My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 442: Pay a bowl

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Ye Fan did not cover the letter, so Su Xuexue on the side could also see it.

After reading it quickly, Su Guangxue’s eyes were a little red. "General Xu, where did Lingshan go?"

Xu Mingyu shook his head. "To tell the truth, I really don't know. I only know that because the soul of the Dragon Soul has a large loss, the Dragon Soul is selecting the best soldiers in the summer."

Lingshan has a resume of the military and strength, so she should have successfully joined the Dragon Soul.

However, specifically what she is going to do, where to gather training or to perform tasks, our military is also unknown. ”

"Even if you know, you can't say, right?" Ye Fan folded the letter paper and looked up.

Xu Mingyu nodded. "I believe that I have already brought it, Ye Fan. I think if you respect Lingshan, respect her choice."

Ye Fan smiled bitterly. "What else can I do, even if I go to find her now, it just means giving her more pressure. I never thought that what I did would make her feel uncomfortable."

Xu Mingyu sighed. "My own daughter, I know for myself that she can't change her determination. Otherwise, she wouldn't run alone to Huahai, and she won't go back in three years."

Ye Fan also knows this deeply, so although there are all kinds of disappointments in his heart, he is full of depression, but he does not intend to force Xu Lingshan.

Xu Mingyu got up and said: "Ye Fan, Miss Su, I still have military affairs, so I left, I have the opportunity to sit in the city."

After that, Xu Mingyu didn't have much trouble. He left it just like this, and he did not let Ye Fan and Su Qingxue send it.

When the person walked away, Ye Fan and Su Qingxue were left in the office.

Su Xiaoxue saw a man holding a letter and his mood was low. He sighed and said: "Women and women are different. Some girls can be willing, and the birds depend on men for their lives;

Some girls must have their own career, to win their social status, do not like to live by men.

Ling Shan, she belongs to the latter, she never wants to be the 'ornament' around the man, so you should understand her. ”

Ye Fan turned his head, his mouth was light, and he smiled and asked: "So, your wife is the latter?"

Su Xiaoxue rolled his eyes. "Let's come, I think everything depends on you, but the house you live in, the car you drive, all of mine, how do I rely on you?!"

Ye Fan looked sly and smiled slyly. "You seem to be right..."

"Hello, I am going to work." As soon as the guests left, Su Xiaoxue’s tone was also a lot colder.

Ye Fan reluctantly got up. He also knew that at the end of the year, the company had a lot of things and had to leave silently.

But at this moment, Su Xiaoxue’s cell phone rang, and the woman took the call and immediately turned around: “Ye Fan! You wait!”

"What is it?" Ye Fan wondered.

"They found Tong Huizhen!" Su Xiaoxue was quite excited.

Because Zizhulin has just suffered a test, the matter of helping Su Huixue to find Tong Huizhen has also been put aside.

But this morning, I finally found Tong Huizhen, and told Su Xiaoxue the first time.

Ye Fan sees a woman immediately to get a coat, ready to leave, can not help but feel, after all, is a relative for more than ten years, when I was a child, I have lived together for so many years, even if Tong Huizhen is half a killing father, Su Guangxue still has a trace of her Feelings are in.

"What are you doing!! Go drive!!" Su Guangxue saw Ye Fan standing still, anxiously.

Ye Fan nodded, and he did not worry that Su Guangxue would go to see Tong Huizhen alone, so he immediately went to the garage.

Nearly an hour later, Ye Fan and Su Qingxue came to an old neighborhood in the west of the city.

The car parked on the side of the road. The two walked to the street and found that there were small shops in the area. Various noodle restaurants, small restaurants and grocery stores were mostly old residents and some migrant workers who came to rent houses.

A young man who looked smarter and wore a jacket quickly ran to the front of the two and sneered and said: "Is it a sail brother and a general manager?"

"Yes, is the phone you made?" Ye Fan asked.

The young young man smiled and said, "My name is wheat. It is a small tube thing of Zizhulin in this piece. I heard you famous in the wind... I admire you like Lijiang..."

"When it's done, the lines are saved, wheat, where is Tong Huizhen? Take us to her," Ye Fan is busy letting the goods stop.

The wheat was embarrassed to nod and reached out. "Sail brother, Su Zong, please come with me. I found out that I would let the two brothers stare and not be alarmed."

"Where is Tong Huizhen?" Ye Fan asked.

"She is in a small restaurant."

Su Xiaoxue wonders: "Restaurant? Eat?"

"No, it seems to be looking for work, and the restaurant is hiring people," Wheat said.

Su Shixue was amazed. "How did she come here to find a job?"

Ye Fan Waner, "Wife, do you think Tong Huizhen is the former lady? Her identity is black, and it is good to have a place to work."

Su Shixue was so stunned that his eyes flashed a sorrowful color. "This time, she should have suffered a lot."

The two followed the wheat and came to the door of a farmhouse. Both of them were still pretending to smoke outside, and when they came over, they all came up to report the situation.

"Wheat brother, the woman is applying for it inside, as if the boss told her to go in and try to wash the dishes, and it has not come out in the kitchen."

“Dishwashing?” Su Shixue said: “Tong Huizhen’s ten fingers are not smeared with Yang Chunshui. The life in the kitchen is not as good as me. Will she?”

Ye Fan grinned. "Tell you, she has no place to go, except for the hard scalp, what can I do?"

Wheat turned to ask Ye Fan: "Sail brother, what should I do now?"

Ye Fan looked at Su Xiaoxue. "Wife, have you thought about it? Now go in and see her, she will be like, I don't know."

Su Xiaoxue took a deep breath. "Come here, come see one side. If she really wants to be a new person, I should give her a chance. If she is still like before, then I will die."

Ye Fanwei smiled and smiled. With the time spent together, he found that Su Xiaoxue was cold and ruthless in his business, but his temperament was relatively simple and kind, and he was placed on the average person. It is estimated that this life will not forgive Tong Huizhen.

The two walked into the small restaurant. They hadn't arrived yet, and there were no guests. Just walked to the kitchen door and heard the man's loud noise.

"Smelly girls! Lose money! No money, don't want to go out!!"

Then came the voice of Tong Huizhen's pleading: "This big brother, I really have no money... You let me work here, I will pay for your work."

"You can't even wash the dishes, you fall and fall, and let you work!"

"I... I must pay attention to it next time. I just slipped my hand. I must do it well. You will let me stay here. I can suffer..."

"Oh..." The man smirked: "I don't want to pay for my bowl, you will accompany me for one night... I will let you stay here. My wife died last year, I see you long. It’s okay, how... I’ll forget it...”(Shortcut ←)Previous Chapter|Back to Contents|Add Bookmarks|Recommended Book|Return to Book|Next Chapter(Shortcuts→)

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