an electromagnetic gun. When you encounter a dense alien population, you call the rocket support. When you encounter a heterogeneous nest hidden in the ruins, you send an infantryman into the building or the sewer to clear it.

A total of 91 heterogeneous nests were destroyed along the road, and 371 mothers of the zombies were reproduced. The abnormal life signals on the map were removed one by one.

As the gradual approach to the restricted area of ​​life, the radiation indicators gradually climbed, the soldiers took out the chemical protective suit from the truck and put on a breathing mask to continue to the downtown area.

Da da

The fire jumped and the shell peeled off. Feng Yu pulled the trigger in an orderly manner and pushed forward under the fire cover of the infantry vehicle.

"What is that stuff?"

A soldier looked at the fluorescent lake between the distant ruins and couldn't help but ask.

"The nuclear crater, said to be the place where the dead claws lay eggs?" While carrying a machine gun to the zombies, another soldier grinned.

"Not quite like, there is water in the pit, I remember the eggs of the dead claws on the shore... Day, what is that?"

A hill made up of dark red meat pieces stands on a lake that is shining with fluorescence. The blood vessels that are densely covered on the surface are staggered in the meat bubble, and creep with the rhythm of the blood flow. The root of the bottom must be implanted in the lake, like a giant tree rooted in the lake.

Especially on the top of it, a pilling bubble is lit by the cilia.

It is like a light bulb.

"Here is the e team, discovering unknown creatures, requesting shelling. Repeat it..."

Dare not to care about it, Feng Yu immediately lifted the ep and gave feedback to the command car.

The communicator is full of a lot of noise, and there seems to be some kind of strong interference in this zone. Even if it is ep, the screen starts to flash.

"Electromagnetic shielding? Or there is an emp generator that has not been turned off nearby." The soldier standing next to Feng Yu whispered as he replaced the magazine.

At the horizon, a rocket appeared again in the eyes of the people.

The flame immediately covered the pile of meat, and the overwhelming rocket not only washed the nuclear crater, but also burned a separation belt composed of fire sea on the east side of the city center.

However, when the smoke dissipated, Feng Yu’s eyes widened, looking incredibly at the pile of meat, and even forgot to pull the trigger.

Heterogeneous deaths and wounds, but the pile of meat...

It is unscathed!

How can this be!

However, he was too late to exclaim, and the pile of meat slowly moved.

The ball of light at the top is gradually red, sparkling with disturbing light. Unknown particles sway in the air, condensing into a red light like a solid. Even the clouds are slowly spreading out under the prevailing power.

It seems to be ready to shoot something!

Almost at the same time, the entire electronic equipment in Wanghai City was affected to varying degrees.


Jiang Chen looked at the tablet in his hand in a dignified manner. At the moment, the center of the screen was already a snow white. The frontline intelligence and the support force’s contact were cut off in an instant, causing him to know that the meat pile in the city center was now solved.

Suddenly, his heart produced a feeling of being stared.

Jiang Chen suddenly raised his head and looked into the air.

Just then, a dazzling white light flashed in the air.

Something is falling!

The distance of 36 kilometers is fleeting, and the glaring white light quickly glides through the air and falls to the center of the city...

Jiang Chen slightly frowned, and then opened his eyes incredibly.

Somehow, a vocabulary suddenly appeared in his mind, or a picture that was familiar.

The weapon that appeared in the virtual reality.

God's Staff!

(To be continued.)

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