MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 644: Resurrection Stele

The biggest feature of the monsters here is their high attack, and ordinary monsters have the output strength of elite monsters of the same level outside. And how many people can tank 500 elites in one go? The fault is that these monsters have too little blood, and many of them died while moving. Even if they don't show off their inheritance and transformation, they will be shot in seconds!

The most difficult thing about sh these monsters is actually how to get them together so that they don't disperse in a "chaotic" way, and when this is solved, with these monsters' mere 100,000 health points, at most two rounds of oe will definitely have to be done. lie down. []

Fatty Han laughed loudly, and said: "Who told them not to use inheritance transformation, do you think that all fat brothers are so powerful?"

Everyone is talking about Fatty S putting gold on his face! But who made Fatty now have a phoenix pet at the level of a beast, and his normal attack can be used as an area skill, which is really too cruel in oe!

"Bah bah bah, wretched and fat, if it wasn't for the poor warrior who took you to get the phoenix pet, how could you be so arrogant! You are lucky because you chose the job of hunter!" Wei Yan'er snorted, blowing Fatty is also her daily task. [

Fatty Han didn't think much of it, and said, "What's the relationship between me and Yangzi? What's his is mine, and what's mine is his. Brothers are like siblings, wives are like clothes, and Fatty is the most qn person in Yangzi! Ouch—— "

Fatty was so overjoyed that Sun Xinyu and Han Yingxue hit his head with a hard object, which made him shut up quickly.

"Speaking of which, these two phoenix pets are really powerful!" Baifa Yizhong couldn't hide the envious look on his face. He is also a beast king hunter, so he is naturally full of desire for high-end pets. Because the beast king hunter has a great attribute bonus for pets, if Zhang Yang and Fatty Han's phoenix pet are to fight each other, there is no doubt that Fatty Han will win.

Zhang Yang smiled slightly. It is said that in "history", Baifa No. 1 High School was favored by the red dragon almost during this period, and then became the only dragon pet hunter in "Miracle" and became famous for a while. Double!

I only hope that the impact of this life on Baifa No. 1 Middle School will not change the track of history!

He said: "Baifa, you will definitely get a stronger pet, I promise!"

"Haha!" Baifa No. 1 High School is not the kind of complaining character, and he has nothing to do with Zhang Yang taking Fatty Han to get the Phoenix Pet instead of himself. He smiled brightly and said, "You are so sure , I want to believe it is true!"


"Weak creatures... smash... fall..." the Skeleton King roared, these tiny guys dared to show a careless look when fighting it, it was too insulting to the great Skeleton King!

It's a pity that the boss's only oe skill is a halo skill, which works all the time when it's on, and doesn't need it to trigger it by hitting the sky or punching the ground, which greatly affects its posing, so it can only be slashed at the starlight endlessly.

"Damn, sboss, you've had sex, why are you working so hard like you've hit the basics!" Xing Guangqian screamed strangely, and punched his chest uncontrollably, "

o It's not me you're talking about, it's the boss! The so-called revenge for revenge, revenge for injustice, don't pester me! "

He and Fatty Han are the two live treasures in the team, and they just feel uncomfortable if they don't play a few times a day.

"King S...the eternal King S..." The fire in the Skeleton King's eye holes ignited, "My servants, wake up from deep sleep, it's time to serve your king!"

summon skeleton

After cooling down the skill of ng, the boss finally had a chance to pose. He slashed at the ground with a slash. The air broke through the ground, and the deep ravine reappeared. There were 500 skeletons again.

ng appeared in batches one after another!

Zhang Yang and the two phoenix pets quickly took their positions again, and calmly began to gather monsters and fire, and once again defuse the boss' big move with a thrill.

"Hey, that's strange. After this wave, that team didn't lose its members!" Han Yingxue said strangely. She had been paying attention to another team that was fighting the boss. Also survived the second wave of mobs. [

It is said that when the other party is full, three people are meshed by mobs. Now that there are fewer people, it can damage sh monsters. Isn't this weird?

Wei Yan'er clapped her hands and said, "There must be someone among them who has started inheritance transformation!"

Everyone nodded, this should be the most reasonable explanation.

Because all the teams have counted before, if you start the inheritance transformation too early, it is absolutely impossible to make it to the other side of the stone bridge! And even though everyone didn't know what they would encounter at the end, their experience made them all take the same approach, that is, to keep the inheritance transformation as much as possible!

But the other team lost three members during the first wave of mobs. If the inheritance is transformed into zng again, it may be a reunion! But now if the group me, the monsters behind have been brushed for a long time, which is equivalent to hitting the head!

Although it is said that fighting normal monsters is fast and has a lot of experience, it is really a great place to level up, but if there are bosses here, who would be willing to only fight small monsters? Besides, the terrain here is clearly meant for racing, and the first team to reach the finish line will definitely have unimaginable benefits, so they are not more willing to mete in the middle and give up the opportunity to others!

Knowing that drinking doves will quench thirst, but I have to bite the bullet!

"We have to fight faster, and three more teams have started to fight the boss!" Han Yingxue said. Although the time when people from all walks of life entered this place is different, but there is not too much difference, and the Skeleton King has too much blood, and he can recover his health by himself. In addition, there are only 10 players in each road, and the firepower is already very high. It's not too strong, and the boss battle drags on for a very, very long time, and all the teams are stuck here.

The sixth branch, the seventh branch... the twelfth branch, the boss of any road has not fallen yet, but the first boss battle is going on on all the stone bridges, which is enough to witness the vitality of this skeleton king tenacity!

On Zhang Yang's left hand side is the Alliance of Xue, and on the right hand side is the Barbarian Domain. At this time, the distance between each stone bridge has been shortened to 4 kilometers. Everyone's eyesight in the game is amazingly good, and they can barely see The other party's indistinct figure.

Zhang Yang can even see two people who have turned on the inheritance transformation. They are the same as Xingguangxian. After the transformation, they become huge, just like a lighthouse, and they are eye-catching from a distance!

Ordinarily, they have entered 20% of the distance now. If the boss appears stable, then they only need to fight four or five bosses to reach the end. Therefore, each time a boss is beaten, the two can start inheritance transformation, which can ensure safety. , and can speed up the process, it is a very reasonable operation.

However, Zhang Yang's team still has absolute output firepower even if they don't turn on the inheritance transformation. After all, after the b-level inheritance transformation, the firepower will only increase by 300%, which is just the amount of blood.

o It is true that the safety factor has soared.

Among the 12 roads, the fastest progress is naturally the two teams working together. Their original progress was ninth, but now they have overtaken to fourth. The large number of people played a huge advantage here, especially during the boss battle!

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Everyone rushed to output the boss, trying to become the first team to knock down the boss and move on.

Their firepower is already strong, and Zhang Yang provided them with absolutely enough high-mutation yo items without hesitation. The output level of this team can definitely be compared to that of an ordinary centurion!

Qiang Qiang, sparks shot out from his body, although there was only a pair of skeletons left and he would not be able to move again, but being surrounded and beaten like this, the Skeleton King was still very angry, he kept roaring loudly, and frequently shrank With a low stature, he continuously shoots out the three spikes on his spine, causing certain troubles for the team.

But it's just trouble, even the dream sweetheart with the lowest blood volume has an upper limit of 250,000 HP in the riding state, and it is impossible to be seconds, so just trouble is not enough to pose a threat!

70%, 40%, 20%... The blood volume of the Skeleton King decreased slowly and steadily.

"Xingguang, hold on, I'm about to start dealing damage!" Zhang Yang said hello, opened it recklessly, poured a bottle of firepower yo water, and kept a lot of high-damage skills at this time

o send it! -[

519870! chop sh,

o click-

379536! Ares thrashes,

o click-

257890! destroy me blow,

o click.


It makes sense for Zhang Yang to take off his shield and separate his pets to fight! Even though Starlight's output greatly increased after the inheritance transformation, he was at a disadvantage because he was using a one-handed weapon. No matter how high the damage was, his damage was limited, and his high damage skills couldn't match Zhang Yang's!

In terms of output, Zhang Yang actually overwhelmed Starlight by a single head. Fortunately, the tank has additional hatred attached, otherwise Zhang Yang would be OT! Of course, Zhang Yang would not let such a thing happen, a Shadow of the Void would be able to clear away the hatred.

He opened the reckless slash, and after 10 seconds, the hatred value gradually decreased.

The starlight limit was approaching, and the kid was so frightened that he mustered all his energy to draw hatred, while yelling that he was flamboyant, and under the non-inherited transformation, he, a tank that had turned on the inheritance transformation, was still so good tired!

Don't even think about it, this is an S-level inheritance, there are only six people in the world, can't they be amazing?

In fact, Sun Xinyu is not weak at all in terms of output, but this woman is not like Zhang Yang who hides the shadow of the void and intentionally scares the stars. As long as the hatred is high, she will use the disappearing skill to clear the hatred. Xingguang was moved and even said that Sister Sun was the most considerate.

After a round of chopping skills, the team forcibly cut off 2% of the boss's health! You know, it's only about ten seconds. If you can keep being so fierce, you can knock down the boss in 10 minutes, instead of fighting for almost 50 minutes like now.

God stares!

Zhang Yang threw out the magical skill of the sh*t boss—because the boss battle time is only enough to cast the stare of the gods once, Zhang Yang chooses to use it when the boss has less xue, because the less xue the boss has, even if there is no such thing as "crazy"

o", "Madness" and other skills that directly increase damage, but the use of major skills will also become more frequent.

Therefore, if you can only use Hades Gaze once, it is natural to save it to about 10% for a second, and kill the boss directly before it gets mad!

A black skull suddenly appeared on top of the Skeleton King, and the two skulls were printed against each other, which was a bit funny.

"What is this! What is it!" The Skeleton King suddenly felt a huge crisis.

"Smelly Skeleton, you can safely hand over all the equipment obediently!" Wei Yan'er laughed.

When the special effect was triggered, the Skeleton King's blood volume suddenly plummeted like a no-crash. The Gaze of Hades is too powerful. Every time the special effect is activated, it can take away 5 million blood volume, which can't be hurt!

15%, 12%, 7%, 5%!

When the special effects of the ten Gaze of Hades ended, the Skeleton King's HP also dropped to 5%, and it took only a minute or two to be knocked down!

"Creature...should sh!" The frequency of the boss's skill activation became higher and higher, and he began to struggle, making a last-ditch effort.

In less than two minutes, the huge ten-meter-high skeleton collapsed, turning into broken bones on the ground, accompanied by several pieces of shiny equipment.

"Little girl picks up things, let's move on, while the starlight still has inheritance transformation, let's pull some more monsters to start shooting!" Zhang Yang directed.


Xing Guangxian rode his black-backed ox and charged towards the pile of monsters in front. Although the poor buffalo was as big as a giant elephant, could he compare with the King Kong gorilla? It's like an adult squatting on a kitten, no matter how you look at it, you can't help but laugh!

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed loudly behind them.

Relying on the high blood volume after the transformation, Starlight drew dozens of elite monsters in one go, but elite monsters are elite monsters after all, and they are particularly fierce elites here, and they blasted away several times after one round of fighting With a blood volume of 100,000, he almost made him unable to take care of himself.

Fortunately, his Vajra King inheritance also has a deceleration skill similar to Thunder Smite. When he stepped on it, he immediately decelerated a large number of monsters, which relieved the pressure.

Everyone knows that we must race against time, and they don't care about the boss's drop, so they go to sh monsters first.

After the starlight limit stabilizes the surface, the rest is just brain oe, everyone just needs to choose the attack range and guide the skills continuously, there is no technical capacity.

Wei Yan'er was wielding a large axe while flipping through her backpack, and said: "Boss Smelly Skeleton has dropped a total of two phantom spirit weapons, three mysterious spirit weapons, a skill point spar, and a resurrection stone tablet... Eh, What is the Resurrection Stele?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said: "You little girl, the thing is in your hand, won't you look at it yourself?"

"Hmph, don't talk about others being foolish, be careful of Miss Ben's madness!" Wei Yan'er gave him a big white eye in anger, and then sent the attributes of the resurrection stone tablet to the team channel.

(special item)

Item description: Allow your Queen's soul to be released directly near the sh body, saving you the time to run away from the soul. But every time you use the resurrection stone to gather souls, the resurrection stone will enter a 30-minute cooldown period. During this period, if you are king, you can only release your soul to the nearest graveyard. The Resurrection Stele f takes effect in the dungeon.

Requires level: 100

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