I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

: 577th. Cagayan in the blockade

The fear of isolation throughout the city is like a plague spreading in people's hearts. Although the Philippines has sent two divisions to control the situation, the shadow of death is still lingering in people's hearts.

In hundreds of thousands of cities, there are only 70,000 people left.

Dongcheng District has been completely collapsed, and the Western District has also fallen into the majority. Government soldiers used one night to repel the attacking guerrillas, and spent a whole day pulling out a barrier with wire mesh near the southern area of ​​Xicheng District, establishing a safe zone.

On the second day after the crash, the government forces opened the isolation network throughout the city, limiting the zombies to the city of Cagayan. At the same time, the Black Hawk helicopter is surrounded by the city, and the front line of the battle is used to search for the fish.

At the same time, the Philippine government sent a transport plane to airdrop humanitarian aid to the zombie-occupied area. And a pamphlet printed by the Ministry of Health to guide survivors on how to survive in a zombie-occupied area and to maintain confidence in the face of disasters.

It is estimated that there are still more than 10,000 people struggling in the “fragmented area”. They are either uninfected or lucky enough to immunize the virus. In any case, their situation is very dangerous. However, the Philippine government has been unable to distinguish more helicopters for rescue. Because of the danger of the virus and the influence of the civil war, even people from international aid organizations are not allowed to enter.

People living in safe areas are equally uncomfortable.

More than 70,000 people live in isolation belts that are only a few square kilometers and are not allowed to leave the city. The living space is extremely crowded, and the lack of living materials leads to chaos. In desperation, the ugly side of human beings is violently exposed. People broke their heads for a box of antibiotics and sold meat for a piece of bread. The “cleaners” responsible for health inspections control the “life and death power” of all people. The logistics personnel who distribute relief materials are free to decide who will go hungry. Except those who are not close to the place of residence, they are the emperors in the safe area. .

No media is allowed to enter the quarantine, and everything that happens here is unknown. No one knows how long the isolation will last. They are more or less lurking with zombies, but there is no outbreak. They are dangerous relative to society as a whole. At least until the vaccine was developed, they could not return to society.

This is the root of despair.

It is no different from the concentration camp here.

It took only two days from the deterioration of the situation to the point of being.

On the third day, the situation in Cagayan City has been controlled. The 21st Infantry Division began to advance the defense line to the south. At the same time, the 14th Division divided the strength of a mechanized brigade, and advanced from the safe area to the Cagayan River to recover the bridge across the river. However, the action commander apparently underestimated the strength of the zombies, and the mechanical brigade had not yet reached the bridge. Suffered heavy casualties.

It stands to reason that soldiers with hot weapons will not fall behind in the face of zombies, but this is not the case.

Although the Philippine Army equipment is not as bad as the Navy, the training level is notoriously low. This is not only reflected in the shooting method, but also in the quality of the battle.

Shooting at unarmed civilians, even with the orders of superiors, the commanders will be under tremendous psychological pressure. This pressure comes from the long-established morality that comes from the constraints of a society ruled by law. They know that this is not true, but they have to do it...

Many people couldn't bear the blood pressure and pulled the trigger to shoot the corpse. The fear is vented in the fire, forgetting the command to shoot the head. In the face of zombies, it is fatal to make such mistakes.

The most common thing for these soldiers to collapse was that they had to pull the triggers of the comrades who were bitten by the zombies. No drugs can inhibit infection, and the only way to end their pain is death, at least for now.

Why not support the artillery to help advance?

Because that **** humanity.

As long as there is a civilian in the city, as long as the outside world is still a civilized society, the Philippine government forces cannot fire on their own cities. Countless pairs of eyes stared at them, politicians did not allow them to do so, and the media did not allow them to do so.

It is better to say. They have already put a lot of pressure on those "patients" instead of using anesthetics.

The city of Cagayan is a mess, and it is a mess that has to be managed. Aquino thought about it more than once. Just burn a whole fire and burn the whole city, burn all the madmen and viruses all the time... unless he wants to face the accusation of sin.

Just after the 13th Division’s 3rd Mechanized Brigade returned to the safe zone with a low morale, the Philippine Foreign Ministry received a declaration of war declared by the Stars and Rings trade.

Three hours ago, the naval formation that had been formed at the border of Xinfei was completely destroyed.

Two and a half hours ago, the presidential palace of the Philippine side repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of the news to the Navy Command.

Two hours later, the news reached the Second Army Army Command stationed in Cagayan City. at the same time. The Star Alliance Marine Corps began landing in Davao Port.

At this moment, Lieutenant General Alibelli is standing in the temporary headquarters and holding a simple combat meeting.

Just then, an officer entered the military camp and interrupted the ongoing meeting.

"What's wrong, Sergeant Kavelle."

Sergeant Kavier took a military ceremony and reported it after standing up.

"According to the footage taken by the US satellite, after the break of the naval blockade, the Star Wars Marine Corps soldiers have landed in Davao Port, and it is suspected that there are heavy weapons such as rockets landing."

"What about the US military?" This is the most concerned issue of Eribelli.

"The Steiner aircraft carrier has not been quiet for the time being. The White House said that it will provide intelligence support for our operations through satellites and provide assistance in solving diplomatic problems." Kavelle replied.

"This is a cowardly betrayal." Eribelli shouted and dropped the marker on the map.

Jiang Chen is currently unconscious. The reason why the US side will make such a appeasement strategy is to worry about the star-ring trade that has lost its leadership, and on the other hand, it is uncertain about its combat effectiveness.

The operational performance of the frigate-class frigate's electromagnetic naval gun and Aurora-20 shocked the Stanislav aircraft carrier through the Global Hawk drone. Therefore, the White House had to reassess the strength of the new country and discuss whether to adjust its diplomatic strategy toward the new country.

Although the Hamilton patrol ship was a ship that was eliminated by their Marine Guards, it was still too horrible to be hit by a gun. In particular, this semi-curved artillery is not like a missile and cannot be defended by anti-missile equipment. They are not going to take the risk until they are sure that the Stanislavs will be able to get on. After all, their real opponent in the South China Sea is China. Even if they solve the navy of the new country, if the aircraft carrier battle group deployed around the South China Sea is damaged, it will be worth the loss for them.

Yes, they don't think that the two guardian frigates are the opponents of the Battle of the Stanis. After all, it’s just two frigates. Their abilities are still too small compared to a full-featured aircraft carrier battle group.

But no one doubts that it will hurt to be bitten by these two "ants".

There is still a lot to be discussed, but before they reach a conclusion, probably the soldiers of the Star Trade have already left the Philippines.

This is the essence of the blitz!

"What should we do now?" Brigadier Ludell, who sat at the conductor's desk, picked up the marker and handed it back to Lieutenant General Alibelli.

“Not doing it.” Ali Bailey raised his eyebrows and picked up the marker to draw three circles on the three inflection points of the Cagayan River deep in Mindanao.

"In these three locations, the 21st Infantry Division has established a line of defense here, deploying anti-aircraft guns and machine gun firepower points. I need you, with the 15th Mountain Division to cross the mountain from the east side of the Cagayan River, at these five points. Deploy a new US military to support our medium-range air defense missiles, as well as infantry artillery positions, and coordinate with the 21st Division on the west side of the river."

"In addition, the 101st Armored Brigade in the Northeast Theater was transferred to the outskirts of Cagayan. Once the other side concentrated on attacking our defense line along the Cagayan River, the 101st Armored Brigade was pushed south to cooperate with the 19th Airborne Brigade. Davao Port, take those arrogant new people to the sea! Let the navy of the gangs see the knowledge, the strength of our army!"

As a result, the road from Davao Port to Cagayan City will be completely blocked by the firepower of the two divisions. Any force trying to break in will pay a heavy price!

"Defensive? How long does it take to fight this war?" The quartermaster turned his pen and looked at Eribelli.

"Maybe half a year, maybe only a month," said Eribelli.

"If those laymen rush into our defense line, it may take only ten days." Seeing the end of the meeting, a rough-looking officer joked.

Eribelli’s mouth evoked a smug smile.

He agrees with his speech, although he does not think that the other party will be so stupid to death.

What to say, the military power of the Philippines is also ranked 25th in the world, which is still being dragged down by the Navy.

Although this ranking is not something to be proud of, in the face of a new country that has not touched the list at all, they are completely worthwhile.


Just as the Philippine country was doing defensive deployment, two guardian-class frigates had arrived in the waters near the port of Davao. The fifty-type j-type electromagnetic gun has been set up, waiting for the instructions for shooting.

A night's rest.

More than 1,000 star-ring trade soldiers wearing mechanical exoskeletons have entered the city of Davao by landing craft and entered the Moro country to settle their reserved areas. A dozen large and medium-sized transport helicopters have also been on standby in the open space, waiting for instructions from the attack.

The mountainous jungles of Mindanao are inconvenient to use armored units, which is very beneficial for the Moro guerrillas and the star trade.

Ivan, wearing sunglasses and a general cap, arrived in Davao City again on a Black Hawk helicopter, this time as a field commander.

The 5th Infantry Division of the Moro State arrived at the airport by car and picked up two powerful hands.



After taking off the sunglasses, Ivan inserted it into the pocket under the neckline.

"So, the battle begins!" (To be continued.)

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