If you want to say that it is similar to the refuge in the end of the world, it is probably that it will not save any living people.

The sign of the four-character flag was frozen in the ice crystal, just like being locked into the coffin. The iron gate about five or six meters wide stood in the corner of the stone wall, and only one seam of the upper edge was left buried by the snow.

No matter what you think, there is no possibility of living here.

"There must be something wrong... Tell me, head, we are now in the Alps in the northern hemisphere, not at the southernmost tip of the earth." Looking at the four-character flag, a soldier whispered in the communication channel.

Garrett also widened his eyes and looked at the sign on the door incredulously. He has heard stories about Nazi and Antarctic refuge, but he never really took the story seriously. Just seeing it in front of him, but subverting his three views.

"Hunting treasure, about the treasures of the Third Reich." From the polar car, Jiang Chen opened the communication screen, said with a smile.

After a long while, Garrett came up with a word.

"How can this be."

"However, this is the truth." Jiang Chen shrugged. "In addition, time is not early. If you don't want to stay here for too long, let's get started."

Although there was a stomach problem in his heart, Garrett swallowed the problem back.

When he got back to the car, he and several soldiers took out the engineering squad. With the help of the mechanical exoskeleton, he would sway the wind and the windmill, and soon he took a hole in the steel-hard ice. .

"About half a meter thick," wiped the snow residue on his face. Garrett touched the iron door with the engineer, and the white mist appeared on his mouth. "It may be a meter... damn, this door. It’s not like steel that has been frozen."

"What is that?"

"Like a stone."

Leaning against the polar car, Jiang Chen smiled.

The wind is still whistling, leaving little time for everyone.

There are no keyholes and grips on the door, and it seems that after closing it, there is no plan to open it.

In the face of this iron gate embedded in the glacier, Jiang Chen ordered the most primitive method.


That's right, go directly to the explosives. Although there is a risk of causing an avalanche, it is undoubtedly the fastest and safest method. And as long as the amount of explosives is in place, this risk should be reduced to a minimum.

Garrett assured him so. He used to serve in Iraq and Afghanistan, and he was not familiar with the use of bombs. However, in the snowy environment, I use this stuff. To be honest, there is not much in his heart.

Considering the amount of explosives used and the angle of blasting, Garrett stuck a strip of bomb on the iron gate, which is not known. He gestured to the comrades beside him, then he pressed the switch.

The fire flashed, the explosion was drowned in the snow, and the heavy door was blown up inside.

Fortunately, there was no avalanche.

The black archway leads to the depths of the snow-capped mountains, and even if the flashlight shines, the bottom is not visible. There is a stale smell inside, and people can't help but wonder if there is any air for living creatures.

The soldiers of the Sea Lion Special Forces prepared for the battle, removed the combat equipment from the polar car, launched the retinal imaging in the nanochip, and set the battle posture at the door.

Garrett gestured to the soldier next to him. The soldier nodded and clicked on the touch screen of his arm to start the drone hive behind the polar car.

With a searchlight, the hummingbird took the lead in rushing into the black bunker. The tactical camera directly feeds back the situation in the bunker on the retina. Jiang Chen did not implant nanochips, so he opened the hologram on the watch.

"The air content is normal? It is really an accident... I have not found any institutional traps, and I have not found a living person... Do you want to enter?" Garrett asked.

"Get ready to enter. Before that, drag our car into the door, don't put it outside and bury it. Garrett followed me, the rest kept at the door."


Commanded, the sea lion's special forces immediately moved, and poured two polar cars into the black archway and kept at the door.

Although it is a guard, but this is their pedestrian, even the penguin can not see one. The reason why the soldiers are left at the door is mainly that Jiang Chen does not want to violently. He reveals too much information in front of ordinary people. As for Garrett, Jiang Chen is confident that he can't betray himself. After all, he can stand here, all of which he has given him the titanium skeleton.

In this way, the two people walked in the dark archway in tandem. Garrett took over the control of the drone, and at the request of Jiang Chen, the camera rights of ordinary soldiers were turned off.

"I always feel that this place is too quiet." Garrett carried a rifle and glanced carefully at the dark corner.

"Otherwise? I didn't expect to meet a living person here. Few people can live for a century." Walking behind, Jiang Chen confirmed the structure of the bunker in the code book through the watch. Figure, responding casually.

There have been many sayings about the final destination of the heads of state. Jiang Chen has consulted relevant materials before coming.

In 1943, it was the turning point of the battlefield in the Eastern Front. The Battle of Kursk ended and the Italian campaign was in full swing. The original strong Germany fell into the abyss of rapid collapse. It was also from that year that the speech genius never made any speeches.

Some people say that he is indeed dead, and his love. Women's love baby was burnt to ash with 20l of gasoline. It is also said that he went to South America on a u-type submarine and lived in a small town in Argentina that sympathized with Nazi. Others said that he went to the South Pole, with more than 200 scientists who disappeared, and thousands of party and Guard soldiers who were loyal to him.

The first argument is recognized by the mainstream view, while the latter two bring a bit of conspiracy. But since both the Golden Apple and the Codebook exist, what else is impossible? In short, there may be anything behind this door. Even if it encounters the black technology of the 22nd century, or even the gadgets that have never been seen before, Jiang Chen is also psychologically prepared.

But unfortunately, on this road, he seems to have gone smoothly in the wind, and the traps in the expectation are not the same as the organs. There are many side doors on either side of the building, some are living spaces, and some are garages. There are piles of tools in the park, parked construction vehicles, and even crawler chariots...

Although the living facilities are very complete, it is not like the traces of people living.

At the end of the archway is a staircase, from which you can't receive the signal from the outside.

Garrett turned back and Jiang Chen exchanged his eyes. After receiving instructions to continue moving from the latter, the terminal of the drone was transferred from the outside drone hive to the drone backpack behind him.

It was still the drone that first explored the road, and then the two went down the stairs one after the other.

At the end of the stairs is a password door. However, it is clear that the power system here has already collapsed, so Jiang Chen did not have to worry about the password. He directly asked Garrett to start preparing for the blasting work and returned to the stairs.

However, when he blew the password, it sounded two loud noises.

One sound came from below, Garrett successfully blasted the password gate.

And another sound, seems to come from outside... (to be continued.)

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