Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 481 The Fierce Light Armor Squad

It is surrounded. To be exact, it was surrounded by more than thirty iron men who closely resembled those who pursued it. This makes it full of despair, oh my god, that one alone makes it almost collapse, and now there are a total of thirty!

Does God really want it to perish?

The thirty iron men surrounded it cautiously, making no other moves. Knowing that it must die today, it calmed down, its face returned to its usual calmness, its hands folded its shoulders, and it looked like it was in full swing, quietly floating in the space. However, its slightly constricted pupils and the slightly trembling arrow tails ready to go revealed its determination to fight to the end.

It has decided to come to a dead end!

Even though its current state is very poor, even though the iron man lurking in the dark is very strong, it is not so easy to get out of it before it dies and counterattacks! A shallow sneer that humans can't understand is outlined at the corner of its mouth, and it has already put aside the idea of ​​escaping. As if knowing the impending fate, the bright red arrow tail is even more red now, as if it wants to show all the vitality at this moment.

But what surprised the red-tailed beast was that these iron guys didn't immediately surround it. Are they trying to capture themselves alive? Thinking of this, the red-tailed beast's eyes became colder.

Ye Zhong, who was hidden among the broken stars, looked at the scene in front of him, but felt a little weird.

There is a light armor here?

There was more than one light armor in front of him, and he encountered a group of thirty light armors in the depths of the death shattered star belt, which made him feel very incredible. Although there are usually some divisions in the Death Fragmented Star Belt to complete some tasks, he believes that none of the divisions will go deep into the hinterland of the Death Fragmented Star Belt. After so many days of flying experience, Ye Zhong felt deeply that this place was far more dangerous than the rumors outside. If it wasn't for You Mu's help, if it wasn't for the red-tailed beast in front who seemed to sense danger naturally, Ye Zhong would probably have died no less than ten times.

The appearance of these light armors was very strange to Ye Zhong, and it was obviously different from the light armor styles of the three major families he was familiar with.

Carefully hiding himself behind a rock, he closely watched the developments ahead.

Ye Zhong never expected these mechs to kill the red-tailed beast. He drove the Han family and carefully sneaked towards the confronting beasts.

"Mu, do you have any information about these light armors?" Ye Zhong communicated with Mu while carefully controlling the Han family.

"No." Mu replied simply.

Where did these mechs come from? Ye Zhong felt rather strange. where is this place? This is the Death Broken Star Belt! Only those powerful teachers dare to enter the Death Broken Star Belt.

The design style of these light armors in front of him is very strange, Ye Zhong has never seen it before. However, he didn't intend to get entangled in this issue any longer. It didn't matter who they were, the important thing was how to take the opportunity to solve the red-tailed beast.

With the cover of the rock, the Han family sneaked behind the red-tailed beast like a ghost. Ye Zhong didn't make a move, but hid himself. After so many days of chasing, Ye Zhong is very familiar with this red-tailed beast, although he dare not say it well. The red-tailed beast was definitely one of the most wary creatures he had encountered so far. Now is not a good time to make a move.

Ye Zhong, who was lurking, observed the mechs carefully.

Scholes was the leader of one of Alva's scouting teams. Alva has carried out major reforms on the Second Legion since it was replaced by Alva. The reconnaissance team was the most important among them. It turned out that there were only nine officers left in the group, and Scholes was one of them. But Scholes has no complaints about this series of changes.

Who is Alva?

The number one tactical genius in the entire Gray Valley!

To be able to fight under his command is already the dream of countless people, and he is willing to let him be a soldier. But when it comes to the person he admires the most, it's not Alva in his heart, but Missy.

As for why Alva joined Xiao Wan's command, there are different opinions outside, and there are all kinds of opinions. Some said that Alva admired Xiao Wan's beauty, and some said that Xiao Wan secretly promised Alva shocking benefits. For quite a while, this was one of the most lively gossips.

But the real members of the Xiao Family Army knew that this was not the case at all. In fact, it was just a bet between Alva and the eldest lady, and in the end Alva lost, and Alva, who was willing to accept the bet, stayed to be the commander of the second army of the Xiao family army. The head of the First Army is still Beiguang.

The fact that Alva became the commander of the Xiao Family Army's Second Army Corps shocked the entire Gray Valley.

Scholes is 1.8 meters tall, with a strong figure and strong eyes. Since he became the leader of the reconnaissance team, he has completed the task brilliantly every time.

There are enemies here? He couldn't help frowning. Since that encounter with the unknown creature, this creature has disturbed the peace of Ashenvale. No less than seven forces have been wiped out under their hands. The most puzzling thing is that these unknown creatures seem to be getting more and more difficult to deal with.

The only thing that makes people feel at ease is that the scientific research team has begun to coordinate and organize various forces to unite to deal with this unknown creature. It is said that the scientific research team has provided a lot of funding for this joint.

The head of the Alva Legion was worried that this unknown creature would appear on the flanks of the coalition forces, so he sent a large number of reconnaissance light armors to the flanks on both sides.

It seems that the concerns of the head of the legion are likely to become a reality. Looking at the unknown creature in front of him, Scholes felt a little uneasy.

"Have you found any other enemies?" Scholes asked in a deep voice.

Soon he received a response from his teammates: "No, no other enemies were found within 150 kilometers."

Is it an order?

"Attention line units, get ready to attack!" Although he didn't understand why this unknown creature appeared here, Scholes quickly gave the order to attack. This kind of unknown creature with bright red arrow tails is very difficult to deal with, but Scholes believes that thirty to one will never be a problem. Moreover, the research team's research has proved that this unknown creature is not 100% immune to energy attacks. When the energy intensity reaches the upper limit that its body can absorb, it can cause damage to it.

This unknown creature is said to have been named outside Ashenvale, called the red-tailed beast. This name comes from a place called Yijuxing. Rumor has it that this is the only place where the red-tailed beasts have been completely wiped out so far. There is a strange and powerful legion called the Shock Legion. That mysterious legion has been under martial law until now, and no one has been able to sneak in. There is very little information about them, but there are various speculations and rumors about them.

But in any case, this naming has now been accepted by the vast majority of people.

Judging from his previous combat experience, generally speaking, when the firepower of ten long-range light armors is concentrated together, it is enough to cause damage to the red-tailed beast. Without hesitation, Scholes decisively issued an attack order.

Thirty light armors fired at full power, and hundreds of beams of light tore through the starry sky and bombarded the red-tailed beast. The dazzling light completely engulfed the figure of the red-tailed beast, and everyone felt their eyes light up.

Scholes breathed a sigh of relief, he could clearly see that the red-tailed beast did not escape the attack just now. As far as the red-tailed beasts he had seen, none of them could survive such intensive firepower safely.

Scholes' pupils widened suddenly, looking at the holographic screen in disbelief.

How can it be?

On the holographic screen, the red-tailed beast was floating in place in a neat and tidy manner, its whole body unharmed.

All of a sudden, Scholes felt a chill on his neck, and a chill rose from the deepest part of his heart.

At this moment, Scholes, who had been staring at the holographic screen with wide eyes, blurred. The place where the red-tailed beast stayed on the holographic screen was now empty, and the red-tailed beast disappeared in his eyes.

"Ah!" A miserable scream sounded through the communication channel.

"Vigan!" Scholes' eyes turned red instantly.

The face of the twenty-year-old boy, the newcomer who often smiled shyly, came to his mind.

Teng! Scholes's scalp heated up, and the fear just now was swept away, replaced by a monstrous killing intent: "Change melee weapons, three-three cooperation!" This command Scholes yelled out almost with all his strength.

Other Yu Guangjia took out their melee weapons one after another, and saw that they formed a group of three light armors, and the three groups formed a triangle.

Sprinting, covering, blocking, facing this red-tailed beast, three light armors always go up together, fighting in coordination, advancing and retreating very well.

Ye Zhong, who was lurking in the dark, was dazzled. Unexpectedly, these light armors quickly recovered their disadvantages after taking out their melee weapons, which was beyond his expectation. Ye Zhong, who has a profound knowledge of the structure of light armor, can naturally see at a glance that all of these light armors are long-distance combat light armor.

How can people not find it strange that the light armor in long-distance combat uses melee combat to take advantage?

After a closer look, Ye Zhong discovered the mystery. The reason why these light armors can recover their disadvantages is directly related to their special tactical cooperation. They had three light armors as a unit. When each light armor came into contact with the red-tailed beast, the other two light armors would attack from the flanks or from the top and bottom.

And the most important thing is that each light armor didn't show any fear when fighting this red-tailed beast head-on. On the contrary, it could even be said to be desperate. It is also this desperate style of play that buys him time and gives his companions enough time to support him.

And when the three light armors came into contact with the red-tailed beast, this team of light armors was completely stalking, and other teams would quickly come to support.

It really is a help! Ye Zhong gave these light armors a very high evaluation. Although their fighting skills are completely unworthy in his opinion, such a fierce fighting style requires enough courage.

The Red-tailed Beast's situation was not good, and Ye Zhong could see it clearly. It was entangled by three light armors just now, and the opponent's fighting style was too fierce. Among the three light armors, two light armors were seriously injured, and one arm of the other was also destroyed by its sharp arrow tail. The light paths inside are all exposed to space. Such a serious injury is very dangerous for light armor, and there is a possibility of explosion at any time. But the master of this light armor turned a blind eye to it, and instead frantically used the remaining mechanical arm to attack the red-tailed beast.

It was the outstanding performance of this group that created excellent opportunities for others.

Their companions did not waste the opportunity created by these three teachers with their own lives. The nearest four groups have completed the encirclement of the red-tailed beast from four directions.

boom! A seriously injured light armor suddenly exploded, and a gorgeous flame bloomed in space.

The shock wave generated by the explosion hit the red-tailed beast hard like a heavy hammer. The red-tailed beast couldn't control its figure, and fell headlong into the encirclement formed by the twelve light armors that had just arrived. At the same time, the other two light armors also turned into two huge flames at the same time, illuminating the starry sky.

Hard enough! Seeing Ye Zhong was speechless, fierce people are not uncommon, but there are very few such fierce guys, the most rare thing is that everyone in this light armor team seems to be like this, which is scary!

Now the red-tailed beast has suffered!

Sure enough, the red-tailed beast seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, making it difficult to move, and its speed advantage could not be brought into play at all. If it wasn't for its nimble response and the invincible arrow tail, it would have already been chopped into a puddle of flesh by the mechs with the most common melee combat weapons.

In just this moment, the other dozen light armors have already entered the most suitable combat position.

Twenty-six light armors are like a cage, trapping the red-tailed beast tightly in the middle. They begin to compress slowly but firmly towards the middle. No matter which direction the red-tailed beast faces, it will face attacks from several light armors in turn.

The situation of the red-tailed beast was in dire straits. In less than half a minute, several new scars had been added to its body.

Driving the Han family by himself, using a super dagger that contains many kun stones, he tried his best and almost died, so he managed to create a scar on the red-tailed beast. Now these long-distance light armors with the most common fighting weapons have beaten it all over.

Sure enough, gang fights are the kingly way, Ye Zhong couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

But just before Ye Zhong finished expressing his emotions, the situation on the field changed again! (To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in

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