At 9 o'clock tonight, a refinement conference will be held! ! ! ! welcome to join! ! ! !

***************************************************** ***

Ye Zhong carefully hid himself in a tree, and let the wind pass for Shang. From time to time, there were bursts of miserable screams from the woods behind him, which made Ye Zhong involuntarily shudder. Even though he was used to seeing life and death, such a miserable sound still Make him feel furious!

Ye Zhong began to carefully recall every bit of what happened just now. It was incredible that the old man could sense that he had sneaked in. Even Ye Zhong stayed in the room by himself, and there were so many wind chimes outside. , and may not be found. And this old man actually did it!

What was even more frightening was that later on, Ye Zhong had no strength to fight back and was suppressed in an instant. This is the first time he has encountered this situation! And what was lost at the same time was not only the ability to move, but also his own vision!


How did he attack? Ye Zhong didn't see the old man move at all, which made him puzzled!

Suddenly, there was a very slight rustling sound in Ye Zhong's ears, and Ye Zhong's heart trembled, someone!

Ye Zhong reminded Shang in his heart to speed up, while swinging around the woods like a mutant ape, looking for the old man's guest! When he was on Garbage Star, Ye Zhong often used the discarded metal poles intertwined among the garbage to avoid the attacks of mutant creatures. The branches were softer and more resilient than the metal poles. Ye Zhong deftly made a moderate bend, and the dense woods gave him the best cover.

In the woods, the holographic scanner is not easy to use. After all, the environment here is too complicated, and no matter how advanced the scanning system is, it is not worthy of full trust at this time. On the contrary, the innate six senses are more reassuring here! Of course, as for Mu Shang, Ye Zhong was not sure where their limit was!

If I didn't make a mistake in my judgment, the rustle was walking towards the old man's residence, and it seemed that there was only the old man's family nearby.

Ye Zhong sneaked forward cautiously.

A woman in a purple robe and a purple veil was walking slowly along the forest path leading to the old man's residence, and the rustling sound was the sound of fallen leaves she stepped on the ground.

Ye Zhong was slightly taken aback, isn't this the woman who asked the way just now? Ye Zhong hurriedly told Shang about the situation in his heart, and Shang's reply was that it would be ready soon, and now he was asking random questions over and over again to verify the authenticity of all the useful information he got from the old man.

Ye Zhong carefully adorned Feng Su, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind, what is the origin of this woman? Does she know this old man? Uh, according to what Kazhuo said, it should be Mr. Yin. She is a female celebrity, how could she know such a master as Mr. Yin?

Although Ye Zhong didn't know much about the nature and content of a star's work, he believed that the possibility of this profession being linked to a master of art was extremely slim! And she was able to enter the orbital circle, which also surprised Ye Zhong.

However, Ye Zhong didn't intend to think deeply, these things don't have much to do with him, do they? What I have to do is to try my best to delay time for Shang.

Feng Su was not moving fast on the path, she looked weak and weak, Ye Zhong was considering whether to knock her out, lest there be any special circumstances, as for killing Feng Su, if there was no Shang, Ye Zhong might consider it, But with Shang's love for Feng Su, Ye Zhong didn't really want to kill her, which caused Shang's depression!

For Ye Zhong, Mu and Shang are his best friends and the people he cares about most. In Ye Zhong's heart, they were real people! It is his most cherished existence!

Well, it is more appropriate to stun, Ye Zhong is quite confident in the control of his own power!

Ye Zhong silently approached Feng Su who was walking alone, and was about to hit Feng Su on the back of the neck to make her faint!

Suddenly, Feng Su stopped in her tracks, turned around and yelled, "Who is it? Come out!" She aimed her eyes at the crown of the tree where Ye Zhong was hiding.

Ye Zhong was stunned, how did she find out? Obviously I didn't make any sound!

Feng Su seemed to be facing an enemy, her legs were slightly spread apart, and her hands were ready to strike at any time.

Although he didn't understand how the other party found him, Ye Zhong was not afraid of this woman! From his point of view, the other person's body differs greatly from his own!

Feng Su stared coldly at the canopy on the upper left, there was a person hiding on it, even though she didn't know who it was, Feng Su still knew that the person was an enemy rather than a friend! Could it be that the pervert who wants to steal sex has been stalking him for so long, and didn't plan to do it until this place where no one was around? A murderous intent flashed in Feng Su's eyes!

The branches and leaves of the tree crown trembled for a while, and there was a lot of movement. Huh, a gust of wind pressed against his face, and a green shadow shot out from the opponent's hiding place at an extremely fast speed!

Feng Su snorted coldly, turned slightly to one side, flashed a green shadow, lowered her head at the same time, and pushed her heels back silently. Pfft, the green shadow hit the ground, it was a branch as thick as an arm, with many leaves on it, the branch was deeply inserted into the soil, leaving only half of it exposed!

A gust of cool wind passed by the back of her neck. Judging by her strength, the other party might want to knock her unconscious. Thinking of this, Feng Su's murderous intent became even stronger! If this kind of pervert falls into his hands, he can only blame him for his own life!

Ye Zhong suddenly realized that his palm had missed, and knew it was not good! Fortunately, Ye Zhong's blow was just to stun the opponent, so he didn't use a lot of force. With force on his toes, he retreated quickly. She narrowly avoided Feng Su's leg!

Seeing that the opponent dodged her leg, Feng Su was slightly startled, her eyes suddenly became serious, she underestimated the opponent's speed, it seems that this guy is not so easy to deal with!

But Feng Su has absolute confidence in her own skills! Although this guy in front of me is already very good in the eyes of ordinary people, but I just need to spend more time!

Feng Su, who turned around, saw the other party's appearance clearly!

Feng Su's eyes suddenly narrowed: "The person in Black Horn?" She was very familiar with the mask worn by the man in front of her. She knew many things about Black Horn very well. The number on the mask was F-58. Member No. 58 of Group F!

Strange, if I remember correctly, group F should be the number of the outermost members of Noire. How could Black Horn send such a low-level member to the Orbital Circle? Will the black horn not know the depth of the orbital circle? This idea was immediately rejected by her! impossible! Both sides know each other well, how could they make such a common sense mistake?

Could it be that there are still masters around here? Is this just a joke? If so, could it be that the other party's target is Mr. Yin?

All thoughts flashed across her mind in an instant, the more she thought about it, the more likely it was, Feng Su's eyes were full of murderous intent! Only by quickly getting rid of the little boy who let the wind in front of him, will he have time to raise the alarm and save Mr. Yin! Feng Su believed that it was not the one who only came to Black Horn, so she would definitely have a chance to rescue Mr. Yin from the other party!

Ye Zhong has gone through countless lives and deaths, and is extremely sensitive to murderous intentions. Although he doesn't know why the other party suddenly has murderous intentions, he is also unafraid!

Feng Su was determined to make a quick decision!

Ye Zhong watched the other party carefully, and did not despise him in the slightest because of the woman, but he did not take the initiative to attack. For him now, delaying time is the most important thing!

Suddenly, Feng Su's eyes suddenly lit up with a strange light!

Ye Zhong was horrified, the art master! The woman in front of him is actually a master of arts. Ye Zhong couldn't care less about holding back his hands any longer. He tapped his toes, bringing up countless phantoms, which dazzled people. He hoped to use his speed to disturb the other party's line of sight, so that the other party could not catch his figure .

Huh, the expected restraint did not come, Ye Zhong couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, it seems that his method has worked!

When Ye Chongqing was lucky, he caught a glimpse of the other party rushing towards him.

Now that there was a way to deal with it, Ye Zhong couldn't help but feel relieved, he watched the opponent's approach, and punched out!

With a strange twist, Feng Su easily dodges Ye Zhong's punch, and leans towards Ye Zhong.

Hand to hand combat? Ye Zhong thought calmly.

Ye Zhong has always liked hand-to-hand combat. His well-developed reaction nerves, outstanding strength and speed can largely make up for his lack of skills in hand-to-hand combat!

Ye Zhong didn't dare to hold back anything at this time. He believed that if one of the two survived, even Shang should hope that he survived! What's more, how could I die here?

The danger of close hand-to-hand combat is also impossible to hold back any hands, life and death at every turn!

Both sides come and go, needless to talk about the dangers!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Zhong changed from a stormy attack to a hard support!

Ye Zhong couldn't help crying inwardly, the opponent's attack was full of foresight, often when he made a move, the opponent seemed to know his offensive, so far Ye Zhong hadn't even touched the corner of the opponent's clothes. But the opponent's counterattack was extremely sharp, making it impossible to hide. Even with Ye Zhong's well-developed reaction nerves, he had already been hit several times. If it wasn't for Ye Zhong's thick skin and thick flesh, he might have suffered serious injuries!

The weirdest thing is that so far, the opponent has never punched him, and every blow he hits is in the air. This feeling of hitting the air makes Ye Zhong feel so depressed that he almost vomits blood. I am stronger than her and faster than her, but I can't hit the opponent no matter what!

Occasionally, Ye Zhong's heart skipped a beat when he glanced at the bewitching light in Feng Su's eyes.

Ye Zhong's thoughts changed, if this continues, the situation will become more and more unfavorable to him!

Suddenly, Ye Zhong almost couldn't help but slapped himself. His purpose was not to kill the opponent at all, but to delay time! Ye Zhong couldn't help being enlightened, but under this distraction, he was punched and kicked again!

Ye Zhong hurriedly backed away. As long as the distance between the two is wide, the opponent's speed is not as good as your own, and it is not so easy to attack yourself!

Feng Su clings to Ye Zhong like a maggot attached to the bone, obviously seeing Ye Zhong's intentions clearly.

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Salem's "Memorandum of Affair" is a direct train to pick up girls!

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