Ps. Put on the May 1 update, don't hurry to play after reading, remember to vote first. From now on - point 515 fans festival to enjoy double monthly tickets, other activities have to send red envelopes can also see a look!

(Brothers! We won! Last night with 50 votes to lead, and kept the sixth in the classification list, I am so grateful! I will not say much if I am wrong, since I got the overtime pay (monthly ticket), I have to Start the code word. From today, three days broke out! This month, let us create more brilliant!)

In Jiang Chen’s “Ocean Expansion” strategy and “Space Elevator” project, the research on nanomaterials led by graphene materials is both the foundation and the core.

Most people know that graphite is one of the softest substances in nature. What most people don't know, however, is that the so-called "soft" is just a macro phenomenon. Such as a layered hexagonal grid, the graphite interlayer structure is maintained by the "most unreliable" van der Waals force, so under the action of external forces, the layers and layers are very easy to "slip", thus giving people "soft" The illusion of.

But in the direction perpendicular to the plane, graphite is "hard" amazing!

According to the latest research results, the maximum pressure that graphene can withstand at a distance of 100 nanometers actually reaches 2.9 micro-bulls. In other words, the pressure of 55n can break the 1 meter long graphene! Intuitively speaking, the thickness of the graphene is equivalent to the food plastic packaging bag, then it needs to apply almost 20,000 cattle pressure to tear it off. In other words, if you use graphene in a bag, it will withstand about two tons of weight!

Here only talk about its strength, not to mention its conductivity, light transmission, extremely light weight and self-contained sterilization. It is precisely because of this that graphene is one of the key research topics in countries all over the world. From space elevators to supercomputers, from the new generation of photonic sensors to the screens of next-generation mobile phones, this new source of materials that is simple to source and troublesome has been favored all over the world at the beginning of this century.

It can be said that graphene material is the future!

At this point, Jiang Chen's future people group can be said to be at the forefront of the world. Although not disclosed, in many products, the future people group has used graphene materials. For example, the k1 type mechanical exoskeleton used in the current star trade. The shadow of the graphene material can be seen from the access chip to the detachable polyethylene ballistic panel. Another example is the phantom helmet, the electromagnetic acceleration track of the subsea mining facility, which is made of graphene material.

But the application is on the one hand, these products are designed from the end of the world. It cannot be said that the future people group has mastered these technologies thoroughly. In order to digest the technology brought from the end of the world, and apply these technologies in a wide range of fields, Jiang Chen also invested in the establishment of a graphene laboratory, spending money to "buy" a group of achievements in the field of graphene research. Scientists to digest and experiment with these advanced technologies.

Lu Yuan did not live up to his expectations.

With that "hair silk" back to the end of the 27th refuge. After testing by the refuge researchers, the quality standardization required to build a space elevator has been reached, which indicates that in the material science, the technology of the Future Group has been leading the world for at least 20 years.


A ship sails from the port of Vanimo in New Guinea to Angka, and anyone can guess that the future group will have a big move. The most sensitive to this reaction is the United States. After all, the two sides have only recently confronted each other on the issue of Mindanao.

However, the cia agent who did the activity on the island of Anga did not understand that after the new country pulled these rough-processed steel products back into the domestic factory for further processing, it was again dragged back to the port and loaded with the ship. They were towed to the waters two hundred kilometers away and then threw them into the sea.

Throw into the sea?

It’s not just cia’s agents who can’t figure it out. Even the Americans who used to run electric all day on the Steiner aircraft carrier could not understand it. The people in the White House told them to keep an eye on the movements of the future people's group. Well, then stare at you!

So they released the mq-8b multi-purpose drone loaded on the aircraft carrier.

Fortunately, they put the drone.

The unlucky bird lost contact after flying into the airspace of the new country. At first, the US military on the aircraft carrier thought it was downgraded by the Star Ring trade and reported the news to the White House. The White House was very angry and immediately called the phone to Jiang Chen... This time they finally learned the lesson, knowing that even if he called Zhang Yaping, he could not do the Lord.

However, Jiang Chen’s reaction was very “innocent”, indicating that he did not know that there were drones entering the airspace of the new country and asked the White House. When can you arrogate someone else's home, can you be so bright?

The White House suddenly collapsed. However, playing rogues is a compulsory course for politicians all over the world. The face of the newly appointed US President Hilary in 16 years is not inferior to her taking office, forcibly explaining a wave. The Star-Ring trade is required to allow the Stanislav to send unscrupulous salvage vessels to salvage the mq-8b drones in the unmanned aircraft.

Jiang Chen did not refuse this, but at the same time he agreed with the White House for a time limit. If he could not search within 72 hours, he must immediately leave the new country's territorial waters. After the White House accepted Jiang Chen’s proposal, the Stanis aircraft carrier immediately sent a salvage ship. However, seventy-two hours passed. This salvage ship is still nothing, only to leave the territorial waters of the new country under the supervision of the Star Wars Marine Police.

Of course they can't find anything.

As early as the mq-8b drone flew into the new country's territorial waters, the water droplets departed from the port of Coco Island. At the same time, Aurora-20 took off from Xinyuedao Airport and arrived at the top of the drone, directly launching a non-guided air-to-air emp missile at the target airspace. The mq-8b drone is like a fly that hits a spider web. The electronic parts fail for a moment and fall into the sea without warning.

At the same time, waiting for the water droplet No. 1 below to extend the arm, and the wreckage of the drone was stored in the trawl and brought back to the coconut island. The White House and the Stanislav aircraft carrier did not expect that the movement of the Star Ring trade would be so fast that the captain Colonel Hoffman could not help but doubt.

Is it really bad weather?

But if it wasn’t at all bad weather, it’s the anti-aircraft missiles that were traded by the Stars, and they were shot down unconsciously...

Thinking of this, Colonel Hoffman couldn't help but sigh, but then he shook his head about his unrealistic thoughts. It is not difficult to shoot down mq-8b. After all, this stuff is not a high-end item, but it is impossible to let the Stanislav aircraft carrier know nothing about it.

Needless to say, within a few hundred nautical miles, any anti-aircraft missiles that rise to the flying height of the drone will be captured by the aircraft carrier's radar.

What Colonel Hoffman didn't know, however, was that their radar was a joke in the face of the invisibility of Aurora-20.

It is not only the United States that is concerned about the trade of the stars, but Malaysia is also very concerned about this small neighbor.

Just like "world stream.", Malay's attention is not on the military level, but in the economic sense...

[Thank you for your continued support, this time from the 515 fans festival writers Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope to support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes for the fan festival, and you will receive a subscription and continue your subscription! 】(To be continued.)

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