Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 172: The Name of Taboo

Sackel's voice fell.

The entire passage fell silent in an instant.

Thales couldn't describe the atmosphere at that moment.

But he clearly saw that the guard prisoners reacted differently: Bree seemed to be struck by lightning, trembling and whimpering, Tardin closed his eyes bitterly, with a painful expression, Cannon and Nai's eyes were blank, as if Expected.

Little Barney stared blankly at the ground, motionless.

"So you finally said it."

Samir sneered, as if his long-standing resentment had been vented.

"Sakel, you."

Sack El remained silent.

"No..." Belletti raised the weapon in his hand several times, and put it down several times, as if he couldn't believe it:

"Really, really you, sir?"

His brows were tangled together, his expression was indignant, and he wanted to ask each of his companions for help.

Naki stared back at him blankly, subconsciously shaking his head.

Kuai Rope also seemed to be quite frightened, and he whispered to Thales in a low voice: "My God...they are right, you Star people have so many thoughts..."

"The White Blade Guard doesn't have so much shit..."

Thales twitched the corner of his mouth stiffly and ignored him.

"Obviously, when I questioned him earlier, his state was not right."

Samir interjected coldly, with an inexplicable sourness in his tone:

"And now..."

"Is there anyone else who doubts?"

The guard prisoners were silent for a while.

Watching all this, Thales suddenly understood.

As early as when the fast rope released Little Barney and others, the seven guard prisoners saw through the impostor "Wiaia".

But these seven ruthless characters did not choose to kill this crappy liar immediately, because the self-confident Quick Rope also provided another piece of embellished information:

Sackel is hunting down the prince.

Ironically, in a way, it was Kuai Rope's talkativeness that saved his life.

Therefore, the seven prisoners of the guard followed the fast rope with a different mentality, not just to fulfill their previous oath and protect Canxing's blood.

It was to confirm their suspicions.

Confirm that the nightmare that has tortured them for more than ten years is on Sakel.

Now, they finally got their wish.

Nai's harsh voice sounded:

"Surrender yourself, Sackel."

"No matter what your reason is, come with us to His Majesty—no matter who it is, surrender to them."

The logistics officer seemed to be trying very hard to restrain himself, and his face darkened when he said the word "Your Majesty":

"To clarify the truth and clear up the grievances of the guard brothers who have been stigmatized for eighteen years—whether they are alive or not."

"Then receive your judgment..."

"And punishment."

He bit the last word hard.

As the focus of the arena, the penalty knight himself appeared extremely calm.

Hearing Nai's words, he paused for a moment before speaking silently.

"I can not."

The faces of the guards changed.

Some people even touched the weapons subconsciously.

Sakeel's face was immersed in the darkness, and he couldn't see clearly, only the sinner's brand on his forehead was exposed to the firelight, which was very strange.

His eyes reflected the faint fire light, and he looked at Thales, making the latter feel uncomfortable:

"As I said, I must finish what I haven't done."

unfinished business.

Samuel snorted softly:

"It seems that a violent solution is still needed."

But Sackel remained motionless.

It was as if he had sunk into a bottomless abyss, never heard, let alone answered.

This made Thales, who was already nervous, even more uneasy.

Taldin, who kept his head down, seemed to be unable to take it anymore, he took a step forward and shouted angrily:

"Bullshit unfinished business!"

"Watchman Sackel!"

Tardin's roar echoed through the passage.

Facing such a calm punishment knight, Taldin seemed to be irritated, and he was particularly irritable:

"Do you really know what you're doing?"

"Could it be that you were crazy eighteen years ago!"

Sack El moved slightly.

Eighteen years ago... already crazy?

He raised his head, revealing a face as calm as water under the light, his eyes wandering towards the empty void.


He raised the corners of his mouth, half-smile, as if he was talking to an invisible person.

I have to.


Seeing this, Tardin became even more angry:

"You bastard..."

But a steady shout interrupted everyone's thoughts:


It's little Barney.

The members of the guard turned their heads, either indignant, tired, or painfully waiting for their chief vanguard officer to speak.

The latter's eyes were blurred, and he looked at the ground numbly and emptyly, motionless.

Only the rising and falling chest proved his sobriety.

"Sack El," Little Barney slowly raised his head, but his voice was numb and hollow:

"Do you still remember how the old captain died in the Hall of Stars?"

Sackel's breathing stagnates slightly.

old captain...

Hearing this name, all the guards, including Samir, were strangely silent.

Thales smelled a faint sadness from it.

"You remember how Tony died from exhaustion..."

"You remember my father, remember how he faced multiple enemies..."

Little Barney paused, seemingly unable to continue.

Sackel was silent for a long time, and the sound of heavy breathing was clearly audible.

A few seconds later, Little Barney hoarsely said, after a while:

"There are other people, many, many people, those who lived and died with us, who thought they could entrust their lives and wealth to us, all died in those years."

"Die from your betrayal."

Sackel lightly let go of the ax handle, and the ax landed heavily on the ground.


He leaned his entire weight on the axe, his chest heaving slightly.

"Of course, I remember."

The punishment knight's shoulders trembled slightly:

"I remember them all."

Little Barney stared at him blankly, slowly twisting his cheeks.

"you remember."

He looked at Sackel in disbelief:

"And you just admitted it so simply: 'The Betrayer, Sackel'?"

Little Barney's voice was a little trembling, but as the words progressed, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Sunset, you if saying 'yes, I stole your lunch'."

Saker opened his mouth to speak.

But Little Barney bent down deeply as he spoke, as if he had thought of something interesting, he laughed out loud: "'Stealed your lunch'..."


The laughter was harsh and harsh, echoing from the surrounding walls.

But Sackel didn't laugh.

The guards did not laugh either.


Thales could feel that the atmosphere permeating the surroundings at the moment was like Barney's smile: extremely bitter.

Little Barney finally had enough of laughing.

He straightened up slowly, with a smile that seemed to be squeezed out, but still hung on his face:

"The way you look, you make me feel—God, like the eighteen years we spent in prison, like the thirty-seven dead brothers in the guard, even Samir, like the pain and suffering they went through Meaningless."

The faces of the guards were sad, and Naki even covered his forehead in pain.

Little Barney's smile became chilling:

"Because for you, it's just a passing mention after a full meal, right?"

Sackel pursed his lips.

Little Barney took a step forward, his smile remained the same, but there was deep sadness in his words:

"Master the punishment and guard the inheritance, you should be our role model, Sackel."

"How many young guards regard you as an idol, and pass on your deeds by word of mouth. How many people want to chase you, defeat you, and surpass you?"

Belletti looked at Sackel sadly and shook her head slowly.

The penalty knight's expression was in a trance for a moment, and his face became paler and paler.

Little Barney forced the heat back into his eyes, and his tone became aggressive:

"You should have been the target of every Imperial Guard."

He thumped his chest heavily:

"including me!"

including me.

Little Barney trembled, his smile turned into frost:

"But you chose such an ending to bid farewell to your guard career and repay your oath of guard?"

Saker took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly.

It seems to be afraid of what you will see when you open your eyes.

"not only that……"

Little Barney stepped forward with a stern voice:

"You pushed His Majesty into the trap of death, and you will never be reborn."

"Push the kingdom into the chaotic abyss, and sink into it."

"Push your companions into the black filth, and there will be no redemption."

"You trampled on the soles of your feet the oath of guards that we have engraved for a lifetime, and discarded it like a worn-out shoe."

Thales watched the confrontation between the two highest-ranking members of the avant-garde with a complicated expression.

The doubts in my heart continued unabated.

Sackel's shoulders were getting lower and lower, Thales could even see his eyebrows twitching, as if he was experiencing a nightmare.

Little Barney looked at him with disgust:

"Tell me, Sackel, how do you fall asleep every night?"

"Especially when your hands are stained with the blood of your companions, your shoulders bear the blood debt of the lord, and your mind is full of the blood of that year..."

"Every time you breathe, don't you feel the fishy smell on your body?"

Finally, upon hearing these words, the pale-faced Saker opened his eyes as if awakened from a nightmare!

He couldn't support his body anymore, and leaned on the fighting ax to kneel on one knee!


The penalty knight roared in pain.

"I know!"

He held the handle of the ax tightly with his right hand, and firmly pressed his forehead with his left hand. The twitch between his eyebrows became more and more violent, as if he was in the most intense struggle.

Everyone silently looked at Sakeel in this state, and no one made a sound.

Thales sighed in his heart, knowing that the punishment knight's spirit was actually not stable.

he's afraid...

See "another world" again.

But everything happens for a reason. I don’t know why his other world came into being and how it manifested itself?

Thinking of this, Thales' heart suddenly moved.


Maybe... a breakthrough?

"I know……"

After a few seconds, Sackel's tone became humble, more like begging.

"But I have to..."

"It has to be done..."

He opened his eyes, stroked his head, and kept repeating this sentence, and his mood gradually calmed down:


But in the next instant, a sword blade gleaming with cold light pierced through the air!

Thales was taken aback.

Wait a minute, he still has something to ask!

Just listen to Naki's voiceless mouth:

"No, Barney!"

In the nick of time, Sakel, who was in pain, swung his ax subconsciously like a beast whose territory had been violated!


During the clash of steel, he took two steps back, but in a panic, he blocked this deadly surprise attack in time!

The punishment knight was panting heavily, looking at Barney who was trembling with a sword in front of him with red eyes, who was equally agitated.


Thales frowned.

The situation cannot be allowed to develop like this - the hatred and anger between them will overwhelm reason.

What's more...

There are still things he wants to know.

Thinking of this, Thales suddenly said, "Sakel!"

"What do you 'must'?"

The prince's interjection caused little Barney's sword to snap.

Naki couldn't help but glance back at him.

Thales ignored the eyes of others and spoke on his own.

"What reason do you have to 'must' betray?"

To get Sackel to speak... Now, while he is emotionally unstable and mentally unstable, this is the only chance.

Only Thales said coldly:

"You 'must' do that?"

"Is it because of the 'Dragon Breaker'? Because of that weapon that the Shuanghuang feared?"

As early as when the prisoners of the guards questioned him, Thales had already faintly felt their questions.

The Year of Blood.

For a long time, this piece of past history has shrouded Thales's life like a haze, and it seems that there is a thread in the dark, holding back his fate.

Every moment brought him the panic and fear of being alone and out of control like a boat crossing the sea alone.

Ever since, out of nowhere, a longing and impulse for the truth of the bloody year emerged spontaneously.

They flooded in like a tide, grabbing Thales's brain irresistibly, making his heart burn like fire.

What happened in the bloody year?

What does the death of members of the Canxing royal family mean?

With the dragon breaker, with the vanguard of the world, with disaster...

What does it have to do with me who was not born at that time?

Dragon Breaker...

Sackel seemed to think of something when he heard the words, but he just looked at Thales obsessively, but didn't answer.

Seeing this, Thales could only grit his teeth and recall the scene when he first met Sackel.

This is the only chance.

A chance to unearth the truth!

"Remember those rotten skins with maggots and flies, Sackel!" Thales said coldly.


This sentence is very inexplicable.

But little Barney was surprised to see: After hearing the other party's words, the steel-like Saker suddenly shook!

At that moment, the punishment knight was trembling all over, dripping with cold sweat.

He widened his eyes and looked at Thales in disbelief.

Thales suppressed the unbearable feeling in his heart, and continued to add material from "another world":

"Yes, think about it, there are countless heads stuck on spear points and covering the ground, think about what they have said to you every night."

Thales sped up his speech, only hoping that the other party would be subdued as soon as possible:

"Is that the guard brothers who were killed by you?"

Under everyone's disbelieving eyes, following Thales' words, the terrifying punishment knight seemed to have returned to a nightmare, subconsciously took a step back, and stared at the dark void with horror and fear.

Except for Samir, everyone who saw Sackel for the first time was shocked.

"And hanging from the ceiling, hanging tongues, rolling eyes, hanging corpses swaying over your head... and babies crying all the time, have you seen and heard all of this? "


Sackel's ax fell to the ground.

Everyone was surprised to see: he was holding his head in his hands, his face was livid, and he was kneeling and gasping for breath.

"Tell me, Sackel, what happened eighteen years ago?"

Thales bit the bullet and raised his voice:

"You have to betray the trust of the former king, you have to slaughter Canxing's blood, you have to kill your colleagues, you have to sacrifice innocent blood, you have to tarnish your own honor, to feel this kind of face every day and night. horrific days of hanging corpses and crying babies?"

The next moment, Sackel seemed to be unable to take it anymore, he covered his head fiercely, and roared in pain:


Everyone was shocked.

"You don't understand!"

Sackel lowered his right hand and beat the ground painfully:

"I have to do this..."

He twisted his face, looking at the void with panic in his eyes: "It must be done!"

Thales clenched his fist, ignored the obstruction of the fast rope, and took a decisive step forward:


The prince shouted angrily:

"Why, why, Sackel? Why did you betray?"

He exclaimed:

"As the last Canxing bloodline, in the name of the deceased Canxing, Thales Canxing hereby orders you—tell me!"

Thales was a little excited, and his voice echoed around.

All the members of the former royal guard were astonished, and looked at the strange boy again with rare eyes.

Teresa Canxing.

Hearing the familiar surname, Saker, who was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, trembled violently, raised his head in a daze, and looked at Thales.

The helpless and lonely look in his eyes made Thales feel uncomfortable.

But the teenager's strategy appears to be working.

"I have to do this," only to hear Sackel say stupidly:

"It's because of the late king Eddie."

At this moment, everyone present, including the royal guards, Thales, and Quick Rope, were stunned.


"The former king?"

The former king...

Eddie II?

Thales, who was taken aback, felt that he had caught something, and asked tentatively:

"What you did...was the king's order to you?"

Sackel shook violently again.

"No, because the late king..."

I saw him shaking his head in despair:

"Because the former king is no longer the former king..."

Thales was taken aback.

This sentence is still confusing and puzzling.

"What's the meaning?"

Little Barney looked suspiciously at Sackel, who was obviously in an abnormal state:

"What crazy things are you talking about?"

A few seconds passed, Sakeel's panting slowly subsided, and the pain and madness in his eyes also slowly recovered.

After experiencing the storm-like madness just now, Sakeel stood up with some difficulty, shook his head, and regained his composure.

The sober punishment knight was first stunned.

Soon, Sackel looked at Thales with complicated eyes:


Judging from his expression, he seemed to realize what he had just said.

But Thales has no intention of showing weakness.

The prince took a deep breath and continued:

"What do you mean, Sack El? Why isn't the former king the former king?"

Sackel looked at Thales quietly.

Unknowingly, the young man who was awkwardly standing among the prisoners of the guards a moment ago has changed from a hostage to a protected person.

Sackel closed his eyes and finally sighed.

After all, it's a bright star.

Just like them.

He chuckled, as if he had let go of something in his heart.

Bearing everyone's suspicious and vigilant eyes, Sakeel opened his eyes and said leisurely:

"As you all know, after Queen Natalie died in childbirth, His Majesty Eddie has been celibate for many years."

"Until that day."

Listening to the old stories that only the old people of Xingchen knew, Thales didn't react for a while.

But little Barney frowned slightly:

"That day?"

Sackel sneered, but with a bit of bitterness: "That day."

"That day, His Majesty Eddie met an old friend outside the palace that he hadn't seen for many years."

Old friend?

Thales still had doubts on his face, but the faces of some former royal guards had changed.

The punishment knight looked sad, recalling the unforgettable past:

"His Majesty, despite the objections of his ministers and His Royal Highnesses, insisted on taking that lady into the Fuxing Palace and marrying her as his new queen."

Tardin, who was standing in front of Thales, reacted, his eyes widened suddenly:

"you are right……"

Saker nodded silently.

His boring voice echoed in the cold and dark underground, full of dilapidated and vicissitudes.

"In this way, after an extremely hasty and controversial wedding, we welcomed the new mistress of the Fuxing Palace, His Majesty Eddie's second queen."

"The new queen? Queen Fiosa?" Little Barney pondered, recalling.


Why never heard of it?

Thales was puzzled by this strange name. He looked at the fast rope, and the latter also had an expression of "who is she".


Thales clearly remembered that six years ago, he had never seen this name in the tomb of the Canxing royal family.

Hearing this, Samir couldn't help but interrupt:

"What does this have to do with her?"

Sakel picked up his axe, turned around and glanced at Semir, and repeated it mockingly:

"What does it have to do with her?"

At that moment, the punishment knight's expression suddenly became severe.

"She is the beginning of all bad luck," his voice is chilling, with Qiushuang's chilling feeling:

"But whether it's the old captain or Big Barney, even Lord Hanson didn't notice."

Little Barney and Belletti exchanged glances, and an ominous feeling arose in each other's hearts.

As Saker spoke, he seemed to be immersed in his own memories:

"But I should have noticed, as the guard of the guards in charge of the inheritance classics... I should have noticed a long time ago."

He slowly clenched the weapon in his hand, tensing his cheeks:

"I should have warned him, I should have advised him."

"But I'm out of work."

The knight showed unwilling resentment and pain.

Thales felt more and more anxious:

"What do you mean? What did you notice?"

Sackel didn't answer right away.

He raised his eyes faintly, and stared at Thales, making the latter more nervous.

"One day, in the vast inheritance scrolls of the royal guard, by chance, I found it."

Unknowingly, everyone present held their breath and stared.

Waiting for the punishment knight's answer.

Sackel stared closely at Thales for a full three seconds.

"I discovered that our questionable Queen, the second wife of His Majesty Eddie, is not called 'Fiosa' at all, and she is not a descendant of a so-called fallen noble as recorded in Canxing's family tree .”

Sackel's dull voice sounded again, but it was full of hatred and anger:

"In fact, she has lived longer than all of our Royal Guards put together..."

"As early as thousands of years ago, before the empire collapsed, she was famous for being good at manipulating people's hearts and creating illusions."

At that second, the spectators were all moved.


Thousands of years ago?


Thales was stunned.

Just listen to the punishment knight hissing with deep fear and inexplicable awe:

"At least six hundred years ago, Xingchen's ancestors called her by another name."

"A forbidden name I can only find in the Elder Scrolls."

Forbidden name?

For a moment, everyone's nerves were tense.

In the next second, Sackel grimly bit out the name that made many people turn pale:

"Sense magician."


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