Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 159 Hanyu Moth King, Black Ice Divine Ax

"You can eat it all.(.)"

Li Qingshan said casually that until this moment, he had not felt any breath of life. Whoever was sealed under the Ice Sword Cliff seemed to have been frozen to death.

"Eat!?" Xianyue widened her eyes in dissatisfaction, then looked at the figure that was gradually becoming clearer in the cocoon, and began to think about it seriously.

The red flame was like burning blood, melting most of the cocoon. A white-haired woman huddled in it, wearing a white feather coat with fluffy white feathers on the edges. Her face was delicate and indifferent, like an ice and snow elf.

"If it's alive, you can eat it!" Li Qingshan smiled and pursed his lips.

"Do you like eating raw food?" Xian Yue said in surprise.

Li Qingshan smiled and said without explaining, "It turns out it's not Ice Sword Cliff but Ice Ax Cliff!"

The woman is holding an ice ax in her arms. There are many ice and snow patterns in the crystal clear, but the overall shape is huge and ferocious. It combines the beauty of art and the violence of weapons, exuding a deep and deep chill.

Li Qingshan could tell at a glance that this ice ax was no ordinary magic weapon. It might be as good as Thelma and Louise's sword, and it might also have a soldier soul.

"Meow hee hee, I picked up an axe, Dahei, bring it to me quickly!" Xianyue said with a smile.

"This is not something you can use." Li Qingshan reached out and grabbed the handle of the axe, touching the white-haired woman's skin, but found that it was not stiff as expected, but very delicate and soft, but it was indeed very cold, and it seemed to contain Pure and powerful spiritual power, he said to himself: "Maybe it can really be eaten."

"Okay, then you can keep it and eat it, I want an axe!" Crescent Moon cheered and jumped. ()

Li Qingshan was too lazy to talk to her and wanted to take the ice ax out of the white-haired woman's arms, but the ice ax seemed to be frozen on her body. If he pulled hard, it might even tear her body apart. Feeling a little bit unbearable, he activated the phoenix fire again, trying to melt the ice.

The flames burn and flow. The white-haired woman was unscathed, and her cold body was also dyed with a touch of warmth. The ice ax in his arms sparked rounds of cold light.

Suddenly, her snow-white eyelashes trembled, she opened her eyes, a pair of white eyes stared at him coldly, and she let out a low growl from deep in her throat, "Fire. I hate fire!" She jumped out of the cocoon. He stood up and struck Li Qingshan head-on with the ice ax.

In an instant, the wind roared and the ice and snow roared. The bright moon has no light.

"It's alive!" Xianyue was shocked,

He ducked behind Li Qingshan.

"I'd better let her die!"

Li Qingshan couldn't help but shudder. He raised his hands to cross the snow and ice. He grabbed the ax blade with his left hand and pulled it gently, and then strangled the white-haired woman's throat with his right hand. Although the power of this ax is not small. But compared to the huge palm waved by the Buddha and the golden seal pressed by King Chu Lie, it was really nothing.

The white-haired woman struggled violently, and the ice ax trembled. In the blink of an eye, Li Qingshan's body was covered with a layer of ice. But ever since I felt the coldness of Guixu Water, this coldness was nothing.

"Linggui Zhenhai!"

Li Qingshan shook slightly, and the ice all over his body shattered. A round of light blue light enveloped the ice ax and the woman, and both of them became quiet.

"Kill her!" Xian Yue shouted.

"It seems that a lot of people have been killed in the past two days." Li Qingshan looked away and was about to take action when a pair of pupils suddenly appeared in the woman's white eyes. Although they were also white, they had crystal patterns, like six rhombuses like snowflakes. , slightly dazed, reflected the figure of Li Qingshan, and said in an extremely weak voice: "Did you...save me?"

This voice was definitely different from before. There was a faint demonic aura exuding from him. Although it was very weak, it was very pure. He was clearly a demon king, and his realm was very high.

"Who are you?" Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, vaguely guessing.

"Bai Xiao'e." The woman frowned. It was difficult to remember the name, and then said: "Or... Hanyu Moth King!" The confusion gradually faded away, and she returned to her cold pride.

"Seventy-two demon kings! Oh, I have admired them for a long time!" Li Qingshan was amazed. It turned out that there was such an old monster sealed under the Ice Sword Cliff. All the seventy-two demon kings he had seen before were male - except for Huan Hai. The Mirage King, who is neither male nor female, saw his mother for the first time.

"Can you put me down first?" Bai Xiao'e tried to turn her neck, but the strength of that hand was amazing, and she was so weak that it was difficult to break free. She sighed in her heart: "It's not so frozen." After so many years, has the Demon Clan produced such a strong person again?”

"You just wanted to kill me, my savior." Li Qingshan had no intention of letting go.

"That's not me!" Bai Xiao'e glanced at the ice axe.

"Oh, I understand!" Li Qingshan let go.

Bai Xiao'e rubbed her neck, her expression suddenly changed, she raised her ice ax high again, and growled: "Kill!"

"Tsk, tsk, you are actually controlled by the soldier soul!" Li Qingshan stood on his hands and shook his head, turning a blind eye to the ice ax coming at him. This demon was in an extremely weak state and could not pose any threat to her at all.

"Quiet the hell!" Bai Xiao'e's expression changed, she swung the ice ax in a circle and hit it hard on the ground. With a loud bang, a large canyon opened in the ground.

Li Qingshan stood on the edge of the cliff and glanced into the canyon. Even the bright moonlight could not illuminate the deepest part of the canyon. There was a new problem on the road from Qingzhou to Longzhou. He thought to himself: "She is really skinny. Camels are bigger than horses, and none of these old monsters are weak.”

Bai Xiao'e held the ice ax tightly with both hands, flew into the air, and breathed in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. She spread out a pair of white and narrow wings behind her, and the moonlight was distorted by it, converging on her body, cold and holy.

"Can we still tell each other apart?" Xianyue poked his head out from behind Li Qingshan's shoulder. Li Qingshan shrugged his shoulders and shouted to the sky: "Hey, can I discuss something with you?"

As soon as the light flashed, Bai Xiao'e stood in front of Li Qingshan, pointing an ice ax at the tip of his nose: "Take back what you just said!"

"Are you the one who has saved so many lives?" Li Qingshan asked.

"First of all, I am not controlled by the Soldier Soul. How can you, a mere junior, know how powerful the Soldier Soul is?" Bai Xiao'e said with gritted teeth at the end. She paid a heavy price to subdue this Black Ice Divine Axe. No one is allowed to judge at will.

"I also have soldier souls and stuff!" Li Qingshan pulled out the Thelma and Louise sword and gently opened the Black Ice Divine Axe.

Kuanghua Daohun roared: "This bitch dares to point a weapon at you. If you don't take action, are you a man? And you have this broken ax, give it to me!"

Xuan Bing Ax Soul said: "It's just you? All the Asuras are defeated by me!"

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