Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 227 Mu's Weapon

"Everyone, I think it's time for you to leave." Ye Zhong said lightly.

Except for Meng Feier's somewhat complicated expression, the other four were all relieved. All along, they were worried that this indifferent young man would kill someone, because no matter how he looked at him, he was not a soft-hearted person. Killing people to silence them is indeed a once-and-for-all measure, how could Ye Zhong not think about it? Ye Zhong is not afraid of killing people, but that doesn't mean he likes killing people. He still remembered how he wished he could find someone of his kind back on Junkstar.

And he has gradually discovered that there are many methods that are not worse than killing people.

For example, a method called threatening was shown to himself by Shishang in Blue Sea Star. Ye Zhong thought that this method was a genius-like idea, but he didn't know that it was just copied by Shang after watching the movie.

Ye Zhong still adopted this method. A good approach is not to care how many times it is used, but to find what it takes to use it.

Ye Zhong asked Mu to collect extremely detailed information about these five people through the virtual network. This information was so detailed that even they themselves didn't know many details. So when Ye Zhong told the story bit by bit in a slow and indifferent voice, the faces of the five people went from being stunned at the beginning to being miserable at the end, which was extremely wonderful.

Ye Zhong probably couldn't imagine how seamlessly his current expression and voice matched what he was doing now. The five people looked at Ye Zhong with fear in their eyes, as if standing in front of them was a demon from hell.

The five of them had determined that this young man must come from a certain big family, and in their minds, only those families had such terrifying intelligence capabilities. The power of the aristocratic family is not something they can compete with. Before Ye Zhong finished speaking, the five of them had already made up their minds to let the experience of this period of time rot in their stomachs, and they would not tell others if they died. Otherwise, the five of them couldn't help their hearts beating wildly when they thought of the tragic situation of their family and friends in the future.

When the Playboy reached an inhabited planet at the outermost edge of the Tapello star field, Ye Zhong planned to let them leave.

After all, this is the most fringe area of ​​the Tapello star field. The war has not yet spread here, and the people here are still living a normal life as usual. It is only the occasional panic on their faces that makes Ye Zhong see some traces of war.

Looking at the open hatch, everyone wanted to fly out directly, but in order to avoid causing the young man's displeasure, the group still walked towards the hatch in a leisurely manner. Meng Feier turned her head and took a deep look at Ye Zhong, biting her cherry lips, the expression in her eyes made it difficult for Ye Zhong to understand.

"Fei'er!" This was Vicente's voice. He looked at the girl who was almost as old as his own daughter with pity, shook his head, and sighed slightly.

Vicente's call awakened Meng Feier, she withdrew her gaze, turned and walked towards the crowd. On the contrary, Paar turned his head from time to time, but his eyes drifted to Ye Zhong's metal laboratory. Obviously, he was still reluctant to part with this top-level laboratory.

The departure of the five people allowed Ye Zhong to mess around in the entire spaceship without any scruples. To be honest, there are too many shady things in Playboy. However, the departure of the five also announced the beginning of Ye Zhong's work.

Ye Zhong has too much work to do. I don't know how Mu managed to obtain a batch of rare metal materials. At this time, things like this should be under strict control. Ye Zhong could only lament Mu's omnipotence again.

At the same time, some of the most advanced experimental instruments of the five star regions that Ye Zhong ordered last time were also delivered. Due to the high price of these instruments, they will only start to make them after receiving the order. The work just finished a few days ago, so after they got in touch with Mu, they delivered the goods to their door. They used a total of more than a hundred soldiers to escort these instruments. Ye Zhong thought he had encountered pirates in such a luxurious manner.

With these instruments, Ye Zhong is even more powerful.

Mu also finally took out his weapon blueprint. The joy of just receiving a new instrument was immediately washed away and replaced by a headache. Ye Zhong had never seen any design drawings that Mu produced were simple and clear, and without exception, they all existed like a heavenly book. This time is of course no exception.

Ye Zhong could only judge from the appearance that it might be an energy gun, but the complicated light design inside made him doubt, is this really an energy gun?

Fortunately, Ye Zhong has never lacked the spirit of research, and this is the aspect of light armor that he is very interested in. Light armor weapons are an extremely important aspect of light armor. What Mu can take out is not a high-end product, but what Mu is willing to use himself is the best of the best.

He couldn't remember how many days it had been since Ye Zhong figured out the blueprint. He didn't have time to worry about it now. Ye Zhong, who was completely absorbed in it, looked more like the old lunatics in Aurora. Ye Zhong started to make it once he understood all the parts.

The subtle manipulation that Ye Zhong mastered some time ago played a huge role this time. The optical path inside this energy gun is extremely delicate and complicated, and Ye Zhong was always in a state of trembling on thin ice throughout the entire process of setting up the optical path, not daring to be careless in the slightest. If there is a mistake, all the previous work will be ruined, and we have to start from scratch. Fortunately, the whole process was quite smooth. All of this can be attributed to Ye Zhong's abnormally stable hands.

But this kind of pressure was really breathless, so when the most important optical path settings were completed, Ye Zhong was really relieved. However, he made a small mistake in smelting the energy ore. After all, this was the first time Ye Zhong encountered it.

The metal ingots extracted from the mutated energy mines are extremely beautiful, some are like a piece of sea water, with ripples like waves, and the entire metal ingot emits a faint blue light, which is blue zinc after energy. And the spot gold is not inferior at all. The golden square metal ingot is mixed with countless dots of dazzling gold sand. The golden light emitted by these gold sands makes people feel a little dazzling. Each piece of metal ingots extracted from the mutated energy in the mine is so beautiful, Ye Zhong often puts these metal ingots in the laboratory, and the whole laboratory is decorated more like a jewelry store, which is afraid that the world is The brightest laboratory ever.

According to what Mu said, the performance of these metals is very different after undergoing energy mutation. Ye Zhong naturally didn't know the rarity of energy mines. In fact, energy mines were much rarer than he imagined. The conditions for energy mutations to occur in ores were extremely harsh. Ye Zhong picked up a huge bargain this time. .

No matter how beautiful something is, when you are used to it, you may not be as amazed as when you first saw it. Ye Zhong didn't take a second look at these metal ingots, which were like works of art, but continued to work hard.

When Ye Zhong finally finished his work, the finished product in front of him filled him with a sense of pride.

Guifa sniper rifle, the entire gun is six meters long, and the slender body of the gun looks quite slender, without the slightest ferocious appearance of a weapon. The whole gun is blue and white, which matches the color of the shepherd itself very well, but the inner barrel is plated with a thin layer of golden yellow dot gold. The natural ripples on the blue stripes seem to be the masterpiece of a certain artist. The large blue optical sight on the top of the gun looks a bit grotesque and incongruous.

But apart from this point, the entire gun body can be said to be very simple, and Ye Zhong did not make any other decorations on the design drawing. Ye Zhong didn't bother to spend time on these unnecessary decorations on the weapon.

As the manufacturer, Ye Zhong has absolute confidence in the power of this sniper rifle named Guifa. Ultra-precise aiming, of course, this aiming does not rely on the blue optical sight on the sniper rifle. The locking system of the normal sniper rifle is connected with Mu's holographic scanning system, which can completely achieve ultra-long-distance locking.

The optical sight on the top was added by Ye Zhong. When he was on the original planet, Ye Zhong found that when the magnetic interference was extremely serious, the effective radius of Mu's holographic scanning system would be compressed to a very small range, which was not as good as the original The optical aiming is useful. Ye Zhong installed an optical sight on it to deal with this situation. Mu also very much agrees with Ye Zhong's change.

In fact, Ye Zhong still had another idea that he didn't express. He found that magnetic interference is extremely fatal to mechs and warships. Ye Zhong was greatly surprised by how unfamiliar most of the teachers were with the optical system. At that time, he was thinking that magnetic interference is an extremely beneficial environment for him, and it would be extremely beneficial for him if he could artificially create such an environment. Of course, this is just an idea, and it is still quite difficult to realize it.

What the normal sniper rifle emits is neither a hotline nor a laser beam, but a ray beam called a normal particle wave. Of course, he has never heard of this kind of wave leaf weight. The most powerful one he has seen now is nanomagnetic wave. To be honest, if it wasn't for the nanomagnetic waves emitted here, Ye Zhong would definitely think that this energy gun must have been designed by the Teachers' Association. The two styles are so similar, even now, Ye Zhong still suspects that this is some kind of high-level light armor weapon from the Masters Association. However, when he thought about the unclear relationship between Mu and the Teachers' Association, Ye Zhong reckoned that even if he asked Mu, he would probably say: "Based on the existing information, the origin is unknown!"

The normalized sniper rifle can also fire the normalized particle cannon, what is this? Sniper gun? As soon as Ye Zhong thought of Mu holding Guifa, Guifa spit out a thick and frightening beam of light, but this beam precisely hit a very critical position of the enemy battleship, killing a battleship with one shot. Just thinking about this scene made Ye Zhong feel completely sad for Mu Hou's enemies.

In addition to the return sniper rifle, Ye Zhong also made a short-range rapid-fire device for Mu. In fact, in Ye Zhong's view, Mu's skill in treating the iron python lizard could be equipped with a melee weapon such as a fighting thorn, but Mu seemed to prefer shooting, and Ye Zhong's suggestion was opposed by Mu.

According to Mu's suggestion, Ye Zhong also selected a kind of extremely hard energy metal red titanium as a raw material, and made a dagger. The style of this dagger is exactly the same as that given to him by Gu Shaoze, but its performance is excellent in all aspects. Know how many times. Red titanium is originally red, but after energy mutation, it presents a dark red color similar to blood. Ye Zhong's dagger looks very good, with a faint red light and a bloody blade, you can tell it's not ordinary at first glance. However, Ye Zhong had a great headache. Although the energy mutation can greatly improve the performance of the metal, the light cannot be covered up at all, and it is really eye-catching.

Finally finished all the work, Ye Zhong finally relaxed.

Mu is very satisfied with Guifa, which can be seen from the fact that he immediately carried Guifa behind his back. After Mu is full of energy, there will be a layer of strange luster, combined with the blue-white light on the back of Guifa, if it goes out, Ye Zhong believes that it will be extremely intimidating.

Along the way, although several groups of pirates were encountered, these small groups of pirates were frightened by the huge hull of the Playboy, and no one dared to come up to stroke the tiger's beard, and the journey was very smooth. The Masters Association's rule over the Tapelo star field is obviously still in an extremely unstable state. Ye Zhong has been worried that the warships of the Masters Association he encountered have passed by the Playboy several times, with a hurried look on his face. .

Since Mu spent a lot of time instructing Ye Zhong to create the return method, and even occupied Shang's time, correspondingly Shang's stay outside this time will be greatly extended, which is the result of the negotiation between Mu and Shang. When Shang talked about this, he had a completely villainous tone.

According to the plan I thought about at the beginning, now I should go to the Faer Starfield to investigate the question about my father. The father's problem has always been Ye Zhong's heart disease, Ye Zhong decided that no matter what this time, he must find out the truth. And Shang even waved Gui Fa, clamoring for the Buddha to block and kill the Buddha. Ye Chong was somewhat dumbfounded by that appearance.

Mu Zaowei set a schedule for Ye Zhong. While Ye Zhong was concentrating on creating the law of return, the Playboy did not stop at Chidi, but continued to move forward along this roadmap. Now they have reached the area where the Tapero star field and the Farr star field are far away from each other.

The Tapelo star field and the Farr star field do not border each other, and there is a rather distant empty zone between them. In this vast empty area, there is no planet. Only by jumping through the space can one reach the Farr star field, and Mu even calculated the point of the space jump.

Farr star field, the star field that Ye Zhong is most familiar with, is about to arrive. Looking at the stars outside the window, Ye Zhong's thoughts are a little wandering.

"I'm jumping..." Shang cheerfully gave the command to jump in space.

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