Jun Jiuling

Chapter 162

But there are really talented people in this world.

Lei Zhonglian soon realized this as he traveled.

He is a person who has been walking for more than ten years. Whether the other party really knows how to walk can be seen very quickly. This is not something that can be done by deception.

This delicate lady from the official family really knows how to do it.

She can recognize the direction, the weather, the presence of snakes, insects, tigers and leopards, and can also search for water and food in the wild, just like a veteran who often walks on the road. Not only is it not hard to do these things, but it is very relaxed.

Lei Zhonglian couldn't explain this phenomenon, and could only think that it was due to her extraordinary talent, as the young lady herself said, she learned it on the road from Funing to Yangcheng.

As for whether the journey from Funing to Yangcheng, escorted by the official family and the rich and wealthy Fang family, required wind, food and camping, or crossing barren mountains and wild ridges, he didn't think so much.

Didn't the senior officials say that? Don't ask so many why.

Lei Zhonglian flicked the whip lightly, and the horse hastened to speed up.

Miss Jun sat back in the car.

Fang Chengyu looked out the window, the young man's complexion improved a lot, and his eyes became brighter, but the journey was hard work after all, and his tired expression could not be concealed.

Because reading books in the car is not good for your health, and it is not a short-distance outing, you did not bring books, tea sets, etc. in the car.

The only entertainment is to look at the scenery outside the window.

The scenery has been seen for almost half a month.

"Traveling is so boring," Miss Jun said.

She is not a person who is good at chatting. Back then, she lived in the same room with Fang Chengyu, and they would not be together except for medical treatment. In addition, Fang Chengyu was always in a coma during medical treatment, so there were not many times when she had to talk face to face.

But now they are sharing a carriage, sitting opposite each other, Fang Chengyu is awake again, talking is unavoidable.

Fortunately, Fang Chengyu is a person who is good at chatting if he wants to, and he can make a rigid and boring topic reasonable and pleasant.

For example, this answer is too boring to answer a topic that seems perfunctory.

"Maybe this is true for people who often travel, but for someone like me who has never been out, it is very interesting." Fang Chengyu retracted his gaze and said with a smile, "Every plant and tree are obviously the same, but no matter how much you look at it, you can't get enough of it."

Miss Jun smiled.

It was the same when she went out for the first time. She left the capital, threw off a string of court ladies and eunuchs who always followed like tails, and ran freely on horseback. No matter how you look at it, it is fresh.

But after traveling around with the master, and rushing back to the palace every year, she felt that she had been walking on the road all her life.

Later, he stopped walking and his life was over.

Now that she has come back to life and started to walk again, it is obvious that she will continue to walk in the future until she reaches her elder sister and younger brother, and the justice she deserves.

But being able to walk again, she didn't feel boring and boring, only full of gratitude.

"When you come back, you can try riding a horse. It's different from riding a car." Miss Jun said after thinking about it.

Fang Chengyu smiled, his eyes bright.

"So when we get there, I'm going to learn to ride a horse," he said.

Miss Jun nodded with a smile.

"I heard that riding a horse is difficult to learn." Fang Chengyu said.

"You're so smart and you'll learn quickly," Miss Jun said.

Fang Chengyu shook his head.

"That's not necessarily true. Smartness can also be divided into brain smart and physical smart." He looked serious, "I'm smart in mind, but I'm not necessarily smart in body."

Really or not, nonsense, Miss Jun laughed.

"You must be smart both in mind and body." Fang Chengyu continued.

"Is it because I'm good at throwing pots?" Miss Jun smiled.

Fang Chengyu nodded and said yes seriously.

"I really don't know if you're praising me or mocking me." Miss Jun pursed her lips and smiled.

This is talking about the past.

Along the way, or since that day when shopkeeper Song came with the doctor to let the golden needle bloodletting disturb the meridians, they didn't talk about the past again.

Those who doubted, questioned, distrusted, distrusted, and insulted by words were generally forgotten.

Choose to forget the bad or embarrassing things.

The child who chooses to forget is obviously aware of his own fault, the so-called ignorant is innocent, not to mention that he was deliberately led to distrust at that time, so that outsiders can see it more truthfully and not doubt it.

After reacting, he didn't say any impolite words again, and cooperated wisely.

This matter should not be mentioned again, as if she was a calculating person, although she did not mean to be dissatisfied with his previous behavior when she mentioned this.

She just said it casually, forgetting to consider the other person's feelings.

After all, considering the feelings of the other party is something she is not familiar with.

So she is not a person who is good at chatting.

Before the atmosphere in the car became silent, Fang Chengyu had already taken the conversation.

"Of course it's a compliment." He said, looking at Miss Jun's serious expression, "If it's sarcasm, I'll let people hear it."

Miss Jun looked at him.

"What kind of sarcasm is sarcasm that people can't hear?" Fang Chengyu continued.

this child.

Miss Jun laughed again.

This laughter was heard by Lei Zhonglian, and he raised his whip lightly.

Who said the relationship between the young master and the young mistress is not good, let's see how happy the two of them are along the way.

Near noon, the carriage drove into a flat and wide road. Miss Jun looked down at the map in her hand, and it was exactly as marked on the map.

Old Madam Fang was able to prepare such a detailed map for her in such a short period of time. There are not many people in this world who can do this.

Even the government is not able to obtain such a detailed map for any official at any level.

Only the Fang family with this kind of ability can reasonably look like a rich man, but how could the Fang family with this kind of almost supernatural ability be murdered so miserably? This is incredible again.

"Young Mistress, there is a small town ahead, do you want to eat and rest?" Lei Zhonglian asked.

Miss Jun responded, and stretched out her hand to lift the curtain of the car. There were a lot more pedestrians on the road, and there was an obvious village in front of her.

"Don't rest, just go to buy some food and medicinal materials." She said.

Fang Chengyu needed to take medicine along the way, and the medicine was adjusted at any time according to his physical condition, so the ones he brought with him when he went out had been used up or could no longer be used. They needed to buy them along the way. When they couldn't buy them, Miss Jun would look for them in the fields and mountains.

Unfortunately, the medicinal materials that Miss Jun needed were not found in the simple pharmacy in the small town this time.

"There is a mountain not far ahead, let's go there." Miss Jun said, "When the time comes, you will sit and eat at the foot of the mountain, and I will go dig the herbs, and I will have a rest."

We were the ones who rested, but you didn't rest when you dug the medicinal materials.

Fang Chengyu thought, but he didn't say it, he just smiled and nodded.

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