Su Yanyun frowned.

Yes, Mrs. Rong probably never thought that the teacher actually has cold violence to deal with your baby.

They don't need to do much to your child, just ignore them and it is enough to cause harm.

"I told Dad that I am not happy and I don't want to go to kindergarten anymore." The volume was pouting, and his voice was low. "Dad said to my uncle that he is going to buy a kindergarten for me. When I go to the new kindergarten, I am fine Happy, this is the kindergarten given to me by Dad. I will never be bullied again... But..."

The volume's voice was even lower, so low that Su Yanyun couldn't hear what she was saying.

"But one day I passed by the teacher's office and heard them chatting. It was me who was talking..."

The capacity is probably very small, so I started to know about the sinister heart.

The teachers talked about the life experience of capacity measurement in exaggerated tone, talked about why she didn't have a mom, and maliciously speculated the reason why there was no woman around Rong Linyi.

They talked a lot, saying that the capacity might not be Rong Linyi's own.

It is said that the capacity may be specifically for finding a woman's surrogacy, anyway, many rich people like to play this way.

She also said that there is a possibility that the capacity of the mother can not be on the table. What is the woman who plays outside accidentally conceives...

An angry volume rushed into the office and beat the teacher with a small fist.

She had a hunch that she might be changing to kindergarten again.

Or, change teachers.

Anyway, this kindergarten is also their home.

Fortunately, she is about to enter elementary school.

She is a proud little princess, even if others make fun of her, she has to hold her proud head high.

But no one knows how many bruises such a small child has in his heart.

"Now, I also have a mommy." Capacity finally made a smile, "Mommy is fine, I was bullied, Mommy will protect me, Mommy will reason for me, go to the lawyer. I really love Mommy."

Only Mommy will consider her wholeheartedly.

I wondered whether they would make things difficult for her in the future study and life, even if they showed that the teacher apologized.

Only Mommy in this world can think about her baby so wholeheartedly.

"Measure, I'm sorry," Su Yanyun kept kissing the measuring face, "Mommy also loves measuring, especially love measuring. If anyone dares to measure me badly, it will kill Mommy. ."

The amount of narration made her understand one thing.

When she was away, Rong Linyi had no way to take care of her due to inconvenient eyes.

Mrs. Rong wants to maintain the operation of the group, but is also powerless to measure things.

Rong Xuelong wants to look for Jiang Chengshu, as well as her own career and baby to take care of, so she is not in C city at all.

And Rong Xueling, who has never grown up at all, is arrogant and willful, which can only add to the troubles of a small mind.

This cute and soft baby, how strong heart does he need to face everyone with a smile.

"Actually, I would fight before the measurement." The volume held Su Yanyun, "but everyone said that the baby who was fighting was not a good baby, so after Mommy came back, I didn't dare to do the measurement. I didn't want to make the baby bad. "

Su Yanyun sighed: "In principle, fighting is certainly wrong. But sometimes, politeness and education can't solve some problems. You treat others with courtesy, but others treat you as an egg."

Deal with some rascals, you can only be more rascal than him.

Let him know that you are not annoying, so that he can accept his demon wind.


There are about seven chapters left at noon tomorrow~ Hey, I can’t help but sing a song when I write here, only mother is good.

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