Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 214 Rescue on the way

After replenishing enough supplies, the Playboy finally left Blazing Star. Among the spaceships that are constantly taking off and landing, Playboy doesn't look too ostentatious. Although the Ska-class spaceship is a large spaceship, which of these aid organizations has a owner who is short of money? Although large spaceships are not as ubiquitous as mechs all over the streets, they are not rare.

This is exactly what Ye Zhong meant, he never thought that there was anything wrong with being ignored by others. On the contrary, Shang likes to do some cool things.

The Playboy flew smoothly and quietly left Blazing Star.

In the vast space, the Playboy is like a silent whale, passing silently through the void.

Ye Zhong was extremely busy, interstellar voyage was an extremely long task, and the journey from Blazing Wind Star to Bright Rainbow Star was too far away. Even if Ye Zhong had the Playboy account, it would still take quite a long time.

The long journey is very difficult. But for Ye Zhong, it was no different from usual. After a huge battleship transformation plan, Ye Zhong has been quite comfortable with the instruments in the metal laboratory. Thinking that he still needed a light armor that could be used to conceal his identity, Ye Zhong planned to make one by himself. Anyway, whether it is equipment or materials here, it is more than enough to make a light armor.

Since it is to cover up the identity, the light armor naturally doesn't need to be too good. Ye Zhong simply grabbed various models of mechs here and there, and the final blueprint gave people a rather weird feeling, with colorful stripes and patches all over his body, making him look like a clown. But it's a good way to cover up. These accessories are all available in the market, and others are not easy to be suspicious.

It seems that the style of this light armor is complicated and somewhat nondescript, but if you look closely, you will find that the key parts of this light armor have been optimized, and it seems that it is patchwork in those dispensable places.

This light armor was renamed Puppet by Ye, no doubt, this name was teased by Shang for a long time. Ye Zhong himself felt that the name was quite appropriate. These puppet accessories seem to be some very common light armor accessories on the market, but they are real laboratory products.

Ye Zhong had a great time playing, and now he found that this metal laboratory is really easy to use. He only needs to set the holographic image of each accessory on the optical computer, determine the size, and then add the materials he used to make this accessory, almost without his concern, the accessory can be released almost immediately. This surprised Ye Zhong, which meant that the idea in his mind could be realized immediately. There are really a lot of alloy materials on board, and Ye Zhong, who was excited about playing, made many kinds of accessories. And the light armor puppet is the final body combination that Ye Zhong finally finalized.

The colorful puppet looked like a clown, but Ye Zhong didn't care. But if someone despises the puppet because of this, he is very wrong. In order to increase the melee ability of the puppet, Ye Zhong installed tiny engines on each joint of the puppet. However, there are still many shooting chambers on the puppet hand. Of course, these are just used to deceive people. Ye Zhong wanted to rely on shooting to save his life, so who knows when it will be?

The puppet is holding two fighting thorns in its hands. Matching its petite body, it has an indescribably weird feeling, quite ghostly. These two fighting thorns are Ye Zhong's real lethal weapons. With his current fighting level, as long as he doesn't encounter those three parties, these two fighting thorns are enough to save his life. Moreover, the puppet is only used for superficial work. If it really endangers his life, Ye Zhong will not hesitate to use the Han family or protect it.

The excess parts were returned to the furnace by Ye Zhong, made into alloy ingots, and thrown back into the warehouse. This advantage of metal is very obvious. Of course, not all metals are worth recycling. For example, the waste metals on Garbage Star are discarded because the recycling cost is too high. But this item is not comparable to bone materials.

From this point, it can be seen that the positioning of bone material and metal material is different. Metal materials have a wider range of applications, but bone materials have incomparable properties of metal materials. It takes a lot of procedures to make a bone accessory, which is far beyond everyone's imagination, which means that it is doomed that the full-bone light armor cannot be popularized on a large scale.

But if those metallurgy experts saw that Ye Zhong used such an advanced laboratory just to make light armor accessories, they would probably go crazy. No matter which metal academic research institution you are in, I am afraid that these instruments can be among the most advanced.

After all this trouble, Ye Zhong's understanding of light armor has deepened. As long as he has any idea in his mind, it can be realized through the metal laboratory to verify whether his idea is correct or not. I'm afraid that there is no mech armor modifier who can meet Ye Zhong's conditions. Anyway, the raw materials here are allowed to be squandered, and these materials can be remelted, so the loss is only a very small part.

Ye Zhong is mesmerized now, he is busy all day like a scientist. Every day is spent in these three laboratories. His interest in training has also become more and more intense. With the deepening of his studies, Ye Zhong has begun to learn the attack method of using training in chips. Trainers often go to some forests and wilderness, so they must have some self-defense measures. Ye Zhong still had a fresh memory of the last time Crazy Guan put himself together.

No matter what the subject is, it seems that Ye Zhong can always learn faster as soon as he touches on similar attack methods. At this point, Ye Zhong was like a born warrior.

With the cultivation room, Ye Zhong can do some cultivation experiments, but unfortunately, some rare plants are not available in the market, and Ye Zhong needs to pick them himself. Moreover, there is a huge difference between Guan Crazy's training system and the current popular academic knowledge system, and this is also evident in the raw materials. Some things are not very precious, but they need to be handled by Ye Zhong in a special way, that is, they need to be handled by the trainer himself.

Fortunately, Ye Zhong was gradually becoming interested in this subject, so he didn't find it troublesome. What's more, compared to making bone accessories, these production steps are really simple.

"Ye Ye!" Mu interrupted Ye Zhong's experiment through the communicator.

"Mu, what happened?" Ye Zhong raised his face and asked calmly. He understood that if Mu had nothing to do, he would never bother him.

Ye Zhong, who has gone through so many things, now has a rather calm and stable temperament, and he will not panic at any time.

Mu calmly said: "We just received a distress signal. Someone was attacked by pirates. But the place where the signal was sent happened to be on our channel." In order to get to the Blazing Wind Star as soon as possible, Mu made a direct route. The line, with the strength of a playboy, naturally he is not afraid of pirates and the like.

"Oh." Ye Zhong showed a thoughtful expression.

"And they are already within the radius of our holographic scanning, which is the holographic image obtained from the holographic scanning." Mu added, and then a holographic image popped up on the optical brain in front of Ye Zhong.

Two light armors are struggling to support, and behind them are several engineering light armors. From Ye Zhong's perspective, it is natural to see that these two teachers should be regarded as first-class masters in the five star fields.

The number of pirates was less than Ye Zhong had imagined, only fifteen. Compared to the overwhelming scene when Ye Zhong met the pirates last time, this could only be regarded as child's play.

These fifteen light armors were obviously veterans. Knowing that these two light armors were powerful, they didn't fight recklessly. Instead, they kept wandering around them like a pack of cunning wolves. And those two light armors knew each other's purpose, but they had to keep firing laser beams to keep the pirates from approaching. The two sides are in a stalemate like this, one side has nothing to do, but the other side has all the leisure time, and when the other party's energy is exhausted, it's time for the group to reap the fruits of victory.

As the Playboy approached, the two groups discovered the sudden change at the same time.

The pirates immediately changed their expressions. They knew that such a large spaceship is definitely not something that ordinary people can own. The number of guards inside will never be less than 150 people. Not enough teeth. There was no need for orders at all, the pirates immediately started a frenzied attack, as long as they can catch these people before their masters arrive, and rely on their speed, the turtle-like spaceship would be no different if they wanted to catch up with them is the biggest joke.

The speed of the spaceship is really slower than that of light armor. For example, the speed of Playboy is only three Hertz. Ten Hertz, the speed of the Han family is also nine Hertz.

The situation of the two light armors immediately became tense. If the opponent didn't want to destroy the spoils of war, the two light armors would have already become a pile of scrap iron.

"Hey!" Mu suddenly seemed to have discovered something.

"What's the matter?" Ye Zhong asked hastily. Once Mu made such an exclamation, it meant that he must have made an astonishing discovery.

"Yezi, save them first, they have good things on them!" The excitement in Mu's words made Ye Zhong immediately understand that this good thing is probably very good. It is very rare for a good thing that can make Mu so excited.

"En." Ye Zhong responded without asking any further questions, and immediately called out the puppet, turned over and entered the cockpit. The interior space of the spaceship is so large that it is completely possible to drive light armor through the interior. Of course, this requires a light armor driving level to be extremely high.

Qin Zuo's teachers who were still struggling to support did not dare to be distracted. It was already the limit for them to last this far. As long as they were distracted a little, this balance would be broken. He was overjoyed when he heard from his companion behind that a Ska-class spaceship was flying towards this side, but now, why haven't they sent people to support it?

Qin Zuo groaned secretly in his heart, if no one came to support him, he and Han Ben would almost be unable to resist. If there are only him and Han Ben, he is confident that they are fully capable of breaking through. But there were three non-combatants behind them, which left them the only way to stick to it.

Suddenly, Qin Zuo felt the pressure lighten, and he felt a little relieved. He knew that the other party must have sent someone to support him.

There were only ten light armors left in front of him, and he and Han Ben alone carried five of them, the pressure was much less than before. When he looked at the holographic screen on the optical brain, his heart that had just let go suddenly hung up again.

He never expected that only one mech came down from the huge Ska-class spaceship!

Qin Zuo couldn't help being slightly dizzy for a while, what's the use of a light armor? Isn't that to die? The strength of the gang of pirates in front of him was far beyond his expectations. As a teacher of the division of Zhongmeng College, which is one of the best in the five star regions, he has sufficient qualifications to evaluate these people. Although they haven't been trained by systematic teachers, it can be seen that their actual combat experience is very rich, and they cooperate with each other tacitly, which is very difficult to deal with.

Even for himself, if the opponent's five light armors fight together, the outcome is hard to say.

Ye Zhong watched the five light armors facing him with a calm expression. Although the puppet hadn't been through battle, Ye Zhong didn't show any signs of timidity.

Five light armors fanned towards Ye Zhong. In the eyes of the five people, this colorful light armor that was flying towards them looked like a clown, and that light light armor was as unstoppable as a girl in their eyes! The five even chattered about how to dismember the clown in front of them through the team channel, so as to give a blow to the people in the spaceship.

Just when everyone was wondering why this spaceship only sent one person out, the situation suddenly changed!

Just when Kankan entered the attack radius of the five people, in the surprised eyes of the five people, the clown-like light armor in front of them accelerated suddenly! The speed displayed by this clown light armor made everyone's heart skip a beat.

So fast!

This sudden change made the five of them feel a little caught off guard. Fortunately, the five of them had rich experience in actual combat, so they didn't panic. The light armor's shooting bay immediately blasted towards the clown light armor. They often use this tactic. The five light armors are fully fired, and the range they can cover is quite large. Moreover, not all of these laser beams are aimed at the clown light armor, but a considerable part of them are aimed at the surroundings of the clown light armor. void. They are very familiar with this move. After so many years, they can't remember how many famous masters died under the cooperation of several people.

Several people can imagine that the thin armor of this clown light armor was pierced by the laser beam, and then exploded into countless pieces with a bang! With thin armor and no shields, they couldn't even see what weapons this clown light armor had. The clown light armor with empty hands was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

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