I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 70 Xiao Hei heard it

"I'm very picky. If it doesn't taste good, I won't drink it..." Chen Baichuan had already forgotten his reaction when he took someone else's cigarette.

Yu Changmo pushed the cigarette case in front of him, leaving the lighter as well, and followed his aunt to the kitchen. When he passed by Qianmo, he seemed to hear her slicing in a low voice, but the tone of her voice was more teasing and did not sound like she was angry.

Chen Baichuan was sitting on the sofa, fiddling with the legendary two thousand and one packs of cigarettes that even if he had money, he couldn't buy them. He was puffing away with a feeling of admiration. This puff must be worth several yuan. Gee, it’s different...

"Sold me for a box of cigarettes?" Qianmo sat over and took the cigarette box out of his hand, while Chen Baichuan watched helplessly.

"Have I not expressed my position yet? How can my daughter, Chen Baichuan, be kidnapped with just a pack of cigarettes..."

Qianmo put the cigarettes into his hand and snorted, "One pack is not enough, one pack is enough."

With her father's determination, if Xiao Hei added a little more firewood, he would probably be taken down.

Speaking of which, she really didn't realize that Xiao Heimao was so...shameless in his efforts. His sincerity in trying to please his father was well known to all passers-by. Unfortunately, his father in his previous life didn't see it long ago...

At this moment, looking at the man busy in the kitchen, Qianmo's heart was far away. She was sure that she would never find another person in her life who was willing to give up some of his worth to please her father.

He didn't move forward and retreated in a measured manner, and even consciously avoided going to the kitchen. While the soup was being made, he could watch the father and daughter face each other face to face with the aunt and the others without suffering any disadvantages. It would be too pretentious for her to pretend not to know about this intention.

This night was destined to be an unusual night. Qianmo knew from the moment she asked him for help that the relationship between the two would definitely not go as she originally planned.

She could handle all the things that happened at her aunt's house by herself, but she invited him to participate. Maybe from that moment on, the relationship would never be what she thought it would be. This was a patient and a doctor.

The steam from the kitchen blurred his and his aunt's figures on the frosted glass. He was saying something to his aunt. She was smiling so brightly that she was probably very satisfied with the photo.

If she misses him, she may never meet another person who is so happy in her life. There may be many men who are as good to her as him, but he is the only one who can make ripples in her heart.

Should I take a step forward...

Qianmo looked at her father. Chen Baichuan was smoking happily. She suddenly felt that she had no position to despise her father for being easily bribed. Her self-control was not as good as she imagined.

The aunt came to the door with a large number of people, interrupting Qianmo's thoughts just in time.

The door was opened by Qianmo.

The aunt and his wife, the aunt's daughter, the people from the aunt's mother-in-law's family, the strong young man, the fat middle-aged woman, the greasy man with a fleshy face... After a rough calculation, there were more than ten people.

At first glance, he looked like he was coming to fight.

Qianmo took a quick look and saw that the people who came were all from her uncle's side, not even a single member of the Chen family. It seemed that her aunt was quite self-aware and knew that it was her fault that this kind of thing spread. The other relatives of the Chen family were eager to see After getting the right to use Chen Baichuan's garage, she didn't look for the Chen family because she was afraid of being picked off by others.

Qianmo was aware of these small-mindedness with a quick glance. As soon as her aunt entered the door, she saw her son-in-law being tied up, and her voice suddenly exploded.

"Chen Laowu, what are you going to do?! What do you want to do to my family! You have all seen it, you are bullying me too much!"

Chen Baichuan raised the camera, "I also want to ask, what on earth are your family going to do to my family!"

My aunt didn't know what it was, so she took it and looked at it. After looking at it for a long time, she still couldn't figure out what it was.

He looked cross-eyed at the lamp, "What the hell is this?"

Qianmo was a student of micro-expressions. Just by looking at her aunt's expression, she knew that she really didn't know that her son-in-law wanted to secretly take photos of her.

I used my brain a little to analyze the whole story.

The aunt and her son-in-law went to the house to make trouble with their father. They threatened to sue his father for bigamy if he didn't break up with the aunt. Then the son-in-law went out late and happened to meet his aunt getting drunk in a bar. Seeing that her aunt was in trouble, not only did she not help, but she also He took out his camera and planned to film it and continue the threat.

Then, Yu Changmo's people rushed over, and Xiao Hei was brave enough to find his son-in-law.

This series of things can be judged by the aunt's micro expression, and a lot of truth can be obtained in a quarter of a second.

Qianmo had almost analyzed everything, and when she looked at her aunt, she already had a countermeasure in mind.

"You know what you have done at home, and I don't want to tell you too harshly. Your garage must be vacated before tomorrow night, and the rent for the past few years must be given to me." Chen Baichuan didn't know. The truth is, I feel that the eldest sister has gone too far to deceive others.

If you don't say this to your wife and daughter, you are acting like a man.

The aunt didn't expect that her brother not only wanted the garage, but also wanted to calculate the previous rent, so she fell out.

"Chen Laowu, are you conscientious? When you were a child, I carried you behind your back and coaxed you. Have you forgotten all this? Now that you have turned your face and asked me for money with a red tongue and white teeth, you are not afraid that your parents will come to you in the middle of the night - "

"I'm looking for you. What else does my dad do to you? You've taken so many things from our house over the years. My dad gave me all the money for your son's house. He rented our garage without paying a dime. Now, If you still want to take it as your own, my grandma would look down on you if she knew anything about it!" Qianmo said a series of words.

Every sentence was on point. The aunt blushed and turned blue. She was irrational, but shrews always relied on being irrational in their quarrels. Her chest was raised high, her neck was stiff, and she pointed at Qianmo's forehead.

"Is there any place for you to talk here? Sooner or later, the water will be thrown out. What's more, you can't throw it out. The Lin family doesn't want you. Just because of your disrespect for the elderly and the young, you deserve to be annulled. At the age of three, When you grow old, you will be as bad as your mother!"

Hearing the aunt's words getting more and more insulting, Qianmo sighed, "Hey, the aunt is stupid and can only talk freely."

Who has the most status in this family? Haven't you noticed yet?

And this volume... Qianmo glanced towards the kitchen, Xiao Hei should have heard it clearly, right?

Sure enough, the kitchen door opened, Yu Changmo stood there with a tigerish face, and Chen Baichuan with an angry face said the same thing.

"Say that again!"

The two men exchanged glances, and Yu Changmo walked straight to Qianmo and stood next to him, staring at the other group of people with eager eyes. He had heard all the words that hurt his goddess!

Since his future father-in-law was nearby, it was not appropriate for him to get in front of him. Xiao Hei decided to let his father-in-law scold him first, and then he would do it after his father-in-law finished squirting.

Thank you for the reward of 8981 coins. Thank you for your support~

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